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1、412级中大南方英语专业本科论文格式英语专业本科论文格式说明目录一、前置部分 1(一)封面 1(二)英文、中文摘要和关键词 1(三)目录 2二、主体部分 4(一)正文 4(二)注释 6(三)参考文献 (References) 10三、后置部分 18(一)附录 18(二)致谢 18(三)过程检查表 18(四)答辩记录登记表 18四、注意事项 19(一)论文正文中的引用格式,供参考: 19(二)页码 (放在页面底端中间) 19 (三)图表使用格式. 20(四)整份论文包含的内容 21一、前置部分(一)封面毕业论文的封面及封底由学校统一印发。(二)英文、中文摘要和关键词英文摘要字数约250-300字

2、左右,中文摘要与英文内容基本对应,原则上字数不超过一页。摘要内容概括论文主要信息,包括研究主题、研究目的、研究方法、结论或相关启示。并在摘要下面列出35个关键词。(具体格式如下)ABSTRACT(标题位于页面首行并居中,大写,三号Times New Roman加粗,与下文空开一行)(摘要正文每段首行缩进四个英文字符,用小四号Times New Roman,1.5倍行距)空一行Keywords:, , 关键词缩进四个英文字符,Keywords一词本身用四号Times New Roman加粗。冒号后面的关键词小写(专有名词除外),用小四号Times New Roman,词与词之间用逗号(,)隔开,

3、最后一词后不用标点符号。关键词与上文空一行。如需换行的,可用悬挂缩进或手工换行的方法,使第二行与上一行的第一个关键词对齐。摘要(中文摘要另起一页,标题位于页面首行并居中,三号黑体加粗,与下文空开一行)(摘要正文各段落首行缩进两个中文字符,用小四号宋体,1.5倍行距)(空一行)关键词:,“关键词”缩进两个中文字符,“关键词”本身用四号黑体加粗。冒号后面的关键词用小四号宋体,词与词之间用逗号(,)隔开,关键词与上文空一行。(三)目录1. 另起一页,标题CONTENTS位于页面首行居中,大写,三号Times New Roman加粗,与下文空开一行; 2. 目录中,章与章之间隔一行;3. 章标题(即一

4、级标题)Chapter X与标题内容之间留两个英文字符的空格;章标题采用小四号Times New Roman,加粗;(eg.: Chapter One空两格 General Introduction);4. 二级标题(如1.1,1.2,2.1等)向内缩进四个英文字符;目录中最多写到三级标题;5.同级标题必须有两个或以上,即有1就应有2,有1.1就应有1.2,有3.1.1就应有3.1.2,依次类推;6. 标题内容一般用词组形式而不用句子形式表达。同一篇论文中的标题,语言表达形式要统一。标题一般采用名词词组形式,也可采用动词不定式、动名词、动词的现在分词、形容词或介词等词组形式。但无论采用哪种形式

5、,在同一级标题中必须统一,不可几种形式混用。7. 各级标题中的实词首字母都大写,虚词的首字母不大写,但多音节的介词可例外,又虚词若在行首其首字母必须大写。8.标题及内容全部采用小四号Times New Roman,1.5倍行距,页码用阿拉伯数字标注;CONTENTS(空一行)Chapter One General Introduction.11.1 The Concept of Metaphor.11.2 Traditional Theories of Metaphorical Translation.2(空一行)Chapter Two Literature Review.32.1 The L

6、imitations of Traditional Metaphorical Study.32.2 The Entry Point of This Thesis.3Chapter Three The Main Sources of Chinese Metaphors.53.1 Metaphor in Ancient Literatures.53.1.1 Metaphors in Ancient Chinese Poems.53.1.2 Metaphors in Ancient Articles. .63.2 Traditional Beliefs and Their Influences in

7、 the Forming of Metaphor.73.3 Literary Quotations and Their Translations.7Chapter Four Special Metaphor Figurative Use in Chinese.84.1 The Peculiar Ways of Thinking in Chinese.84.2 Metaphors and the Style Reflection of the Writer.104.3 Metaphors and the Style Reflection of the Ages.11Chapter Five Tr

8、anslations of Chinese Metaphors.135.1 Metaphors Perceiving.135.2 Metaphor Inference.155.3 Retaining the Cultural Connotation in Translation16Chapter Six Conclusion .19References .20Acknowledgements.22二、主体部分(一)正文Chapter One 1. 另起一页,一级标题(即章标题)Chapter X与标题内容之间留两个英文字符的空格,位于页面首行,居中,字体Times New Roman, 小二号

