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二年级上册英语教案Unit 4 Clean the table please牛津译林版一起.docx

1、二年级上册英语教案Unit 4 Clean the table please牛津译林版一起Unit4 Clean the table, please.第一课时一、 教学内容牛津小学英语2A第四单元,第一课时(Learn to say, Look and learn)。二、 教学目标1. 能初步听懂、会说单词a door, a window, a desk, a table, a chair。2. 能听懂、会说句型Clean the , please.及其回答All right.3. 培养学生养成良好的卫生习惯以及热爱劳动的意识。三、 教学重点1. 能初步听懂、会说单词a door, a win

2、dow, a desk, a table, a chair。2. 能听懂、会说句型Clean the , please.并能用All right.回答。四、 教学难点能在情景中正确运用Clean the , please.请求他人完成特定动作,语音语调正确。五、 课前准备1. 教具准备1) 本单元B部分单词图片及教室图片。2) 句子卡片。3) 自制课件。4) 游戏卡片。2. 板书准备 事先写好课题Unit 4 。六、 教学过程A. Warming up(约3分钟)1. Listen to a song: 2. T: Oh, its cold/ hot Close/ Open the door,

3、 please.Close/ Open the window, please.S: All right/ OK.T: Thank you.B. Presentation and practice(约15分钟)1. Learn to say: a door, a window, a desk, a chair(重点为后两个单词)T: Now, lets start our lesson. Look, Ive got a new photo. Its a photo of our classroom. Is it nice?Ss: Yes, its very nice. (帮助学会理解classr

4、oom)T: Boys and girls, look at our classroom.Ss: Its bright/ big.T: Yes, its big and bright. Now what can you see in the classroom? (手指门) Oh, a door.Ss: (手指窗)A window.用同样的方法学习a desk, a chair教师出示图片及单词卡片,领读、齐读、个别读。2. Learn to say: clean以及 Clean the chair, please.T: (作坐下状)Oh, the chair is dirty. Let me

5、 clean the chair.(边擦边不停重复Clean,clean the chair.)T: Now the chair is clean, I can sit on it. Oh, the desk is dirty, too. . Clean the desk, please. (教师不停重复Clean, clean the desk, please.)S: All right/ OK.T: Thank you.教师出示句子卡片,领读、齐读、两个两个读。C. Consolidation(约10分钟)T:(环顾教室,检查卫生并作不满意状)The classroom is not cl

6、ean, its dirty. Boys and girls, lets clean the classroom. OK?/ All right?Ss: OK./ All right.T: Whos on duty?/ Whos the volunteer?Ss: is./ I am.T: Lets say to him/ her together.T:(手指窗) , clean the window, please. S1: OK.T: (手指椅子), clean the chair, please. S2: All right.D. Presentation and practice(约1

7、0分钟)(Learn to say: a table, a sofa)1. T: Now, the classroom is big, bright and clean. Lets play a game and have a rest. I have some pictures and please guess what they are.(屏幕显示一间空的房间, 依次快速闪烁图片出现a door, a window, a chair, a desk, a table)T: Whats that? S: Its a .T: Is that a ? S: Yes, it is./ No, it

8、 isnt.(出现table图片)T: Is that/this a desk? S: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.T: Its a table.(比较table和desk的区别。)2. Learn to say: a table3.(空的房间布置好后,齐读5个单词)4. Play a game:心有灵犀(竞赛游戏)1) 游戏规则:分四大组,每组选1人作代表,轮流进行。代表抽取卡片,卡片上有句子,如Clean the window, please.并配图。代表看完图片后,用动作表演出图中意思,让全班同学们猜,猜中的同学所在组得分。如果代表自己的一组猜中,得2分,其他组猜

9、中的,则猜中者所在组得1分。猜中或3次猜不中后,T出示卡片,齐读句子。猜中者获得小礼物,最后胜利的一大组获全体表扬。2) 游戏示范3) 玩游戏5.(游戏的最后一张图片为clean the table)揭题、板书Clean the table, please.6.Listen to the tape, and read after it.E. Homework (约2分钟)1. 听录音,熟练朗读对话,并能在生活中对话。2. 试着用所学的句子和同学编一个简短的对话进行游戏。图chairdoor图图table图window图deskClean the table, please.All right.

