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1、家有喜旺半路奶爸中英文字幕第一季第一集上学英语必备你昨晚死哪去了?Hey, whered you disappear to last night?派对之后,我本想带那哥们儿的大丹狗去水塔溜一圈儿。After the party,I tried to ride some dudes Great Dane all the way to the tower and back.结果各种不顺。It didnt go will.你昨晚看见那个怪妞了没,就是我扛在肩上的那个?Did you see that kooky chick that I was carrying around on my shoul

2、ders?看见了。Yeah.我跟她一起闪了。I left with her.她说服我去搞了个纹身。She convinced me to get a tattoo.靠,太赞了。Oh, that is awesome.我也想要一个。I want one.我擦,他居然觉得这样好玩。Oh! Why does he think thats so funny?拜托,这是我们的工作啊!All right,this is our job!吉米,他是头儿。Jimmy, hes the boss, man.你以为我嘘嘘的时候被他推进树丛里,会很开心吗?当然不会。You think I like it when

3、he pushes me in the bushes when Im taking a leak? I dont.荆棘扎坏了我的小弟弟。The thorns hurt my wiener.但这是我们自己选的职业之路。But this is the career path that weve chosen.喂,你去哪?Hey, where you going?我不干了。I quit.别啊!Come on!你不能半途而废啊。You cant walk out mid-skim.你知不知道这样很不专业啊?You have any idea how unprofessionlal that is?来了

4、,激动啥。Keep your skirt on.妈。Hey , mom.你怎么回来了?What are you doing home?我不干了,生命不该局限于永无止境地清理泳池。I quit. Theres got to be more to life than cleaning the same pool over and over.有道理。There isnt.你们这么急干嘛?What the devil are you ladies in such a hurry for?咱们是去清理厕所的好吧。You know were going to scrub toilets, right?你又

5、没穿衬衫,曾奶奶。Oh, you forgot your shirt again, Great-Maw Maw.山里汉。Mountain Man.你爸回来了,出来吃饭吧。Your fathers home. Come eat.爸。Dad.吉米。Jimmy.我和你老表迈克遇上点麻烦,你本该留下帮忙的。You cousin Mike and I couldve used you today.有只死鸟卡在威克斯勒的泳池过滤网里了。There was a dead bird in the Wexlers pool filter.活该,我不怕碰死鸟,可你们把我气走了。Well, maybe you sh

6、ouldnt have pissed off the guy whos not afraid to touch a dead bird.我们弄出来了。Oh, we got it out.用棍子和旧糖纸。Used a stick and an old candy bar wrapper.虽然费了点功夫,可我们还是把它弄出来了。Took a few tries, but we got it out.话说,So你对人生意义的哲学探索进展得怎么样了?Hows your philostrophical journey for the meaning of life going?还在探索中。Im work

7、ing on it.还没真正找到我人生目标,但如果把这探索比喻成出专辑,我确信封面已经有谱了。Didnt exactly figure out my purpose in life yet, but if I ever record an album, Im pretty sure Ive got my cover.工作顺利吗?威尔弗雷德How was work,Wilford?今天卖出百科全书了吗?Did you sell any encyclopedias today?为啥她总是把我当成她死去的老公?Why does she always pick me to be her dead hu

8、sband?也许这就是你人生的目标。Maybe thats your purpose.符和她一下吧,你曾奶奶只剩下些记忆了Just play along-memories are all your great-grandmother has left.打住。Okay.打住,打住。Okay, okay.好了。Okay.好了,奶奶。Okay, Maw Maw.不如你去看看电视上有没有劳伦斯维尔克的节目。Why dont you go see if Lawrence Welk is on the TV,Ooh.我帮你把盘子端进去。And Ill bring you your treat.好的,很好。

9、Ooh, good. Okay.太棒了。Really good.不是吧。Doggone it!家里的泡泡糖冰激凌都吃光了。Were out of bubble gum ice cream.不是吧,太不公平了。Oh, man, thats not fair.我在把曾奶奶的味道冲干净。I was washing Maw Maw out of my mouth.救命,救命啊!Help! Help!快开车,开车,开车,开车Driver! Drive,drive,drive,drive,drive!那人是谁?Who is that guy?发生什么事了?Whats happening?来追我啊,混蛋Ni

