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1、一年级下册Module9docModule 9 单元分析教学目标分析语口 知 识 目 标功能谈论喜好语法全体学生能初步运用:I like football .What s your favourite sport?词汇全体学生能理解:like, lion, them, all, play, with, together, favourtite, sport, guess, meatbail, what about*? Swimming 全体学生能初步运用:like, favourite, sport部分学生能初步运用:lion, them, all, play, with, together,

2、 guess, meatball, what about-? swimming语音感知英语中大多数情况下陈述句和特殊疑问句结尾的降调语口 技 能 目 标听全体学生能听懂:I like football. What, s your favourtie sport?说全体学生能说:I like football .What s your favourtic sport?读全体学生能整体感知:like, favourite, sport写全体学生能视觉感知:like, favourite, sport运用全体学牛能初步运用:I like football. What, s your favourit

3、e sport?学 习 策 略积极与他人合作,共同完成调查和其他学习任务文化意识了解西方的体育文化,增强跨文化理解能力情感态度积极尝试使用英语询问他人的兴趣爱好,并正确表达自己的喜好。任 务Unit 1:调查全班同学喜欢的球类运动,组建球队Unit 2 :调查全班同学各方面的兴趣爱好,组建兴趣小组教学内容分析本模块的话题是个人喜好Unit 1的课文情境是熊猫Panpan和朋友们相互介绍各自喜欢的体育活动, 他们发现大家都喜欢足球,就决定一起去踢足球。但是当Panpan想打开书 包把自己的足球拿出来时,却发现书包破了一个洞,足球不知道哪里去了。Unit 2的课文情境是同学之间相互询问喜好,以增进

4、了解,进而明确可以 共同开展的活动。本模块运用I like”和My favouriteis”两种结构说明喜好。我们说明自己喜好的目的是让他人了解自己的兴趣与特长,这样就可以根据 各自的兴趣、发挥各自的特长开展相应的活动了。 “1 like”和“Myfavouriteis”两种结构表达喜好的程度有所不同,My favourite is”相当于I likemost”第-w总第34删Unit 1 Module 9 Unit 1 Hike football.目标能目标1.新单词we和like2.1 like -We like-.They like三个句型并能在创设情景 中运用.情感目标教育学生热爱体育

5、活动。新单词we和like并围绕运动”这一主题常握运用I like We like.They like -三个句型让学生了解掌握I like We like-*-. They like三句话的含义, 并运用于不同的情景中。课件,录音机,卡片等等教学过程设计教学活动图SteplWarming upStep 1 Warm-up1、 GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning2、(课件、录咅)Let s chantFootbal 1, / (升调)footbal 1, (降调)lets play footbal1.Basketba

6、l 1, / basketball, let s playbasketbal1.Swimming, 7 swimming, let s goswimming.Ping-pong, / ping-pong, let s play pin g-po ng.T: Just now, the chant is about sports, 这 首歌谣是关于运动的,ok, today, let s talk about sports.3、 (单词卡片sport)老师教读、升降调读、解 意、开火车读,小老师教读、分小组比赛4、 (教师相机拿出单词卡片like,做上手势)T:T 1 ike sport. Do

7、 you know this word?(师教单词like):老师教读,升降调读、解意、开 火车读,小老师教读、分小组比赛Step2PrcscntationStep 2 Presentation1、(做出踢球的动作)学生齐唱歌谣可 以巩固所学句型 和单词,歌谣朗朗 上口,学生易于记 忆。小组比赛记忆单 词可以激发学生 参与的热情,而H 可以调动学生学 习的积极性。实物运用,可以激发学牛学习兴趣,T: So many people like sports. OK! Look!Do you know this sport?Ss:足球。T:(师拿出 like) I like football.我喜欢

8、足 球。师教句子:I like football. (1 :双手放在胸 前;like:左手做good状,右手在上打圈; football:作脚踢足球状,)(教完I like football.后,依次岀现打篮球、 游泳、打乒乓球的图片,并教I like basketball, 1 like swimming, I like ping-pong)3、 (师指一学生)T: I like football. Do you like football?生:YesNo.师:(对说Yes的学生,拍拍学生的肩)We like footbal1.Do you know this word “we” ?(师教授

9、新单词 we,并板书,教读、解意、升降调读、拼读,书 空,开火车读,小老师教读、分小组比赛)4、 用同法练习 We like basketball. We like swimming. We like ping-pong.5、 Let s play a gameSI: Hikefootballbasketballswimmingping-pong.S2( 拍 同 桌 肩 ):We likefootballbasketballswimmingping-pong 此时,教师引出:They like footballbaskctballswimmingPing-pong.(师拿出卡片复习they,板