9、加粗。与下文二级标题(如1.1)之间空开两行。2. 小标题(如二级标题1.1 三级标题1.1.1等)一律使用四号Times New Roman加粗。左对齐,与下文不空行。如出现四级以下标题,一律使用小四号Times New Roman不加粗,左对齐,与下文不空行。3. 论文正文左起空四个英文字符,使用小四号字,Times New Roman,1.5倍行距。4. 图表、公式一律用阿拉伯数字按章节顺序编号。图序、图名置于图下方,居中。表序、表名置于表上方,居中。5. 正文属于论文主体部分,论文字数不少于5000字, 原则上不超过6000字。注:1.以后的章节与上述格式相同,新的chapter需另起

10、一页。2.正文部分的所有标题,其序号及写法必须与目录中标题的序号及写法相一致。3.正文中的标题应避免出现在页面的最后一行。4.正文字体一般为Times New Roman 小四号,正体,行距为1.5倍,但有时为了把图表等放在一页内,或为了避免标题出现在一页的最后一行,可以对部分段落作适当的行距调整,如缩小行距,调整为单倍或1.25倍行距;或扩大行距,调整为1.75倍甚至2倍行距。Chapter Two Literature Review(一级标题与二级标题之间空两行)2.1 The Theoretical FoundationAny practical study needs a theore

11、tical foundation which provides a guidance to the practice. This chapter will analyze the functional equivalence theory which has made great contribution to advertising translation.(各节,各小节内容之间空一行)2.1.1 Development of Functional EquivalenceThe concept of dynamic equivalence was firstly mentioned by N

12、ida (1959) in the article Principles of Translations as Exemplified by Bible Translating as he attempted to define translating. When the theory was put forward, there were a lot of followers while a few people doubted it. The expression “dynamic equivalence” is superseded by “functional equivalence”

13、 in order to avoid some misunderstandings in his book From One Language to Another (Nida & Waard 1986). Although there are still some opposing voices, Nidas translation theory has attracted and will continue to attract people with its theoretical and practical value in translation studies.(各节,各小节内容之

14、间空一行) Nidas Functional EquivalenceAfter putting forward the expression of dynamic equivalence, Nida first postulated the concept of dynamic equivalence translation in 1964. Later Nida came up with a much clearer definition of dynamic equivalence as follows: in terms of the degree to which the

15、 receptors of the message in the receptor language respond to it in substantially the same manner as the receptors in the source language (Nida & Taber 1969). (二)注释本科阶段毕业论文的注释使用夹注,不采用脚注或尾注。夹注 :某些引文或所依据的文献无需详细注释者,以夹注的形式随文在括弧内注明。A. 来自专著的直接引语,作者姓名在文中已经出现 Direct quotations from a book, authors name in t

16、ext格式:出版年份:页码。Format: Year: page number(s).Example: Rees said, “As key aspects of learning are not stable, but changeable, this opens the way for the role of the teacher as the pre-eminent mediator in the process” (1986:241).B. 来自专著的直接引语,作者姓名在文中没有出现 Direct quotations from a book, authors name NOT in

17、 text中文专著引用格式:作者姓名(用拼音写出姓名)+ 出版年份:页码。如:(Jin Shenghua 2003:26)。凡在论文中需要注明中文文献引用出处时,涉及到作者的统一使用姓名的拼音形式。英文专著引用格式Format: Authors last name(英文作者只写姓,不写名), year: page number(s).Example: “One reason perhaps is that the Chinese audience is more familiar with and receptive to Western culture than the average En

18、glish reader is to Chinese culture” (Fung 1995:71).C. 来自某篇文章的直接引语,作者姓名在文中已经出现 Direct quotations from an article, authors name in text格式:发表年份Format: YearExample: Ernst Rose submits, “The highly spiritual view of the world presented in Siddhartha exercised its appeal on West and East alike” (1974).D.