10、ce try, jerk!出什么事了,那个Whats going on? Hello? Uh,whats出了什么Whats hap哦,天呐Oh, my God!太疯狂了。This is so crazy!你简直救了我的命。Youve just, like , saved my life.真的吗?我 啥Really? I What?你真的救了我的命。You totally just saved my life.你真是个英雄。Youre, like, a hero!而且很帅。And youre cute.是吗?Really?对,你救了我而且还很帅。Yeah, you saved my life a

11、nd youre cute.我没做梦吧。Well, this is fantastic.马哈姆达Mahmoda艾哈迈迈迈Ahmamamama.马哈姆达Mahmoda马哈哈马Mahmahamana.嘿,英雄来了。Hey,heres the hero.说我呢。Thats me.拿把椅子坐下,鸟窝头Pull up a chair, sleepy head.你的新朋友把你的英雄事迹都告诉我们了。Your new friends been explaining the news to us.她甚至会念那个伊朗人的怪名字,再说一遍She can even pronounce that nutty Iran

12、 guys name. Say it again.马哈姆德艾哈迈德内贾德【伊朗总统】Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.维吉妮亚,我用下卫生间行吗?Uh, Virginia, do you mind if I use the bathroom?左边最后一个门。Last door on the left, hon.如果你要上大号的话,得冲两遍。And if youre doing big business, you got to flush twice.冲第二遍的时候别忘了拔塞子,不然还得再冲一遍。And dont be running the sink during the second

13、flush,or youre gonna have to give it a third go-round.好,知道了。、Okay, got it.很快回来。Be right back.再说一遍。Say it again.马哈姆德艾哈迈德内贾德Mahmoud Ahmadinejad!我喜欢她,吉米。I like her , jimmy.她以为我是你姐姐。She thought I was your sister.你能当他姐姐的,你个甜心小萝莉。You could be her sister, you sweet little young thing.我就说十五岁怀孕将来会有好处的。I told

14、 you getting pregnant at 15 would pay off eventually.是啊!Yeah!她挺好的,对吧?Shes prety great, right?最近我一直想搞清楚生活是什么,我想我明白了,是爱。Here I was , trying to figure out what life was all about, and I think Ive found it-love.我想我恋爱了。I think I might be in love.有人知道她叫什么名字吗?Anybody happen to catch her name?露西。Names Lucy.

15、今晨警方在搜捕这名女子,露西卡拉尔,又名琼多伊尔,又名萨尔玛莱德斯戴尔。This morning police are searching for this woman,Lucy Carlyle, AKA Joan Doyle, AKA Selma Rydesdale.卡拉尔因涉嫌几起谋杀案被通缉。Carlyle is wanted for murder in multiple cases.迄今为止她已经杀了两个男友。She kills her boyfriends-two so far.我们一直在努力逮捕她,但她不停变换名字。Weve been trying to catch her , b

16、ut she keeps changing her name.她很狡猾。Shes tricky.她试图用鞋带勒死我。She tried to choke me with a pair of shoelaces.还对我大喊大叫,说什么我忘了她的生日。She was screaming something about how I forgot her birthday.我追了她几条街,但她跳进一辆面包车跟某个男的走了。I chased her for a few blocks, but then she jumped into a van with some guy.兄弟,祝你好运。Good lu

17、ck, dude.她的生日是五月十二号。Her birthdays May 12.我现在要去买贺卡了。Id buy a card now.如果哪位观众知道露西卡拉尔的下落,请速与当地警方联系Anyone with information regarding the where abouts of Lucy Carlyle should contact police immediately.请记住她貌似甜美,实则非常危险。And remember, she may look sweet, but she is extremely dangerous.来看条轻松点的消息,一个正在为自己一长串罪行赎

18、罪的小流氓终于死掉了,你永远猜不到他是如何了断了的。And in lighter news, a small-time crook with a long list of wrongs he was making amends for has finally finished, and youll never guess how it ended.报警。Call the police.八个月后eight months later你女朋友真聪明。Your girlfriends pretty clever.她最后一顿饭点了麦当劳肉排,还有个薄荷奶昔。For her last meal, she

19、asked for a McRib and a shamrock shake.这两样东西不能同时吃,所以她借着食物中毒,又多活了几个月。That should buy her a few months。Those two are almost never available at the same limited time.她不是我女朋友。Shes not my girlfriend.亲爱的Hey, sweetie.想我吗?Miss me?想,想,当然Um, yeah, yeah, sure.你找我来就为了说这个?Is that what you needed to talk about?你干

