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1、菲律宾16吨安装方案剖析单位代码:FNPC-SHJXMB-JXGS 编 号:GC-009-004/2015 施 工 方 案施工项目:ST7027型16吨塔式起重机安装编制单位:中国能建东电四公司机械公司 工程资料长期保存技术文件审批页文件名称ST7027型16吨塔式起重机安装施工方案编制单位中国能建东电四公司机械公司编制人员 王 坤 编制日期2015年5月30日审核审核部门/单位审核人员审核意见审核日期专业公司项目工程管理部项目安质环部-质量项目安质环部-安环批准 项目总工程师: 年 月 日目 录一、编制依据 1二、工程概况、施工范围及工程量 1三、施工准备和施工条件 1四、综合进度和配合要求

2、 2五、施工主要机具及材料 2六、主要施工方法和步骤 3七、施工质量标准和工艺要求、强制条文 9八、负荷试验 10九、应注意的质量问题 11十、施工中的主要危险点与安全技术措施 11十一、环境保护及文明施工措施和要求 12十二、应形成的质量记录和验收级别 12交底培训记录 1交底培训结果 2施工小组安全联保卡 1施工方案执行过程自查记录 1施工方案执行过程不符合整改记录 2施工方案验证记录 3一、编制依据1、ST70/27型16吨塔式起重机图纸及使用说明书。2、QY50型50吨汽车式起重机起重性能表。3、QY25K型25吨汽车式起重机起重性能表。4、电力建设安全工作规程第1部分火力发电厂。5、



5、15年 月 日-2015年 月 日。4.2安装工艺流程图:表2施工计划表时间(天)安装部件 顺序12345678910施工前准备、标准节组合基础验收基础节安装套架安装承座安装塔头安装平衡臂安装安装配重起重臂组合安装穿钢丝绳顶升、附着安装负荷试验交付使用文明施工五、施工主要机具及材料表3主要器具及材料表序号工具名称规格单位数量备注125吨汽车吊25吨台1个250吨汽车吊50吨台1个3电动扳手1100W 1500/min1个4电动扳头41mm 方25.4mm2个5敲击扳手41mm2个6大锤18磅2把7手锤8磅2把8钢丝绳28 12000mm4根9钢丝绳28 6000mm4根10钢丝绳16 1200

6、0mm4根11钢丝绳16 6000mm4根12倒链2吨5个13倒链3吨5个14卸扣高强弓形13.5吨4个15卸扣高强弓形9.5吨6个16卸扣高强弓形5吨4个17撬棍30 1000mm长2根18撬棍30 1500mm长2根19道木20根20水平仪1台21经纬仪1台22钳工工具1套23电工工具1套24对讲机4台25安全带双背10个26卷尺7.5米1个27盘尺50米1把28卡尺150mm1把29断线钳600mm1把30电焊工具1套31火焊工具1套32角向125mm1把33麻绳50米套34裁纸刀1把35工具兜2个36白光眼镜10个37吊篮1个6、主要施工方法和步骤 Main Methods and P

7、rocedures1 将运至现场的部件进行清点,集装箱货物倒出,做框架固定的部件解体,对标准节及其它解体部件进行组合。 Check the components which have been mobilized to site, and take out the cargo/materials from the container. Dismantle the components used for fastening frame, as well as assemble the standard section and other assembled components2 确定基础达到使

8、用要求后,检验固定框上四角水平高度差,注:保证固定框上四角水平高度差不大于2mm。从两个方向检查其垂直度,待符合要求后,拆除固定的标准节和底座框架。 When ascertaining that foundation meets the requirement for use, check the four corners of fixed frame horizontal height difference. Note: the height difference of four corners shall be less than 2mm. From two perspectives to

9、 inspect the verticality/plumbness. Provided that it meets the requirements, dismantle the secured standard section and base frame. 3 过渡节安装:在过渡节内从下到上依次安装4.5m和3m爬梯,将梯安装牢固。 Erection of transition section: In the inner of transition section, from up to bottom, install 4.5m and 3m access ladder accordin

