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外研版选修7 Module 6 The Worlds Cultural Heritage知识点整理二.docx

1、外研版选修7 Module 6 The Worlds Cultural Heritage知识点整理二选修7 Module 6 The Worlds Cultural Heritage知识点整理二9.prove的用法如下:(1)用作连系动词,意为“证明是,结果是,被发现是”,不用于被动语态,后常接形容词、名词、不定式作表语。例如: The medicine proved satisfactory. 结果证明这种药的疗效令人满意。She proved a very strict teacher. 结果证明她是一位非常严格的老师。She may prove to be the most suitab

2、le person for the job. 结果证明她可能是最适合干这项工作的人. (2)prove还可用作及物动词,意为“证明,证实”,主要用于下列句型:prove + 名词或代词。例如:He did some experiments to prove his theory. 他做了一些实验来证明他的理论。 Youre wrong, and I can prove it. 你错了,我能证明。The strength of Chinas economy will be further proved. 中国的经济实力将被进一步证实。 prove+宾语+宾语补足语,作宾语补足语的通常有形容词、名

3、词、动词不定式等。to be通常可以省略。例如: Again history proved him (to be) wrong. 历史再次证明他错了。 This just proves what I have been saying for some time. 这恰好证实了我长久以来所说的。prove + 宾语从句。例如:Can you prove where you were on May 10th? 你能证实五月十日你在什么地方吗? The doctors tests proved that Black was in good health. 医生的检查证明了布莱克身体健康。(1)语法填

4、空a)The medicine proved_(satisfy).b)She proved_be the most suitable person for the job.c)He did some experiments_(prove) his theory.d)The strength of Chinas economy will be further_(prove).(2)改错She is proved a very strict teacher.(3)Why was Professor Smith unhappy recently?Because the theory he insis

5、ted on_(prove) wrong.(4)No matter how carefully you plan your finances,no one can_when the unexpected will happen.A.prove B.imply C.demand D.predict(5)The shop assistant promised me that the material dried easily and what she said_(prove) to be true.(6)On the long journey,Peter_a most interesting gu

6、ide.We all had a wonderful time.A.practiced B.behaved C.conducted D.proved(7)_has been proved in study that seat belts save lives.A.What B.As C.That D.It(1)a)satisfactory (adj满意的)系动词 b)to 系动词 c)to prove实义动词 d)proved实义动词(2)去掉is 系动词 (3)proved系动词 (4)D (5)proved他所说的后来被证实是真的。系动词。(6)D 系动词 (7)D实义动词10.invol

7、ve vt包括;包含;牵涉,牵连(某人/某事物)involve的宾语常为主语所述内容中不可缺少、最重要的部分,所含内容通常是抽象的行为。其后跟动名词形式。The test will involve answering questions about a photograph.考试将包括回答关于一张照片的问题。搭配:involve doing sth包括做某事 involve sb in (doing) sth使某人参与(做)某事;使某人牵扯到某事中 be involved in doing sth与有关联,卷入;专心致志做某事Dont involve other people in your

8、trouble.不要把别人牵涉到你的麻烦中去。The job involved me/my living in London.这份工作需要我住在伦敦。I dont want to get involved in this argument.我不想卷入这场争论。She was involved in reading all night.她整晚都在专心致志地读书。误区警示:involved作前置定语和作后置定语时意义不同:作前置定语时,意为“复杂的”;作后置定语时,意为“涉及的”。the involved story复杂的故事(前置定语);the people involved所涉及的人(后置定语

9、)(1)The work of a secretary should_making arrangements for the general manager.A.include B.including C.involve D.involving(2)She was_disaster since her husband died in a car crash.A.involved in B.involving in C.involving with D.involved with(3)The job of a teacher isnt easy.It often_walking back and

10、 forth between the office and the classroom dozens of times a day.A.involves B.includes C.contains D.consists of(4)We want to involve as many people as possible_the celebrations.(5)I dont want to get involved_this quarrel.Its none of my business.(6)There are a small number of people_(involve),possib

