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Module 9 Life history 教案.docx

1、Module 9 Life history 教案Module 9 Life history一、教学背景:1. 中学学生,一班50人左右2. 学科:中学英语3. 课时: 3课时二、(布置)学生课前准备:1. 预习词汇:March, April, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, Womens Day, National Day, Childrens Day, writer, newspaper, date, in the 1860s,find out, real, at the age of, exact, b

2、ecome(became),play, poem, marry, work, on, build, fire, die, language, rich, successful和around the world。2. Class report 教学课题: Module 9 Life history三、学习目标1. 语言知识目标:掌握下列单词与短语play, poem, marry, work, on, build, fire, die, language, rich, successful和around the world 2. 语言技能目标:1)能听懂谈论过去经历的简短对话,获取事情发生的准确

3、时间。2)能用一般过去时询问和回答过去的经历和事情。3)能够读懂简单的人物传纪,掌握短文大意。4)能用一般过去时描述别人和自己过去的经历。3. 情感目标:通过本模块的学习和对莎士比亚的了解,培养对文学的兴趣和对文学家的崇敬之情。四、教材分析外研版7年级英语下册Module 9 Life history units 13,本模块阅读课文是传记文体,本模块以生活经历为话题,主要以英国著名剧作家莎士比亚的生活经历为题材,通过学习,使学生了解这位一代文学巨匠。本模块的主要语法是一般过去时,教学重点是通过对个人或他人过去经历的描述,重点学习本模块中出现的重点词汇、短语、固定搭配和句型。课前准备一些节日和

4、马克吐温以及莎士比亚的图片和资料,让学生在warming-up时讨论和观看。五、教学方法 以说为主要教学方式,以讨论为主要方法,通过同桌讨论和小组以及全班讨论,让每个学生充分练习口语和说的能力,并将听说读写有机地贯穿一体。设立一些语言环境,结合故事和人物经历,最后一起学习重难点,为突破重难点做一些课堂和课后的练习。六、教学过程Unit 1 He left school and began work at the age of 12.Step 1 PresentationStudy the new words and expressions.March, April, June, July, A

5、ugust, September, October, November, December, Womens Day, National Day, Childrens Day, writer, newspaper, date, in the 1860s,find out, real, at the age of, exact, become(became)Step 2 Lead inTo give some festivals pictures to students. Let them watch. Then ask students: What are the festivals in En

6、glish? Step 3 MatchingMatch the festivals with the months. And then talk about when the festivals are. Such as, Spring Festival is in January of February.January Teachers Day JulyFebruary Womens Day August ChristmasMarch National Day SeptemberApril Childrens Day October New Years DayMay May Day Nove

7、mberJune Spring Festival DecemberStep 4 ListeningListen and choose the correct answer.1. Bettys grandfathers life was / wasnt different from Bettys.2. Bettys grandfather was born in April 1935 / 1955.3. Bettys grandfather went to America / England in October / November 1941.Keys: was 1935 America Oc

8、toberStep 5 Reading1. Listen and read the dialogue of Activity 3. And then complete this table about Mark Twain. 1. Do you know Mark Twain? 2. Whos Mark Twain? 3. Was he English or American? 4. Do you know the book Tom Sawyer?TimeFactsIn 1835born in MissouriAt the age of 12left school and began work

9、In the 1860stook the name Mark Twain and became famous2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.age become Europe newspaper real writer1. He began work at the _ of 12.2. His _ name was Samuel Clemens.3. He wrote for a(n) _ . 4. He _ very famous.5. He went to _, but he

10、 didnt come to China.6. He is a great _.Keys: age real newspaper became Europe writer3. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about Mark Twain. Did Mark Twain stay in Missouri? No, he didnt. 1. Was Mark Twain his real name? 2. Did Betty read Tom Sawyer? 3. Did Mark Twain leave school at 16? 4.

