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1、九年级英语unit6学教案谷小栋滦南县青坨营镇初级中学 九 年级 英语 学科学教案课题:unit6 (第1课时) 课型:展示交流课主备: 谷小栋 审核: 英语组 使用时间 年 月 日学习目标1知识目标:1.掌握本课单词及词组:prefer,lyric,gentle, dance to, sing along with 2.初步掌握that, who引导的定语从句。3.学会如何表达自己的偏爱。2能力目标:能向他人表达自己的偏爱。3情感目标:学会如何正确地表达自己对某人或某物的喜好或偏爱。重点that 、who引导的定语从句难点that 、who引导的定语从句学习过程学法指导(一)预习展示(时间:

2、分钟) 在课文中划出下列新词汇:lyrics,prefer,gentle,并根据上下文猜出他们的含义。 翻译下列短语:随之起舞_ 跟着唱_抒情词句_不同种类的音乐_ 通过预习课本143页完成:_叫定语从句。定语从句所修饰的词叫_, 定语从句与先行词的位置关系_, 引导定语从句的词称为关系词, 有_和_两类,关系代词有_, 在本单元中,我们只涉及到关系代词。Who,whom的用法:who和whom指人,在从句中分别作主语和宾语。作动词并与时唱省略在口语中常用who代替whom。Which指物,在从句中作主语霍宾语,作宾语时在非正式语体中可以省略。分析:I prefer groups that p

3、lay quiet and gentle songs. 此句中,_是先行词,关系代词_引导的定语从句_修饰groups, 译为 “演唱轻柔音乐的组合。”结合点津找出什么情况下只能用that不能用which并初步掌握。(1) (2) (3) 试译课文中的句子: Carmen likes music thats loud. _I prefer music that has great lyrics. _I love singers who write their own music. (二)合作学习(时间:分钟)Task 1比比谁最棒:检查预习情况Task 2 1a. Group work. 谈论

4、你喜欢的音乐。Task 3 1c. Pairwork. Talk about the music you like.Task 4 1b,2a & 2b Listening practiceTask 5 Group work. 谈论你喜欢的歌手,电影,电视剧,乐队组合等。Task 6 通过练习,你能写出几个含有定语从句的句子吗? (三)知识探究(时间:分钟) 语法探究通过定语从句的学习,我们感知了定语从句的用法,下列的定语从句,你能找出其中的成分吗?先行词用“ ”,引导词用“ ”定语从句用“()”。1. The dog which/that lies on the sofa is called

5、Beibei.2. I hate people who/that talk much but do little.3. I like this kind of music that/which I can dance to.4. I only eat food that/which tastes good.5. I love singers who write their own music.当先行词为人时,引导词用 ,当先行词为物时,引导词用 , 词汇探究 prefer的用法:1 .prefer = likebetter , 过去式,过去分词要双写preferred2. prefer A t

6、o B =like A better than B 喜欢A胜于Beg: She prefers loud music to quiet music.3. prefer doing to doing eg: 比起看电视来我更喜欢听音乐。I prefer _ to _.4. prefer to do rather than do宁愿做而不愿做eg: 他们宁愿呆在家也不和父母外出。They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with their parents.5.prefer to do sth 格外喜欢干某事 play 的多种意思(1)play 作动词,意为“播放”。例如:My brother

7、 plays his CD too loud.(2)play作动词,意为“玩,玩耍”,例如:He is playing with a cat.(3)play作动词,意为“做运动”。例如:I like playing football?(4)play作名词,意为“剧本、戏剧”。例如:I saw a new play on TV last week.(5) play作动词,意为“弹奏乐器”。例如:Can you play the guitar?重点词组:(1)have great lyrics 有好歌词(2)kind of 种类,有几分(3)dance to 随着跳舞(4)sing along w

8、ith 随同一起唱(四)巩固提升(时间:分钟)一、用who, which, that填空。1 The girl _ you saw just now is my sister.2 Do you remember the words _ we learned last year?3 This is the watch _ my mother gave me for my birthday.4 The man _ is talking with my mother is my father .5 Uncle Li is a person _ is always ready to help othe

9、rs.二、单选( )1. I like music that I can dance . A. with B. to C. along D. on( )2. I _ singing to dancing . A. like B. enjoy C. love D. prefer( )3.The police caught the man_ stole my handbag. A. he B. that C. which ( )4.The dress _ she is wearing today was a birthday present from her aunt. A what B it C

10、 this D that. ( )5.Im looking at the picture_ you sent me with your letter.A. who B. which C. it ( )6. The letter _ I received from him yesterday is very important. A. who B. what C. that.( )7.I saw them volleyball this time yesterday. A. play B. played C. to play D. playing( )8.-Listen! What is hap

11、pening? -Oh, it might be a girl in the next room.A to cry B. crying C. cry D cries(五)当堂反馈(时间:分钟)连词组句:1. do, like, kind, what, of, music you ?2. music, I, dance, can, that, to, like, I .3.preferred, he, to, singing, dancing .4. that, great, music, I , love, has, lyrics .5. that, I , I , can, along, w

12、ith, sing, like, music .用所给词的适当形式填空1. I like (music) who play different kinds of music.2. What about (listen) to music?3. People will do something that (make) you angry.4. I would rather (stay) at home that (see) a film.5. Why not (call) me?学后反思滦南县青坨营镇初级中学 九 年级 英语 学科学教案课题:unit6 (第2课时) 课型:展示交流课主备: 谷小

