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高一监控考试数学试题 含答案.docx

1、高一监控考试数学试题 含答案2019-2020年高一12月监控考试数学试题 含答案xx.12.12一、填空题:(每小题3分,共36分)1、函数的定义域为_2、已知函数满足,则的解析式为_3、函数的单调递增区间是_4、已知奇函数和偶函数的定义域均为,且,则=_5、已知是定义在上的奇函数,且当时,则的解析式为_6、已知幂函数()的图像关于轴对称,且在上是减函数,则=_7、奇函数在上为增函数,且,不等式的解集为_8、已知等腰三角形的周长为常数,底边长为,腰长为,则关于的函数关系式为_9、函数的值域是_10、请构造一个函数,其定义域为,使得对一切,都有恒成立,但既不是奇函数也不是偶函数,则可以是_11

2、、设函数的定义域为,若存在区间,使得函数在上的值域为,则实数的取值范围是_12、设函数的定义域为,若存在常数,使对一切实数都成立,则称为“优美函数”。给出三个函数:(1);(2);(3),其中是优美函数的所有函数的序号是_二、 选择题:(每小题3分,共12分)13、“”是“函数有零点”的 ( ) (A)充分非必要条件 (B)必要非充分条件 (C)充要条件 (D)既非充分条件又非必要条件14、设函数和分别是上的偶函数和奇函数,则下列结论恒成立的是 ( ) (A)是偶函数 (B)是奇函数 (C)偶函数 (D)是奇函数15、下列关于幂函数的命题中正确的是 ( ) (A)不存在非奇非偶的幂函数 (B)

3、如果一个幂函数是奇函数,则它的图像一定过原点 (C)如果幂函数的图像不过点,则它一定不是偶函数 (D)若两个幂函数的图像有三个不同的公共点,则这两个幂函数一定是相同的 16、设函数的定义域为,有下列命题:(1)若存在常数,使得对任意,有,称是的最大值;(2)若存在,使得对任意,且,有,则是函数的最大值;(3)若存在,使得对任意,且,有,则是函数的最大值,其中真命题的序号是 ( ) (A)(1)(2) (B)(1)(3) (C)(2)(3) (D)(1)(2)(3)三、解答题:(共52分)17、(8分)设函数,(1)画出函数的大致图像;(2)判断方程的解的个数,并简述理由18、(10分)函数在区


5、函数”(1)已知函数是上的“1函数”,求的取值范围;(2)已知函数,试判断是否为上的“函数”,如果是,求出对应的;如果不是,请说明理由位育中学xx第一学期监控考试试卷高 一 数 学xx.12.12一、填空题:(每小题3分,共36分)1、函数的定义域为_2、已知函数满足,则的解析式为_3、函数的单调递增区间是_和4、已知奇函数和偶函数的定义域均为,且,则=_5、已知是定义在上的奇函数,且当时,则的解析式为_6、已知幂函数()的图像关于轴对称,且在上是减函数,则=_4或07、奇函数在上为增函数,且,不等式的解集为_8、已知等腰三角形的周长为常数,底边长为,腰长为,则关于的函数关系式为_9、函数的值

6、域是_10、请构造一个函数,其定义域为,使得对一切,都有恒成立,但既不是奇函数也不是偶函数,则可以是_等_11、设函数的定义域为,若存在区间,使得函数在上的值域为,则实数的取值范围是_12、设函数的定义域为,若存在常数,使对一切实数都成立,则称为“优美函数”。给出三个函数:(1);(2);(3),其中是优美函数的所有函数的序号是_(1)(3)_三、 选择题:(每小题3分,共12分)13、“”是“函数有零点”的 ( )A (A)充分非必要条件 (B)必要非充分条件 (C)充要条件 (D)既非充分条件又非必要条件14、设函数和分别是上的偶函数和奇函数,则下列结论恒成立的是 ( )A (A)是偶函数

7、 (B)是奇函数 (C)偶函数 (D)是奇函数15、下列关于幂函数的命题中正确的是 ( )C (A)不存在非奇非偶的幂函数 (B)如果一个幂函数是奇函数,则它的图像一定过原点 (C)如果幂函数的图像不过点,则它一定不是偶函数 (D)若两个幂函数的图像有三个不同的公共点,则这两个幂函数一定是相同的 16、设函数的定义域为,有下列命题:(1)若存在常数,使得对任意,有,称是的最大值;(2)若存在,使得对任意,且,有,则是函数的最大值;(3)若存在,使得对任意,且,有,则是函数的最大值,其中真命题的序号是 ( C ) (A)(1)(2) (B)(1)(3) (C)(2)(3) (D)(1)(2)(3

8、)三、解答题:(共52分)17、(8分)设函数,(1)画出函数的大致图像;(2)判断方程的解的个数,并简述理由解:(1) (2)因为方程无负实数根,且点不在函数图像上,故方程没有实数解18、(10分)函数在区间上的最小值为0,求实数的值解: 由题意得:或或解得:或19、(10分)某商场预计全年分批购入每台价值为xx元的电视机3600台,每批购入的台数相同,且每批均需付运费400元,储存购入的电视机全年所付保管费与每批购入的电视机的总价值(不含运费)成正比。若每批购入400台,则全年需要用去运费和保管费43600元,现在全年只有24000元资金可以用以支付这笔费用,请问应该如何安排每批进货的数量

