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121The One With The Fake Monica.docx

1、121The One With The Fake Monica121.The One With The Fake Monicafake:假的 Scene: Monica and her mother are in the restaurant. -Monica: Mother, just once, can we go to lunch and not talking about what I am wearing or where my career is going or who I am dating.once: 一次 lunch: 午饭 talk about: 谈论 wear: 穿 c

2、areer: 事业 date: 约会妈妈,就这么一次,咱们能不能吃饭的时候不要总是讨论我穿什么或者我工作的怎么样,还有我和谁约会。-Waiter: well, ready for the check?ready: 准备好的 check: 美国英语检查,查核;核实准备好付账了吗?-Monica: God, yes! I will take it!哦,天哪,是的!我来。-Mother: No! darling.不,我来,亲爱的。-Monica: I said I will take it! Here! Take it! Go,run! 我说我来!拿着,去吧!-Mother: Its very sw

3、eet. And on what they pay you?pay: 支付真甜蜜啊。他们为什么给你工钱?-Monica: Career. You dont have to worry about me. I am doing 事业 worry: 担心工作!别担心我,我做的很好。-Waiter: I am afraid this has been denied. afraid: 担心的 deny: 拒绝不好意思,这个信用卡被停用了。-Monica: That is impossible. impossible: 不可能的不可能!-Mother: Thats all ri

4、ght dear, here you go. dear: 亲爱的好的,亲爱的,用这张吧。 Scene: Monica and Rachels, everyone is looking at papers. -Joey: How could someone get a hold of your credit card number?get hold of : 抓住, 得到 credit card: 信用卡怎有人知道你的信用卡号码?-Monica: I have no idea. But look how much they spent!idea: 主意 spend: 花费我也不知道,你看他们花了

5、多少钱。-Rachel: Monica, would you calm down? The credit card people said that you only have to pay for the stuff that you bought.calm down: 平静下来,镇定下来 have to: 不得不,需要 pay for: 支付 stuff: 材料,东西 bought: buy的过去分词买Monica,冷静一下好吗?信用卡的人说,你只须付你所买的东西。-Monica: I know. Its just such reckless spending.such: 如此的 reck

6、less: 鲁莽的,不计后果的 reck: 顾虑,介意 【reckless spending: 挥霍无度】我知道,他真是挥霍无度。-Ross: I think when someone steals your credit card, theyve kind of already thrown caution to the wind。.steal: 偷窃 credit card: 信用卡 kind of: 有点儿,有几分 thrown: throw的过去分词扔 caution:小心,警觉 wind: 风我想他偷去你的信用卡时,根本就已忘了王法。-Chandler: Wow, what a ge

7、ek. They spent $69.95 on a Wonder Mop.geek: 反常的人,怪人,傻瓜 wonder:奇妙的,非凡的 mop: 拖把真是个变态,花了69.95元买“神奇拖把”。-Monica: Thats me.我买的。-Chandler: You see when I say geek, I mean. The hell with it, you bought a $70 on a mop, you are geek. mean: 意思是 the hell: 用于加强语气 hell: 地狱我的意思是,花$70去买一个拖布是很不合理的。-Phoebe: Oh! The y

8、uk! Ross, hes doing it again! (Points to a lamp which is shaking behind the sofa)yuk: (因乐趣而发的)大笑, 引起大笑的趣事 point to: 指向 lamp: 灯 shake: 摇晃 sofa: 沙发真的,它又来。-Ross: Marcel, stop humping the lamp! Stop humping! Now Marcel, come back- (Marcel runs toward Rachels room) come here, Marcel-hump: 驼峰,驼背; 美国俚语急速移动

9、 come back: 回来 run toward: 跑向 Marcel,别再侵犯那盏灯了,Marcel,回来-Rachel: Oh no, not in my room! Ill get him.不,又到我房里了,我去抓它出来。-Monica: Ross, youve got to do something about the humping.Ross,你得想办法阻止。-Ross: What? Its, its just a phase.phase: 阶段,状态,相位什么?这只是一个阶段。-Chandler: Well, thats what we said about Joey.我们当时也

10、是这么说 Joey的。-Ross: Youd think you would be more understanding,you know?我以为你会更明白。-Phoebe: I know, but Were not. 我知道,但是我们不能。-Ross: Would you all relax? Its not that big a deal.relax: 放松 big deal: 极其重大的事 deal: 交易你们放松点,这又没什么了不起。-Rachel: (Out of shot) Marcel! Stop it! Marcel! Bad monkey! out of shot: 在射程外

