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老友记FriendsS01E01 中英文台词对照.docx

1、老友记FriendsS01E01 中英文台词对照英文中文Theres nothing to tell. Its just some guy I work with.没什么好说的 他只不过是我的同事Come on. Youre going out with a guy.少来了 和你交往的男人Theres gotta be something wrong with him.多多少少一定有点问题So does he have a hump and a hair piece?他既驼背又戴假发?Wait. Does he eat chalk?等一下 他是不是会吃粉笔?I dont want her to

2、 go through what I went through with Carl. Oh.我只是不希望你重蹈我和卡尔的覆辙Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date.各位放轻松 这不算约会Its just two people going out to dinner and not having *.不过是两个人一起出去吃晚餐 而且不*Sounds like a date to me.对我来说这就是约会Im back in high school, in the middle of the cafeteria.做了个梦 在中学时代 我站在餐厅

3、*.and I realize Im totally naked.突然发现自己全身*- Oh, yeah. - Ive had that dream.- 对 没错 - 我做过那样的梦Then I look down and I realize there is a phone.我低头一看 看见有一个电话.there.在那里- Instead of. - Thats right!- 而不是 - 没错- That one, Ive never had. - No.- 我没做过那样的梦 - 没有All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring.突然 那个电话响了An

4、d it turns out its my mother.结果是我妈妈打来的Which is very, very weird because she never calls me.这非常奇怪 因为她从来都不会打电话给我Hi.嗨This guy says hello, I wanna * myself.这家伙说嗨的时候 我却想*了我自己Are you okay, sweetie?你还好吧 亲爱的?I feel like someone reached my throat,我就感觉好像某人伸手进我的喉咙grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my

5、 mouth.抓住我的小肠 从我的嘴里拉出来- .and tied it around my neck. - Cookie?- 再在我的脖子上打结 - 要吃饼干吗?Carol moved her stuff out today.卡萝今天搬走了她的东西- Let me get you some coffee. - Thanks.- 我给你拿杯咖啡 - 谢谢No. No, dont! Stop cleansing my aura.不 不要 不要清理我的光环Just leave my aura alone, okay?不要管我的光环 好吗?Ill be fine. All right? Really

6、. I hope shell be very happy.我会没事的 好吗?真的 我希望她开心- No, you dont. - No, I dont.- 不 你并不希望 - 是的 我不希望To hell with her. She left me!叫她* 是她离开了我And you never knew she was a lesbian.你从来都不知道她是女同*恋No! Okay?不知道 行了吧Why does everyone keep fixating on that?为什么每个人老是要提出来?She didnt know. How should I know?她都不知道 我又怎么会知

7、道?Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian.有时候我希望我是女同*恋Did I say that out loud?我讲得很大声吗?All right, Ross. Look, youre feeling a lot of pain right now.没事的 罗斯 你现在感到很痛苦Youre angry. Youre hurting.你很生气 很伤心Can I tell you what the answer is?我能告诉你解决方法是什么吗?Strip joints!脱衣舞厅Come on, youre single. Have some hormones.别这样

8、 你单身了 有需求的See, but I dont want to be single, okay?我不想单身 好吗?I just wanna be married again.我只想再次结婚And I just want a million dollars!而我只想要一百万美金Rachel?瑞秋Oh, God, Monica! Hi! Thank God!噢 老天爷 摩妮卡 感谢上帝I went to your building and this guy with a hammer said.我刚到你那里去 而你不在 那个拿着大锤子的家伙说.that you might be here, a

9、nd you are.你可能在这里 你真在这里- Can I get you some coffee? - Decaf.- 你想喝点咖啡吗?- 无*的Okay, everybody, this is Rachel, another Lincoln High survivor.好了 各位 这位是瑞秋 另一个林肯高中的幸存者This is everybody. This is Chandler and Phoebe.这就是各位 这是钱德 菲比.and Joey. And remember my brother, Ross?乔伊 还有 你还记得我哥哥罗斯吗?- Sure! - Hey.- 当然 -

10、嘿- Hi. - Oh, God.- 嗨 - 天啊So you wanna tell us now,那你现在可以告诉我们了吗?or are we waiting for four wet bridesmaids?还是说我们在等着四位湿漉的伴*?Oh, God! Well, it started about a half-hour before the wedding.好吧 大概在婚礼前半个小时I was in this room with all the presents.我在礼物间里.and I was looking at this gravy boat.看着那个肉汁壶This reall

