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七下英语Unit4 save the trees教案牛津深圳版.docx

1、七下英语Unit4 save the trees教案牛津深圳版2017年七下英语Unit4 save the trees教案(牛津深圳版) Unit 4 Save the trees 教案题: Unit 4 Save the trees (阅读)时: 第 1 时,共 4 时型:Reading教学目标:1 Students an understand the intervie abut trees2 Students an iprve their reading abilit 3 Students understanding and lving trees and nature is devel

2、ped4 Students get the detailed language pints f the text Students an retell the ntext in their n rds6 Students an thin f re as t prtet trees教学重点: 1Get the ain idea f the text2aster the detailed language pints f the text教学难点: 1Students an tell the iprtane f the trees 2H t enurage the students t retel

3、l the ntext教学准备: PPT, Blabard教学步骤:Step 1aring up 1通过播放PPT向学生展示一棵果树,学习新单词。2Read after the teaher3Read the ne rds b theselves4r in pairs t tal abut “hat d trees d fr us?”Step 2 Pre-reading Reading t get the ain idea b siing sanning and tas-readingL at the phts and the title f the artile t anser the qu

4、estins1 hat d u thin the intervie is abut?2hat an e ae fr trees? (3 exaples)Fast reading1As students t read the artile quil then finish Part 12he their ansersareful reading 1As students t read the artile arefull, then finish 2 and D1 2he their ansersStep 3 Disussin1As students t r in grups t disuss

5、the questin “h des Rebea sas “I ant iagine a rld ithut trees”?2he their ansersStep 4 Retell the text, arding t the e rds(grup r) 1 Pratie retelling the text ne b ne in grups 2 Help the t revie the e sentenes r rds and enurage the t retell the textStep Reading prehensinRead the passage and finish the

6、 exerise in inutes(he the anser in grups)Step 6: Language pints Self- studRead the text t find the iprtant sentenes Learn the learning sheet t finish the related exerise Grup r t share the learning result and help t slve the different pints sh the learning result b grupsStep 7 Using the language pin

7、ts(gaes :lu eber)Step 8 DisussinSlve the prbles given b the teaher t earn ars fr their grup Step9 Su upSuarize the language pints and grup r resultStep10 HerStep11 The blabard designUnit 4 Save the treeseep sth ad 使某物tae in 吸收e fr 自于ut dn 砍伐题: Unit 4 Save the trees 教案(听说)时: 第 2 时,共 4 时型: Listening &

8、ap; Speaing教学目标:1 Students an listen t se infratin abut pine trees2 Students an tal abut the usage f pine trees 3 Students n re abut trees教学重点: listen t se infratin abut pine trees教学难点: tal abut the usage f pine trees教学准备: PPT, Blabard, usi教学步骤:Step1aring up1GruprAs students t r in grups t tal abut

9、“ h des Rebea sa “I ant iagine a rld ithut trees”?”Befre listening2Tp tip 1)Intrdue se lin rds,suh as “then,next,after”2)As students t pa attentin t the hile listening3)讲述“then,next,after”的用法及作用。Step2 Listeninghile listening1Pla the tape fr the t get andfinish the Exerises2he the ansersPst listening

10、RevieRead the ntes abut pine trees Tr t su up all the uses f a pine treeStep 3 Spea up1r in grups t tal abut this questinh are trees s iprtant?2The uses f trees3学习一些含有辅音连缀的单词。a) Read after the teaher r the tapeb)Read b theselvesStep4 SuarizeStep HerStep 6 The blabard designUnit 4 Save the trees连接词:t

11、hen next after re than = ver 超过、多于fight against 与作斗争be gd fr 对有利(好处)辅音连缀题: Unit 4 Save the trees 教案(语法及应用)时: 第 3 时,共 4 时型: Graar ≈re Pratie教学目标:1 Students an aster the rules f present ntinuus tense2 The an use the graar rretl3 Students speaing abilit is iprved教学重点: The rules f the graar教学难点: The

12、different frs f the tense教学准备: PPT, Blabard教学步骤:Step1aring up1 Dail reprt Desribing tdas ativit2Inivte ne student n dut t desribe his tdas ativit lie:This rningNThis afternn2 Listen t the dail reprt and tae ntes ,then anser the questin:hat as his ativit in the rning ?hat is his ativit n?Step2Graar l

13、earning1现在进行时态的定义及构成。2 The ing fr f different rds3 The different frs f present ntinuus tense4bservatin and Disussin Disuss in pairs t rite dn the rules f ing frs and different sentenes frs6he the ith the anser and give rears t urselfStep3 Using the graar t get detailed pints1Invite a student t ie an

14、d as the t anser :hat is he ding ?2Present se istaen sentenes t tell the se rds ant be used in this tense 3Find the istaes arding t the rules and rret the Pa attentin t the rds hat an be used in this tenseStep4Tal tieDesribe a piture P0 A1L at the piture n P0 plete the nversatin and pla the dialgue

15、fr the lass2lead the t P0 and enurage the t tal it using the given exerise Step Ativit ie1 Explain the rules:A line a grup t ie the first ativit ne b ne The last ne begin t tell hat he is ding?2 Fll the rules t pla the gaes and lets see h an students at as the sae f the first neStep 6 Her1Finish the

16、 exerise n p1 2rite at least ten sentenes t desribe ur lassates ativit using this tenseStep7 The blabard designUnit 4 Save the trees1现在进行时及其构成2现在分词的构成规则3现在进行时态的使用注意事项题: Unit 4 Save the trees 教案(写作)时: 第 4 时,共 4 时型: riting 教学目标:1Let students n h t desribe the fur seasns and n h t rite passage abut the

17、 fur seasns 2Pratie students riting abilit 教学重点: The usage f the adetives教学难点: Using the right sentene struture教学准备: PPT, Blabard教学步骤:Step1aring up Step2presentatin Befre riting1Sh se pitures fr the t tal abut hat the are ding ? Help the anser The are planting tree If neessar the an spea hinese2揭示新语

18、法现在进行时及其构成3用现在进行时讨论给出的四幅图片。hat are the ding ?The are planting trees and flersStep3 riting1Arding t these fur pitures t rite an artile “Tree Planting Da “2Read se exellent artiles fr theStep4 ulture rner1As students t read the artile 2Anser se questins3he the ansersStep Grup r-Pret1r in grups t tal a

19、but “Planting green ativities”2唤起同学们的环保意识,绿色出行,从我做起。Step6 Su up 1H t rganize the riting2 List the beautiful sentenes the rite in the passagesStep 7 HerReite the passage hih given as a saple Step8 The blabard designUnit 4 Save the trees1现在进行时及其构成2hat are the ding ? The are planting trees and flers3hinese tea4Planning green ativities

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