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1、汽车机械专业文献翻译题库学校代码:xxxx学 号:xxxxxxx HENAN INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING 文献翻译题 目 奔奔轿车汽油滤清器的设计学生姓名 xxxx专业班级 机制学 号 系 (部) 机械工程学院指导教师(职称) 完成时间 2014年2月26日纸质汽油滤清器的研究OVZakharovSaratov State Technical University摘 要:概述了纸质汽油滤清器的研究,分析了汽油滤清器的发展状况,介绍了汽油滤清器的试验,对纸质滤清器与汽油滤清作了比较。关键词:纸质汽油滤清器;发展;试验;比较1概述汽油滤清器是发动机的一个重要部件,滤清器的好坏



4、的前提下,有利于改善挺杆的磨损。进入化油器的污垢杂质,会引起化油器通路和量孔堵塞,使省油器,加速泵工作变坏,结果使化油器工作失调,油耗增加,发动机动力性降低。仅仅由于汽油变脏而破坏了省油漆阀的密封性,就使汽油耗量增加10-20%。又因为汽油中污垢杂质引起沉淀物数量增加,会使气门导管卡死和烧蚀气门密封面,从而降低了发动机的动力性和可靠性。因此,汽油滤清器过滤性能的好坏对发动机的可靠性、经济性、动力性和其使用寿命均有重要影响。图1 滤清器的性能线图2 汽油滤清器情况2.1 国内情况早期国产汽车的汽油滤清器,是采用镀锌铁皮冲成斜孔然后卷成圆筒。这种结构的滤清器效果很差,而且在汽油内水的作用下生成氧化

5、物可直接进入发动机内,引起气缸活塞组零件的磨损。 目前,国产的轿车、吉普车、货车几乎都采用装有陶瓷滤芯的282型汽油滤清器。陶瓷滤清器的过度效率比镀锌铁皮滤芯好,但是滤料本身就是磨料,当砂粒粘结不牢,常有砂粒掉下来,这对发动机是很不利的。 据调查了解,国内陶瓷滤芯的使用寿命差别较大,一般使用几千公里就堵塞,个别也有用到一万多公里的。这主要与油料的清洁状况、司机保养情况及滤芯本身的质量等方面的因素有关。使用中发现,陶瓷滤芯的孔隙被胶质和杂质堵塞后,通过清洗的办法不易复原,当买不到滤芯备件时,汽车就处在无汽油滤芯的状态下工作。2.2 国外情况欧美和日本等国的汽油滤清器,由于对汽油过滤性能要求不断提

6、高,由铜网、铜片、多孔纸板发展到了微孔滤纸。因为滤纸过滤效果好而被普遍采用。纸质汽油滤清器的结构多种多样。有的制成铁皮壳的整体结构,用螺纹拧在滤清器座上。以上两种都是定期更换总成。也有采用透明沉淀杯的可更换滤芯的总成。 苏联用片一缝隙式主油路沉淀滤清器(见图2)作为粗滤器,用陶瓷滤清器或网式滤清器作为精滤器。(见图3)网式滤芯用孔眼很小的滤网包在圆柱骨架上,其过滤细度取决于滤网的孔径。滤网的孔径越小,则滤网的价格越贵。从降低发动机磨损的角度考虑,汽油滤清器应能滤除10-20um的粒子。通过大量试验证明,纸质汽油滤清器能较好的满足这一要求,并且纸芯生产和供应也都很方便,因而得到了普及。国外除了苏

7、联汽车以外,几乎毫无例外都采用纸质汽油滤清器。3. 纸质滤芯与陶瓷滤芯呢的经济性比较陶瓷滤芯是用沙粒模压后烧结成形,由于砂粒是坚硬的磨料,使模具磨损严重,每套模具压制几千个滤芯就要报废,因而陶瓷滤芯虽然用砂粒制造,但成本并不便宜。另外砂粒的粘接剂中含有毒物质,对生产工人的健康不利。0.04型和0405型汽油滤芯,可以采用同型号的柴油滤芯模具生产,这对于各滤清器厂组织汽油纸滤芯的生产是很方便的。因而改用纸芯对于滤清器厂在成本上与陶瓷滤芯相比相当。但采用纸滤芯对使用部门的经济价值比较大。由于纸质汽油滤清效果好,可以减少拆洗化油器的次数和减少供给系方面的行车故障。更主要的是能降低发动机气缸活塞组的磨