10、gly, which shall be secured properly.4 套架的安装:按顺序安装套架平台和支杆,插入销轴并用开口销锁牢。将平台上的护栏用开口销固定,用螺栓及螺母将护栏夹板夹在护栏上。将液压缸扁担利用辅助吊车组合好,用50吨汽车吊将套架整体与过渡节对接并安装好销轴。将连接座挂到过渡节上。套架重9.1吨,用50t汽车吊以6.5米幅度、25米臂长,额定起重量18吨。套架整体吊装,采用1对2412000钢丝绳,夹角较小不予考虑。钢丝绳的破断拉力为28.8 吨,安全系数为28.84/9.6=12,满足要求。50t汽车吊的负荷率为 9.6/18100%=53.3%(包含吊索具0.5吨)

11、。 Erection of self-climbing hoist frame: based on the sequence, install self-climbing hoist frame and rack post. Insert the axis pin and secured by split pin. Railing on the platform fastened by split pin, and use bolts and nuts to install the plywood on the platform. Assemble reasonably the carryin

12、g pole of hydraulic casing by auxiliary crane. In addition, use 50T mobile crane to fit up hoist frame and transition section fastened by axis pin. Hang connecting seat to transition section. Hoist frame weight is 9.1T. The specification for 50T mobile crane to be used is 6.5m working radius, 25m bo

13、om length, 18Tnominal hoist load. By 1 pair of steel wire 2412000, lift overall hoist frame.Small intersection inclination shall not be taken into consideration. The break pulling force of steel wire is 28.8T, and safety co-efficiency is 28.84/9.6=12, which can meet the requirement of mobile crane.

14、The load rate of 50T mobile crane is 9.6/18100%=53.3% (including 0.5T lifting sling) 5回转机构的安装:安装回转电机两个,并加好齿轮油,将引进梁用销轴安装在回转下支座上并用开口锁定。将回转平台用销轴安装在回转上支座上并用开口销锁牢。在平台上安装护栏,将护栏夹板用螺栓及螺母紧固,用50吨汽车吊吊装回转机构并与套架对接、安装好销轴。 Erection of slewing mechanism: Install 2 slewing motors and fill properly gear oil. Use axis

15、 pin to secure the approach beam on the upper slewing seat fastened by split seat. Use axis pin to secure the slewing platform on the upper slewing seat fastened by split spin. Railing shall be installed on the platform. Bolts and nuts are used for fastening plywood. By 50T mobile crane, lift slewin

16、g mechanism and fit up with hoist frame. Finally, axis pin shall be secured properly.6司机室节的安装:安装平台、爬梯并用销轴及开口销锁固。安装护栏并用夹板、螺栓及螺母紧固,用50吨汽车吊吊装司机室节并安装好对应销轴。 Erection of driver cab: install platform, access road fastened by axis pin with split spin. Install railing fastened by plywood, bolts and screws. U

17、se 50T mobile crane to lift and erect driver cab.7平衡臂的安装:用销轴将平衡臂的前段与后段连接在一起,再将配重架安装好,安装两平台及护栏,安装检修用悬臂梁,对应配电箱,组合平衡臂对应的拉杆并放置在平衡臂上,用50吨汽车吊装平衡臂,连接好对应销轴,之后单独吊装主钩卷扬机就位。平衡臂安装完毕 ,吊装一块平衡重(4.15吨)至平衡臂尾部。 Erection of balanced boom: use axis pin to connect the front and rear part of balanced boom, and then prope

18、rly install the counterweight rack, two platforms and railings, as well as jib boom, lifting balanced boom by 50T mobile crane, and then individually lift main hook and hoist in place. after finishing balanced boom, lift one balanced counterweight (4.15 T) to balanced boom end.8 塔头的安装:将组装好的塔头吊起,用70

19、的销轴将其安装到司机室节上,然后用拉杆4 将塔头和司机室节相连在塔头的支座3 上,此时塔头向前倾以便安装起重臂拉杆。 Erection of tower cranes head: lift the crane head which has been assembled, and use 70 axis pin to fix it on the driver cab section. And then connect crane head and driver cab section to the seat no.3 of crane head by draw-bar. So the tower