11、 Did Mark Twain become a newspaper writer? 5. Did Mark Twain come to China? Keys: 1. No, it wasnt.2. Yes, she did.3. No, he didnt.4. Yes, he did.5. No, he didnt.4. Learning to learnSome verbs have an irregular past simple, e.g., “go went”.5. Find the past form of the verbs in the was

12、/were know left become bought leave met begin came read read do did take saw get got write sent go went 6 Everyday EnglishLook at this! Enjoy the book. Step 6 Pronunciation and speakingListen and repeat the Activity 6. Step 7 Language points 1. Womens 妇女节 Childrens Day 儿童节复数单词所有格的构成:1) 规则的,在其后直接加 “

13、”即可。 如:girls bags 女孩子们的包2) 不规则的复数形式,以 s 结尾的,其所有格也是在其后直接加 “ ”即可。3) 不规则的复数形式,如果不以 s 结尾,其所有格是在其后加 “ s”即可。如: womens shops 妇女商店 childrens park 儿童公园2. Tom Sawyer, by the famous American writer, Mark 在此处表示“由.创作”。e.g. Oliver Twist is a novel by Charles Dickens. 雾都孤儿是查尔斯狄更斯的小说。Who is this music by?

14、这是谁的曲子?Its by Mozart. 是莫扎特写的。回忆一下前面学的 by 的用法: They can ask their teachers questions by Internet, telephone or email. 他们可以通过互联网、电话或电子邮件 向老师提问。句中的 “by”表示方式,意思是“用. .,靠.,通过.”。e.g. Send it by air mail. 用航空邮件寄吧。3. Hey, we can find out about him on the Internet.find out意为“发现;查明;弄清”, 指通过观察、探索或调研之后搞清楚、弄明白事情的

15、真相。e.g. I wanted to find out why Bill wasnt happy.根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 苏珊发现那个图书馆里没有电脑。Susan _ that there was no computer in that library.find 和 find out 辨析find “找到”, 指偶然发现或寻找到某人或某物。 find out “发现;查明;弄清 ”, 指通过调查询问等而查明情况或弄清事实真相。e.g. You can find the answer. 你们能找到答案的。 At last we find out the truth of that thin

16、g. 最后我们查明了那件事情的真相。4. His real name was Samuel Clemensreal adj. 真实的;真正的e.g. No, it wasnt a dream. It was real. 不,它不是一个梦。是真实的。5. He left school and began work at the age of the age of是个介词短语,意为“在岁时”,常在句中作时间状语。e.g. John went to Beijing at the age of 18.将下面的汉语句子翻译成英语。七岁时她就能讲法语。She could speak F

17、rench at the age of seven.6. I dont know the exact date.exact adj. 准确的;确切的e.g. I dont remember the exact words. 我不记得确切的话语。7. Mark Twain and became very famous in the 1860s.become v. (became)成为e.g. Mr. Jones became headmaster last year. 琼斯先生去年当了校长。in the 1860s 19世纪60年代Step 8 Exercises根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一

18、词。1. 你可以在网上找到这个作家的资料。 You can _ _ _ the _ _ the _.2. 琳达在十五岁时离开学校开始工作。 Linda _ school and _ work _ the _ _ fifteen.3. 在19世纪80年代,他为一家报刊写文章。 _ _ _, he _ _ a newspaper.4. 他何时获得了一份在船上的工作?没有人知道确切的日期。 When _he _work _ a_? Nobody knows the _ _. 5. 后来,他在欧洲变得很出名。 _, he _very _in _. Step 9 HomeworkRemember the

19、 words and expressions.Finish the exercises on workbook.Unit 2 He decided to be actor.Step 1 PresentationStudy the new words and, poem, marry, work, on, build, fire, die, language, rich, successful and around the world.Step 2 Lead inShow the picture, then talk about him like that:Wh

