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1、Bec商务英语I1课时教案全安徽中澳科技职业学院教 案2012 - 2013学年第二学期课 程: 商务英语I1 系(部): 国际商务系 教研室: 商务英语教研室 教 师: 韩 璐 职 称: 助 教 安徽中澳科技职业学院制二一三年二月 安徽中澳科技职业学院教案(首页) 课程名称商务英语I1课程编号34B196X总计: 72 学时理论: 36 学时实践: 36学时其中课堂实训:36学时学 分课程类别公共基础( ) 专业基础( ) 专业技术( ) 能力拓展( )使用教材新编剑桥商务英语(中级)第二版授课班级 11级商务英语双学历(1)(2)班教学目的要求商务英语I1是一门培养学生毕业后在涉外业务工作

2、中所必需的英语交际技能的课程。通过本课程的学习,学生在了解商务背景知识的基础上,在听、说、读、写各方面训练出扎实的英文基础,具有较高的语言水平和使用能力,具有对外经贸和商务营销必备的基础业务知识、国际商贸实际工作的基本技能。教学重点难点教学重点:与对外经贸,商务营销及国际商贸工作相关的商务背景知识;商务交际中中的英语词汇及口语表达;在商务环境下听力技能的掌握和运用;商务信函,报告及相关商务形式的写作,学生商务知识学习兴趣的培养及英语基本功的提高。教学难点:与对外经贸,商务营销及国际商贸工作相关的商务背景知识;预测、领会商务听力材料的主旨;提高商务材料的阅读速度及主旨掌握及分析能力。 主要参考资

3、料新编剑桥商务英语(第二版)(中级)(教师用书),Lan Wood,经济科学出版社2002新编剑桥商务英语练习册(中级),Lan Wood,经济科学出版社2002备 注课 时 教 案授课章节及题目Unit One Introduction of BEC授课时间第1 周 每班2节课 次1学 时2教学目标与要求1. Introduce the BEC to students2. Introduce the method to prepare and study BEC3. Introduce the types of questions in BEC exam. 教学重点与难点1. Basic k

4、nowledge of BEC2. How to prepare for the BEC exam3. Learning method of BEC course教学用具Chalks,blackboard,Computer 教学过程环节、时间授课内容教学方法Lead in(15 minutes)1. Warm-up QuestionsDo you want to get a widely-acknowledged certificate when applying for job?Do you know BEC certificate?DiscussionExtension teaching

5、(75minutes)2. Introduction of BECBEC是教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作举办商务英语证书考试。该系列考试根据商务工作的实际需要对考生在商务和一般生活环境下使用英语的能力从听说读写四个方面进行全面考查,对成绩及格者由英国剑桥大学考试委员会颁发证书。该证书由于其颁发机构的权威性,在英国、英联邦各国及欧洲大多数国家的商业企业部门获得认可,作为确认证书持有者英语能力证明的首选证书。也是在所有举办该项考试的国家和地区求职的“通行证”。现在该证书的功能已不仅限于求职,已扩展至进入大学本科学习的语言能力证明。3. Introduction of the four

6、parts of the BEC examBEC共分三个等级:BEC初级(BEC Preliminary Level,缩略为BEC Pre.),BEC中级(BEC Vantage Level,缩略为BEC Van.),BEC高级(BEC Higher Level,缩略为BEC Hi.)。考生可根据自己的英语水平自由选择相应级别报考。考试分两个阶段进行。第一阶段为笔试,包括阅读、写作和听力,第二阶段为口试。考试时间分别为: BEC中级阅读60分钟、写作45分钟、听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间)、口试14分钟;BEC高级阅读60分钟、写作70分钟、听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间)、口试16分钟

7、。4. How to prepare for BEC examUnderstand prefixes(前缀)and suffixes(后缀).Use a dictionaryRecording and storing vocabularyBuilding vocabularyDiscussionComparative teaching,Explanation and DiscussionDiscussionComparative teaching,Explanation and DiscussionDoing exercisesExercise on Page 3 and 4Exercise

8、on Page 5 and 6Reading and DiscussionAssignmentExercises on Page 6教学反思板书设计(使用多媒体教学时有板书则写,无则不写)See attached documents.课 时 教 案授课章节及题目Unit One A Teamwork授课时间第2 周 每班2节课 次2学 时2教学目标与要求1. Introduce the definition of a team to students2. Introduce the fundamental elements of a team to students.3. Make sure

9、the students understand and master the usage of the important language points of Reading Comprehension 1. 教学重点与难点1. The definition of a team.2. The fundamental elements of a team.3. Key words and expressions in Reading Comprehension 1 教学用具Chalks,blackboard,Computer 教学过程环节、时间授课内容教学方法Lead in(15 minute

10、s)1.Warm-up QuestionsNowadays there are many famous POP team, which one do you like best? Why are they successful? What makes a good team? DiscussionExtension teaching (75minutes)2. The definition of a TEAMA team is a formal group composed of cooperative and interdependent individuals who work toget

11、her to reach specific purposes and targets. 3. The fundamental elements of a TEAM - 5P Purpose:The reason to form a team is to reach a specific target. People: Teams are formed by people, and functions of the team are conducted by people, and targets can only be reached by people, so people are the

12、essential element of a team. Successful teams have diversified members rather than homogenized ones; each member has his unique skill and competitive advantage, and has his appropriate place in the team. In this way, the complementary skills of members could strengthen the ability of the team and en

