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1、字母翻译CDE字母C 1、为了解决交通问题,政府号召我们每天乘公车或地铁上班。(call) To solve the traffic problems, the government calls on us to go to work by bus or by subway every day. 2、在为病人验血型时,你要谨慎又谨慎。 ( cant ) You cant be too careful when doing a blood type test for a patient. 3、你认为像她那样的运动员在奥运会上会获得世界冠军吗?(capable) Do you think an a

2、thlete like her is capable of winning the world championship in the Olympics? 4、这项计划是否能顺利执行取决于各种情况,尤其是天气。(carry) Whether the plan can be carried out smoothly depends on many things, especially the weather. 5、今天早晨去学校途中,我被交通阻塞困住了。(catch) I was caught in a traffic jam on my way to school this morning.

3、6、她有可能把自己房间钥匙忘在办公室里了。(chance) There is a chance that she left / has left her keys to the room in the office. (The) Chances are that she has left her keys in her office. 7、和我原来预料想的相反,Rose愿意接受我的关于她需要平衡的膳食的建议。 ( choose ) Contrary to what I had expected, Rose chose to accept my advice that she should ne

4、ed a well-balanced meal. 8、一个人要成功,就必须在任何情况下永不言弃,满怀信心。(circumstance) Anyone who wants to / is to succeed mustnt give up in any circumstances and should always be full of confidence. / In /Under no circumstances can anyone give up and he should be full of confidence if he wants to succeed. 9、这个著名电影明星宣

5、称他将成为总统的候选人。(claim) The famous movie star claimed that he would be a candidate for presidential election. 10、把你所学的知识与实践结合起来,这样你才会进步。(combine) Combine the knowledge you have learned with practice, and you will make progress. 11、谈到计算机,他是个专家,而我只是个初学者。(come) When it comes to computer, he is an expert, b

6、ut /while Im a beginner. 12、那位年轻人逐渐认识到患难中的朋友才是真朋友。(come) The young man has come to realize that a friend in need is a friend indeed. 13、他不愿意对她最近出版的小说作评论。(comment) He doesnt wish / want to comment on the novel she recently published. / make some comments on her recently-published novel. 14、他们已是多年的好友,

7、有很多共同之处。(common) They have been friends for years and have a lot in common. 15、真正重要的不是你的言辞而是你的行动。(count v.)What really counts is not your words but your action/not what you say but what you do.16、跟其他同学相比,那女孩有更棒的英语听说能力。(compare) Compared with other students, the girl has better listening and speaking

8、 abilities in English. 17、许多市民向市长抱怨上下班时间交通堵塞。(complain) Many citizens complained to the mayor about / of the traffic jams in the rush hours. 18、当他在专心致志看书时,他对周围发生的事情全然不知。(concentrate) When he concentrates on his reading, he is not aware of what is happening around him. 19、作者不太关心人们对他这本新著的态度。(concern v

9、. ) The writer is not much concerned about peoples attitude towards / to his new book. 20、就我而言,我们不能想当然地认为其他人应该帮助我们。 ( concern v. ) As far as Im concerned, we shouldnt take it for granted that others should help us/ offer us help. 21、全世界对于北京举行的2008年奥运会表现出极大的热情和关注。(concern n. ) The whole world showed

10、a great passion and concern for the 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing. 22、经过多年研究,他们得出结论,认为地球正在变暖。(conclusion) After many years research, they reached / came to / arrived at / drew a conclusion that the earth is becoming warmer and warmer. 23、你可以借用我的字典,条件是你明天要还给我。(condition) You can borrow my dictio

11、nary on condition that you return it to me tomorrow. 24、他的个人意见经常导致他与老板发生冲突,这是他得不到提升的原因。(conflict) His personal opinions frequently caused him to conflict with / to be in conflict with his boss, which was why he couldnt get a promotion. 25、童年被认为是一生中最好的阶段。(consider) Ones childhood is considered (to be

12、) the best stage in ones life. 26、如果你对这个职位感兴趣,请你与这家公司的经理取得联系。(contact) If you are interested in the position, please contact / make contact with the manager of the company. 27、他指责我玩忽职守,但这与事实大相径庭。(contrary) He accused me of neglecting my duty, which was contrary to the fact. 28、多亏了那个杰出的领导,那个国家的经济状况很快

13、地得到了控制。 ( control ) Thanks to that outstanding leader, the economic situation in that country was soon brought under control. 29、如果方便的话,请你明天早上十点到这里来。(convenient) Please come here at ten oclock if it is convenient to you. 30、我怎样才能使你相信她很诚实?(convince) How can I convince you of her honesty/ that she is

14、honest? 31、如果队员之间不配合,他们就不可能战胜对手。(cooperate) If the team members do not cooperate with each other, they cant beat their opponents. 32、短暂的犹豫使他失去了一次好机会。(cost v. ) A moments hesitation cost him a wonderful chance.33、她成功地做了她想做的事情,但以其生命为代价。 ( cost n. ) She succeeded in doing what she wanted to at the cost

15、 of her life. 字母D 1、营救人员到达时,受害者已经脱离了危险。(danger) When the rescue workers arrived, the victims were already out of danger. 2、医生说怎样说服人们停止抽烟不是一个容易对付的问题。 ( deal ) The doctor says that how to persuade people to stop smoking is not an easy problem to deal with. 3、在你做最后的决定前,你得仔细考虑一下这件事情。(decision) You have

16、to think it over before you make a / the final decision. 4、随着路况的改善,今年交通事故的数量减少了。 ( decrease ) With the improvement of the road conditions, the number of traffic accidents has decreased this year. 5、在一定程度上,谈话时词语的选择反映了人的内在素质。(degree) To a certain degree, the choice of words in talking reflects the inn

