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冰血暴 第3季第9集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语.docx

1、冰血暴 第3季第9集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语You want some pop? Sprite or something? 要喝汽水吗 雪碧之类的No. 不用This is Deputy Gloria Burgle, 我是格洛丽亚伯格警官Meeker County Sheriffs office, 在米克县警察局办公室with an interview of Emmit Stussy, 审讯艾米特斯塔西March 16, 2011. 时间2011年3月16日First up, Im curious about something. 首先我对一件事很好奇Your house is an h

2、ours drive from here. 你家离这里有一小时车程Theres three St. Cloud metros near your office. 你办公室附近有三个圣克劳德交通办公室Why come all the way down here? 为什么大老远来这里You gave me your card. 你给过我你的名片Okay, then. 好吧Well, I got a lot of questions, 虽然我有很多问题but I guess, maybe, you should just start. 但我觉得还是你先开始吧I want to be clear ab

3、out something. 我想先说明一件事If anybody comes here, claiming to be my lawyer, 如果有人来说是我的律师dont let them in. 不要让他进来- Like who? - Anybody. -谁 -任何人Im saying, Im here on my own proxy. 我是说 我自己代表自己Want no contact with the outside world. 不想跟外界有任何联系Dont trust anyone who comes, 如有谁来 我不相信他if they do, which they may

4、not. 如果有人来的话He was right, you know? 他说得对- Who? - Ray. -谁 -雷I tricked him. 我骗了他Or not tricked, but. 也不能说是骗 但.A lie is not a lie if you believe its true, 如果你相信一个谎言是真的 那它就不是谎言do you think that? 你觉得是吗Its not my story. 这跟我无关I think that. 我这么觉得Or I did, I guess. 或者我以前这么觉得I dont know what I believe now. 我不

5、知道自己现在相信什么了He played tennis. 他打网球Ray? 雷吗Our dad. 我们的爸爸At his club, rain or shine, every Saturday. 在他的俱乐部 不管刮风下雨 每个周六He had that thing all dads have 他和所有的爸爸一样after 30 years of wearing socks, 穿了三十年的袜子where the hair gets worn away, 腿毛都被蹭掉了so hes basically bald from the shins down. 从小腿往下基本是光溜溜的I was on

6、the drive, you know, 我当时在车道上throwing a ball against the house, a tennis ball. 往房子上扔网球Wasnt supposed to, but he was gone, so. 虽然不该那样 但因为他不在.And Rays someplace, kitchen probably, 雷就在别处 可能是厨房he was always eating, that kid. 那孩子总是在吃东西Real chubby. 胖墩墩的And then, Dads home. 然后爸爸回家了He had this old Mercedes d

7、iesel, 他有辆老式的奔驰柴油车you could hear it on the come. 大老远就能听到声音So I hide the ball and he pulls in. 所以我把球藏起来 他停下车Not out of the car ten seconds, 下车不到十秒when down he goes, flat on his face. 他就脸朝下倒下了One minute, hes waving hello, the next, just drops like. 前一分钟他还在挥手 下一分他就.Like the lights go out. 跟灯灭一样倒下了I kil

8、led him. 我杀了他- Your dad? - Ray. -你爸爸吗 -雷First I tricked him, 首先我骗了他then I killed him. 然后我杀了他Like no days had passed. 就好像是同一天Like one thing goes and then another. 好像两件事是紧接着发生的Like you whack a tennis ball back and forth. 好像你来回扔一个网球一样Killed him where? 在哪里杀了他In the den of a shithole apartment. 在一个破公寓里Fr

9、amed picture-puzzle in the wall, 墙上挂着裱起来的拼图画like some six-year-old, 跟个六岁孩子一样so proud, he had to hang it up. 骄傲到非得把它挂起来Christmas Eve. 圣诞节前夜You think theres a special level of hell 你觉得在圣诞节前夜for people that killed their loved ones on Christmas Eve? 杀死自己爱的人是一种新境界吗I wanted the stamps, see? 我想要邮票 你知道吗My d

10、ad gave me a car, but I wanted the stamps. 我爸爸给了我一辆车 但我想要邮票What 17-year-old boy wants stamps 哪个十七岁的男生明明可以when he can have a cherry-red Corvette? 有一辆红色科尔维特跑车 却想要邮票But I did. 但我就是And Ray, like I said, he was a chubby kid. 雷 我说了 他是个胖墩墩的孩子15 years old, never been laid, 十五岁 从没跟人上过床never even felt up a gi

11、rl, so. 从没对女孩子有过感觉 所以.I let it slip. 我就顺势要了车How this car, well. Its like a magnet, isnt it? 毕竟这辆车 就跟磁铁一样 是吧Like catnip for kitty cats, 就像给小猫的猫薄荷and if you turn up to school Monday 如果你周一开着它去学校in this thing, well, its a done deal. 那没有女生不想跟你睡And now, hes begging me. 于是变成了他求我Emmit, please, take the damn

