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Do you have an eraser Lesson 86教学设计.docx

1、Do you have an eraser Lesson 86教学设计Do you have an eraser- Lesson 86教学设计Lesson 86教学设计示例 一、教学目标:1知识目标(1)学会单词dictionary, back, tomorrow以及词组a lot (of)。(2)继续学习动词have的用法。2能力目标能够用动词have展开情景联想,造句,表演对话。3情感目标培养学生互相帮助的好习惯。二、教学过程:Step 1 Revision1 Revise the days of the week and their spellings. Hold a quiz.2 Re

2、vise borrow by saying the action chain from Lesson 85, Step 4.Step 2 PresentationPlay this game, Find the ruler. Ask two students to leave the room. After they leave the room, have the class give a ruler to one student. The students must not tell the two students who left the room where the ruler is

3、. Say to the two students, Come in, please. Explain in Chinese, that the students must find the ruler, by asking them, May I borrow a ruler, please? The students in the class can reply, Im sorry, I dont have one, ask I think he / she has one. They should try to make the students who left the class g

4、o to as many people as possible before finding the ruler. However, the two students who left the room try to find the ruler as quickly as possible. The first student who finds the ruler wins. Step 3 Read and say SB Page 27, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 86. Books closed! Ask a few questions, e.g. D

5、oes Jim have a dictionary? Who has one? Play the tape again. Books open! Students listen and repeat, then practise in pairs. Step 4 Presentation Practise Do you have any (plural or uncountable noun) ? Yes, I do. Teach and practise Sorry, I dont have any. Ask Li Lei. I think he has some. (Teach one s

6、entence at a time.) Step 5 Ask and answerSB Page 27, Part 2. Ask three students to come to the front of the class and demonstrate the dialogue. Show both the dialogue on the right-side and the left-side of the box. Say Thanks very much. Sit down, please. Divide the class into groups of three and hav

7、e them practise these dialogues substituting with the words given at the top of the box. Walk around and give help as needed. Choose several groups to give their dialogue for the class. Step 6 Practice Do Wb Lesson 86, Ex. 2 in pairs. Get students to practise and act out the dialogues. Then get the

8、students to make up new dialogues in pairs, borrowing things from each other. Step 7 Listen and answer SB Page 27, Part 3, Listening Cassette Lesson 86. Go over the questions in Ex. 1 of Wb Lesson 86 before playing the tape. Listening Text (Classroom noises) A: Hi, Jim! B: Hi, Li Lei! A: Do you have

9、 a red pen, please? B: A red pen? No, I dont. I only have a red pencil. A: Can I borrow it, please? B: Sure. A: Thanks a lot. I can give it back tomorrow. B: Tomorrow? Tomorrows Saturday! A: Oh, Im sorry! Let me give it back on Monday. B: OK.A: Thanks very much. B: Youre welcome. The answers are: 1C

10、; 2B; 3C.Step 8 Workbook SB Page 102, Wb Lesson 86, Exx. 3 and 4. Go over the phrases in Ex. 3 and make sure the meaning is clear before the students start making sentences. Collect the sentences from the class. Make comments and corrections. Ex. 4 helps the students with their spelling. They should

11、 learn words in clusters, e.g. swimming, skating, skiing, drawing, singing, etc. HomeworkPractise the “Borrowing something” dialogue in pairs. Write down Exx. 3 and 4 in the exercise book. A Class that is Open(senior ) Given by:eagleContent: Lessen 33. ( Unit 9 Saving the Earth)() Language points: 1

12、、Words and expressions: fit、 be fit for、 Hear about、 room. Standing room、 Turninto;damage、Lecture、 Pollute、pollution、desert; nuclear、 nuclear waste、 radiation. 2、Everyday English: Its a good idea to do sth. I agree with you. Yes, it certainly is. Thats quite true. If we go on polluting the world, it

13、 wont be fit for us to live in. () Skills: 1、The usage of eveayday English; 2、The usage of these sentences about protecting the earth and controlling the population .Procedure: Step 1、Revision Check HW:(1) Give the following English: 1、适合于、毁环、原子核的; 2、听说、演讲、放射物; 3、立足之地、污染、沙漠; 4、把变成、人口、核废弃物。()Read the

14、 words and expressions of Lesson 33.and then read after the teacher.()Deal with some languages of words and expressions.1) be fit for sth/be fif to do sth. He is fit for the job. He is fit to do the job . (= He is fit for doing the job.)These shoes are not fit to wear. The food isnt fit to eat.* fit

15、 (adj) ()衣鞋等尺寸大小款式是否合身;()某人能力是否适合做某项工作;()某种情况的存在是否适合做另一件事情。Suitable (adj) “适合的”一般指外表;()形状、款式是否协调;()上下文意义是否连贯;()是否合某人的心意。Is this present suitable for her? 2) hear about “听说”、“听到过” hear of ()听说 ()考虑 Learn about ()听说 ()了解 learn of 听说 Ask some questions about environment according to the picture on page

16、 49.Today we are going to talk about the world in which we live.Do you think the world is facing a lot of problems? If you do, please think about these problems. What are these problems? 1) What makes the air dirty? (Smoke from the factories, power stations and cars ) 2) What makes the water of our

17、rivers dirty? (waste water from factories and cities)3) What do we do about them? (We must stop pollution, we must protect our earth)Step 2. presentation (Part 1) Write down the title of the lesson. Listen to the tape and answer some questions.1) What was the conference about?(It was all about the d

18、amage that is being caused to the word)2) What did Jackie do at the meeting?(Jackie listened to some lectures about pollution and agriculture, nuclear waste. radiation and so on at the meeting)3) What must we do to stop poplution?(Weve got to think of ways of changing peoples habits)4) What is the p