11、;摄影术出镜头Marcel,停! Marcel!坏猴子-Ross: What?又怎么了?-Rachel: Lets just say my Curious George doll is no longer curious.doll: 洋娃娃,玩偶 no longer: 不再 curious: 好奇的 【Curious George: Ross养的猴子Marcel进入了发情期,它冲入Rachel的房间,Rachel赶去拯救已经不及,她的“好奇乔治”玩偶已经被Marcel “欺负”了。“好奇乔治”是一款猴子玩具,因此Marcel被吸引“干了坏事”。】我只能说,我的好奇乔治玩偶不再好奇。 Scene

12、: Monica and Rachels, late at night Monica is still examining her bill as Rachel emerges from her room.examine: 检查 bill: 账单,钞票 emerge: 显现,出现 -Rachel: Oh, Monica. You are not still going over that thing.still: 仍然 Monica,你还是无法释怀。-Monica: This womans living my 过的生活这女人过着我的生活。-Rachel: What?什么?

13、-Monica: Shes living my life, and shes doing it better than me!better: 更好她过着我的生活,而且过得比我好。 Look at this, look. She buys tickets for plays that I wanna see.看她买的戏票是我一直想看的戏。 She, she buys clothes from stores that Im intimidated by the sales people. clothes: 衣服 store: 商店 intimidate: 威胁,恐吓 sale: 销售她买衣服的商店

14、,就是销售人员让我感到害怕的商店。She spent three hundred dollars on art supplies.pend: 花费 hundred: 百 dollar: 美元 art: 艺术 【art supplies: 艺术品】她花了三百块钱买艺术用品。-Rachel: Youre not an artist.artist: 艺术家你又不是艺术家。-Monica: Yeah, well I might be if I had the supplies! I mean, I could do all this stuff. Only I dont. might: 可能 if:

15、如果 supply: 供应物 mean: 意思是 stuff: 填充,材料 only: 只,仅仅如果有艺术用品,我或许已是个艺术家,我本来可以的,只是现在不是。-Rachel: Oh, Monica, cmon, you do cool 酷Monica,别泄气。你做的工作很酷。-Monica: Oh really? Okay, lets compare, shall we. compare: 比较真的?我们来做比较,好吗?-Rachel: (Yawning) Oh, its so late for Shall we. yawn: 打呵欠 late: 晚的,迟的 现在说

16、“好吗”有点太迟了。-Monica: Do I go horseback riding in the park? Do I take classes at the New School?horseback: 马背 ride: 骑 【New School: 新学派街舞通常被分为两大学派:新学派和旧学派。新学派强调团体的合作,旧学派则体现个人的表演。】我到过公园骑马吗?我在新学校上过课吗? -Rachel: (Yawning) Nooo.没有。-Monica: This is so unfair! Shes got everything I want, and she doesnt have my

17、 mother.unfair: 不公平 这太不公平了,她拥有我想要的一切,而且她没有我妈。 Scene: Central Perk, Joey and Chandler are discussing stage names. discuss: 讨论 stage name: (演员的)艺名 stage: 舞台 -Chandler: How about Joey. Pepponi?Joey. Pepponi如何?-Joey: No, still too ethnic. My agent thinks I should have a name thats more neutral.still: 仍然

18、 ethnic: 人种的, 种族的 agent: 代理 neutral: 中立的, 中立国的, 中性的不好,太有种族意味了,我的经纪人认为,我该取个中立一点的名字。-Chandler: Joey. Switzerland? Switzerland: 瑞士Joey Switzerland? (The waitress brings their coffee.) waitress: 服务员 bring: 带来 -Joey: Plus, yknow, I think it should be Joe. Yknow, Joey makes me sound like Im this big. (Wai

19、tress looks at him funny) Which Im 加,加上 should: 应该 make: 使 funny: 可笑的,有趣的 而且,我应该就是Joe,Joey让我感觉这么大,我不是。-Chandler: Joe.Joe.Joe.Stalin?Joe JoeJoe Stalin?-Joey: I know that name? It sounds familiar.sound: 听起来 familiar: 熟悉的Stalin,Stalin我认识这名字吗? 听得很熟悉。-Chandler: Well, it does no

20、t ring a bell with me. But you are more pugged into that show business thing. ring a bell: 美国英语使回忆起;(声音)听着熟悉ring: 响铃 bell: 铃 pug: 捣(粘土),以水和泥 show: 展示;表演 business: 商业,事务我没印象,但你是深深陷在表演事业之中了啊。-Joey: (Writes it down) Joe Stalin. You know, thats pretty good. write down: 写下 pretty: 相当地 Joe Stalin,这名字很好。-C

