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1、高一英语上学期研究性学习材料试题二无答案安徽省舒城县2016-2017学年高一英语上学期研究性学习材料试题(二)(无答案)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节 满分40) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AChristopher Reeve(1952-2004) was an American actor, famous for his film character of Superman.Reeve was born in New York City and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1974, after which he was sel

2、ected to study at Juilliard School of Performing Arts under John Houseman. Reeve worked on the stage, as well as on the soap opera Love of Life, until he was selected to play the role of the Superman in 1978. this film was a great success and inspired three sequels(续集). Ironically(讽刺的是), this was th

3、e kind of part Reeve usually looked down upon. He was stage actor at heart who preferred doing classical period plays and films that really required him to “act”. He once said, “I want to challenge myself in my roles, not run around on screen with a machine gun.”In 1980, Reeve started in Somewhere i

4、n Time, a time travel romance. Although this film was not popular at the time it was released(公映), it has since enjoyed a nationwide “cult” following, especially among college students in 1984, Reeve won critical cheers for his role as a 19th century southern lawyer in The Bostonians.On May 27,1995,

5、 Reeve was paralysed(瘫痪) from the neck down after being thrown from his horse, and largely retired from the production of films after his paralysis. With his wife Dana, he opened the Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Resource Center, devoted to teaching paralysed people to live more independently

6、.1. According to the passage, we can get the conclusion that the play Love of Life _. A. gained a great success B. changed Reeves life completely C. is just a relaxation for most audience D. talks about serious political problems2 The underlined part in the third paragraph shows that Reeve _. A. enj

7、oyed different kinds roles related to high technology B. did not like to play the role of the Superman because of the danger C. was an ambitious actor who intended to play all kinds of characters D. was a peace-loving man, who hates weapons and all the military actions3. The word “cult” in the fourt

8、h paragraph probably means _. A. popular fashion B. lovely and interesting C. of the present time D. bad-tempered dog4. On May 27, 1995, Reeve _. A. acted out the role of a lawyer in The Bostonians B. fell down during the horse-riding and became paralysed C. won critical cheers for his performance i

9、n Somewhere in Time D. opened the Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Resource CenterB Like many of my generation, I have a weakness for hero worship(崇拜). At some point, however, we all begin to question our heroes and our need for them. This leads us to ask: What is a hero?Despite(尽管)great differe

10、nces in cultures heroes around the world generally share a umber of characteristics that instruct(教育) and inspire people. A hero does something worth talking about. A hero has a story of adventure(冒险) to tell and a community who will listen. But a hero goes beyond only fame.Heroes serve powers or pr

11、inciples larger than themselves. Like high-voltage transformers(变压器), heroes take the energy of higher powers and step it down so that it can be used by ordinary people.He hero lives a life worthy of imitation(效仿). Those who imitate a genuine hero experience life with new depth enthusiasm(热情), and m

12、eaning. A sure test for would-be heroes is what or whom they serve and what they are willing to live and die for. If the answer or evidence(证据) suggests they serve only their own fame, they may be famous persons but not heroes. Madonna and Michael Jackson are famous, but who would claim that their f

13、ans find life more abundant(充实的)? Heroes are catalysts(催化剂) for change. They have a vision from the mountaintop. They have the skill and the charm(魅力) to move the masses(群众). They create new possibilities. Without Gandhi, India might still be part of the British Empire. Without Rosa Parks and Martin

14、 Luther King Jr. , we might still have segregated(隔离的) buses, restaurants and parks. It may be possible for large scale(范围) change to happen without leaders with magnetic(有魅力的) personalities, but the pace of change would be slow, the vision uncertain, and the committee meetings endless.5. Although h

15、eroes may come from different cultures, they _. A. generally have certain inspiring characteristics B. probably share some weaknesses of ordinary people C. are often influenced by previous generations D. all unknowingly attract a large number of fans6. The author concludes that historical changes wo

16、uld _.舒中高一英语 第1页 (共8页) A. be delayed(推迟) without leaders with inspiring personal qualities B. not happen without heroes making he necessary sacrifices(牺牲) C. take place if here were heroes to lead the people D. produce leaders with attractive personalities7. According to the passage, heroes are comp