10、书,解意、升 降调读、老师教读,书空,开火车、分小组比赛) 7、分小组练习:Hike -Welike-.They like-而且使教学更为 直观,形象,生动。游戏的介入,激发学 生学习英语的热情, 而且带动每一个学生 都能参与其中。这个 游戏很好的学习句型 We likefootbal1basketbal lswimmingping-po ngStep 3 Reading.Step 3. Learn the textT: You know so many sports. Panpan and his friends are talking about the sports, too.学牛充当教

11、师角 色,学生积极性能 很大的调动,而且 可以了解学生的 学习程度。I like football.T 1 ike basketball.T 1 ike ping-pong.第二课时 总第35课时Ihit 2 Module 9 Unit 1 1 like football. 渤授课)目标目标1.新单词we和like2.I 1 ike We like.They like三个句型并能在创设 情景中运用林目标教育学生热爱体育活动。新单词we和like并围绕“运动”这一主题掌握运用T like -We like-. They like三个句型让学生了解掌握I like We like*. They l

12、ike三句话的含义,并运用丁不冋的情景中。课件,录音机,卡片等等教学过 程设计教学活动设H意图SteplWarming up and revisionStep 1. Warming up1.Free talk.2.Sing the song.3.Revise the sentence What do you like? T like football/baskctbal1/ping-pong.学生齐唱歌谣可 以巩固所学句型 和单词,歌谣朗朗 上口,学生易于记 忆。Step2 Presentation.Step 2.Presentation1.Show the pictures to the S

13、s, and get them to speak out the words.2.Match the words with the right pictures. Step 3-PracticeGet the Ss to practice the sentence I 1ikc/footbal1/baskctbal1/ping-pong.I 1 ike red/yellow/blue/green/orange /pink/purplc/blackI 1 ike dogs/cats/giraffes/1ions.Step 3.Chant1.Sb page 50, 1. Get the Ss to

14、 watch the video, and ask them to repeat the chant they hear.2.Watch to the video again, get the Ss to read it together.3- Ask the Ss to read it togcther, then one by one.此项练习可以巩 固所学单词,而且 图片的加入使练 习简单。运用图片练习可 以使句型练习量 增加,可以使每个 学生都参与其中。动画片是学生们 最喜爱的,直观, 形象,生动,活泼。 学生乐于接受。Step 3Text teaching.Step 4.Listen

15、 and read1.Sb page 50, 2. Get the Ss toListen to the tape and then to the tape again.3.Ask the Ss to read the dialogue together.4.Ask the Ss to read the dialogue one by one.Step 5.Acting1.Get the Ss to act out the dialogue in pairs.2.Ask the Ss to act out the dialogue in front of the B

16、b跟读句型,学生可 以模仿优良的语 音,语调,形成一 个优良的朗读习 惯。学生扮演对话可 以巩固所学,更大 的程度上去加以 记忆。作Wi十住轆磁糊读第50-54页课文五遍。板书设计Module 9 Unit 1 I like football.1 like football.I like basketbalLI like ping-pong.第三駙 总第36尉Unit 2 What s your favouritc sport?目标能目标通过语言交流,听懂会说单词: favourite, sport, about.在情境中理解并运用功能 句:What,s your favourite ? My

17、 favouriteis艇目标在活动屮,学生学会运用所学知识进行交流,并在交流中学会 合作。1.听懂会说本课 favourite, sport, about.等词。2. 听懂、会说、理解功能句 What s your favourite ? My favourite*-is-3.能用功能句进行简单的交流。课件,录音机,卡片等等教学过程设计教学活动设计意图Stepl Wanning up and revisionStep 1. Warming up1.Greeting:T: Hello boys and girls. How are you today? Lets sing a song, OK

18、?T: Now, Let s have a match.这节课我们将继 续进行一场比赛,看哪个小队最棒。2.T: Look, What s this? What colour is it? (Show some pictures of the animals on TV) S: It s &3.T:What do you like?S: I like 学牛齐唱歌谣可 以巩固所学句型 和单词,歌谣朗朗 上口,学生易于记 忆。比赛进入课堂,学 生学习的更为投 入,更为积极。Step2Step 2. Presentation1. T: Look, what arc they?(这些单词属于哪 一类的

19、?)S:动物 T: Yes. They are animals. ( Teach the word “animal” ) My favourite animal is panda. ( Teach the word favourite” and the sentence: My favouritc animal is )What s yourfavourite animal?(板书,同时引导学生回 答)T: Now who can ask me?(让学牛学会运用 What s your favour! te animal ? )T: A nd wha t看图,回答问题可 以使学生注意力 集中,

20、而且使问题 变得更简单一些。学生谈论自己喜 欢的动物,能更好 的巩固今天所学 句型。are they?S: colour.T: Good. My favourite colour is black. What about you? (teach the sentenee: What about you?)S: My favourite colour is.T: And what are they?S:运动T: Yes.They re sports. ( Teach the word sport” ) What, s your favourite sport?S: My favourite sp

