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1、中考英语英语阅读理解专题练习附答案中考英语英语阅读理解专题练习(附答案)一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷1阅读理解 Mr. Whites family decided to repair their house. Mr. White bought the house two and a half years ago. Since his kids were growing up, he and his wife wanted to make some changes to the house. They decided to knock down their living room wall to

2、 open up the space. When the wooden walls were moved, they were shocked to find a lizard (蜥蜴) stuck in the small space between the walls. The lizards foot was stuck by a nail (钉子) which was knocked into the wall from the other side several months ago. However, they wondered how the lizard had surviv

3、ed so long without moving from that place. The family decided to wait for a while and see how the lizard survived several months without moving. While they were doing other things, they kept an eye on the lizard. The son, Ray, suddenly shouted, “Dad, look here!” Another lizard appeared, carrying foo

4、d to the stuck lizards mouth. That was a real surprise! Everyone was touched that the lizard fed the other one for all this time. Both lizards had never-ending hope for each other and carried their hearts with love and care. Why cant we humans always carry that kind of love in our hearts? Life is fu

5、ll of all kinds of difficulties. What we can do is to give our hand to the one in need and share our love. Sharing is caring. (1)What did the White family find when moving the wooden walls? A.A lizard died between the walls.B.A lizards foot was hurt by the fallen wall.C.The nail on the wooden wall h

6、ad dropped.D.A lizard was stuck in the small space between the walls.(2)What does the underlined word “survived” in Paragraph 2 mean? A.幸存B.受伤C.捕食D.冬眠(3)Which of the following is NOT true? A.The lizards didnt give up hope.B.The son helped the stuck lizard out.C.Another lizard came to feed the stuck

7、one.D.The family was moved by the lizards act.(4)What does the story mainly tell us? A.Learn to trust your friends.B.Lizards can live without food.C.Try to give love to people around us.D.Animals are friendlier than humans.【答案】(1)D(2)A(3)B(4)C 【解析】【分析】短文大意:本文讲的是怀特先生家里装修拆墙发现一只蜥蜴被钉住,另一只蜥蜴喂食给它生活两年的故事。同

8、时也呼吁我们人类也要像动物似的伸出援助之手,分享我们的爱和帮助。(1)D细节理解题。根据第二段中When the wooden walls were moved, they were shocked to find a lizard (蜥蜴) stuck in the small space between the walls.可知移动木制墙壁时,他们震惊地发现一个蜥蜴困在墙壁之间的小空间中。所以选D。(2)A词义猜测题。根据后文中The family decided to wait for a while and see how the lizard survived several mon

9、ths without moving.可知“survived”的意思是“幸存”,所以选A。(3)B细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中Another lizard appeared, carrying food to the stuck lizards mouth. That was a real surprise! Everyone was touched that the lizard fed the other one for all this time.的描述可知是另一只蜥蜴帮助那只蜥蜴活了下来,所以选B。(4)C主旨大意题。根据最后一段总结 What we can do is to give

10、 our hands to the ne in need and share our love. Sharing is caring.可知作者旨在通过该故事告诉人们像动物似的伸出援助之手,分享我们的爱和帮助,所以选C。2阅读理解 When it comes to helping developing countries, we often think about offering money in order that they can build schools and hospitals, buy food and medicine, or find clean water supplie

11、s. These seem to be the most important basic needs in their lives. However, its far from enough. We have to come up with better ideas. A man called Nicholas Negroponte invented a cheap laptop computer, which he decided to invent after he visited a school in Cambodia. The laptop which Mr. Negroponte

12、has designed is not the same as the normal one that you can buy in the shops. One difference is that it will be covered in rubber so that it is strong and wont be damaged easily. As an electricity supply can be a problem in developing countries, the computer also has a special handle in order that c

13、hildren can wind the computer up to give it extra power when needed. This special laptop computer will cost less than 100 US dollars and Mr. Negroponte wants to produce as many as 15 million laptop computers in the first year. The idea is that these computers will help the childrens education as the

14、y will be able to access the Internet. These computers might not benefit the people in developing countries immediately, but by improving childrens education they should help people to find their own solutions to their problems in the long term. Another idea to help children in developing countries

15、is to recycle old mobile phones so that they can be used again. In the UK. And probably in many other countries too, millions of mobile phones are thrown away every year. The waste crested by throwing away thee old phones is very bed for the environment, so it seems to be an excellent idea to achiev

16、e two important goals at the same time. We will reduce the waste we produce and help others. In other words, we will be able to kill two birds with one and that is always a good thing. (1)The underlined phrase wind up in paragraph 2 means . A.吹风B.给上发条C.摇上D.利用空气使(2)The laptop computer that Mr. Negrop

