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1、塑造一个赞助商眼中的良好的节事形象 感觉决定一切 Perception is realityo在参加你的活动之前,公众和赞助商对你的活动的感觉对他们来讲就是现实。oWhat the public and sponsors think of your event-often before they even attend it-becomes reality of them.o当你开始拉赞助的时候,给赞助商留下一个良好的第一印象是非常重要的。oIt is extremely important that a potential sponsor has a good impression of y

2、our event before you set foot in the door to sell sponsorshipo良好的第一印象就是关键。oFirst impressions are everything.o公关部长在一个活动中的职位是最重要的职位之一。oOne of the most important positions on an events staff is that of public relations(PR) director. 主旨 Keynoteso与媒体新闻界共同合作,他们会为你建立良好的公众形象。oWork with the news side of the

3、media to develop a positive image of your evento策划一个良好有效的促销活动,这能让人们对你的活动产生积极的看法。oDevelop effective promotions to give people a positive perceptiono设计令人印象深刻的辅助材料,这将提供一个良好的第一印象oCreate impressive collateral materials that will give a good first impressiono让你所做的慈善营销更加有效oMake your cause-related marketing

4、 more effective 媒体的重要性 Media-importanceo媒体是一个处于您的赞助商,潜在的赞助商,你的志愿者,社区领袖,政府官员和其他人之间的媒介,很多的观众能够在报纸,电视,或者是网络上看到你,了解你。othe media are an intermediary between your event and the many audiences that are important to you-your sponsors, potential sponsors, your volunteers, community leaders, government offici

5、als, and others who read or hear about you in the newspapers, on radio and television, and now on the Web.o新闻报道通常被人们认为是没有偏见的,因此,人们会更注重新闻故事,而不是您的广告和其他营销手段。oNews copy is generally perceived to be unbiased. Therefore people will pay much more attention to news stories than to your ads and other marketi

6、ng devices.o媒体对你的活动做出了什么样的报道,会直接影响人们对你的活动的看法和认识,这样可以让他们对活动有更深刻的了解,从而更好地去支持活动组办方。oWhat members of the media write and say about you will directly influence the publics awareness of your event, lead to a better understanding of your operations, and ultimately, to better support of your organization. 媒

7、体案例Media-exampleso“在介绍今年的文化亮点” (爱尔兰高威艺术节)o“Introducing the cultural highlight of the year” (Galway Arts Festival in Ireland)o“总结:阳光节的入场人数在上升” (休斯敦国际艺术节)o“Its a Wrap: Festival Ends on Sunny Note as Attendance Figures Climb” (Houston International Festival)o“神奇食品博览会” (北达科他的红河谷街法戈博览会)o“Fantastic Food F

8、air” (Red River Valley Street Fair in Fargo, North Dakoda)o“伦敦大游行” (英国)o “London Gets a Giant Parade” (England) 媒体如何帮助你获得成功Media-the media can help youo通过媒体的正面消息接触到观众和赞助商oReach current attendees and sponsors with a reinforcingmessage.o给潜在赞助商良好的第一印象oCreate a positive first impression with prospective

9、 sponsors.o是市场营销和广告计划的补充oComplementyour marketing and advertising programso留住目前的赞助商保持关系oKeep your current sponsorso通过专家来提升你的组织的名誉oExpand your organizations reputation for expertiseo通过媒体宣传中的出色的资料来建立你的良好形象o Establish your image with excellent materials in the form of article reprints. 媒体要如何抓住编辑的注意 Med

10、ia-how to grab the editors attentiono新闻故事必须的新的而且独特的oThe news stories must be news and uniqueo它们必须是实时的oThey must be timelyo它们应该关注于人oThey should focus on peopleo它们必须是要让多数人喜欢,并且想要了解的内容oThey must be about something that many people want to know about 宣传材料的重要性 Collateral Materials-importanceo 宣传材料的质量决定了您

11、的活动在潜在的赞助商眼中的形象和感知。o The quality of collateral materials determines the image and perceived value of your event in the eyes of a potential sponsor.o 您需要做的是拉到更多好的赞助商,因此你制作的宣传册的价值远远高于它的制作成本。o All you need to do is to sell one more good sponsorship, and the brochure is more than paid for. 宣传资料的内容Collat

12、eral Materials-contento 一张节事活动宣传页上应该有的内容o A page of Festival facts, giving o 对事件的简短描述 a short description of the event o 日期 dates o 地点 location o 参加者 attendance o 使命 mission statement o 组织结构 organizational structure o 赞助商的级别类别的表格 a list of sponsors, sponsorship levels and categories o 招待机会 hospitali

13、ty opportunities o 活动票子 tickets to the event 波特兰玫瑰节宣传资料 Collateral Materials-the Portland Rose Festivalo它结合了所有的高品质的赞助邀请套餐需要的元素:It combines all the elements needed for a high-quality sponsorship solicitation package: o 这是在(美国)西北部评价最高的节日 o Most highly rated festival in the Northwest o 是世界公认的十大节庆活动之一,也

14、是美国大巡游行投票的前五名 o Recognized as one of the top ten festivals in the world; parade voted among the top five in the United States o 优秀的,多样的事件游行,航空展,车大赛,艺术和手工艺,玫瑰秀,海滨节等 o Excellent, diverse events-parade, air show, CART race, arts and crafts, rose show, waterfront festival, and many more o 表明节事对社区带来的经济效益

15、的信息 o Economic impact information that shows the value of the Festival to the community. 视频Collateral Materials-videoo 一个专业的视频演示,是你的活动的重要的销售工具o A professionally produced video presentation can be a great sales tool for your event.o 先确保从当地电视台或视频公司提供免费服务作为实物赞助o First secure an in-kind sponsorship from

16、 a local television station or video company to produce it for you gratis.o 请一个被赞助商认为是著名播音员的播音员为你做宣传o Get an announcer to do the narration for you, a person whom the sponsor will recognize as an on-air talent.公益慈善营销 Cause-Related Marketingo A commercial partnership between a charity and a company, t

17、hat involves associating a charitys logo with a brand, product or service. This can encourage sales of the product as well as raising funds for the charity.o 一个慈善团体和一个公司之间建立商业伙伴关系,这样可以将慈善团体的标志和公司品牌、产品或服务联系在一起。这可以提高公司的产品销售,同时也能筹集资金,用于慈善事业。o Consumers are increasingly supportive of promotions that rai

18、se money for good causes, and this is especially so if the chosen charity is one that is relevant to target consumers.o 消费者越来越多地去支持为善事筹集资金的促销活动,尤其当所选择的慈善机构与目标消费者有关的时候。o 慈善协会也可以为一个产品建立较强的社区价值,合作关系越长则这种价值越高。o Association with a charity can also build strong social / community values to a product, and

19、the longer the partnership goes on the stronger these values becomeo 随着越来越多的围绕着一些特别的慈善问题,如:环境保护、关心儿童、和平、犯罪预防和其他重要的问题的组织的成立,赞助商们正在寻找这些组织与消费者忠诚度之间的天然联系。这种忠诚度是企业非常渴望从消费者那里得到的。o As more and more groups form around specific causes such as the environment, childrens concerns, peace, crime prevention and other important issues, sponsors are looking for natural linkages that will strengthen the loyalty that they desire from their consumers.

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