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新概念英语第三册单词讲解 L711.docx

1、新概念英语第三册单词讲解 L711Lesson07 Mutilatedladies 残钞鉴别组mutilate v.使残缺不全(remove part of the body) vt.(经常用于被动语态)毁伤、残害 Hewasmutilatedintheaccident, andnowhasonlyoneleg.amutilatednote 一张残缺不全的钞票vt. 把.搞砸了 Youvealreadymutilatedthenovelbymakingsuchchanges.amputate mpjuteit : to cut off a diseased arm or leg in an o

2、peration 截肢lop: lp cut a limb off a body 砍去手脚(limb:手足,四肢)sever:sev(in an accident)受伤而失去mutilation n.切断, 毁损Ladies: The ladies 女厕所 TheGents 男厕所 John Am .俚语)厕所 Tarzen 男厕所How to go to toilet : id like to be excused I have to retire for a moment Excuse me.(较熟悉的朋友之间,注意读成降调)chew v. 咀嚼 chewing gum gm 口香糖 bu

3、bble gum 泡泡糖chow up a bone bun 啃骨头=chew at a bone chewedup 着急的、担心的 嚼碎, 毁坏, 消耗- Dontgetworriedaboutyourexamination.=- Dontgetchewedupaboutyourexamination.chew on sth. =chew over sth. 琢磨 I began to chew on what he had told me .chew sb out 骂的狗血喷头chew the fat 闲谈(to have a long friendly conversation)Bite

4、 off more than you can chew 贪多嚼不烂fiance n. 未婚夫(=a man who a woman is engaged to)fiancee 未婚妻bachelor btl单身汉 eligible bachelor : a rich young man 钻石王老五wife - to - be 准妻子 husband - to-be 准丈夫bride 新娘 bridegroom 新郎 groom马车车夫mistress mistris情妇 fancy man 情夫concubine knkjubain 姨太太 A Farewell to concubine 霸王

5、别姬micro- makr(术语)小的;微小的microscope makrskp显微镜 microwave oven v()n 微波炉 microfilm 微缩胶卷microbe makrb 微生物,细菌 microsoft 微软 microsecond 一百万分之一秒, 微秒microphone 扩音器, 麦克风 microbiology 微生物学mini- 小 miniskirt 迷你裙 超短裙 mini car mini bus mini break =a short holiday miniature 微型画pocket 体型较小,方便携带的 pocket money 零花钱 poc

6、ket dictionary 袖珍字典pocket camera 便携式照相机 pocket edition an empty pocket 穷光蛋macro- mkr (术语)大的 macroeconomic 宏观经济学safekeeping n.妥善保管=keepsomethingsafe PleasekeepyourIDcardsafe. 妥善保管你的身份证。干坏事: doevil (动词) / evildoing (名词)惹麻烦: maketrouble (动词) / troublemaking (名词)Identify v.鉴定, 识别(= prove identityofsbors

7、th) Hecantidentifythepersonidentity n.身份 Sofarthearcheologistshavebeenunabletodiscoverheridentity. = Sofarthearcheologistshavebeenunabletoidentifyher.identification n.辨认, 鉴定, 证明spokeswoman n.女发言人spokesman n . 发言人 spokesman for the cabinet 内阁发言人spokesman for the whit house tradesman 生意人statesman政治家(褒

8、)-politician政客 woodsman 樵夫speaker br. (下议院)议长;am. (众议员)议长 Speaker of the House of Commons Many of us no longer use man , for it seems women are not included .We prefer person instead. Spokesman -spokesperson课文单词despair n 绝望=run out of hope The wisdom is the despair of smaller man.智慧是那些小人物望尘莫及的。To he

9、w a stone of hope out of the mountain of despair . 从绝望的身上砍下希望的石头。fall into despair 掉入绝望的深渊,彻底绝望了=sink into despair The mother fell into despair at the idea that her son sacrificed on the battle.despair of sth (消极) He despaired of himself . claim v. 声称 Dont claim to know what you do not know .claimed

10、 to have done sth 声称曾经做过Up to now , no organization claimed to have been responsible for the bombing .v.(有权利)认领 claim a watch n. 要求 ,索赔 territorial claim 领土要求make a claim for 对提出要求(索赔) make a claim for damage损失 feed v. 喂(feed , fed ,fed) feed ones face = eat a lot be fed up with 喂饱 Im fed up with yo