19、opulation of China now?(1.3 killion) What is the population of the world today?(6 billon ) 5) Do you think we should control the increase of population”Why? (Yes, If the plpulation keeps growing so quickly, there will only be standing room for us and there will be no place to lie down or to sit down

20、 next century)6) What will happen if we do not pay attention to the pollution?(The world wont be fit for us to live in) Give some advice about language points.1)damage(vt) The trees were damaged by the storm. “毁坏”(vi)Soft wood damages easily.“损害”(n) He did a lot of damage to the dama

21、ge to“对造成破坏”,造成的损失(损坏)。destroy (vt) “毁坏”(程度大) You have destroyed all my life and my hopes.2) am(is、are) being +P.P (现在进行时被动态)The class is being take by Mr Cai . The questions are being answered by us students.Step3 Dialogue Listen and follow . Do some explanation. 1) it was all about内容全是关于; 2)go on

22、doing sth/keep doing sth 继续干某事; 3)have got to do sth(Bri. Eng. in oral)/=have to“不得不” 4) There be+ 主+left(“留下的有”)There will only be standing room left for us next century ,and there will not be any place left for us to lie down or to sit down.Theres some work left for us to do. Practise in pairs; Ac

23、t the scene by two pairs, using these phrases: 1) What was the conference like? 2) What was the conference about? 3) What did you do at the meeting? 4) Its a good idea to hold such conferences.(Yes.) 5) I agree with you.(Yes. It certainly is. ) 6) Thats quite true. 7) What else did you hear about at

24、 the meeting?Step5. consolidation: Do some exercises on the slide. 1) de s t(沙漠) 2)l ct re (演讲) 3)hear (听说) 4)do about (采取一些措施) 5)pay to(特别注意) 6)The conference was all about the (毁坏)that (正在造成)to the world, so it was called“ ” (拯救地球). 7)Jackie and the other people listened to some lectures about rad

25、iation and so on. 8)They also had a talk about the in the worlds . 9) If people polluting the world, it wont man to live in. 10) If the population keeps so ,there will be left for man . Rewrite the dialogue into a passage according to these questions: 1) What conference did Jackie attend? 2) What wa

26、s it about? 3) What did they do at the beginning? 4) What opinion did Jackie have after attending the conference? 5) Say something about the talk on the increase in the words population?Homework: Finish off WB; Be ready for part 2 of lesson 33. Rewrite the dialogue into a passage as written work.教学目

27、标通过本单元的教学,使学生掌握”邀请和请求许可”的表达方式,及有关”打电话”的一些常用知识及交际用语。这两方面的内容都和实际生活联系紧密,换句话说,两部分内容都应该在自然并且生活化的情节中去学习运用至熟练掌握。词组学习hold on, leave a message, take out, the same as, turn over句型Would you like to.?Id love to.I hope you can.Can you.?日常交际用语Hold on, please.She isnt here right now, Im afraid.Can I take a message

28、 for you?Ill give. the message.Happy birthday! We have a present for you.There was no time to.语音学习/f/ ph /h/ h wh /n/ n kn /r/ r wr /dV / j -ge / V / s情感目标通过教学,使学生感受到生活中要注意语言、仪表、行为美。教育学生在待人接物中要懂礼仪礼貌。教学建议教学内容分析本单元围绕“安和贝基的生日”(Anns and Beckys birthday)这一主题,把有关“邀请和请求许可”(Invitation and permission)的日常交际用语

29、、词汇和结构有机地结合,体现在对话和课文之中,可采情境法、表演法来完成学习任务。本单元四课的对话和课文呈现给我们的是丰富的语言材料,又好像是一幕幕栩栩如生的戏剧,充分展现了英语国家的文化风俗习惯。Lesson49的两段对话,内容是Ann向朋友(Bruce和Kate提出邀请,朋友应邀准备参加Ann的生日聚会。Lesson 50是Ann的朋友Jim和Bill打电话,一个表示将赴会但要晚到,另一个则因故不能前往,表示道歉。Lesson51 是一段记述文,述说了安的生日聚会情况,从会前的准备,到小客人来访、祝贺、送礼等。Lesson 52是通过填一个telephone message和猜出Becky的

30、生日礼物,让我们提高阅读理解能力。重点内容分析本单元的重点内容:(1)邀请及其应答的练习。第49课是邀请朋友参加你的生日晚会。主要掌握:1.A: Would you like to B: Certainly. Id love to.2.A: I hope you can B. Thanks. Id love to.(2)打电话的一般用语(第50课)及接听电话时迅速准确捕捉信息的能力。(第52课)(3)音标学习的重点:强调一下/ dV /与/ V /的区别单词训练建议以学生自学为主,但因为本单元单词较多,可用一些实物、挂图、简笔画等向学生教授一些单词。实物如:plate, present, ca

31、ndle,简笔画如:telephone挂图如:birthday (party), smile合成词如:doorbell有door和bell构成,学生可以马上记住。口语教学(语境)建议这一单元的口语训练可以和实际生活(过生日)相联系。一方面把本单元的重点内容融汇到了其中;另一方面,我们可以接着Lesson 51往下演续集,使之成为一个小剧本。在一周课时中,取出一课时,进行小剧的表演,这样可极大的调动学生的积极性。延展性训练建议根据本单元所涉及的主要教学重点,我们可在课文原有基础上做两个巩固延展性训练。第一个是有关打电话的内容,现提供一段对话作为参考:(背景:Kate有事情要找Hanmei)Mrs. Li: Hello!Kate: Oh, good morning. May I speak to Hanmei, please?Mrs. Li: Im afraid she is out at the moment. Im Hanmeis mother. Can I take a message?

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