8、损,延长发动机的大修里程,这方面的经济效果将是更为客观。4. 结论(1)经过几年的使用试验和试验室试验证明,纸质滤芯完全可以取代陶瓷滤芯。正式装用0304型纸质汽油滤清器时建议采用右图方案。 图中注明零件都属于装用纸芯后改动的零件,没有注明的都未改动。(2)使用纸滤芯后过滤效果好,可以减少供给系的维修保养,可使发动机气缸磨损下降,因而能延长发动机大修里程。(3)由于纸滤芯过渡效果好,能减少化油器量孔和针阀的磨损,使燃油消耗下降,改善了发动机的经济性。(4)由于纸滤芯使用寿命长,价格又比陶瓷滤芯便宜,因而每年在维修保养方面节约资金。参考文献1 Sadowski T, Golew ski P. T

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17、TEROVZakharovSaratov State Technical UniversityAbstract: This paper summarizes the research fuel filter, fuel filter are analyzed, the development situation of fuel filter test is introduced, the paper filter filtration with gasoline.Keywords: paper fuel filter/development/test/comparison1 overviewF

18、uel filter is an important component of the engine, the stand or fall of filter directly affects the normal work of the engine oil supply system, thus leading to the stand or fall of engine fuel economy. After investigation, the vast majority of the current domestic automobile engine fuel filters pu

19、t to use the ceramic filter. Because the filter filtering effect is poor, and easy to betting, so the users often remove them once they plug,which makes the engine work under the state of fuel filter for a long time.People often think that gasoline is very clean and dontt much care about the fuel fi

20、lter. According to the Soviet union, Moscow and other regions, petrol pollution on the use of the fuel tank , gasoline ,which look very clean to the naked eye, contains an average of 13.1 per ton g15um particle which is grinding cylinder piston group vice .Under the specific conditions of use, the a

21、ir dust changes in quite a wide range . Air cleaner mounted on the engine should be able to guarantee the filtered air dust is less than 0.001 g/m2. However, according to the survey data, automotive mechanical impurity content in the fuel tank contains an average of 34.86 g/t.Most of the vehicle is

22、driven in the absence of gas filter,which inevitably fuelled engine wear and tear. The usage also suggested that due to contamination of the gasoline engine for failure is C2 = 20120 KGF/cm, while the damping coefficient of the valve seat is D2 = 0.1041 kg. S/mm. The ratio of everyone velocity V1 an

23、d the velocity V2, basically is a constant as shown. Picture 1 The function performance of the filterAbove all, valve-train of 6120 q diesel engine, under the condition of the right to adjust the valve clearance, within the scope of the work speed, no parts separate out . Everyone shall doesnt excee

24、d the permitted speed with small bounce ,and works smoothly,which suggest the original design agency stiffness is appropriate. If the valve spring stiffness descend from 4.79 kgf/cm to 3.53 kgf/cm, on the premise of not affecting the normal work,that can improve the wear and tear of tappet.The dirt

25、into the carburetor can cause a carburetor pathways and orifice congestion, which makes the economizer and accelerating pump work bad. Carburetor dislocate as a result , fuel consumption increase and engine power performance reduce. Just as gasoline become dirty and destroy the province paint valve

26、sealing, the petrol consumption will increase by 10-20%. 2 fuel filter2.1.The domestic situationEarly domestic automobile gasoline filter use galvanized sheet rushed into inclined hole and then rolled into a cylinder. The structure of the filter effect is very poor, and under the action of gasoline

27、in the inland waters generated oxide can be directly into the engine,leading towear and tear of cylinder piston group of wear parts.At present, domestic cars, jeeps, vans used almost all equippe with ceramic filter type 282 fuel filter. Excessive efficiency of ceramic filter is better than galvanize

28、d sheet filter, but the filter material itself is abrasive.When sand felt rickety, sand always fall down, which is bad for the engine.According to the survey, the service life of domestic ceramic filter difference is bigger, generally blocked after using thousands of kilometers, the individual also

29、usede to more than ten thousand kilometers. This is mainly due to the cleaning situation,m ?2.2 Foreign situation Europe and the United States and Japan and other countries of the fuel filter, as a result of gasoline filter performance requirements rise ceaselessly, the copper wire mesh, copper by m

30、icroporous filter, porous board development. Widely used for filter filtering effect is good.The paper the structure of the fuel filter is varied. Some make the overall structure of the metal shell, with screw thread screw on the filter holder. Both are replaced periodically assembly. Also have the

31、transparent precipitation cup can replace filter element assembly. The Soviet union with a slit sheet main lines to precipitate filter (see figure 2) as a strainer, with ceramic filter or net filter as the fine filter. (see figure 3).Net type filter with a small hole mesh bag on the cylindrical skel

32、eton, the filter fineness depends on mesh aperture. The smaller the mesh aperture,3. The paper filter with ceramic filter comparison of economy Ceramic filter is to use sand moulding and sintering after forming, because the sand is hard abrasive, the worn mould, each mold pressing thousands of filter will be scrapped, so although ceramic filter made of sand, but the cost is not cheap. The other sand binder contains toxic substances, adverse to the health of

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