17、ared to high-voltage transformers in that _. A. they have a vision from the mountaintop B. they have warm feelings and emotions (情感) C. they can serve as concrete examples of noble principles D. they can make people feel stronger and more confident C The older I get, the more I value friends, yet th

18、e less time, energy and enthusiasm(热情) I have in maintaining(维持) old friendships and building up new ones. Sunny, one of my dearest friends at work, will leave the office next month for a better job. He is not my first friend from the office to say goodbye. Over the years, there have been a handful

19、of workmates who became friends. In recent times, at least three others have also left. So, next month, Ill say goodbye to Sunny and I am left with one friend fewer at work. When Sunny told me that he was leaving, I sighed: With you gone, I will have hardly any friends left in the office!I began to

20、think: At what point does a workmate become a friend? And, to take a step back, what does friendship mean? Indeed, what makes you form a friendship with a person, but not some other? If a friend is a person I feel completely comfortable calling up at 3 am to get me out of trouble-as Sunny will do-th

21、en I dont have that many friends. Other than family members, I can depend on just one female friend and three, at best four, male friends. But then, maybe thats plenty. As someone said, one friend in a lifetime is much, two are many, three are hardly possible. Friendships are different from relation

22、ships. You can be great friends with your partner, of course, but a relationship is so much more complex(复杂). It is not only about that wonderful feeling called love, but also a collection of emotions like jealousy, resentment(不满), anger, pain and despair(绝望). Friendship is simpler and fills you, mo

23、stly, with positive emotions-kindness, fondness, warmth and honesty. With a lover, you make demands and have expectations. But with a friend, youre cool. You dont really owe him anything, or have to explain much, because you demand nothing more from each other than pleasant company(陪伴) and an occasi

24、onal listening ear. Love, I read somewhere, is blind, but friendship closes its eyes. How true.8. Recently, _ have left the office. A. 3 of my workmates B. 4 of my workmatesC. all of my friends D. at least three of my friends9. The write tells us that friendship and relationship are _.A. quite diffe

25、rent B. exactly the same C. more or less the same D. not there in fact10. By citing(引用) One friend in a lifetime is much, two are many, three are hardly possible., the writer implies _.A. a true friend is hard to find B. so many friends will bring you troubleC. its impossible to have three friends D

26、. making too many friends is no good for you 11. By writing this passage, the writer wants to tell us _. A. one of his friends will say goodbye to him B. you may make friends with your workmatesC. friendship is very precious (珍贵) D. the difference between friendship and relationship DThe older I get

27、, the more I value friends, yet the less time, energy and enthusiasm(热情) I have Businesses are witnessing a difficult time, which has in turn produced influence on consumers desire to go green . However, shoppers are still laying stress on environmental concerns. Two thirds of customers say that env

28、ironmental considerations inform their purchases to the same degree as they did a year ago, while more than a quarter say that they are now even better aware of the environmental effect on what they buy. This may help to influence how shops store goods on their shelves. And the companies should stil

29、l make efforts to become more environmentally friendly. Two out of three people think it is important to buy from environmentally responsible companies, with about one in seven saying that they had even decided to take their custom elsewhere if they felt a companys environmental reputation was not g

30、ood enough. Harry Morrison, chief executive(主管)of the Carbon Trust, sympathizes:“I understand this situation where survival is very important now. But from environmental considerations, the clock is tickingwe dont have much time. In addition, cutting carbon has an immediate effect as costs drop and

31、a medium-term benefit for the brand. ” Larger companies have an extra motivation to look at reducing their carbon footprint, as new rules next year will require businesses to buy carbon allowances to make up for their emissions(排放). Those that have taken early action will have a head start. More tha

32、n two thirds of consumers are not clear about which companies are environmentally responsible. This suggests that firms that are able to relay clearly their message to the public will be in a pole position to attract shoppers. 舒中高一英语 第3页 (共8页)The Carbon Trust believes that it can help by informing customers about the good work companies are doing. “When companies are granted(授予)the standard, they can use a logo(标识)in all their marketing which makes it clear that th

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