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1、黑客军团第四季第七集完整中英文对照剧本整理资料我小时候 我爸爸把我推出了窗外When I was a kid my dad pushed me out the window.我都道过歉了Told you I was sorry.你就是病了 还不想承认Youre just sick and dont want to admit it.没人推你You werent pushed.你自己跳的You jumped.我们拿到转移We got the access we needed银行账户所需的信息了to transfer the money from the banks side.能抢他们了We ca

2、n rob them blind.我不要艾略特做我的囚徒I dont want Elliot to be my prisoner.我要他做我的合伙人I want him to be my partner!我得击溃他 然后再把他拉起来I gotta break him so I can build him up.我现在看清你了I see you now.这样 一个人才会彻底属于你That is how you own a nigga.我要摧毁艾略特.Im gonna break Elliot.而你就是我的那根铝制球棒and you gonna be my aluminum bat.机器人先生Mr

3、. Robot.那是你击溃他的办法That is how you break him.艾略特 我被绑♥架♥了Elliot, I was kidnapped.他想知道关于你的一切He wanted to know everything about you.宇宙给我们安排了大事 兄弟The universe got big plans for us, bro.对不起 我好怕Im sorry. Im scared.我等待这一刻Ive been waitingfor this moment等了好久for a while now.抱歉 我只是Sorry, just.没想到我会

4、这么激动Didnt expect it to hit me like this.我都快泪崩了Im all emotional and shit.我一直在告诉自己 别太激动Told myself Id keep it cool, you know.别整得跟个小迷弟似的Told myself I wouldnt do no fanboy shit like this,但是抱歉了 哥们but Im sorry, dude.我只是太佩服你了I just have so much respect for your ass,简直让我it makes me all.那些哈西德派的有个名词怎么说来着Yo, w

5、hats that word those weird-ass Hasids use for this shit?情难自已Mm, Verklempt?对 情难自已Thats it, verklempt.你You-well.你在我心里就是个英雄You like a hero to me.我之前委屈了你 这我不找借口A hero I did wrong, not gonna lipstick that pig.但那是我人生故事中的转折点But it was a turning point in my story nonetheless.而我有种感觉And something tells me这也是你

6、人生的转折点it was a turning point in your story too.哈维 让我们的客人舒服些Javi, make our guest here more comfortable.三层无电梯建筑 我们在第二层Were on the second floorof a three-story walk-up,两个持枪匪徒 还有一个嗑药的疯子two armed dopes and a crazy meth head自以为是心理学专家who thinks hes Deepak Chopra.唯一出口是前门Only exits the front door,但我似乎还记得but

7、I seem to remember后面有一个消防逃生通道theres a fire escape in the back.现在可不是考虑逃生计划的时候Not thinking about an escape plan right now.我们现在唯一该想的事Escape is the only fucking thing就是逃生计划we should be thinking about.先找到克丽丝塔再说Not until we find Krista.小子 难道要我提醒你Kiddo, need I remind you这个多米尼加精神病什么样吗about Dominican Psycho

8、over here?克丽丝塔只是诱饵 现在没准已经死了Krista was just bait. Now shes probably dead.那我们也得查清楚Well, we need to find out.我只要让他做他最喜欢做的事 说话I just need to get him doing what he loves to do best: talk.那样他就会告诉我们.Hell tell us what we want.你不说两句吗You gonna say something?都过去一分钟了Its been a minute.你在想什么呢How the fuck you been

9、?说实话 我有点糊涂Truth is, Im-Im a little confused.你两个月前就来找我了You came looking for me two months ago.为什么直到今天才采取行动Whyd you wait until today to make a move?如果你非要知道的话Well, if you must know,我必须得为我们的会面做好准备I had to prepare, set the stage for our meet.这可比采访总统重要多了 知道吗This shit is bigger than Frost-Nixon, you know?必

10、须准备周全Had to be ready.为什么准备Ready for what?为你 哥们For you, bruh.你是个难对付的对手You a formidable adversary.你不是我能随便对待的小婊♥子♥You aint no corner bitch I can stick my dick in.得先招待你一顿晚餐Need to buy you dinner first.所以这就是晚餐吗That what this is, dinner?哥们 他这是在打比方Shit, nigga, he trying to make a metaphor.维哥

11、你不是说他是个天才吗Yo, V, I thought you said this kid a genius, bro.我对天发誓 你要是再敢多说一个字I swear to God, if you dont shut the fuck up-能不能别说废话How about we just cutthe bullshit直接告诉我 抓我来干吗and you tell me why Im here?在我们非常不幸地After our unfortunate.分道扬镳之后parting of ways,我不得已回到了多米尼加I had to return back home to the DR.我很

12、小离开那里之后就再没回去Hadnt been back there since I was little.当年谁都瞧不起我When people didnt think much of me.这让我想起了我曾经的梦想It actually reminded me of a dream I used to have,有一天我要统治这个岛that I would one day own that island,把这座人们行走生活that the very land everyone walked on,睡觉 上♥床♥的岛 握在手心slept on, fucked on

13、would be mine.坐稳当吧 看来一时半会儿说不完Settle in, this looks likeits gonna be a long one.只不过这次我回去Except there I was,回到多米尼加 又见到了那些back in the DR with those same motherfuckers当年不相信我who didnt believe in me.说我一定一事无成的混♥蛋♥said I wouldnt amount to nothing.这一次 他们错了This time, they was wrong.现在我有本事了I had

14、tools now.我也有了之前没有的远见I had vision I didnt have before.所以我开始努力So I started hustling.我做起了生意I set up shop.从小做到大couple of corners here and there.一开始全靠我自己At first, on my own.然后几个小子服气我 跟了我Then a few other niggas got impressed, joined in.然后打了几场帮派战争Couple of block battles但都不是什么应付不来的大事but nothing we couldnt handle.事实上 事情从来没有这么轻松过Matter of fact, it was easier than ever.我们就像病毒一样快速增殖And like a virus, we multiplied.不到43天 我就拿下了所有帮派Within 43 days, I took down every gang.这样一来 对付那些政客就容易多了From there, it was easy to get to the politicians,尤其59袭击让他们钱包空空especially with Five/Nine pounding their wallets.这块骨牌一倒 我们

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