21、handler: Might wanna try Joseph.might: 也许 wanna:= want to 想要,希望 try: 尝试或许你想试试Joseph。 (Joey visibly thinks “Of course! and writes it down.) visibly: 显然地 -Joey: Joseph Stalin. I think youd remember that! remember: 记得 【Joseph Stalin: 众所周知的苏联首领斯大林】Joseph Stalin,我好像记得这个名字。-Chandler: Oh yes! Bye Bye Birdi

22、e, starring Joseph Stalin. Joseph Stalin is the Fiddler on the 使担任主角 fiddler: 小提琴家 roof: 屋顶“别了,鸟儿” Joseph Stalin主演。“屋顶上的提琴手”中的Joseph Stalin。 Scene: Monica and Rachels, Monica is there as Phoebe and Rachel enter. enter: 进来 -Rachel: Hey. 你好。-Phoebe: Hey. 你好。-Monica: Hi. (On the phone) Hi, u

23、h, yes, this is Monica Geller. phone: 电话 对,我是Monica Geller。Um, I believe Im taking some classes with you and I was wondering what they were.believe: 相信 take class: 上课 wonder: 想知道我想有在你们那里上课,我想知道是哪些课。I had a recent head injury and certain numbers and dates. Barbecue. Oh,did I? See there you go.recent:

24、最近的 injury: 受伤 certain: 某几个,某些 date: 日期 barbecue: 烤肉我最近头部受伤,只记得一些数字了。野外烤肉。哦,我应该去吗?好的。-Phoebe: What are you doing? 你在干什么?-Monica: (Hushes her) Alright, great. Thanks a lot. (Hangs up) Im going to tap class.hush: 使安静 hang up: 挂断电话 tap: 轻拍;跳踢踏舞太好了,谢谢。我要去上踢踏舞课。-Rachel: What, what, so that you can dance

25、with the woman that stole your credit card?dance: 跳舞 stole: steal 的过去式偷 credit card: 信用卡这样你就可以和偷你信用卡的人一起上课?-Monica: To see what she looks like. look like: 看起来像去看看他什么样。-Rachel: Go to the post office! Im sure her pictures up!post office: 邮局 sure: 确定 picture: 照片我可以肯定她的照片就挂在邮局里面。-Monica: This womans got

26、 my life, I should get to see who she is.should: 应该 see: 看看这女人偷走了我的生活,我应该去看看她是何方神圣。-Rachel: Okay, Monica, yknow what, honey, youre kinda losing it here! I mean, this is really becoming like a weird obsession thing.honey: 亲爱的 lose: 丢失 lost: 迷惑的 weird: 怪异的 obsession: 迷住,困扰Monica,你有点失去理智了,你完全被这件事所困扰。-P

27、hoebe: This is madness. Its madness, I tell you, for the love of God, Monica, dont do it! .Thank you.madness: 疯狂 god: 上帝 这叫做疯狂,这叫做疯狂。上帝保佑,Monica别这么做, 谢谢。 Scene: A Tap Class, the girls are standing at the door. stand: 站立 -Monica: What do you think?你们怎么认为?-Phoebe: Lots of things. lots of: 许多很多。 (They

28、go in and sit down.) sit down: 坐下 -Rachel: Which one do you think she is?你认为是哪一个? (The teacher comes up to them.) come up: 过来 -Teacher: May I help you?我能帮你们什么吗?-Monica: Oh, no thanks, were just here to observe.observe: 参观,观察我们是来参观的。-Teacher: You dont observe a dance class. You dance a dance class. S

29、pare shoes are over there.observe: 参观,观察 spare: 多余的舞蹈课不是参观的,舞蹈课是来跳舞的,那儿有舞鞋。-Rachel: What does she mean? mean: 意思是什么意思?-Phoebe: I think she means (Imitates) You dance a dance class. Oh, come on, come on. (They put on some spare shoes)imitate: 模仿 dance: 跳舞 put on: 穿上 spare: 多余的我想她是叫我们进去跳。-Monica: Okay

30、, do you see anybody you think could be me?真的?好吧, 有看见我的分身吗?-Teacher: (To the class) People! Last time there were some empty yoghurt containers lying around after class. Lets not have that happen again!last time:上一次 empty: 空的 yoghurt: 酸牛奶 container: 容器 lying: lie的现在分词躺着的 happen: 发生各位,上回有人在教室留下酸乳空瓶,希望别再发生那种事。-Rachel: She could be you.她可能是你。 (Music starts)music: 音乐 start: 开始 -Teacher: Lets get started. Five, six, a-five six seven eight.开始吧。五,六,五,六,七,八。 (Everyone starts to dance in unison. Monica flounders)start: 开始 dance: 跳舞 unison: 调和, 和谐 flounder: 挣扎,肢体乱动 -Monica: Okay, Im not

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