11、ly as few as twenty.(7)Getting your students_(involve)in classroom activities is vitally important.(8)There is a new problem_the popularity of private cars that road conditions need_.A.involved in;to be improved B.involving in;to be improved C.involving in;improving D.involved in;improved(9)The pers

12、on_the murder and he is_to be sentenced宣判,判决 involved with;possibly involved in;likely involved in;probable D.involves;likely(10)语法填空a)Poverty involved his family_misfortune.b)Every day each of us makes a decision_(involve) taking a chance.c)More than 30 software firms were_(involve)

13、in the project.(11)In this section,we will briefly describe the risks_(involve) in doing this.(12)“Genius”is a complicated concept,_many different factors.A.involved B.involving involved D.being involved(1)C (2)A (3)A教师的工作并不容易,它经常涉及每天在办公室和教室之间来来回回许多次。(4)in (5)in (6)involved有少数人被牵涉其中,可能也就20人吧。(7

14、)involved过去分词作宾补 (8)A过去分词involved in作定语 (9)B (10)a)in b)involving我们所有人每天都在做包含着抓住机会的决定 c)involved(11)involved在这一部分中,我们将简要描述这样做所涉及的风险。involve与risks之间是被动关系(12)B“天才”是一个复杂的概念,涉及了许多不同的因素。involve与risks是主动关系11.apart from (1)除了之外(相当于except,except for) I have finished apart from(except/except for) the last qu

15、estion.除了最后一道题,我全做完了。 Apart from the kitchen,the house is very nice. except通常用于同类事物的排除;except for一般用于整体排除细节。(2)除了之外(还),此外(相当于besides,in addition to) Apart from(Besides/In addition to)a song,she proposed John(should) tell a joke. (1)_good service,the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional F

16、ujian dishes. A.Far from B.Apart from C.Instead of D.Regardless of (2)David,how is your new job?_the salary,its not bad. A.Besides B.Apart from C.In addition to D.As well as (3)She can speak French and Japanese apart from English.(同义句转换) She can speak French and Japanese_English. _ _ _English,she ca

17、n speak French and Japanese. (4)Apart from his nose,hes quite good-looking. (同义句转换) Hes quite good-looking_ _ his nose. (1)B (2)B (3)besides In addition to (4)except for12.maintain v 保持,维持;供养,抚养;保养,维修 Maintain your speed at 60 mph.你要保持每小时60英里的速度。 Her income was just enough to maintain one child,but

18、she contributed some to the poor student.她的收入仅够养活一个孩子,但她仍然为这个贫穷的学生捐了一些钱。 The house is maintained well.这所房子保养得很好。 The road has been poorly_,so we have a bumpy ride. A.furnished B.painted C.maintained D.measured. C这条路没有被保养她,所以我们乘车一路颠簸。13.recommend v建议,劝告;推荐,介绍 recommend sb to do sth劝告某人做某事 recommend d

19、oing sth建议做某事(类似用法的还有allow,permit,advise,forbid) recommend sb sth=recommend sth to sb向某人推荐某物 recommend sb as推荐某人当 recommend +that建议(从句要用虚拟语气:(should)+动词原形) recommendation n推荐,介绍 I recommended her as our team leader.我推荐她作队长 He recommended that the tower(should) be repaired. (1)语法填空 a)I recommend_(go)

20、there by train. b)The doctor recommended me_(drink) more water. (2)Eye doctors recommend that a childs first eye exam_at the age of six months old. A.was C.were (3)During his stay in Xian,Jerry tried almost all the local foods his friends_. A.would recommend B.had recommended C.have recomm

21、ended D.were recommending (4)It is recommended that the project_(not start) until the preparations have been made. (5)语法填空 a)Can you recommend a good teacher_my son? b)He recommended_(buy) that dictionary. c)I wouldnt recommend you_(go) there alone. d)The teachers recommend that we_(buy) an English-