10、Clean the chair, please.OK.Unit 4 Clean the table, please.板书设计Unit4 Clean the table, please.第二课时一、 教学内容:牛津小学英语2A第四单元,第二课时(Look and learn, Sing a song)。二、 教学目标:1. 能进一步听懂、会说单词:a door, a window, a desk, a sofa, a table, a chair。2. 能初步拼读本单元所学单词。3. 能正确自如运用日常用语:Clean the , please. All right. / OK. 4. 能正确演

11、唱本单元的歌曲:。三、 教学重点:1. 能正确地听、说本单元6个单词。2. 能结合所学日常用语,把单词正确自如地运用于句子中。3. 能正确演唱本单元歌曲。四、教学难点:1. 能读准B部分六个单词。2. 能在情景中自如地运用Clean the , please.及其应答。五、课前准备: 1. 教具准备1)单词图片。2)自制课件或多媒体光盘。2. 板书准备课前写好课题Unit4 Clean the table, please.六、 教学过程A. Warm-up(约5分钟)1. 师生进行日常问候Greetings: a) Say good morning.b) Sing a song: Hello.

12、2. 自由对话,复习最近学过的单词和日常交际用语。e.g. T: How are you?S: Im fine, thank you, and you? T: Im fine, too. Look at the sun. S: Oh, its bright. T: Yes, its sunny.B. Presentation.(约20分钟)1. 继续日常会话,由日常会话引出第一课时句型,进行复习。T: Look at the desk. Is it clean? Ss: No, it isnt.T: Peter, clean the desk, please.Peter: OK.T: Oh,

13、its still not clean. Boys and girls, lets say together. ( 要求学生一起说出上一课时所学句型。)Ss: Clean the desk, please.2. 通过句型复习,引出新授单词。 T: Now, listen and act. (教师给出口令,请学生边大声重复边做动作,运用竞赛机制,进行男女生对抗赛,比一比谁的声音响亮发音准确且动作正确。).e.g. T: Clean the desk. Ss: Clean the desk.T: Clean the chair. Ss: Clean the chair. T: Clean the

14、door. (教师用身体语言示范。) Ss: Clean the door.教授新单词door,带领学生拼读单词。并用同样方法教授window。3. 请两位学生作为男女生代表,到台前来比赛。教师出示单词卡片,其他学生给出正确口令,以帮助队友正确做出动作。Ss: Clean the door, please.Ss: Clean the window, please. .教师穿插出示table和sofa,引出新单词。T: Is the sofa on the desk/farm/road?Ss: No, it isnt.T: So, its on the floor. (引出歌曲中新单词,初步教授

15、。)4. 引导学生用多种形式朗读单词。5. 看一看,猜一猜。出示课件,通过呈现物品的一部分,或比对前一个物品,请学生说出英文。并带领学生拼读单词,强调元音字母在单词中的发音。C. Practice(约17分钟)组织学生展开单词认读活动。运用图片和教室内现有物品,请学生指认。1 教师快速报单词,请学生快速整齐跟读,并用食指集体指出物品或图片所在位置。(教师穿插学生学过的学习用品,以巩固旧知。)2 教师指出不同物品或图片,学生抢答。奖励最先答出并发音正确的学生或小组。3 游戏:Whats dirty?(CAI)Show some pictures, one or two is dirty. Let

16、 Ss call out the dirty one(s). Then ask them, what we should do.Ss: Clean the table/ sofa/ window.通过该游戏巩固第一课时句型。4. Learn to sing. 1) 引导学生听歌曲,同时播放配套光盘的小动画,配合歌曲教学。 2)带领学生学歌词,按歌曲节奏先做儿歌练习。并配以动作。 3)学生在学过A、B部分后,很快能掌握歌曲,所以可直接带领学生学唱歌曲,并配上肢体动作。 4)学生齐唱歌曲,并采用小组或男女生轮唱等形式演唱歌曲。D. Assign homework(约3分钟)1. 听读 A,B部分。

