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学年高中英语 Unit 2 Heroes Section Ⅰ Warmup a.docx

1、学年高中英语 Unit 2 Heroes Section Warmup aUnit 2 Heroes Born on June 21st, 1965 in Suizhong County of Liaoning Province, Yang Liwei had a happy childhood with his parents. Not only was he a good student in school, but also he had a gift for math. He won a lot of math competition prizes. After graduating

2、from senior school. Yang Liwei continued his studies at the No. 8 Aviation College of the Air Force of the Peoples Liberation Army. He studied very hard and graduated with a Bachelors degree. Later, he became a fighter pilot.Several years later,because of his excellent manifestation (表现), Yang Liwei

3、 was among 14 persons chosen from 1,500 pilots for astronaut training. Yang Liwei did very well and passed astronaut tests in 1996 and 1997. Then he became one of the three astronauts for Chinas first manned space flight. After a series of hard trainings and tests, Yang Liwei became Chinas first ast

4、ronaut on October 15th, 2003 at last.Being the first Chinese to travel in space, Yang Liwei is a hero of our nation in our heart and mind. He devotes himself to Chinese space program. Whenever we review the moments when Yang Liwei was traveling in Shenzhou in space,holding our national flag in hand,

5、 we will be proud of our country and think highly of Yang Liwei. I believe that China will make greater progress in space flight in the future!Section_Warmup & Lesson 1 Prereading原文呈现National HeroChinas first manned spaceship lifted off at 9 am. on Wednesday, October 15th, 2003 in Jiuquan, Gansu Pro

6、vince. The spaceship, called Shenzhou ,was carrying Chinas first astronaut, Yang Liwei. Yang, who was a pilot in the army,was chosen from 1,500 other army pilots and started training for his space flight in 1998.The launch was very successful. “When the spaceship was lifting off, I could really feel

7、 the high gravity”, said Yang Liwei. “When the spaceship separated from the rocket,I suddenly got a feeling of soaring into the sky because of the zero gravity.” 读文清障manned spaceship载人宇宙飞船spaceship/speIsIp/n.太空船lift off起飞;升空province/prvIns/n.省过去分词短语作The spaceship的后置定语。astronaut/strnt/n.宇航员who引导非限制性定

8、语从句,且在从句中作主语,指代先行词Yang。train v训练,锻炼flight/flaIt/n.飞行;航班launch/lnt/n.发射gravity/grvIti/n.地心引力separate v(使)分开,侧重把原来连在一起的东西分隔开来。divide v分成,侧重把整体分成若干部分。rocket/rkIt/n.火箭soar/s/vi.升空,升腾because of“因为,由于”,其后跟名词、代词或动名词。民族英雄第12段译文2003年10月15日,星期三上午9点,中国第一艘载人宇宙飞船在甘肃酒泉发射中心升空。这艘名为“神舟五号”的宇宙飞船载着中国第一位宇航员杨利伟飞向太空。杨利伟是从

9、1 500名部队飞行员中挑选出来的,1998年就开始为他的太空飞行接受训练。这次发射非常成功。杨利伟说:“宇宙飞船起飞时,我确实能感到巨大的地球引力。宇宙飞船与火箭分离时,由于地心引力的消失,我突然有一种急速升空的感觉。”During the 21hour space flight, the Shenzhou circled the earth 14 times. While the spaceship was circling the earth for the sixth time,Yang Liwei spoke with ground control in Gansu. He was

10、also able to speak with his wife and 8yearold son. Yang Liwei had several tasks to complete during the flight and only slept in the spaceship for about 3 hours. While he was sleeping, the spaceship circled the earth twice.When the spaceship was doing its seventh circle,Yang Liwei showed the flags of

11、 China and the United Nations, expressing the wishes of the Chinese people to explore and use space peacefully.during prep.在期间circle vt.环绕,围绕while引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”,从句谓语动词为延续性动词,常用进行时态。8yearold为合成形容词,其中的名词不用复数形式。complete vt.完成;结束had several tasks to complete中包含动词不定式作定语的用法。when引导时间状语从句,从句中包含了过去进行时。the

12、 United Nations联合国现在分词短语作状语,表补充说明,其中动词不定式短语作wishes的定语,与wishes构成同位关系。explore/Ikspl/vt.探测;勘探peacefully/pisf li/adv.和平地,平静地peaceful adj.和平的,平静的peace n和平第34段译文在21个小时的太空飞行中,神舟五号绕了地球14圈。飞到第六圈时,杨利伟和甘肃地面控制中心通了话,并与妻子及8岁的儿子进行了交谈。在飞行过程中,杨利伟有好几项任务要完成。他只在宇宙飞舱里睡了大约3个小时。他睡觉时,宇宙飞船绕地球飞了两圈。宇宙飞船飞到第七圈时,杨利伟在飞船上展示了中国国旗和联

13、合国国旗,表达了中国人民和平开发、利用太空资源的意愿。At 6:23 am. on October 16th, Yang Liwei landed in Inner Mongolia safely. He told reporters later, “The surface of the spaceship was glowing red when it came back into the earths atmosphere. When Shenzhou let out its parachute, I felt the ship was shaking.” As Yang Liwei re

14、turned into the earths atmosphere, helicopters were flying to where he would land,ready to collect him.Millions of people all over China were watching TV when the spaceship landed safely. When Yang Liwei climbed out of the spaceship, he smiled and waved to the crowds waiting for him. Yang Liwei was