22、English dictionary. e)It is recommended that a new modern hospital_(build) in rural areas. (1)a)going b)to drink(2)B眼科医生建议孩子的第一次视力检查应该在六个月大的时候进行。(3)B (4)(should)not be started有人建议直到做好准备工作再启动这项工程。(5)a)to b)buying c)to go d)(should)buy e)(should)be built14.request vt & n (1)vt(正式)请求,要求 搭配:request that

23、(从句用虚拟语气)要求 request sb to do sth要求某人做某事(不能用于request to do sth) request sth of/from sb向某人请求某事 request the pleasure of sbs company at是写信时的客套语,表示“敬请光临”。 The judge requested silence. You are requested not to smoke in the restaurant. We request the honour of your company.我们期待着您大驾光临。 (2)n请求,要求make a reque

24、st for要求 at sbs request=at the request of sb应某人的要求 in great request极需要;很受欢迎 on/upon request一经要求;应的要求 by request应邀,按照要求 He made a request for help.他请求帮助。He was there at the request of his manager.按照经理的要求他到了那里。She sang by request.他应邀唱歌。There were no flowers in the room by request.按照要求,这个房间没有摆花。辨析:requ

25、est,ask(for)和demand:都可指“要求,请求”。ask(for)为常用语,指口头或书面要求或请求某人做某事、给予某物;request语气稍强,属正式用语,含有说话者有权得到要求之物的意思;demand语气更强,含有说话者认为自己完全有权得到要求之物,并且不会接受对方否定回答的意思。request sb to do sth要求某人做某事(不能用于request to do sth)require sb to do sth要求某人做某事require to do sth要求做某事demand to do sth要求做某事(不能用于demand sb to do sth)(1)It i

26、s requested that some measures_to stop“white pollution.”A.will be taken B.are taken C.should take taken(2)It is requested that the reporter_to blame for the wrong report.A.referring to B.referring to as C.referred to be D.referred to being(3)He_to know the truth.(多选)A.demanded B.required C.aske

27、d D.requested(4)He_that I(should) tell him everything I know. (多选)A.demanded B.required C.requested D.asked(5)They_me to be present at the meeting to be held tomorrow. (多选)A.demanded B.required C.asked D.requested(6)Visitors_not to touch the exhibits.A.will request B.request C.are requesting D.are r

28、equested(7)介词填空a)He came to the party_my request.b)She made a request_some water.c)I requested help_the librarian to look for a book I wanted.(8)The old pianist wouldnt listen to our repeated request that he_(play) in public again.(9)Young students are requested_(not smoke) both in school and out of

29、 school.(10)Dont respond to any e-mails_(request) personal information,no matter how official they look.(11)Our English teacher requested that the homework_(hand)in tomorrow morning.(12)He says“Please”when_(make) a request.(13)Parents should take their childrens requests for sunglasses seriously b_p

30、rotecting eyes is necessary in sunny weather.(14)We most prefer to say yes to the_of someone we know and like.A.attempts B.requests C.doubts D.promises(1)D (2)C 人们要求那位被提到的记者应为他那错误的报道受到责备。be to blame for(某人)因应受责备 (3)ABC 他要求知道事情的真相 (4)ABCD (5)BCD他们要我出席明天的会议。(6)D(7) a)at b)for c)from (8)play (9)not to

31、smoke (10)requesting不要回应任何要求个人信息的电子邮件,不管它们看上去多么正式。 (11)(should) be handed (12)making 当他提出请求时,他说“请”。考查非谓语动词。he和make之间是主动关系,后面省略了主语和be动词。 (13)because (14)B我们大都更愿意答应我们所了解和喜欢人的请求。15.demand (1)n要求;请求;需要 in (great)demand非常需要的,受欢迎的 meet/satisfy ones demands满足某人的需求/要求 on demand一经要求 There is a great demand for apples.苹果的需求量很大。

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