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1、冰雪奇缘台词3539Reindeers are better than people.驯鹿的心地比人好540Sven, Dont you think thats true?斯特你早知道541-Yeah, People will beat you & Curse you & Cheat you.-那些人会打你 会咒你 会骗你542-Every one of ems bad, Except you.-他们的人品可没你好543Oh, Thanks, Buddy.哈,谢了兄弟544But People smell better than Reindeers.但是驯鹿的气味可没人好545Sven, Do

2、nt you think Im right?斯特,你说是吧?546-Thats once again true, For all Except you.-没错 人身上可没臭味,除了你547You got me. Lets call it a night.还说我 赶快睡觉吧548-Good night.-晚安549Dont let the Frostbite bite.不要冻伤了就好550Nice duet.唱的挺好啊551Oh, its just you.又是你552What do you want?有事吗?553I want you to take me up the North Mount

3、ain.我想让你带我去北山554I dont take people places.我不带人555Let me rephrase that.那么我换一种说法.556Take me up the North Mountain.带我去北山557Please.请带我去558Look, I know how to stop this winter.我知道怎样终结这个严冬559We leave at Dawn.天亮出发.560And you forgot the carrots for Sven.你忘了斯特的胡萝卜561Oops. Sorry. Sorry. Im sorry. I didnt.噢 不好

4、意思 我不是故意.562We leave now. Right now.我们现在就出发!563Hang on! We like to go fast!坐稳了!我要加速了!564I like fast!没事 我不怕565Whoa, whoa! Get your feet down. This is fresh lacquer.喂! 把脚放下来 这可是刚上的漆566Seriously, were you raised in a barn?说真的 你是在乡下长大的吧?567Ew. No, I was raised in a castle.呃,我是在城堡里长大的568 So tell me, what

5、 made the Queen go all ice-crazy?说说看,女王是怎么把全国都给冻上了?569Oh well, it was all my fault.唉 其实 其实是我的错570I got engaged but then she freaked out because.我跟别人订婚了 她很生气 因为.571Id only just met him, you know, that day.我才刚认识那人一天时间572And she said she wouldnt bless the marriage.她说她不会祝福我们的婚礼573Wait. You got engaged t

6、o someone you just met?等一下,你跟一个才刚认识的人订婚?574Yeah. Anyway, I got mad and so she got mad.是啊 总之 当时我很生气 她也很生气575And then she tried to walk away,然后她想要离开576and I grabbed her glove.我抓脱了她的手套.577Hang on. You mean to tell me.等等 你的意思是578You got engaged to someone you just met?!你跟刚认识才一天的人订婚了?579Yes. Pay attentio

7、n. But the thing is.是啊 别打岔 关键是.580she wore the gloves all the time,她一直戴着那副手套581So I just thought, maybe she has a thing about dirt.我还以为她有洁癖呢582Didnt your parents ever warn you about strangers?你父母没告诉你要提防陌生人吗?583Yes, they did.呃,确实.584But Hans is not a stranger.不过汉斯可不是陌生人585Oh yeah? Whats his last name

8、?是吗?那他姓什么?586.Of-the-Southern-Isles?姓.姓南?587Whats his favorite food? -Sandwiches.他喜欢吃什么? -三明治588Best friends name? -Probably John.朋友都是谁? -也许叫约翰589Eye color. -Dreamy.瞳孔的颜色? -帅呆了590Foot size? -Foot size doesnt matter.穿多大鞋? -这不重要591Have you had a meal with him yet?你跟他一起吃过饭吗?592What if you hate the way

9、he eats?如果你讨厌他的吃相怎么办?593What if you hate the way he picks his nose?如果你讨厌他挖鼻屎的样子怎么办?594Picks his nose?挖鼻屎?595And eats it.然后吃掉596Excuse me, Sir. Hes a Prince.搞清楚 人家可是王子597All men do it.男人都一个样598Ew. Look it doesnt matter, its true love.哇喔 但是这些都不重要,我们是真爱599Doesnt sound like true love.听起来可不像600Are you so

10、me sort of love expert?你又不是爱情专家601No. But I have friends who are.我不是 但是.我有几个朋友是602You have friends who are love experts?你的朋友是爱情专家?603Im not buying it. -Stop talking.我才不信. -别出声!604No, no, no. Id like to meet these.不 不 不 我想去见见这些.605No, I mean it.别出声606SHHH.嘘607Sven, go. Go!斯特 快跑!608What are they? -Wol

11、ves.那是什么? -狼609Wolves?狼?610What do we do? -Ive got this.我们怎么办? -跟他们拼了611You just. dont fall off and dont get eaten.你.别掉下去给吃了就行612But I wanna help. -No.可我想帮忙. -不用613Why not?为什么?614Because I dont trust your judgment.因为我不相信你的判断力615Excuse me?!你说什么?616Who marries a man she just met?竟然会和一个陌生人结婚!617Its tru

12、e love!我们是真爱!618Christopher!克里斯豆腐!619Its Kristoff!是克里斯托弗 !620Duck!闪开!621- You almost set me on fire! - But I didnt.你差点把我也烧了! - 差点而已622Get ready to jump, Sven!斯特 准备跳!623You dont tell him what to do!你还没资格命令他!624I do! Jump, Sven!听我的! 跳 斯特!625But I just paid it off.哦不 我才刚还清雪橇的贷款626Uh-oh. No, no, no.哎呀!