20、嘛?What are you doing ?她每天有一小时的锻炼时间。She get an hour a day to exercise.一小时?An hour?你该跟监狱长核实一下。You should check with the warden.我有一个半小时,一个小时是我的,半小时是我和吉米的孩子的I get an hour and a half-an hour for me, and a half hour for me and jimmys baby.我对你没啥要求。I dont expect anything from you.我只是觉得你有权知道你要当爹了。I just thou

21、ght you should know youre gonna be a dad.你知道最棒的是什么吗?And you know what the best part is?我本该在七个月内坐电椅的,Im supposed to get the electric chair in seven months.那时候他们还不知道我怀孕了。Tht was before they knew I was pregnant.后来他们知道了,他们是绝对不可能处死一个怀孕六个月的妈妈的。Theres no way theyre gonna kill the mother of a six-month-old

22、baby.她叫啥?Whats its name?她给孩子取名碧昂斯公主,但我觉得需要改名.She named it Princess Beyonce, but I think I might change that.你敢,这名字多拉风Dont you dare-that names badass.一个孩子?A baby?上帝啊!Good lord!你可以把它送去消防局。Well, you can safe-drop it at the fire station.不过要确保有人接受。Only make sure you hand it to someone.不能在光天化日之下把她丢到垃圾桶里。Y

23、ou cant just throw it in the bin out front.那里是丢罐头和小狗的。I think thats for canned goods and puppies.我才不会把她送去消防局。Im not taking her to the fire station.现在可没时间管她。Yeah, we dont have time for that-咱们还得准备晚上的狂欢晚会。We got a rave tonight we got to get ready for.我不去狂欢晚会。I cant go to a rave.你必须去,你是我的司机。You have to

24、 go-youre my ride.骑自行车的话,我裤子会皱,我烫了半天就白干了。If I take my bike, my pantsll get all wrinkled, and then all this ironing will be for naught.听着,我要留下这孩子,我需要你们的支持。Look, guys, Im keeping this baby. And Id appreciate a little support.把那只狗从我的沙发上拿开!Get that dog off my couch!你不能留下她,吉米You cant keep it , Jimmy.这孩子会

25、把你的生活搞得天翻地覆。A baby will dramastically change your life.你给她吃啥?What are you gonna feed it?你给她穿啥?Do you even have clothes for it?你肯定连在哪里能照廉价的全家福都不知道吧。Ill bet you dont even know where to go to get reasonably priced portraits.我迟早会弄清楚的。Ill figure all this stuff out-我领会她才一个小时啊。I just got her, like, an hour

26、 ago.你怎么把她弄回来的?Howd you even get it home?你车里没有婴儿座椅啊?You dont have a special seat.我把她放在货车后面的小布袋里,龟速开回来的。I put her in the beanbag in the back of the van, and I drove real slow.哦,好吧。Oh, Okay.吉米,不如我们带她去狂欢晚会吧。Jimmy, what if we took the baby with us to the rave , okay?看好了。Check it out.我们给她买个巨型棒棒糖,告诉大家她是芒奇

27、金.Well give her a giant lollipop and tell everyone shes a munchkin.-不行-为啥不行!-No. -Oh, come on, man!她才从监狱里出来,让她好好玩吧。She just got out of prison-let her have some fun.听着,我马上就去给她买传说中的婴儿椅。Look, Im gonna get one of those special seat for her.我还要给她买很多婴儿用品。Im gonna get her lots of baby things.-钱从何来-我会拿我的东西去

28、当-With what money?-Ill trade my stuff for it.典当行有很多婴儿用品,而且我小时候的婴儿床还在车库里。The pawnshops full of baby junk and my old crib is in the garage.我回来前替我看好她。Just keep an eye on her till I get back.不准把孩子留在这。Youre not leaving that baby here.必须留,买到婴儿椅之前,我不能开车带她。I have to. Im not driving with her again untill I g

29、et the special seat.即使龟速也不行,转弯的时候小布袋会滑的很厉害。Even driving slow that beaning slid around a lot on turns.我们才不帮米,吉米!Were not helping you with this , Jimmy!只有这样你才知道这想法有多蠢,才会把她带去消防局。Thats the only way youre gonna realize its a stupid idea, and go drop it at the fire station.想看看消防车长啥样吗?小宝贝?Wanna go see the fire trucks, pumpkin?

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