17、er quality of people. 6、我原先希望能准时到达,但是因为大雾航班延误了。(delay) I had hoped to arrive on time, but the flight was delayed because of a heavy fog. 7、没有人能否认台湾自古以来是中国一部分这个事实。(deny) No one can deny the fact that Taiwan has been a part of China since ancient times. 8、不可否认,电脑的发展已经导致其他领域的革命性变化。(deny) There is no de

18、nying (the fact) that the development of computers has led to the revolutionary changes in other fields. 9、你能否将成功取决于你是否有信心克服种种困难。(depend) Whether you will succeed depends on whether you have confidence in / are confident of overcoming all kinds of / various kinds of difficulties. 10、存在这家银行里的钱需要时可以随时

19、提取。(deposit) The money deposited in this bank is available anytime when needed. 11、他无论走到哪里,都把自己描绘成一家大公司的CEO或总经理。(describe) He described himself as a CEO or the general manager of a big company wherever he went. 12、你那天提的建议值得进一步考虑。(deserve) The suggestion that you made / put forward the other day dese

20、rves further consideration / to be considered / considering further. 13、这位老人有强烈的愿望要把一大笔前捐献给希望工程。 (desire n. ) This old man has a strong desire to donate large sums of money to the Hope Project. 14、历经磨难,他对人生依然十分积极,这令人肃然起敬。( Despite) Despite countless hardships, he remains positive about life, which i

21、s admirable. 15、总而言之,收入和年龄是决定人们如何度假的两个重要因素。(determine) Generally speaking, income and age are two important factors that determine the way people spend their holidays. 16、人们永远不会忘记那些为航天事业献身的科学家。(devote) People will never forget those scientists who (have) devoted their lives to the cause of space fli

22、ght. 17、你是否发现我们现在的购物习惯与二十年前完全不同了? ( differ ) Have you found / Do you find that our habit of doing shopping completely differs from that of twenty years ago? 18、缺乏足够睡眠的人容易生气,也很难控制感情。(difficulty) People who dont get enough sleep / lack enough sleep become angry easily and have difficulty (in) controll

23、ing their emotions / feelings. 19、很可能你不赞成我所做的事情。(disapprove) Very likely you disapprove of what I have done. / Its very likely that 20、学生们在热烈讨论是否钱越多越幸福。 ( discussion ) The students are having a heated discussion about whether the more money you have, the happier you are. 21、大家都知道,他以当导演而出名。(distingui

24、sh) As is known to all, he is distinguished as a film director. 22、那位退休工人决定把他所积蓄的钱一半捐献给希望工程。(donate) The retired worker decided to donate half of the money which he had saved to the Hope Project. 23、毋庸质疑,积极投入社区活动有益于身心健康。(doubt) There is no doubt that taking an active part in community activities doe

25、s good to ones physical and mental health. 24、疾病消耗了他的体力。(drain) His illness is a great drain on his strength. 25、只要从此事中吸取有益教训,我们就一定能出色完成任务。(draw) As/ So long as we draw useful lessons from the event / incident, we are sure / certain to fulfil / accomplish the task beautifully / very well. 字母E 1、那位著名

26、的科学家是那样谦虚、平易近人,很快就使大家放松下来。 ( ease ) Modest and easy to approach, the famous scientist soon put everyone completely at ease. 2、该公司不遗余力地满足顾客的要求。(effort) The company spares no efforts to meet the demand of the customers. 3、人人为公益而担任志愿工作的传统成为美国社会的重要因素。(element) The tradition of working as volunteers for

27、the common good has become an important element in American society. 4、在第四轮,他被淘汰出比赛。(eliminate) He was eliminated from the contest in the fourth round. 5、由于那位老师生病,学校聘用了一位兼任老师来代课。(employ) A part-time teacher was employed to replace the teacher who was ill. 6、她扎实的英语使她在面试中比别的学生略胜一筹。(enable) Her good co

28、mmand of English enabled her to have an advantage over the other students in the interview. / Her good English enabled her to perform / do a little better than the other students in the interview. 7、令我不解的是为何多次试验均以失败告终。(end v. ) What puzzles me is why experiments have ended up in failure again and ag

29、ain. 8、开始似乎没有人喜欢这个笑话,但最后大家为此又喊又叫。(end v. ) At first no one / not a single person seemed to like this joke, but they all ended up laughing and shouting. 9、“学无止境”这句话激励着我们发奋学习去探索未知的世界。(end n. ) The saying that there is no end to learning inspires me to study hard to explore the unknown world. 10、人们普遍认为

30、,孩子们的早年经历在很大程度上决定了他们的性格。(extent) It is generally accepted / believed that the experiences of children in their early years determine their character to a great extent. 11、他们正在谈话,没有看到老师走进了教室。 ( engage ) They were engaged in talking and didnt notice the teacher come into the classroom. 12、看报纸是扩大词汇量的有效

31、方法之一。(enlarge) Reading newspapers is one of the effective ways to enlarge ones vocabulary. / One of the effective ways to enlarge ones vocabulary is reading / to read newspapers. 13、我国政府正努力设法使每个人看得起病。 ( ensure ) The government of our country is making every effort to ensure that everybody can afford

32、 to see a doctor. 14、每当有贵宾来时,这些演员总是以歌舞招待他们。(entertain) Whenever distinguished guests come, the actors always entertain them with songs and dances. 15、我的练习中有些误拼老师没有注意到。(escape) Some of my spelling mistakes in my exercises escaped the teachers attention. 16、没有一个人能逃脱惩罚,如果他犯了大错误。(escape) Nobody can escape being punished / punishment if he has made a serious mistake. 17、对每

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