11、u. 我受够你了=ive had it up to here with you!我对你忍无可忍了case n . 事件,案例 crack the case 破案 case history 病例 病史 its quite another case.完全是另外一码事。Its a clear case of sth 简直就是 Its a clear case of cheating!这简直就是作弊Its a clear case of black mail!这简直就是敲诈concern 与有关联(抽象) as far as im concerned when sth is concerned 只有一

12、牵扯到When English is concerned , i am like a babe in the woods. 我一碰到英语,我就擀面杖吹火一窍不通。 Lesson08 Afamousmonastery 著名的修道院New words and expression 生词和短语monastery n.寺院,男修道院(a sacred buiding where monks live )monk mk 僧侣 Brother abbot bt n.男修道院院长 convent : a sacred building where nuns live 女修道院nuns 修女,尼姑 Siste

13、r maria 修女玛丽 abbess bes n.女修道院院长 宗教词汇:Judaism du:deiizm 犹太教,世界上最古老的宗教 Buddhism bdz()m its a religion of east and central Asia , 佛教Catholicism k lisi zm 罗马天主教Roman catholicism Christianity 基督教Islam 伊斯兰教Hinduism hinduizm 印度教Confucianism knfj,nzm儒家思想,孔教(confucius 孔子)St. saint 圣人 Saint valentines vlntai

14、n day (february 14th ) People will send a special card , flowers esp. Red roses to someone they love but without saying who they are .strait streit 海峡 Taiwan Strait street stri:t Wall street 华尔街pass n. 路(a road or path which goes through) ( 通行的)关隘,山隘(a place that is difficult to cross) come to a pre

15、tty/ fine/ nice pass 陷入困境对顶修饰 a dead living 虽生犹死 a living death 虽死犹生Parting is such a sweet sorrow sru, s:-. 离别是如此甜蜜的伤心。rash adj. 匆忙的,草率的 make rash decisions 匆忙的决定Dont make rash decisions about your future , take it seriously.perfunctory pfktri adj. 草率的,敷衍的 You should never be perfunctory about your

16、 work .haste heist n /v 匆忙,急忙,轻率 欲速则不达 More haste, less speed . enclose v, 围起来,包围 The mountains were enclosed in mist .群山被包围在薄雾中。wrap :包裹(put cloth , paper around sb/sth) be wrapped up with /in sth ( give too much attention to )对过于重视而忽视了其它的东西Mr . wang has been so wrapped up with his career that he h

17、as no time to take care of his family. 整天忙于工作而忘记照顾家庭Be wrapped up in English ! 包裹在英语中吧!privacy n . 隐私;清静 I dont want my privacy to be disturbed . 我不希望我的隐私被打挠。You may not enjoy privacy in a busy city .在一繁忙的城市你不可能享有清静。Easter n. 复活节(宗教节日)对于基督徒来说,它仅次于圣诞节 A Christian holiday in march or april when Christ

18、ians remember the death of Christ and his return to life . 课文单词:connect v. 连接(万能)(那不打主意的时候,都可以用这个) Taiwan strait connects mainland to taiwan .contact n,./v, 与人联系 Keep in contact with sb relate v. 联系(抽象) The rise in crimes relates closely to the increase in unemployment .link v. 链接;与相关 Flu is linked

19、to virus Switzerland switslnd n. 瑞士(1/3人说德语)a country in western Europe known for being a neutral country Sweden n. 瑞典 (a country in Scandinavia found v. 建立(正式) United States was founded in 1945.establish :(to start a company or organization) Rockefeller established the standard oil company in 1870.