12、 stamps, 艾米特 拜托 这些破邮票归你give me the car. 把车给我吧Like its his idea. 好像这本就是他的主意Whats that old quote, that. 那句老话怎么说的来着The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled 恶魔最伟大的招数was convincing the world he didnt exist. 就是让世人相信了他并不存在How did you? 你怎么做的I cut his throat. 我切断了他的喉管Blood everywhere. 到处都是血Exsanguinate, that

13、s the term, 专业说法是失血过多the cause of death. 也是致死原因But how, exactly? 可具体是怎么做的One stamp left. 还剩了一枚邮票I sold the rest and used the capital 其他的我都卖了 并用资金to get things rolling, 开始运营自己的公司but I kept the two-cent, 但我留下了两美分那张hung it on the wall of my study. 挂在我书房的墙上Like it was my first dollar I ever made. 就好像那是我

14、赚到的第一张钱But think of it from his point of view, my brother. 但从我弟弟的角度来看Like a stick in the eye, every time he. 那就像他的眼中钉 每次他.Cause I won, see? 因为我赢了 你明白吗I won. 我赢了And he spent his days watching scumbags piss on his shoes. 他却要每天看着混蛋们往他鞋上尿尿So, I go to him and, Enoughs enough, I said. 于是我去找他 我说真的够了This du

15、mb feud, lets put it in the past. 这该死的宿怨 就让它过去吧And I give him the frame, 我把裱框给了他but hes still mad and he tries to give it back, 可他仍然很生气 想还给我so we start shoving and the frame breaks. 于是我们推搡了起来 裱框碎了And a piece of glass, stuck in his neck. 一片玻璃插进了他的脖子You hit him with it? 你插的吗No, I didnt. I. 不 我没有I didn

16、t mean to. 我没想.It was just one of those, What are the odds? moments. 就是那种这得多巧啊的瞬间Murder though, Im not saying it wasnt. 但还是谋杀 我没说不是Thirty years Ive been killing him. 三十年来 我都在折磨他That was just when he fell. 只是这次他真的死了Im not sure ones gonna do it. 我不确定一个就够了I got another picked out, closer to the precinc

17、t. 我还选了另一个 离警局更近What matters is he signs those papers. 重要的是让他签了那些文件And we get him out of that precinct 而且我们得赶快把他弄出警局before he gets too chatty. 以免他说得太多I can monitor the radios, 我可以监听对讲机see if theres a workaround to the new security. 看看能不能对应新的安保No, lets move shop, 不 我们转移go to stage four. No mistakes.

18、进入第四阶段 不能出错go to stage four. No mistakes. 酒吧Shit! 我操Shit! 镇纸Hello. 喂Hope you got your checkbook handy. 希望你准备好了支票本Whos this? 你是谁You first . 你先说Madam, its just lazy to steal from someone 女士 都不知道对方的名字without knowing their name. 就搞抢劫 也太偷懒了Yeah. Thats what I am. Lazy. 没错 我就是懒The Swango. Our recidivist. 斯

19、万戈 我们的惯犯小姐Bingo. 答对了Mr. Cayman Islands XXJJ19462SK. 开曼群岛XXJJ19462SK先生Or should I say Switzerland ZZ91482S? 还是我该说瑞士银行ZZ91482SNo, account numbers mean nothing without their passwords, 银行账号不值钱 得有密码without the answer to six security questions. 还得有六个验证问题的答案Was it six? Thanks. 六个吗 谢了Thought it was five. 还

20、以为只有五个What do you want? 你想要什么Your name, for starters. 首先 你的名字V.M. Varga. VM瓦格Whats the V.M. Stand for? VM的全称是什么How much and where? 你要多少 在哪交钱Not sure that tracks alphabetically. 这跟VM对不上吧Look, if youre gonna be clever, 你要是想继续耍聪明Im gonna go for a nice lie down. 我就挂掉电话去睡觉了Two million. Lobby of the Clari

21、on Hotel, 4:00 p.M. 两百万 克莱瑞恩酒店大堂 下午四点Come alone. 一个人来Nice sweater. 毛衣不错Its a cardigan. 这叫开衫Lopez. 我是洛佩兹Yeah. 是我-Hello? -Yeah. -喂 -你好.hear me? 能听到吗Hello? 喂Yeah, its me. Its Gloria. 是我 格洛丽亚Oh, hey, there. I was just thinking of you. 你好啊 我刚还在想着你呢Yeah? Hey, let me ask you something. 是吗 我问你点事Yeah, strang