20、o is he?He is William Shakespeare.Was he a writer?Yes, he was. He was a famous English writer of plays and poems.Step 3 Reading1. Work in pairs. Read the passage and decide what William Shakespeare wrote.2. Put the sentences in the correct order.a) Shakespeare went to London.b) Shakespeares company

21、built the Globe Theatre. c) Shakespeare married. d) Shakespeare likes plays at school. e) Shakespeare died at the age of 52. f) Shakespeare decided to be an actor. Keys: a. 4 b. 5 c. 3 d. 1 e. 6 f.23. Complete the timeline for Shakespeare with the correct form of the words and expressions from the b

22、ox. be born build die finish school go to London marry1564 was born 1578 finished school1582 married1592 went to London1599 built the Globe Theatre1616 died4. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about Shakespeare. Use the information in Activity 3 to help you.Was Shakespeare born in 1564?Yes, he

23、 was.Did he leave school in 1582?No, he didnt. He finished school in 1578.5. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words the box. Shakespeare (1) _ in 1582 and had three children. He became famous around the world for his plays and you can see them in many different (2) _. Shakespeare al

24、so wrote (3) _ as well. He was also a (4) _ and (5) _ actor. You can see his Globe Theatre in London today, but its not the same building. There was a (6) _ in the old theatre and they built it again. He (7) _ at the age of fifty-two.Step 4 Writing Writing sentences about events in your life.Look at

25、 the sentences.At the age of three, he went to Shenzhen with his parents.At the age of six, he started school.Step 5 Language pointsExplain and study the important and difficult points.1. He married in 1582 and had three children.marry意为“结婚”,它既可作不及物动词,也可作及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可直接跟宾语,即marry sb.,意为“嫁给某人;娶某人;和

26、结婚”e.g. Lisa married very early. John will marry Betty next month. marry sb. to sb.,表示“把某人嫁给某人”get / be married表示“结婚了”。e.g. Mrs Smith wants to marry her daughter to a teacher. Tony and Lucy got married last year.根据汉语意思完成英语句子。(1)他把女儿嫁给了一个医生。 He _ his daughter _ a doctor.(2)比尔在两年前结婚了。 Bill _ two years

27、 ago.(3)彼得下个月将要与玛丽结婚。 Peter will _ Mary next month.2. He became a successful actor and began to write plays.successful是由名词success加后缀ful构成的形容词,意为“成功的”。在句中可作表语、定语。e.g. This concert is very successful. This is a very successful party. 根据句意用success的适当形式填空。(1) We all think the movie is a _.(2) Mary think

28、s that the man is a _ actor.3. Queen Elizabeth I enjoyed his works very 是名词,意为“作品;著作 ”。1)work 表示“工作”时,是不可数名词。2)表示“作品”时,有时可数有时不可数。其区别是:若表示人们的手工制作品,如工艺品、刺绣品等,是不可数名词。3)若表示文学家、艺术家、音乐家等的“作品”、“著作”等,则是可数名词。4. William Shakespeare died at the age of fifty-two.die 是动词,意为“死,去世”。其名词形式是 death,形容词形式是 de

29、ad 和 dying (die的现在分词), dead 意为“死的”, dying 意为“奄奄一息的,濒临死亡的”。详见下表: 动词形容词名词现在式过去式现在分词deaddeathdiedieddyingdying5. He was rich and 是形容词,意思是“富有的”,反义词是 poor “贫穷的”。即:e.g. 他很富有,但这个男孩很贫穷。 He is very _ but the boy is very _. rich, poorStep 6 Exercises根据句意从方框中选出恰当的单词填空,每词限用一次。fire, poem, marry,

30、on, work1. He is reading a beautiful _ in the classroom. 2. They will _ in a big church near our house.3. Tom is playing with _. Its dangerous.4. Tom Sawyer is Mark Twains _. 5. There was a beautiful theatre _ the river. Step 7 HomeworkRemember the words and expressions.Finish writing sentences about events in your life.Unit 3 Language

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