9、,使资金够用?解:设每批购入电视机台,全年费用为元,保管费与每批购入电视机总价值的比例系数为,则: 当时,代入上式得故 由基本不等式得:当时,所以每批购入电视机台,全年资金24000元够用20、(12分)已知函数,其中为常数且(1)讨论函数的奇偶性,并加以证明;(2)设,若函数在上单调递减,求实数的取值范围解:(1)当时,是奇函数;当时,是偶函数; 当且时,是非奇非偶函数(2),任取,可得: 由定义,得:21、(12分)已知函数的图像在上连续不断,定义:若存在最小正整数,使得对任意的成立,则称函数为上的“函数”(1)已知函数是上的“1函数”,求的取值范围;(2)已知函数,试判断是否为上的“函数

10、”,如果是,求出对应的;如果不是,请说明理由解:(1)问题等价于在上恒成立,即在上恒成立,故(2)当时,, 当时,; 当时,.综上所述,即存在,使得是上的4函数. 2019-2020年高一12月监控考试英语试题 含答案. Listening prehension (24%)Section A Short ConversationsDirections: In section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will

11、 be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.四、 A. 25 minutes B. 65 minutes C.

12、 20 minutes D. 45 minutes五、 A. mechanic B. An electrician C. A secretary D. A surgeon六、 A. To the theatre B. To the airport C. To Boston D. To the school七、 A. She can use his car. B. She can get her car fixed.C. She needs to get a license. D. She can rent a car.5. A. Sunny and warm B. Rainy and cold

13、 C. Sunny but cold D. Rainy but warm6. A. 5,418km B. 5,481km C. 9,000km D. 3,592km7. A. They are twins. B. They are classmates. C. They are friends. D. They are colleagues.8. A. He does not feel thirsty at all. B. He needs to go back to get money. C. He cant get anything to drink now. D. They must h

14、urry home.9. A. Mark made some trouble with Bobby. B. Bobby was a trouble-maker at school. C. Mr. Allen was Bobbys class teacher. D. Mark was Bobbys elder brother.10. A. Internet surfing B. Stock exchanging C. Mountain climbing D. Job huntingSection B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two shor

15、t passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

16、Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. Waste from dead animal. B. Agricultural chemicals. C. Industrial waste. D. Safe containers.12. A. Undamaged metal cans. B. All the boxes of juice or milk. C. Leaking cans. D. Waterproof containers.13. A. You should clean up the cans o

17、nly. B. You should brush the cans and then put them in boiled water. C. You should place the cans in safe areas. D. You should make the cans clean and boil them thoroughly.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. A laboratory assistant. B. A doctor. C. A teacher of a laborat

18、ory. D. A professor in the hospital.15. A. They can make up the classes. B. They will be dropped from the class. C. They will be allowed to remain if they have a good excuse. D. They will be punished severely.16. A. It must be fastened tightly back. B. It should be cut. C. The students will be asked

19、 to leave the class. D. The students parents will be called to school immediately.Section CDirections: In section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information yo

20、u have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet. Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.The womans reason for making the call:To enquire about the _17_ apartment.The address of the apartment:Its 21 _18_ Street, New YorkThe heating facilities:All the rooms have _19_ fires.

21、The rent per month:Over 800 _20_ plete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer. Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.Bens JobWhere does Ben work:_21_How many hours does Ben work per week? He works about _22_ a week.What is the hardest part of his job? Always _23_.The secret

22、of being good at his job: Attention to _24_. plete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.II. Grammar and Vocabulary: (25%)Section ADirections: After reading the sentences or passages below, fill in the blanks to make the sentences or passages coherent and grammatically correct. Fo

23、r the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each other.(A)Recently, scientists have found that dogs are smarter than cats. The reason is (25)_ dogs have bigger brains because friendly, social mammals nee

24、d (26)_ (much) grey matter than solitary ones.The findings e from a study into the brain size of more than 500 species of living and fossilized mammals.The scientists studied the evolution of mammal brains over the last 60 million years-from a few million years after the dinosaurs (27)_ (bee) extinc

25、t to the modern day. They discovered that there is a strong link (28)_ the size of a brain relative to an animals body and (29)_ sociable that creature is.Sociable mammals such as whales, dogs, dolphins and humans tend (30)_ (have) much larger brains pared to their bodies. Solitary species such as t

26、igers, cats and rhinos have less grey matter, the scientists found.“It is interesting to see that even animals that have contact with humans, like cats, (31)_(have) much smaller brains than dogs and horses because of their lack of sociability,” said a scientist. “We humans are even more social than

27、monkeys and apes and it is this ability (32)_(get) on with each other that has helped us rule the planet.”(B)America is truly a “nation on wheels.” During the time of the Gold Rush, long trains of horse-drawn wagons (33)_(roll) across the vast land in the west of the country. The wagons (34)_(serve)

28、 as both transportation and home for frontier families are a symbol of the countrys pioneering past.Now, while the time of the wagon train is long gone, many Americans still find the home-on-wheels concept fascinating. Todays version is the “recreational vehicle,” or RV(娱乐休闲车). This year marks (35)

29、_ 100th anniversary of the manufactured RV in the U.S. Thats an industry worth $9 billion annually today.RVs (36)_(use) for everything from brief leisure activities, such as vacations and camping, to full-time living. Some Americans are living in their RVs year round, and (37) _(want) all the facili

30、ties of home: satellite TV and Internet service, appliances, a full bath, and lots of space. RVs with a built-in garage even allow owners (38)_(take) along motorcycles, golf carts and other toys.People can buy or rent RVs in a wide range of shapes and sizes. The smallest can be had for a few thousand dollars-much less than a new car; others can cost a million dollars or more. Some are pulled, some are motorized, and some fit on the b

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