17、onte has designed . A.will be damaged much easier than the normal oneB.has a special handle to access the cheap and can run with extra powerD.can be helpful to find the peoples own solutions(3)According to the passage,what benefit can we get from recycling old mobile phones? A.We can re

18、duce the waste to protect the environment.B.We can help children in developing countries reuse the old mobile is good for the environment and very educative for phone users.D.It not only reduces the waste produced by developed countries but also helps the children in developing countries

19、.(4)Mr. Negropontes cheap computer is mentioned in the passage to . A.illustrate the kindness of people in the developed countriesB.tell us what high technology can help how to find business opportunities in developing countriesD.give an example of how to help developing countries(5)Whi

20、ch is the best idea the author gives us to help the developing countries? A.We need to help people in developing countries to help themselves,not just throw money at the problem.B.We should spend much money helping people in developing countries build more schools and hospitals.C.We should think abo

21、ut giving help to developing countries more often.D.We should help the people in developing countries by improving childrens education immediately.【答案】 (1)B(2)C(3)D(4)D(5)A 【解析】【分析】主要讲了Nicholas Negroponte发明了一种便宜的手提电脑和循环使用手机来帮助发展中国家。 (1)细节题。根据give it extra power when needed.当需要的时候给它额外的能量,是通过特殊的把柄来产生能

22、量,即通过上发条,故选B。 (2)细节题。根据A man called Nicholas Negroponte invented a cheap laptop computer和give it extra power when needed.可知手提电脑是便宜的,并且有额外的能量,故选C。 (3)细节题。根据We will reduce the waste we produce and help others.可知不仅降低了废弃物污染,而且帮助了发展中国家,故选D。 (4)细节题。根据第一段We have to come up with better ideas.可知是帮助发展中国家更好的主意

23、的例子,故选D。 (5)细节题。根据第一段可知帮助发展中国家时不仅仅是提供给他们金钱,而且要通过更好的方法来让他们自己帮助自己,故选A。 【点评】考查阅读理解,主要考查细节题,注意从文中仔细寻找答案。3阅读理解 Good Neighbours Mr. and Mrs. March lived together with their four daughters. Amy was very shy. Beth loved being at home. Meg looked very pretty. Jo was tall and thin and she was a tomboy. Their

24、home was always busy and full of noise and people. Next to them lived old Mr. Laurence and his grandson, Laurie. They lived in a very large and comfortable house. But it was a house without life. One day, Joe saw Laurie standing at an upstairs window in his house and looking down at their garden. Jo

25、s sisters were playing in the snow there. They were throwing snowballs and having a lot of fun. But Lauries face was very sad. Poor boy! Jo thought. Hes all alone. He needs some friends. She couldnt stop thinking about him. She wanted to go and see him, but how could she go to the house without an i

26、nvitation? Then one snowy afternoon, she saw Lauries grandpa go out. This gave her an idea. She took a broom from the kitchen. What are you going to do, Jo? asked her sister Meg. To clear the garden path. Answered Jo. When Laurie saw Jo from the window, a big smile changed his pale, sad face. Jo lau

27、ghed and shouted, How are you? Are you ill? Laurie opened the window and said, Im better now, thank you. I had a bad cold and had to stay inside for a week. Im sorry, said Jo. Are you bored? Yes, very. he replied. Dont your friends come to visit you? No. But I dont want to see anybody. Boys are nois

28、y and they give me a headache. Girls are quiet. I dont know any girls. You know us. Thats true! Can you come and visit me? cried Laurie. Im not quiet, but Id like to come, replied Jo. I must ask Mother first. She ran back into her house. A few minutes later, she returned and rang the bell on the doo

29、r of Lauries house. A servant took her upstairs. Here I am! she said brightly. Mother sends her love and my sisters gave me this blancmange (牛奶冻) for you. That looks delicious, Laurie said. He was very happy to see Jo.Jo looked around. There were lots of books on the shelves. A nice room! she said.

30、I can read to you if you like. No, lets talk, replied Laurie. All right, said Jo, I can talk for hours. My sisters say I never know when to stop. You have three sistersAmy, Beth and Meg. Laurie continued. How do you know this? Jo was surprised. You call each others names when you are in the garden. Sometimes I can see you all around the table with your mother. She has a very kind face. I like looking at her. I havent got a mother. Jo felt sad when she heard this. Why dont you come and visit us? she said, It isnt good for you to stay in this house all the time.

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