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1、人教版高中英语选修六课标卷课时作业3Unit 2Poems课时作业(三)Warming Up & Reading.单词拼写1Have you got any _(具体的)proposals as to what we should do?2Dont get upset.I was only _(逗着玩)3The source of the river lies in Tibet and its _(支流)cover much of the country.4We are facing two _(引起矛盾的)suggestions so we dont know what to do next

2、.5Our plan needs to be _(灵活的)enough to meet the needs of everyone.6A generator _(转变)mechanical energy into electricity.7We have turned this school into a_(托儿所)8The murders all seem to follow a similar_(模式)9We didnt know how they_(运送)these stones over 380 miles without modern machines.10_(最终),the sky

3、 cleared up and we went to the beach.单项填空1With the children_a loud noise in the room,I had great difficulty in paying attention to my study.Ato make BmadeCmaking Dhave made2I used to hate being _ about my red hair when I was at school.Adressed BscoldedCteased Dbothered3(2013黄石高二检测)There was such a l

4、ong queue for coffee that we_gave up.Aeventually BunfortunatelyCgenerously Dhappily4(2013大连高二检测)These behavior_are typical of this age group.Adesigns BpatternsCmodels Dsamples5Its a surprise that the faraway village has been_into a famous tourist city in only ten years.Adivided BtransformedCmade Dbr

5、oken6The committee_five famous scientists put forward a valuable plan at the end of the conference.Awas made up of Bwas made fromCmade from Dmade up of7I went along thinking of nothing_,only looking at things around me.Ain particular Bin harmonyCin doubt Din brief8Im still working on my project.Oh,y

6、oull miss the deadline.Time is _Arunning out Bgoing outCgiving out Dlosing out9A good teacher must know how to _ his ideas.Aconvey BdisplayCconsult Dadapt10(2011北京高考)_ volleyball is her main focus,shes also great at basketball.ASince BOnceCUnless DWhile11We should adopt _ methods to deal with some i

7、ncidents.You know,anything could occur in that situation.I got it.Thank you for reminding me.Aflexible BtypicalCpositive Dconcrete12We all know that,_,the situation will get worse.Anot if dealt carefully withBif not carefully dealt withCif dealt not carefully withDnot if carefully dealt with13My nam

8、e is Jonathan.Shall I spell it for you?_AIf you dont mind BNot at allCTake it easy DNice to meet you14Every child is _,with their own needs,preferences and talents.Acontradictory BsimilarCoriginal Dunique15This company has many _ all over the country.Abrands BbranchesCsymbols Dmarks.完形填空Reading and

9、writing _1_ is a very personal experience.Poets use language as a way of _2_ their feelings,whether positive ones of love, happiness and hope,or negative feelings like _3_ and fear.Poems can describe the beauty of nature, a person, a dream or a memorable event.Most _4_ have tried writing poetry at s

10、ome time,for example at school.For children,it is a good way to explore language and have _5_ with words as well as to express themselves.But teachers and psychologists have found another use for poetry as a form of therapy(治疗) to help people with problems._6_ are benefits for people of all differen

11、t backgrounds and ages.Writing poetry can help people deal with _7_ in their livesdeath or feelings of sadness,drug or alcohol problems or serious illness.By writing down your feelings,_8_ can learn to understand yourself better and give yourself a voice if you feel you are being ignored.A poem migh

12、t be a way of telling someone something when you do not feel able to talk about it _9_And just because people are _10_ or having difficulties in their lives, it doesnt mean they have lost their sense of humour.Poems _11_ as therapy can be funny too, as laughter is also considered to be very good med

13、icine.Students at a special school in Dudley,in England,read and write poems _12_Their reason for writing poems is not just to _13_ creative.All of them have problems.Some of them have longterm _14_ conditions,such as cancer, while others have personality disorders or psychological problems.By writi

14、ng poems students are growing _15_ selfconfidence.The poems provide a channel through _16_ they can communicate with the world,and express their feelings.They _17_ help them to recognize and explore their problems and to develop a positive attitude to life.But the poems are helping _18_ people, too.