22、est thing, Im here on a case. 真的 太奇怪了 我遇到个案子A new case, just this morning, a homicide, 就今早的新案子 一起杀人案and youll never guess the vics name. 你绝对猜不到死者叫什么When you talked to this Goldfarb lady at the restaurant, 你在餐厅跟那个戈德法布夫人谈话时she gave you a full alibi for Emmit. 她给出了艾米特详尽的不在场证明Yeah, thats it. Spoke for 2

23、0 minutes at least. 对 我们至少聊了二十分钟Nice lady, real sophisticated. 她人不错 相当有经验Said theyd been there since 6:15 approx, 说他们大约在6:15 甚至5:55maybe even 5:55. 就到那了Her and Mr. Feltz and Mr. Stussy, 她和菲尔茨 还有斯塔西先生which, like I said, youll never guess what. 像我说的 你绝对猜不到Well, thing is, he just confessed. 问题是 他刚认罪了-

24、Who? - Emmit. -谁 -艾米特Just walked in off the street, told me the whole story, 就这么径直走进来 坦白了一切even named the murder weapon. So Im wondering, 甚至凶器都对得上 所以我好奇how come this lady alibis him when he says hes guilty? 为什么他说自己有罪 这女士却说他不在场Its a puzzler. 谁知道呢Maybe bring her back in and ask her yourself. 要么再喊她来 你自

25、己问问Yeah, sounds right. 是 听起来可以Wait, you were saying something before 等等 你之前在说什么about a new homicide? 什么新杀人案Yeah. Guys throat was cut. 对 那家伙被割喉了They found a piece of glass on the linoleum. 他们在油毡上找到一块玻璃What guy? 哪个家伙Dentist, lives on a nice quiet street, 牙医 住在挺漂亮安静的一条街上but get this, his name. 不过他的名字.M

26、arvin Stussy. 叫马文斯塔西Okay then. 好吧Okay then. 好吧Hey, there. 你好啊Brought burgers. 我带了汉堡来Arent you sweet? 真贴心Ron drive you? 罗恩送你来的吗No, took the bus. 不 我坐公车的So, hows it going? 你的案子怎么样了Good, you know. 还不错Think I might put this thing to bed. 或许我这次能结案了- Oh, yeah? - Yeah. -是吗 -对You know, I was thinking, 我在想ma

27、ybe drive up to the lake this weekend, 这周末我们可以开车去湖边do some canoeing? Like when you were little? 划划独木舟 就像你小时候那样- Mom. - I know, but itll be fun. -妈妈 -我知道 但那挺有趣Rather go to the mall. 我情愿去商场The mall? 商场吗Yeah, with my friends. 对 跟朋友一起Oh, I was thinking for us. 我是想我们两个Okay. 好吧No, no, if you wanna go to t

28、he mall, thats. 不 如果你想去商场 那.Lake sounds. 湖边听起来.And I know youre not little. 而且我知道你不小了I mean, youre practically all grown up. 基本已经是成年人Phones for you, Chief. 有电话找你 警长Nope, Deputy. 不 副警长- Hey, Nathan. - Hey, Donny. -你好 内森 -你好 唐尼Burgle. 我是伯格Oh. Hi, thanks for calling me back. 你好 感谢回电Thatd be great, if y

29、ou dont mind. 你不介意的话 那就太好了Really help me out. 真的帮了我大忙Super, see you then. 真棒 到时见Due diligence. Just kicking the tires on Emmits alibi witness. 尽职调查 再审审艾米特的不在场证人Heck, I think I might finally put this thing to bed. 老天 我觉得这次真的能结案了What do we got? 什么情况Victims a white male, late fifties. 受害者是名白人男性 快五十岁Wif

30、e found him in the kitchen. 老婆在厨房里发现了他Jesus. 天啊Prints? 有指纹吗Yeah, we got a good one on the fridge. 冰箱上有个挺清晰的Moron got glue on his finger and he wiped it on the door. 那蠢货手指上沾到胶水 抹在冰箱门上了Whats his name, again? 他叫什么来着George. 乔治His last name, asshat. 我问的姓 笨蛋Stussy. 斯塔西George Stussy. 乔治斯塔西Donny? 唐尼Yeah, Ch

31、ief? 在 警长Come here, so I dont have to yell. 那就过来 别让我再喊了I think he pooped. 我觉得他失禁了Check with St. Cloud, 去问问圣克劳德警局see if they found prints at their scene. 看他们在自己的现场找到指纹没- That one was a stabbing. - I know. -那是穿刺死亡 -我知道- Broken glass, right? - Yeah. -用碎玻璃 -对This ones asphyxiation, just like Burgles dad. 这是窒息死亡 和伯格父亲的一样Im thinking hes alternating his ki

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