20、construct v.构造(框架) construct a bridge construct a sentence build: build a house build a computer build a car build up 增强,加强 build up energy 增强体力build up credit 树立信誉save the lives How to save life : Dont kill me 别杀我Please save my life Help(fall into a river) 救命! 当落水时用,其它最好别用Spare me ! 绕过我吧now that 既然

21、,由于 1 用做时间连接词, 后面通常跟完成式Nowthatyouhaveleftuniversity, youhavetofindajob.2 用做原因连接词时, 后面时态不限(但原因已成事实) Nowthatyouwonthelpme, Imustdothejobmyself.Now that it has been quite dark outside , you may as well stay . due to (书面语) Due to the heavy snow , i was firmly stuck on the road for 2 hours . 被困在大雪中becaus

22、e of (多用于口语)Owing to (只用于句首) Owing to her help and kindness , i finally weathered the storm .度过难关Thanks to (only used to explain why or how sth good has happened )带着感激的口气,多亏了,感谢Thankd to my beloved mother , ive got where i am today .whenever : if ever 每当,每逢 Whenever you are in trouble , just let me

23、know .attempt to do 企图(书面语)(to try to do sth that is difficult or dangerous)try to do 试着(口语)temp 引诱 When youre tempted , youll attempt .当你被诱惹的时候,你将会企图去尝试了。drop to ( temperature , price ) The price drops to only half as much as it used to . decline v./n. (数量上的)下降 a decline in birth rate descend v. (高

24、度) A plane descends . regular visitor (造访)常客regular customer (光顾)熟客 regular army 正规军 regular lawyer 职业律师parties 一群,一批 量词在某种程度上描述了被修饰词的性质和特征,带有褒义或贬义的感情色彩。a party of visitors 一群造访者a host of friends 一群狐朋狗友a community of monks (聚居)一群僧侣a bevy bevi of young women (bevy 尽用来描述女性)an odd collection of people

25、一群怪人a flood of refugees ,refjudi:, refjudi: 一群难民a galaxy of beauties 一群美女Lesson 09 Flyingcats 飞猫fascinate v.迷住,吸引住 旅行总能激起我的兴趣 Travelling always fascinates mefascination(n.魔力, 入迷, 魅力)fascinating(adj.令人着迷的) - Sweetmusicisfascinating.fascinated(adj.感到着迷的) befascinatedwith 迷上了Heisfascinatedwithmusic. Ar

26、eyoufascinatedwithEnglish?becrazyabout 着迷于 - Heiscrazyaboutmusic.bemadabout 着迷于 -, love, befondof 喜欢 - Theboyisfondoffootball.enthrall v.( to be interesting in listening or watching) enthralling story 引人入胜的故事charm v. 迷人(有魅力) Your eyes charmed me . allure : (sth exciting , myst

27、erious)诱惹 Allure 2000 魅力两千affectionate adj. 充满深情的 Catsareaffectionateanimals.affection n. (love) maternal affection=maternal love 母爱affectionately adv. 充满深情的, 有感情的, 慈爱的 Theladyislookingthatmanaffectionatelysentimental adj . 多愁善感emotional adj . 情绪化的 Women are said to be more sentimental and emotional

28、 than men . melancholy melnkli 忧郁(多用于女性) Falling leaves give me a feeling of melancholy . mysterious adj . 神秘的,难以理解的 a mysterious stranger 一个神秘的陌生人amysteriousplan / amysteriousexplanationmystic adj. (religion )神秘的mystery n . (n.谜面,神秘感,费力难解的事)Hisdeathisamystery. to weather the financial storm . enigm

29、a inigm n. (书面语)谜,不可思议的东西 His death is an enigma to us . riddle ridl n. 难解的谜 ,猜不透的事 Its a riddle that Ben Larden is still at large . Sphinx n. (an ancient image of a lion with a human head) 狮身人面兽像谜一样的人Ben Larden remains a sphinx .Submissive adj . 恭顺的,顺从的 besubmissivetosb Dogsandhorsesaresubmissive,b

30、utcatsareneversubmissivetous.Obedient(adj.服从的, 孝顺的) - Areyouobedient?Submit(v.服从, 顺从) - submitoneselftosb/sthSubmission(n.屈服, 降服, 服从)docile dusail: quiet and easily controlled a docile child 听话的孩子meek and mild (女人)温顺的,温和的,贤惠的 a meek and mild wife feline n./adj. 猫科(的)ine .科的动物canine 犬科类的bovine 牛类的swine 猪类的 Cast pearls before swines对牛弹琴Independent adj . 独立的 be independent of dependent adj , 依靠的 be dependent on 当孩子长大时就要学会独立而不依赖父母了。 Children ought to be independent of thei

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