15、The school has collected some of the students poems and published them in a book which is _19_ to raise funds for a local hospital.The book has proved very popular,giving students _20_ sense of achievement.1A.poem Bthe poemsCpoet Dpoetry2A.expressing BexpressionCexpresses Dexpressed3A.excitement Ban

16、gerCdarkness Djoy4A.people BstudentsCwriters BfunCsmile Dfood6A.There BItCThis DThat7A.branches BchangesCexercises Dlines8A.I Bthey Cshe Dyou9A.shoulder to shoulder Bface to faceChand in hand Deye to eye10A.hungry Bill Cthirsty Dhappy11A.said Bspoken Cseen Dwritten12A.some time Beve

17、rydayCevery day Dsometime13A./ Bbe Cis Dare14A.salty Bscientific Cnatural Bon Cfrom Dat16A.who Bwhich Cthat Dwhen17A.either Btoo Cyet Dalso18A.another Bthe otherCother Dthe others19A.sells BsellCbeing sold Dbeing selling20A.a Ban C/ Dthe.阅读理解Ever feel like there arent enough hours in

18、the day? A group of timechallenged Canadian women are wishing for a 25hour clock.Jessie Behan, president of the 25th Hour Coalition (联盟)which is a group of Canadian women who have changed to a longer day, said the struggle for women to maintain worklife balance motivated (激励) her to research the bod

19、ys natural clock.“Many of my girlfriends are having kids,getting married, and I see the sufferings of dealing all that when youre a working woman,”she said.“Women like myself are sick of living their lives by a 24hour clock.”A 2007 study by Charles Czeisler found a switch to longer days could be ben

20、eficial, especially for frequent travelers, shift workers, astronauts and those who experience trouble sleeping or waking.In a similar study, Czeisler showed the bodys natural clock averages 24 hours and 11 minutes in both young and older people.The current 360degree clock has 720 minutes, giving ea

21、ch minute 0.5 degree.With the new 25hour day, 30 minutes is added to each 12hour period making each minute 0.48 degree.While still a relatively small movementthe 25th Hour Coalition has 160 Facebook members, Behan is hoping for large changes.“The goal is to get as many women on board; theres no harm

22、 in just trying it out and seeing.If it gets big, maybe the government will decide to standardize it.”A recent online survey by Readers Digest, which included 150 people in each of the 13 countries, suggests its not just Canadians looking for longer days.Readers were asked“what would you do with an

23、extra hour”if given a choice between sleep, work, exercise and family time.In Spain, half of respondents said theyd like an extra hour in the day to devote to family time.The same was found for respondents in Brazil, the US and Britain, who chose family time over sleep, which came in at a close seco

24、nd.Only in India did work top the list with 50 percent of respondents claiming they could use an extra hour at the office.1Some Canadian working women are campaigning for the 25hour day in order to _Ahave more chances at workBkeep a balance between life and workCexperience something newDhave a bette

25、r sleep2According to Charles Czeisler, the 25hour clock would bring the most benefits to _afrequent travelersbshift workerscpeople with sleeping disordersdastronomersAa,b,c Bb,c,dCa,b,d Da,c,d3Charles Czeisler tends to think that _Aits easy to adopt the 25hour clockBits hard to abandon the 24hour cl

26、ockCthe 25hour clock fits the bodys natural clock moreDdifferent people have different natural clocks4Why does Jessie Behan want more women to join the 25th Hour Coalition?ABecause she intends to make more Facebook friends.BBecause she hopes to get benefits from more people.CBecause she considers it

27、 is harmless to form such an organization.DBecause she thinks more women may allow the dream to come true.5What is implied in the last paragraph?ARespondents from most nations want more family time.BRespondents from developed countries experience more stress.CMost Canadian respondents claim that the

28、y need more family time.DRespondents from India are the most hardworking of the 13 nations.翻译句子1若有必要,我就去。(状语从句省略)_2尽管我愿意帮忙,但是没有时间。(while)_3有这么多事情要处理,我必须现在就走。(with复合结构)_4为了完成报告我打算熬夜。(stay up)_5开网店这主意听起来不错,值得一试。(worth a try)_课时作业(三).1.concrete2.teasing3.branches4.contradictory5.flexible6.transforms7.n


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