13、courage teamwork.Place:Place consists of two meanings: One is the place of the team in its specific profession or industry. The other one is the place of each member in its team. Power:The hierarchical system of the team. Plan:The detailed and concrete working schedule and strategies to reach the ta

14、rget. 4. Reading: No longer Poles apartDiscussionComparative teaching,Explanation and DiscussionDiscussionComparative teaching,Explanation and DiscussionDoing exercisesReading comprehension on Page 8DiscussionAssignmentExercises on Page 7 and 8教学反思板书设计(使用多媒体教学时有板书则写,无则不写)See attached documents.课 时 教

15、 案授课章节及题目Unit One A Teamwork授课时间第 2 周 每班2节课 次3学 时2教学目标与要求1. Make sure the students understand and master the usage of the important language points of Reading Comprehension 22. Make sure the students understand and master the usage of the important language points of Reading Comprehension 3教学重点与难点1.

16、 Key words and expressions in Reading Comprehension 22. Key words and expressions in Reading Comprehension 3教学用具Chalks,blackboard,Computer 教学过程环节、时间授课内容教学方法Lead-in(15minutes)1. Warm-up Questions1. What is the definition of a team? A team is a formal group composed of cooperative and interdependent i

17、ndividuals who work together to reach specific purposes and targets. 2. What are the fundamental elements of a team?Purpose:The reason to form a team is to reach a specific target. People: People is the essential element of a team. Place:Place consists of two meanings: One is the place of the team i

18、n its specific profession or industry. The other one is the place of each member in its team. Power:The hierarchical system of the team. Plan:The detailed and concrete working schedule and strategies to reach the target. DiscussionExtension teaching (75minutes)2. Reading 2 : Arranging a course3. Rea

19、ding 3: Team-building coursesDiscussionComparative teaching,Explanation and DiscussionDoing exercisesReading comprehension on Page 9 and 10Speaking Task on Page 10Reading ListeningDiscussionAssignmentExercises on Page 10教学反思板书设计(使用多媒体教学时有板书则写,无则不写)See attached documents.课 时 教 案授课章节及题目Unit One B Comm

20、unication授课时间第3 周 每班2节课 次4学 时2教学目标与要求1. Introduce the major tools used in daily commercial communication to students2. Introduce the Principle of Conversation By American philosopher Paul Grice to students3. Make sure the students understand and master the usage of the important language points of R

21、eading Comprehension 1. 教学重点与难点1. The major tools used in daily commercial communication2. The Principle of Conversation By American philosopher Paul Grice3. Key words and expressions in Reading Comprehension 1 教学用具Chalks,blackboard,Computer 教学过程环节、时间授课内容教学方法Lead in(15 minutes)1.Warm-up QuestionsWhi

22、ch tools do you often use when contacting friends? Do you often use cellphone, QQ, MSN or Fetion?What are the advantages and disadvantages of each form of communication? DiscussionExtension teaching (75minutes)2. Different Forms of communication Use full expressions: Letters / Snail-mail:In written

23、form / can be referred to at any time / traceable time consuming E-mail / QQ/ Fetion / MSN : In written form save time / trouble Raise the efficiency in your work Accessible at any where via Internet Photo calls:In spoken form save time / trouble Raise the efficiency in your work Voice massage are u

24、ntraceable, fleeting and evanescent 3. The Principle of Conversation By American philosopher Paul GriceThe maxim of quantity Make your contribution as informative as requiredDo not make your contribution more informative than is required.The maxim of quality Do not say what you believe to be false.

25、Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. The maxim of relation :Be relevant. The maxim of manner:Avoid obscurity of expression Avoid ambiguity. Be briefBe orderly. 4. Reading: Is your English too English?DiscussionComparative teaching,Explanation and DiscussionDiscussionComparative teac

26、hing,Explanation and DiscussionDoing exercisesReading comprehension on Page 11DiscussionAssignmentExercises on Page 12教学反思板书设计(使用多媒体教学时有板书则写,无则不写)See attached documents.课 时 教 案授课章节及题目Unit One B Communication授课时间第 3 周 每班2节课 次5学 时2教学目标与要求1. Make sure the students understand and master the usage of the

27、 important language points of Listening Comprehension 12. Make sure the students understand and master the usage of the important language points of Listening Comprehension 2教学重点与难点1. Key words and expressions in Listening Comprehension 12. Key words and expressions in Listening Comprehension 2教学用具C

28、halks,blackboard,Computer 教学过程环节、时间授课内容教学方法Lead-in(15minutes)1. Warm-up Questions1. Do you often take messages for others? 2. How to take messages to others? Do you offer take notes? How to take notes? DiscussionExtension teaching (75minutes)2. Listening comprehension 1: Leaving voice mailsWhen we l

29、eave messages, it is important to be very clear.Prepare the listener for the messageMake requests simple and politeGive clear contact information3. Listening comprehension 2: Taking messagesThe following phrases are useful for taking messagesOffering help: Can I help you?Can I take a message?Asking

30、for information:Could I ask whos calling, please?Could you give me your fax number, please?Checking information:Could you spell that, please?So, thats Promising action:Ill give her the message as soon as shes backIll ask her to call you as soon as possibleDiscussionComparative teaching,Explanation and DiscussionDiscussionComparative teaching,Explanation and DiscussionDoing exercisesListening on Page 13 and 14Reading ListeningDiscussionAssignm

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