11、y gorgeous Limoges gravy boat.那是个非常好看的肉汁壶When all of a sudden. Sweet N Low?然后 突然有代糖吗?I realized.我发现.I was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry.我对这个肉汁壶 比对巴瑞更有冲动Then I got really freaked out, and thats when it hit me:然后我吓呆了 然后这个想法突然出现在脑中:How much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head.巴瑞看起来多像洋芋头先

12、生啊You know, I mean, I always knew he looked familiar, but.我总是觉得他眼熟 但是Anyway, I just had to get out of there, and I started wondering:总之 我必须离开那里 我在想:Why am I doing this? And Who am I doing this for?我为什么这样做?我为谁这样做?Anyway, I just didnt know where to go, and I know you and I have drifted apart.我不知道该去哪里

13、而且我知道我和你有点疏远了.but youre the only person I know in the city.但你是我这个城市里唯一认识的人Who wasnt invited to the wedding.而且没有受邀参加你的婚礼Oh, I was kind of hoping that wouldnt be an issue.噢 我希望你不会把它当一回事Im guessing he bought her the big pipe organ.我猜他给她买了个管风琴.and shes really not happy about it.而她很不喜欢那个Daddy, I just. I

14、cant marry him.老爸 我就是无法和他结婚Im sorry.对不起I just dont love him.我只是不爱他了Well, it matters to me.这对我很有关系She should not be wearing those pants.她真不应该穿那条裤子I say push her down the stairs.我觉得应该把她推下楼Push her down the stairs! Push her down the stairs!把她推下楼Come on, Daddy, listen to me!爸爸 听我说Its like all of my life

15、, everyones always told me, Youre a shoe!这就好像在我一生中 所有人都告诉我: 你是鞋子 Youre a shoe! Youre a shoe! Youre a shoe!你是鞋子Then today I stopped and said, What if I dont wanna be a shoe?然后今天 我停下来对自己说: 如果我不想成为鞋子呢?What if I wanna be a purse? You know?如果我想成为一个包包?Or a hat?或一顶帽子?I dont want you to buy me a hat, I am a

16、 hat.不 我不是要你给我买帽子 我是说我是帽子Its a metaphor, Daddy!这是个比喻 爸爸You can see where hed have trouble.你看得出他哪里听不懂Look, Daddy, its my life.爸爸 这是我的生活Well, maybe Ill just stay here with Monica.也许我可以和摩妮卡住在一起I guess weve established shes staying with Monica.我猜我们已经确定 她要和摩妮卡住在一起了Well, maybe thats my decision.也许那是我的决定We

17、ll, maybe I dont need your money.也许我不需要你的钱Wait! Wait! I said maybe!等等 我说也许Okay. Just breathe, thats it.呼吸 呼吸 好 就这样Just try to think of nice, calm things.试着想一些让你镇定的事Raindrops on roses And whiskers on kittens玫瑰上的雨滴 还有猫的胡须Doorbells and sleigh bells And something with mittens门铃和雪橇铃 还有手套La la la somethin

18、g With string啦啦啦 还有一些条状物Im all better now.我现在好多了I helped.我帮上忙啦Look, this is probably for the best, you know?瞧 这也许对你来讲是最好的 知道吗?Independence. Taking control of your life.*了 把握自己的生活And, hey, if you need anything, you can always come to Joey.还有 你还需要什么 你可以随时来找乔伊Me and Chandler live right across the hall.

19、 And hes away a lot.我和钱德就住在对面 而且他经常不在Joey, stop hitting on her. Its her wedding day.乔伊 不要再对她放电了 今天是她结婚的日子What? Like theres a rule or something?怎么啦 难道这还有什么规定吗?Please dont do that again. Its a horrible sound.请不要再按了 那是很恐怖的声音- Uh, its Paul. - Buzz him in.- 我是保罗 - 让他进来- Whos Paul? - Paul, the wine guy, P

20、aul?- 谁是保罗?- 保罗 红酒达人 保罗?Maybe.也许Wait a minute. Your not a real date is with Paul, the wine guy?等等 你今晚的不是真正约会 是和红酒达人保罗?- He finally asked you out? - Yes.- 他终于约你出去啦?- 是的Ooh. This is a Dear Diary moment.真是个可以写入日记的时刻Rach, wait, I can cancel.瑞秋 等等 我可以取消Please, no. Go, Ill be fine.不用 你去吧 我不会有事的Ross, are y

