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三年级上册英语教案 Unit 6 my classroom 外研剑桥版.docx

1、三年级上册英语教案 Unit 6 my classroom 外研剑桥版科 目英语年级三课型课 题Unit 6 My classroom Part 1课时第1 课时评论或修改教学目标知识与能力:1. Ss learn the words : board , floor , door , window , desk , chair 2. Ss can use the sentences to describe things in the classroom: The is/are 3. Ss can colour and sing the song “ Our happy classroom “过

2、程方法:听一听,唱一唱,读一读,说一说。情感态度价值观:通过唱歌,激发学生的学习兴趣。重点难点1. Ss learn the words : board , floor , door , window , desk , chair2. Ss can use the sentences to describe things in the classroom: The is/are 教具学具A Tape recorder教学程序师生活动评论或修改一、示标一、Warming-up 1.Greeting T:Hello, boys and girls! Good morning. Nice to me

3、et you. How are you today? S:Good morning. Nice to meet you,too. Im fine/OK. 2.Memory game Screen show a chart ,Ss try to remember the school things in the chart in 10seconds. S guess and T check the answers.学歌曲导入,激发学生学习兴趣 Ss listen to the song. Ss sing the song once more.Train speaking二、探究二、Present

4、ation 1.T:We have learned many school things . We always see them in our happy classroom. Lets listen to the song- our happy classroom.OK? S:OK. S listen T:Are the children happy? S:Yes. T:Where are they? S:They are in the classroom. T teach “classroom” 2.T:Look!This is my classroom.(T point to the

5、black board.) Whats in the classroom? S listen S come to the front and put the things in the classroom. S say the chant 3.T:Look at my happy classroom.The . is . .The . are . . Look at Tobys happy classroom.Lets guess the colour in the classroom. S:The . is / are . . S listen and colour on page 42 S

6、 come to the front and show the picture and describe the classroom,other students check the answer. 4.T:Now lets listen again and the number the sentences. S listen and colour Check the answer Order the sentences ,read and sing5.S sing and do twice .三、展示三Practice 1. S describe the pictures and try t

7、o sing.2. S make a new song and show out.四、延伸板书设计Unit 6 My classroom board floor door The window is . desk chair 学情反馈优秀良好达标待达标教学反思应该让学生分组进行自由对话练习,多提高英语口语水平。X县小X小学盟区教学设计备课表科 目英语年级三课型新授课主备人 单位 授课教师 单位 课 题Unit6 Part2.3课时第2 课时评论或修改教学目标知识与能力:1.复习巩固classroom words:window、door、desk、chair、floor、board2.理解名词单

8、复数的用法并熟练运用。3.熟用句子Whats in the classroom?How many?What colour?问答。过程方法:通过听说问答、chant、游戏、训练学生的听说能力和理解能力。情感态度价值观:1.保持良好的学习习惯和持续的学习热情。2.保持教室整洁,设施完好重点难点1. classroom words:window、door、desk、chair、floor、boardSentences:Whats in the classroom?How many?What colour?及答语。2. 在真实语境中熟练运用语言教具学具Word cards A tape recorde

9、r CAI教学程序师生活动评论或修改一、示标Step I.Warm-upGreetingsReview the words using the word cards.GreetingsRead and spellListen and answer. Then read more.Read in pairs.Work in pairs.Say quickly.Listen and circle.Answer correctly. Give some encouragement.Do Exx.Work in groups.Read and write.二、探究Step II.Presentatio

10、n 1. CAI shows more pictures, help the pupils to say desk/desks 2. Talk about the classroom like this: Whats in the classroom?How many? What colour? Then show the sentences, read more. 3. Books open, read about Part2 in pairs. Then talk about them using “Whats in the classroom?How many? What colour?

11、”Christmas is special,Do you know why? 4. Act out in pairs.三、展示StepIII.Practice 1.Cal shows more phrases: two desk / three doors / five chair / .And say “right” or “wrong”. 2.CAI shows more pictures, ask them to say the phrases. 3.Listen and circle the phrases with the pupils. 4.T asks more sentence

12、s.四、延伸Step. Consolidation 1.Finish matching Exx.Whats in the classroom? Green.How many? Two.What colour are they? Boards. 2.Listen and number about classroom words. 3.Make dialogues in groups. 4.Write the words correctly.Homework:Listen and read more.板书设计Whats in the classroom? Board / Boards. How m

13、any? Two. What colour is it / are they? Green.学情反馈优秀良好达标待达标教学反思 学生通过听说问答、chant、游戏词汇句子得到了巩固与运用,听说能力和理解能力提升。X县X小学盟区教学设计备课表科 目英语年级三课型新授课主备人与当今“教师”一称最接近的“老师”概念,最早也要追溯至宋元时期。金代元好问示侄孙伯安诗云:“伯安入小学,颖悟非凡貌,属句有夙性,说字惊老师。”于是看,宋元时期小学教师被称为“老师”有案可稽。清代称主考官也为“老师”,而一般学堂里的先生则称为“教师”或“教习”。可见,“教师”一说是比较晚的事了。如今体会,“教师”的含义比之“老师”一说,具有资历和学识程度上较低一些的差别。辛亥革命后,教师与其他官员一样依法令任命,故又称“教师”为“教员”。 单位 授课教师 单位 课 题Unit6 Part5.6课时第4 课时评论或修改教学目标知识与能力:能准确规范地按顺序读写26个英文字母表,并且能根据5个元音字母的发音将字母表分类。过程方法:听一听,读一读,写一写,情感态度价值观:培养学生的学习兴趣重点难点1.能准确规范地按顺序读写26个英文字母表,2.能根据5个元音字母的发音将字母表分类。教具学具录音机,字母卡,教学课件教学程序师生活动评论或修改一、示标一 拼音导入先让学生背诵并书写汉语拼音,然后告诉学生他和英语的发音有何不同。

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