17、拼读B部分单词。.2. 听C部分歌曲,跟音乐试唱。.3. 在家用英文指认所学过的家具,并可在家长帮助下识记未涉及的物品。(如:bed。)七 板书设计: Unit 4 Clean the table, please. Clean the , please. All right. / OK.图片 图片 图片 图片a door a window a desk a sofa 图片 图片 图片 a table a chair floorUnit4 Clean the table, please.第三课时 一、 教学内容: 牛津小学英语2A第四单元,第三课时(Play a game, exercise)。

18、二、 教学目标:1通过复习,能听懂、会说、认读单词door, window, desk, sofa, table和chair。2. 能掌握Clean the ., please.及回答All right./ OK.3. 能熟练唱完新歌三、 教学重点:1. 能听懂,正确发音及拼写简单家具类单词。2. 能熟练运用新句型Clean the ., please.及回答All right./ OK.3. 能灵活运用All right./OK.对不同的问题进行回答。四、教学难点:学生对单词的认读和拼写,及对句型的操练。五、课前准备: 1.教具准备 单词图片单词卡片多媒体课件2.板书准备 课前写好板书 Un

19、it 4 Clean the table, please.七、 教学过程A. Warm-up(约1分钟)T:Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Sara.T: How are you?Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you?T: Im good, thanks.B. Review(约20分钟) T: Look at the blackboard, can you guess: whats this? (以简笔画引出door, sofa, window等单词,让学生猜。)S1:Is this a door?T: M

20、aybe.S2: Is this a chair?T: Maybe.(Ask about 5-6 students)T:Its a Ss: Door.T: Well, S3, clean the door, please. S3: All right./Ok. T: Yes, thank you. All of you, read after me: door, door, d-o-o-r, door, 门. (出示单词卡片,学生跟读。) Ss: Door, door, d-o-o-r, door, 门. T:You two, please.(请一组同学两个两个进行拼读,及时纠正错误发音。)

21、T:Look at the TV, Ill show you some pictures, tell me whats this? (PPT:快速闪现图片,让学生说说出现的图片。) Whod like to try? S4, you please. S4: Its a desk. T: Good. Its a desk, and its(提示学生说big, small, bright。) S5:Big. T: Well done. So its a big desk, right? (师做big动作。) Ss: Yes. T: But the desk is dirty, we can(做擦桌

22、子的动作,引导学生说A部分的句子。) Ss: Clean the desk, please. T: Good job. (以同样的方法,复习其他单词,PPT由播放一张图让学生复习单词,到同时出现2-3张图,以Whats missing来引导,每张图都穿插big, small, bright来复习Unit 3。)C. Presentation(约10分钟) T: Now, take a break, lets play a game. Its a new game called “Simon says”. For example, when I say: Simon says: Clean th

23、e table, please. You must do the action. But when I say: Clean the table, please. You must stand well, do nothing. Understand?(师边说边做动作示意学生。) Ss: Yes. T: Are you ready? Lets begin. (开始游戏,师发令,穿插 stand up, touch yourand look at等旧知识,然后请同学上来发令,其他小朋友按要求做。)D. Exercise(约7分钟) T: Game over. We have finished U

24、nit 4, now open your books, and turn to page 18, lets read it together. Ss: T: Good. Now do some exercises(完成活动手册上的练习)1. Listen and number.2. Listen and circle.3. Read and tick.4. Look and say.E. Homework(约2分钟)1. 用指读法认真阅读Unit 4所学内容。2. 跟录音机进行B部分的单词拼读和C部分英语歌唱。3. 用学过的句型和同伴一起来玩Simon says的游戏。4. 预习Unit 5。板书设计::Unit 4Clean the table, please.desk,chair,sofa.Clean the window, please.table,door,

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