21、ou okay? I mean, do you want me to stay?罗斯 你没事吧?你希望我留下来吗?Thatd be good.能留下就太好了- Really? - No, go on! Its Paul, the wine guy.- 真的?- 不 去吧 那可是红酒达人保罗耶Hi, come in. Paul, this is.进来 保罗 这是.everybody. Everybody, this is Paul.大家 各位 这是保罗Paul, the wine guy.保罗 红酒达人- Wine guy. - I didnt catch your name. Paul, wa

22、s it?- 红酒达人 - 我没听清楚你的名字 是保罗吗?- Okay. Sit down. Two seconds. - Okay.- 请坐 两秒钟就好 - 好Ooh, I just pulled out four eyelashes. That cant be good.我刚拔掉四根睫毛 不是个好兆头So, Rachel, what are you up to tonight?那么瑞秋 你今晚打算做什么?Well, I was supposed to be headed for Aruba on my honeymoon.我本来应该到阿鲁巴度蜜月.so, nothing.所以 没事做Rig

23、ht. Youre not even getting your honeymoon.对呀 你连蜜月都无法去God. No, no. Although, Aruba. Heh. This time of year? Eh.不过 阿鲁巴 这个时候?Talk about your.你可以谈论一下.big lizards.大蜥蜴Anyway, if you dont feel like being alone tonight.总之 如果今晚你不想自己一个人的话.Joey and Chandler are helping me with my furniture.乔伊和钱德要过来 帮我组装我的新家具Ye

24、s, and were very excited about it.对 而且我们为此感到兴奋Actually, thanks, but Im just gonna hang out here tonight.谢谢了 不过我想今晚还是留在这里吧- Its been a long day. - Oh, sure. Okay. Sure.- 今天真是漫长的一天 - 是呀 好吧Hey, Pheebs, you wanna help?菲比 你要来帮忙吗?Oh, I wish I could, but I dont want to.噢 我希望我能 但是我不想Im supposed to attach a

25、bracket-y thing to the side things.我应该把支架固定在侧面.using a bunch of these little worm guys.用螺纹涡轮I have no bracket-y thing, I see no worm guys whatsoever.我没有支架 没有看到螺纹涡轮.and I cannot feel my legs.而且我的腿麻了Whats this?这是什么?I have no idea.我不知道- Done with the bookcase. - All finished.- 搞定书架了 - 完工了This was Carol

26、s favorite beer.这是卡萝最喜欢的啤酒She always drank it out of the can. I should have known.她总是直接从罐子喝 我该知道的Hey. Ross, let me ask you a question.罗斯 我来问你一个问题She got the furniture, the stereo, the good TV.她得到家具、音响、超赞的电视What did you get?那你得到了什么?You guys.你们啊- Oh, God. Oh, my God. - You got *ed.- 天呀 - 你被耍了- Oh, my

27、God. - I know, I know. Im such an idiot.- 我的老天 - 我知道 我真是个*I shouldve caught on when she went to the dentist four and five times a week.当她一个礼拜见四、五次牙医 我就该知道了I mean, how clean can teeth get?谁的牙齿需要这么干净?My brothers going through that. Hes such a mess.我哥哥正在克服这种事呢 他真是一团糟How did you get through it?你是怎么克服的?H

28、e might try accidentally breaking something valuable of hers.他可以试着砸*她的一些贵重的东西- Say her. - Leg?- 比如她的 - 腿?Heh. Thats one way of going through it, yeah.那样也可以Me, I went for the watch.我则是砸了她的手表- You actually broke her watch? - Mm.- 真的砸了她的手表? - 嗯Barry, Im sorry. I am so sorry.巴瑞 对不起 对不起I know you probabl

29、y think its about what I said我知道你可能认为和那天我对你说that you * love with your socks on, but it isnt.跟你穿袜子做爱有关 但不是的It isnt, its about me. And I.这和我有关 我只是Hi. Machine cut me off again. Anyway.嘿 机器又把电话挂断了 不管怎样You know whats scary?知道什么最吓人的吗?What if theres only one woman for everybody?如果每个人只有一个*适合他呢?I mean, what

30、if you get one woman, and thats it?我是说 如果你得到一个* 就这样Unfortunately, in my case, there was only one woman for her.不幸的是 以我的例子来讲 是她得到一个*What are you talking about? One woman.你在说什么?一个*?Thats like saying theres only one flavor of ice cream for you.那就好像你只吃一种口味的冰淇淋Let me tell you something, Ross. Theres lots of flavor

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