20、 head now is moving forward so as to install the hoist draw-bar.9臂架的组装:安装变幅机构,准备2-3个支架(或枕木),高度为1m,宽度不小于1.3m。分别将臂架的各节臂在标准节上连接,用销轴及开口销锁固,同时将变幅小车装入臂架并推至一号臂根部,用钢丝绳将其固定在臂架上。根据所需要的起重臂长度装配臂节与拉杆,以待总装时用。穿绕变幅钢丝绳并将变幅绳张紧。变幅小车处在一号臂根部,前段变幅绳在变幅机构上缠绕不得少于3圈。在臂架上安装变幅机构检修平台及护栏。 Assembly of crane jib arm: install the l

21、uffing mechanism, and prepare 2-3 supports/sleeper, with a height of 1m, as well as width no less than 1.3m. Separably connect each part boom on standard section, secure it with axis pin and split pin. Meanwhile,assemble luffing trolley into jib and transfer it to NO.1 boom end, fastened by steel wi

22、re. According to the length of boom length required, install sections of boom and draw-bar. Insert and wrap the steel wire to make it more tight. Luffing trolley is located on no.1 beam end. The front wire is supposed to be wrapped at least 3 circles. Eventually, install the maintenance platform and

23、 railing for the luffing mechanism. 起重臂总重为13.65吨,重心位于自臂杆根部21.2米处,为方便拉杆连接,实际选择臂杆重心向前移动2米至23.2米处,用两台汽车吊抬吊起重臂,50t汽车吊以7米幅度、25米杆长站在臂杆重心左侧18米处,即自根部起5.3米处;25t汽车吊以7米幅度、24.8米杆长站在臂杆重心点右侧13米处,将臂杆吊至销接位置与塔头相连接。用70的销轴将两边拉杆连在一起。50t汽车吊的负荷率为8.7/16.8100%=51.7%(包含吊索具500公斤)。25t汽车吊的负荷率为5.9/9.1100%=64.8%(包含吊索具300公斤),撤除50

24、t汽车吊安装主臂与塔帽的连接拉杆,此时25t汽车吊的负荷率为7.3/9.1100%=80%(包含吊索具500公斤)。吊装采用2对2412000钢丝绳,采用4股吊装,钢丝绳的破断拉力为28.8吨,安全系数皆满足要求。 The total weight of hoist beam is 13.65T,and gravity is located at the point which is away from the end of self-beam draw bar. In order to be easy for draw-bar connection, Since the load rates

25、 of 50T and 25T mobile crane separately are 8.7/16.8100%=51.7%(with 500KG sling) and 5.9/9.1100%=64.8% (including 300KG sling), remove draw-bar for connecting main boom and tower head. Now the load rate of 25T mobile crane is 7.3/9.1100%=80%(including 500KG sling). 2 pairs of steel wire (2412000) sh

26、all be used for lifting with 4 ropes. The breaking pulling force of steel wire is 28.8T,so that it can be seen that safety co-efficiency and other factor all are in compliance with requirements.起重臂吊装就位,根部销轴锁好后,25t汽车吊继续抬高,按50米臂杆长度要求,在空中连接主臂拉杆。 When hoist beam is placed and axis pin at root is secured

27、 properly, 25T mobile crane can proceed to lift up. Based on the requirement of 50m boom, connect the main boom draw-bar in the height.23.2m between actual gravity chosen and jib intersection point21.2m between gravity and jib roots intersection point13m between 50T hang point and gravity 18m betwee

28、n 25T hang point and gravity10平衡臂拉杆的安装:起重臂拉杆安装完后,吊车应继续吊着起重臂,此时安装平衡拉杆,将平衡臂上的拉杆与塔头上的拉杆用60的销轴3联接并锁固。用滑轮组将横梁6拉至7的位置,使7上的70孔与横梁6上的70孔能用70的销轴连接为止。然后将塔头与司机节连接的拉杆用30的销轴连接并锁固,此时可放下吊臂,撤下起重吊车。 Erection of draw-bar of balanced boom: after erecting the draw-bar of hoist boom, crane should proceed to lift the hoist beam. At this moment, balanced draw-bar is required for installation. Use 60 axis pin with three connections to fasten the draw-bar of balanced boom and tower head. Then pull the horizontal boom no.6 to the no.7 position by pulleys until 70 axis pin can be use for this si

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