19、来自某篇文章的直接引语,作者姓名在文中没有出现 Direct quotations from an article, authors name NOT in text格式:作者姓名拼音及出版年份。Format: Authors last name +year.Example: “Everything rests on the notion that there is such a thing as just words but there isnt” (Bateson 1972).E. 来自专著的间接引语,作者的姓名在文中已经提到Indirect quotations from a book,

20、 authors name in text格式:出版年份:引文页码。Format: Year: page number(s).Example: According to Alun Rees (1986:234), the writers focus on the unique contribution that each individual learner brings to the learning situation.F. 来自专著的间接引语,作者的姓名在文中没有提到Indirect quotations from a book, authors name NOT in text格式:作

21、者姓名拼音,出版年:引文页码。Format: Authors last name, Year: page number(s).如果所述观点可直接从原文中找到,使用Example 1的格式:see Authors last name +Year: page number(s).Example 1: It may be true that in the appreciation of medieval art the attitude of the observer is of primary importance (see Robertson 1987:136).如果所述观点部分与原文有关,使用

22、Example 2的格式:c.f. Authors last name +Year: page number(s).Example 2:It may be true that in the appreciation of medieval art the attitude of the observer is of primary importance (c.f. Robertson 1987:136).G. 来自文章的间接引语,作者的姓名在文中没有提到Indirect quotations from an article, authors name NOT in text格式:作者姓名拼音,

23、出版年份。Format: Authors last name, Year: Examples:Example:It is argued that if communication is to be successful, the people involved need to share the same referential meaning of the words they are using (Byron & Fleming 1999).H提到某人的观点与姓名 Reference of authors name and opinion(s) in text格式:发表年份(紧跟姓名后)F

24、ormat: Year(following the authors last name).Example: Fries (1981) attempted to provide evidence that Theme is a meaningful concept by showing a number of short texts.I 提到某人的观点(没有提到姓名)Reference of authors opinion(s), name NOT in text格式:作者姓名拼音+发表年份Format: Authors last name, Year.Example:The point has

25、 been argued before(Frye 1988). J. 互联网资料 Internet information格式:编号Format: Number of order.Example:“A deconstructive reading is a reading which analyses the specificity of a texts critical difference from itself” (Net.2.).(注:Net.2.“征引文献”中的编号,是为了便于注明文内引语的出处。参看第部分:“参考文献”中的“互联网资料 Internet information”)注

26、:1. 夹注中如出现两名作者,A. 中文文献:(Jin Shenghua & Zhang Nanfeng)以拼音的形式列出两位作者的姓名中间用“&”连接B. 英文:(Alcock & Thornhill)两位作者的姓氏(only last name),中间用“&”连接 2. 三位及以上的作者,只需列出一位作家,后面添加et al.(means:and others)A. 中文:(Jin Shenghua et al.) 一位作者的姓名拼音+et al.B. 英文: (Millar et al.) last name of one author + et al.3. 同一位作者同年份出版的不同著

27、作根据出版月份的先后在出版年份添加a或b,并与论文reference部分保持一致Eg.: (Bateson 1972a) (Bateson 1972b)(三)参考文献(标题使用References,不使用Selected Bibliography或者Bibliography)1. 凡论文正文中引用他人文献的,都必须在有关之处用圆括号作文内夹注,同时该引文出处的详细信息必须出现在参考文献内。2. 参考文献要另起新的一页开始写。 标题位于页面首行居中,字体Times New Roman, 三号加粗。3. 要求参考文献书目不少于八项,外文文献书目不少于总书目的一半。4. 参考文献按序排放,英文参考文

28、献在前,按照首字母顺序排序;无明显作者的英文参考文献(如某些词典辞书或百科全书)则按照书名的英文字母顺序排列。5. 汉语参考文献在后,按照姓氏拼音顺序排放。无明显作者的中文参考文献按照书名的拼音字母顺序排列。6. 标题和内容隔一行,一个英文文献字数若超过一行,第二行的句首需缩进四个字母,如是中文文献,第二行则缩进两个汉字字符。7. 中英文参考文献内容都使用小四号,英文为Times New Roman中文为宋体,1.5倍行距。8. 同一作者的文献,按出版年份的先后为序;同一作者同一年出版的文献,按月份为序排列。9.慎用网上不规范的资料。ReferencesDubin, Fraida & Olsh

29、tain Elite. Course Design. Shanghai: Foreign Languages Education Press, 2002Fulwiler, T. How well does writing across teaching work? College English 46, 1984:13-25Fairbanks, Carol. Prairie Women: Images in American and Canadian Fiction. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986Hirsch, David. Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know. Boston: Houghton, 1987Halliday, M.A.K. & R. Hasan. La

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