21、ort is T: Very good! What about you? (Ask the other pupils)T:让我们来听听书中的小朋友最喜欢的 animal, colour and sport 都是什么? look、 listen and repeat.T: Listen and read again.学生谈论自己喜 欢的颜色,能更好 的巩固今天所学 句型,而且将今天 所学加以拓展。谈论运动,不仅可 以巩固句型,而且 还可以巩固以前 所学的单词。Step 3Step 3.PracticeT: Look. Let,s ask and answer in partner. S: Fre

22、e talk.T: Now, Let have a match.T: Please take out your questionnairs. 请在你喜欢的animal, colour, sport 一栏里 打钩。然后在你自己的小队里找你的好朋友交 流.0K?S: Talk about the questionnairs.Step 4.ProductionI. Listen and choose:(听音,找岀与众不同 的词)1.( ) A. lion B. pig C. blue D. duck2.( ) A. football B. giraffe C. swimming D. ping-po

23、ng3.( ) A. orange B. green C. purple D. basketballIT. Read and match:(读句子、连线)1.Whas your favourite animal? A. It s black.2.Whas your favourite sport?B It s football.3.Whats your favourite colour? C. It, s a panda.Step 5. Summary1. Read the words and sentences on the两人一组进行问 答练习可以让每 个学牛都能参加 此项活动,使每一 个

24、人都有机会去 说英语。学生听音,找不同 可以培养学生的 听力,而且还注重 每个单词的不同 读音。blackboard again, do the summary of this lesson.(和学生一起读板书上的单词和目标 语句,再次巩固本课重点内容。)2. Let s Sing the song:We like swimming OK?此项练习是为今 天所学做一个巩 固性的练习,可以 加深学生今天所 学,而且可以对学 生今天的所学进 行一个测试。作业姗品販蹄朗读第50-54页课文石遍。板书设计Unit 2 What s your favourite sport?Whats your fav

25、ourite colour?My favourite colour is red.Whats your favourite animal?My favourite emimal is the cat.Whats your favourite sport?My favourite sport is swimming.第四课时 总第37鮒Unit 2 完成课鸯动用书 (练习课)目标能目标通盼J来9帼本模朋浮的内容。情感目标学生在听听、说说、做做、涂涂屮感受学习英语的馳。完成第3033页练习。课件,课豁瑕用书,教錯用书教学过程设计教学活动设计意图Stepl Revision and wanning

26、up.Step 1. Warming up1.Greetings.2.Sing the song.3.Revise the sentences Whats your favourite colour/animal/sport? 学生向老师打招呼。学生复习句型 What s your favourite colour/animal/sport?学生齐唱歌谣可 以巩固所学句型 和单词,歌谣朗朗 上口,学生易于记 忆。Step2 Do theexercises.Step 2. Listen and tick1. Wb page 34, 2. Get the Ss to listen to the t

27、ape and tick the right pictures.此项练习可以极大地提高学生的2.Play to the tape again.3.Check the Ss answers.4.Get the Ss to repeat the sentences that thet hear.学生听磁带,选出止确的图片。学生再听一遍磁带。学生重复所听到的句子。Step 3.Read and tick.1.Wb page 35 , 5. Get the Ss to listen to the tape and read the sentences by themselves,then tick t

28、he right answers.2.Play to the tape again.3.Check the Ss, answers.4.Get the Ss to speak out the answers. 学生听磁带,选出正确的答案。学生读句子,选出正确答语。学生读出正确的句子。Step 4. Read and match1.Wb page 37, 4. Get the Ss to read the sentences and match the answers.2.Check the Ss, answers.3.Get the Ss to speak out the sentences.

29、 Step 5.listen and match.1.Wb page 37, 5. Get the Ss to find and circle the right words.2.Check the Ss, answers.学生读单词并选出正确的单词。学牛读句子选出正确答案。学生读出句子。Step 6. Read and tick.1 Wb page 37 , 6- Get the Ss to read the sentences and tick the right answer.2.Check the Ss, answers.3.Get the Ss to speak out the se

30、ntences.听力水平,培养学生一个良好的听力习惯。重复所听听到的 句子可以极大提 高学生的听力水 平,而且可以培养 学生的专注力。经常做这样的练 习可以培养学牛 的做题能力,还可 以培养他们独自 思考的能力。作业册1、 随瞬朗读第5054页课文a遍。2、 听指第5658页课文。板书跖十Unit 2 What s your favourite sport?What s your favourite colour?X我區韦秦妙敖堀郵鲫血齟国胡w珊wi楮般叭!。网吐羽门阀 MWI1W 演I瞬网1彰M卿轡濂囱普祠聽应割蒯谿1灶 禺磁瞬畅癖倔帥娜印仙w即憾嗨 刖ETST Mods列!JHOAEJ 心6 口曲ormoAej jhoX s严购羽! I I,襯宙UW击右魏西瑟WWWfWSuiuiuiiAis si q.jods 0.1 jnoAUj Xj 占jjods ailjnoAPj anoX s300

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