13、哇 啊 啊!627Grab on!抓紧!628Pull, Sven! Pull!拉 斯特!拉!629Ill replace your sled and everything in it.我会赔你一个新雪橇的630And I understand if you dont want to help me anymore.呃 如果你不想再帮我了 我也能理解631Of course I dont want to help her anymore.我当然不想再帮她了632In fact, this whole thing has ruined me.我可被她害惨了633For helping anyon

14、e ever again.因为又帮了一个陌生人634- But shell die on her own. - I can live with that.- 但她自己去的话会死的 - 这又不关我事635But you wont get your new sled if shes dead.如果她死了你就得不到新雪橇了636You know sometimes I really dont like you.有时候我真的很讨厌你637Hold up. Were coming.等一下 我们来了638You are?!是吗?639I mean, sure. Ill let you tag along.

15、当然了 那就跟上吧640Arendelle. -Its completely frozen.看 阿伦戴尔. -已经完全被冻住了641But itll be fine. Elsa will thaw it.不要紧 艾莎会解冻这里的642Will she? -Yeah.她会吗? -会的643Now come on. This way to the North Mountain?走吧 这是去北山的路吗?644More like this way.呵呵 我看应该是这条645I never knew winter could be so beautiful.我从没想过冬天能这么美!646YEAH. It

16、 really is beautiful, isnt it?是啊. 真的是美景如画呢 不是吗?647But its so white.但全是白色648You know, how about a little color?你觉得 加点颜色如何?649Im thinking like maybe some crimson, chartreuse.来点绯红,淡绿色.650How bout, not yellow.黄色怎么样. 不 黄色不行651Yellow and snow? Brrrr. no go.黄色配雪白? 我去 真难看652Am I right?都看着我干嘛?653-

17、Hi! - Youre creepy.- 嗨! - 吓我一跳!654- I dont want it! -Back at you!- 别往我这扔! - 别给我!655- Please dont drop me. - Come on, its just a head.- 喂 别扔啦! - 只是个头而已656Dont!别!657All right, we got off to a bad start.好吧 我的闪亮登场全给搞砸了658Ew, ew, the body!哇喔,还有个身子659Wait, what am I looking at right now?等等 你俩这是怎么了?660Why

18、are you hanging off the earth like a bat?为什么像蝙蝠一样倒挂着?661.Alright. Wait one second.好吧 等一下662Oooh! Thank you! -Youre welcome.噢!谢谢! -不用谢663Now Im perfect.现在好了664Well, almost.嗯 好像还少点什么665It was like my whole life got upside down.我还以为这半辈子都是倒着走的666Oh! Too hard. Im sorry! I was just.哦! 对不起,太用力了 我只想.667Woo!

19、 Head Rush! Are you okay?嘿 你没事吧?668Are you kidding me? I am wonderful!你在说笑吗? 我感觉好极啦!669Ive always wanted a nose.我一直想要个鼻子670So cute. Its like a little baby unicorn.好可爱 就像独角兽宝宝的小角671What? Hey! Whoa.干嘛? 嘿! 哇672Oh, I love it even more! Hah.哇 这下更帅了 哈哈.673All right, lets start this thing over.好了 现在才是正式出场6

20、74Hi everyone. Im Olaf. And I like warm hugs.大家好 我是雪宝 喜欢热情的拥抱675Olaf?雪宝?676Thats right, Olaf.没错 雪宝677And you are?你呢?678Oh, um. Im Anna.哦 我是.安娜679And whos the funky-looking donkey over there?那这个像驴一样的家伙是谁?680Thats Sven.是斯特681Uh-huh. And whos the reindeer?嗯 那这只驯鹿又是谁?682Sven.斯特683Theyre.oh, okay.Makes t

21、hings easier for me.他们是. 好吧 管他是谁呢684Ha. Aw, look at him tryin to kiss my nose.喔 他想亲我的鼻子685I like you, too!我也喜欢你!686Olaf, Did Elsa build you?雪宝 你是艾莎堆出来的吗?687Yeah. Why?是的 怎么了?688You know where she is? Yeah. Why?你知道她在哪吗? -是的 怎么了?689Do you think you could show us the way?你能带我们去找她吗?690Yeah. Why? -How doe