13、栋 审核: 英语组 使用时间 年 月 日学习目标1知识目标:单词dislike, remind, heart, string, sink-sank-sunk, clearly短语remind of句子I listened to one called Heart Strings.学会写评论继续巩固that, who引导的定语从句。2能力目标:能向他人表达自己的偏爱。3情感目标:学会如何正确地表达自己对某人或某物的喜好或偏爱。重点that, who引导的定语从句。难点that, who引导的定语从句。学习过程学法指导(一)预习展示(时间:分钟)1.完成下列单词和短语不喜欢_心;内心_下沉_提醒_忍

14、受_ string_ 使记起_ _ 2.阅读P46-47,找出文中出现的定语从句_(二)合作学习(时间:分钟)Task 1.读生词,纠正发音。Task 2.小组合作P46 4 Talk about groups, music, singers, and musicians.I like groups thatI love singers whoI cant stand music thatI dont like musicians whoTask 3.Section B 1Write names of your favorite band, book and movie.Task 4.2a &

15、2b Listening practice.Task 5.小组合作完成3a,连线Task 6.3b Pairwork Ask and answer questions in 3a. (三)知识探究(时间:分钟)翻译1.What does it remind you of? _remind sb of sth_ remind sb to do sth _这封信让我想起了他以前说过的话。The letter _ _ _ what he said before.请提醒我明天给父母打个电话。Please _ _ _ _my parents tomorrow.2. What do you dislike

16、 about this CD?_3. I listened to one called Heart Strings. _called 为过去分词作定语,译成_ 例:一个叫Tom的男孩_4. What do you think of it? _同义句 _5.Thats not really important to me._比较:Its important for us to learn English well.讨论:to 与for 用法有什么不同?6、I cant stand the music.stand vt.“ ”后接名词、代词、不定式和动词的ing常用于否定句和疑问句中例如:I ca

17、nt stand the new teacher.Could you stand to go there tomorrow?I cant stand staying up so late.(四)巩固提升(时间:分钟)I. 用所给词的适当形式填空:1、That man me of my English teacher.They wear the same clothes.(remind)2、Do you know the of the house?(own)3、He is listening to the music _(call)Take me to your heart.4、I prefer

18、 to sing rather than (play)songsbut my mother prefers playing songs to write)her own 5、I dont like the singers who dont sing the words (clear)6、The teachers remind us (listen)carefully in class.7、He cant stand _(work) there. 将下列 两个简单句按中文句意合并成一个带定语从句的复合句。1. A girl was injured in the accident. She is

19、now in hospital. _.2. A man answered the phone . He told me you were away_.3. A bus goes to the airport . It runs every half hour._.4. A waitress severed us . She was very impolite and impatient._.(五)当堂反馈(时间:分钟). 选词填空 be important to, different kinds of, remind of, prefer to, think of1.What does you

20、r friend _ Li Liang?2.They _ Chinese food _French food.3.The picture _me _my old days.4.The examination _me.5.Mrs Liu can play _ music. 根据所给汉语写单词,注意用适当形式。1.He is a world-famous _(音乐家)。2.Have you seen the film _(叫) Sinking Ship?3.Gina loves _(歌手) who write their own music.4.Some of the students dont

21、sing the words _(清楚) enough.学后反思滦南县青坨营镇初级中学 九 年级 英语 学科学教案课题:unit6 (第3课时) 课型:展示交流课主备: 谷小栋 审核: 英语组 使用时间 年 月 日学习目标1知识目标:1.掌握本课单词和短语:Yellow River, fisherman-fishermen, latest, entertainment, feature, photograph-photography-photographer, gallery, display, on display=on show, interest, class, whatever, mi

22、ss, suggest, energy, okay, 2.熟练运用that, who引导的定语从句。3.学会如何写评论。2能力目标:能读懂英语评论并能写书评。3情感目标:培养学生正确的审美观。重点that, who引导的定语从句难点that, who引导的定语从句学习过程学法指导(一)预习展示(时间:分钟) 学法指导:How to write a review of a book, a CD, or a movie?A review should contain four parts:(1) The name of the book, the CD or the movie.(2)What y

23、ou like and the reason.(3)What you dislike and the reason. (4)What it reminds you of1.完成下列单词渔民_(复数)_娱乐_最近的_使感兴趣_等级,类别_照片_摄影_摄影师_不管什么_显示;暗示_活力_展览,陈列_ _gallery_ pro_ con_2.通读课文,找出下列短语(评论一)拍电影_这几年_寻找乐趣_呆在家看电视_(评论二)一定要做某事_ 最著名的华人摄影师之一_不那么成功_ (评论三)来来往往_正如这个名字暗示的_(二)合作学习(时间:分钟)Task1 .读生词,纠正发音。Task2.3a小组合作,快速阅读3a课文,圈出评论员喜欢的事情,在评论者不喜欢的事情下画线。Task3.3b小组合作,填表Task4跟读和朗读,矫正学生读音,培养学生的语感Task5精读,处理语言点(三)知识探究(时间:分钟)1.This is Hong Taos latest movie.latest作形容词,表示“最近的,最新的”,并不是最高级。如:Is there any latest news about the Olympics?2.It does have a few good features, though.does在此句用来表强调,译为“的确”等,要重读。又如:Do come

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