15、happy to be home but he said, “I thought 21 hours was too short to stay in space.”reporter/rIpt/n.记者,通讯员glow/gl/vi.发光atmosphere/tmsfI/n.大气;气氛let out释放parachute/prut/n.降落伞shake v摇动;(使)颤抖shake ones head摇头shake hands握手helicopter/helIkpt/n.直升机where he would land为where引导的宾语从句,意为“他将着陆的地方”。collect vt.接走形容词

16、短语ready to collect him作状语。millions of数百万million/mIljn/num.百万million, hundred, thousand表示具体数目时不用复数形式。all over China全中国all over the world全世界when引导时间状语从句,表示“当时”,主句用了过去进行时态were watching,表示“当时,主语正在”。climb out of爬出wave/weIv/vi.挥手示意,致意waiting for him作后置定语,表主动意义和动作正在进行。此处并非too . to .(太而不能)结构。第56段译文10月16日清晨6

17、点23分,杨利伟在内蒙古安全着陆。他后来告诉记者:“飞回大气层时,飞船表面红光闪烁。神舟五号释放降落伞时,我感到飞船在颤动。”杨利伟返回地球大气层时,直升机已飞向他将着陆的地方,准备迎接他返程。飞船安全着陆时,全中国数百万人在观看电视直播。杨利伟走出飞船时,向等待他的人们微笑挥手。返回地面的杨利伟非常高兴,但他不无遗憾地说:“我觉得在太空只停留21个小时真是太短暂了!”PrereadingPlease match the words with their proper meanings.1reporter A镇静的,沉着的;平静的,无风的2violent B人物;性格3atmosphere C

18、太空船4million D宇航员5spaceship E大气,气氛6astronaut F百万7peacefully G挥手示意,致意8flight H慷慨的,大方的9explore I猛烈的,暴力的10wave J和平地,平静地11generous K飞行;航班12character L探测,勘探13. calm M记者,通讯员15_610_1113_答案:15MIEFC610DJKLG1113HBALeadin1Please write down the names of the astronauts.答案:Yang LiweiWang Yaping2Are they heroes?Do

19、you know them?Please match the people with their main deeds (事迹) Aled the 1911 revolution and founded the first republic of ChinaBwon many championships in big badminton eventsCmade great contributions to Chinas aerospace businessDface life with a strong will despite her disability答案:BCDAWhilereadin

20、gFastreadingScan the text and then match the paragraphs with their headings.Paragraphs HeadingsPara.1 AAstronaut lands safelyPara.2 BWelcome homePara.3 CGood wishes of Chinese peoplePara.4 DAn exciting liftoffPara.5 EIntroductionPara.6 FDuring the flight 答案:Para.16EDFCABCarefulreading1Read the text

21、carefully and choose the best answer.(1)Which of the following is the right order of the text?Yang Liwei expressed the wishes of the Chinese people.Yang Liwei talked with his son.Yang Liwei felt the high gravity.Yang Liwei felt zero gravity.Yang Liwei was trained as an astronaut.Shenzhou V took off.

22、Yang Liwei climbed out of the spaceship.Shenzhou V landed safely.ABCD(2)From the passage we know that_.AYang Liwei wanted to fly in a spaceship againBShenzhou V circled the earth seven timesCYang Liwei wished to stay in space longerDwhen Yang Liwei landed, no helicopters were sent to collect him(3)W

23、e can learn from the first paragraph that_.AChinas first pilot ever served in the armyBShenzhou V carrying Yang flew around the moonCShenzhou V is the first spaceship of ChinaDYang began his space flight on the morning of October 15th, 2003(4)What is the main idea of the 5th paragraph?AYang Liwei wa

24、s welcome home.BOur national hero returned home safely.CHelicopters flew to collect Yang Liwei.DShenzhou V let out its parachute.答案:(1)(4)ACDB2True (T) or False (F)When the spaceship separated from the rocket, Yang could feel the high gravity._F_Yang Liwei spoke with the ground control when the spac

25、eship was circling the earth for the sixth time._T_Shenzhou V can glow red because of the earths atmosphere._T_ .When Yang Liwei was doing his seventh circle, he showed the flags of China and the US, expressing the wishes of Chinese people to explore and use space peacefully._F_Yang Liwei felt the s

26、hip was shaking when Shenzhou V landed._F_StudyreadingAnalyze the following difficult sentences in the text.1When the spaceship was doing its seventh circle, Yang Liwei showed the flags of China and the United Nations, expressing the wishes of the Chinese people to explore and use space peacefully.句

27、式分析尝试翻译宇宙飞船飞到第七圈时,杨利伟在飞船上展示了中国国旗和联合国国旗,表达了中国人民和平开发、利用太空资源的意愿。2As Yang Liwei returned into the earths atmosphere, helicopters were flying to where he would land, ready to collect him.句式分析尝试翻译杨利伟返回地球大气层时,直升机已飞向他将着陆的地方,准备迎接他返程。 .阅读理解ABill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in a rich family. Bill strong

28、ly believes in hard work. He believes that if you are intelligent and know how to apply your intelligence, you can achieve anything.From childhood Bill was ambitious, intelligent and competitive. These qualities helped him to achieve the top position in the profession he chose. In school, he had exc

29、ellent records in mathematics and science. He used to be really bored in school and his parents knew it, so they always tried to feed him with more information to keep him busy. Bills parents came to know about their sons intelligence and decided to send him to a private school, known for its intens

30、e academic environment. It was a very important decision for Bill, and it was there that he was introduced to a computer.Bill Gates and his friends were very much interested in the world of programming and formed “Programmers Group” in 1968. Being in this group, they found a new way to apply their skills in University of Washington. In the next year, they got their first opportunity in an information company, in which they were selected as programme

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