22、s this work?是的 怎么了? -这是啥玩意啊?691Stop it, Sven. Trying to focus here.别闹 斯特 美女跟我说话呢692Yeah, Why? -Ill tell you Why.好吧 怎么了? -我来告诉你693We need Elsa to Bring back Summer.我们要找到艾莎 恢复夏天694Summer? - Uhum.夏天? - 是啊.695Oh, I dont know why but.哇 不知道为什么但是.696Ive always loved the idea of summer,一听到夏天我就打心眼儿里喜欢697And

23、Sun, and all things hot.明媚的阳光 一切都是暖洋洋的698Really?真的?699Im guessing you dont have much experience with heat.我想你还不知道什么是“热”吧700Nope!不!701But sometimes I like to close my eyes但我经常会闭上眼睛702and imagine what itd be like when summer does come.想像夏天来到时 将是多么美妙703Beesll Buzz, Kidsll blow dandelion fuzz.蜂儿飞 孩子们追着蒲

24、公英吹704And Ill be doing whatever snow does in summer.我要享受一个雪人的美妙夏天705A drink in my hand, My snow up against the burning sand.饮料 在手里 躺在沙滩上晒着日光浴706Probly getting gorgeously tanned in Summer.古铜色的皮肤在夏天很得意707Ill finally see a summer breeze,我看见夏天的暖风708blow away a winter storm.吹散冬日的风雪709And find out what ha

25、ppens to还看到在暖和的夏天710solid water, When it gets warm.冰化成水是个什么样711And I cant wait to see, what my buddies all think of me.我真的 等不及 向朋友讲述我的奇遇712Just imagine how much cooler Ill be in summer!一个夏天的雪人真是酷毙啦!713The hot and the cold are both so intense,寒冷和炎热都是那么刺激714Put em together, It just makes sense!配在一起 才够

26、创意715Winters a good time to stay in and cuddle,冬天很安逸 要待在家里716But put me in summer and Ill be a.但是一到夏天我一定会感觉.717Happy Snowman!嗨翻了!718When life gets rough I like to hold on to my dream生活不如意 但梦想别放弃719of relaxing in the summer sun just letting off steam!在夏日的阳光下让烦恼都离去720Oh the sky will be Blue.蓝的天 真美丽721

27、And you guysll be there too.你们俩也在这里722When I finally do what frozen things do in Summer!我终于能享受雪人在夏天的权利!723- Im gonna tell him. - Dont you dare.- 我得告诉他 - 你敢!724In Summer!在夏天!725So, Come on! Elsas this way.好了来吧! 找艾莎去726Lets go bring back summer!我们把夏天找回来!727 Im coming!我来了!728Somebodys got to tell him.总

28、得有人告诉它729No. No. Youve got the bark facing down.不 不 不能把树皮朝下放730The bark needs to be face-up.树皮应该朝上731Bark down is drier.树皮朝下会保持干燥732- Bark up. - Bark down.- 朝上放 - 朝下放!733Cloak. Does anyone need a cloak?斗篷! 有人需要斗篷吗?734Arendelle is indebted to you, Your Highness.阿伦戴尔人民感谢您 王子殿下735The castle is open. Th

29、eres soup城堡向避难者开放 有热汤736and hot glogg in the Great Hall.和饮料 在大厅免费领取737Here. Pass these out.把这些发下去738Prince Hans, are we just汉斯王子!739expected to sit here and freeze难道我们只能坐在这挨冻740while you give away all of Arendelles Tradable goods?看着你把阿伦戴尔的货物都白送出去吗?741Princess Anna has given her orders and.这是安娜公主的命令.

30、742And thats another thing,这不是一码事!743has it dawned on you that your Princess你难道不怀疑你的公主744may be conspiring with a wicked sorceress.跟那个邪恶的女巫是同谋745to destroy us all?准备杀光我们吗?746Do not question the Princess. She left me in charge,不准质疑安娜公主 她授权我掌管这里747and I will not hesitate to我会毫不犹豫的748protect Arendelle

31、from treason.严惩那些犯了叛国罪的人749Treason?!叛国罪?750Whoa! Whoa! Whoa, boy. Easy. Easy.喂!喂! 好了 别紧张 放松751- Princess Annas horse. - What happened to her? - Where is she?- 安娜公主的马 - 她怎么了? -她在哪?752Princess Anna is in trouble.安娜公主的处境很危险753I need volunteers to go with me to find her!谁愿意跟我一起去救她!754I volunteer two men, my Lord!我派两个人跟你去 殿下!755Be prepared for anything,做好心理

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