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新人教PEP五年级英语下册第四单元When is Easter导学案.docx

1、新人教PEP五年级英语下册第四单元When is Easter导学案新人教PEP五年级下Unit4 When is Easter导学案 课 题Unit4 When is Easter (第一课时) 学习目标1.能够听说读写1-5序数词及其缩写形式。2.能够正确询问并回答生日、节日以及活动的具体时间。3.进一步了解西方的节日和风俗以及中国传统的节日。学习重难点1. 掌握序数词和具体时间的表达。2、序数词的构词法及缩写形式。学具准备词卡。导学过程批注预习提纲:回顾以前学过的数字(基数词)的读法、写法一 热身/复习(warming up)用英语报数二 新课活动读一读:基数词变序数词的口诀:一二三,特

2、殊变,八去t,九去e,Ve 用f来替换,最后再加th.整十去y改ie, 然后再加th.说一说:教师说:The first month,学生快速反应说出January.以此类推,依次进行操练。Ask and answer.活动:开火车。写一写:完成first(1st), fifth(5th)在四线三格上的写法三、课堂练习1、找朋友,读一读,连一连。one four three two fivethird first second fifth fourth 二、读一读,根据句子选择正确的图片。A. -When is the English test? -Its on Nov. 2nd.B. Mis

3、s Chens birthday is on Sept. 2nd.C. Our singing contest is on Jul. 1st.D. Is maths test on Dec. 4th?E. -When is school trip? - Its on May 5th. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._三、用适当介词填空。(可重复使用) in on at1. We will have an English party _ Friday.2. I get up _7 oclock every day.3. What do you have _ Tuesdays?4. We u

4、sually have school trip _ autumn.5. Childrens day is _ June 1st. 6. My birthday is _ August.四、选择你最喜欢的一个数字及月份组成一个自己满意的句子。 I like August best. School trip is on August 3rd. ._自我评价总结反思新人教PEP五年级下Unit4 When is Easter导学案(学生用) 课 题Unit4 When is Easter (第二课时) 学习目标1.能正确询问并回答节日所在的日期。2.能听懂、会说There are some spec

5、ial days in April.Its on April 5th this year.等句子。3.了解西方传统节日。学习重难点1.掌握日期的表达。掌握节日的具体时间的写法和读法。学具准备词卡。导学过程批注预习提纲:自读Lets talk部分的对话三 热身/复习(warming up)1.开火车:复习日期表达法,如:Jan.1st,Feb 2nd, Mar 3rd,Apr.4th,May 5th.2.活动:看图联想节日四 新课活动1.Lets try听教师播放录音,完成选月份的练习。2.教师播放Lets talk对话录音两遍,然后提问:When is April Fools Day?When

6、 is Easter Day?学生根据对话内容回答。3学生跟读对话,两人一组做对话练习。4分角色扮演。三、课堂练习一、写出下面单词的简写形式。1. second_ 2. third_3. fifth_ 4. fourth_ 5. first_二、根据图片选择合适的意思A. April Fools Day is on April 1st B. When is Chinas National Day? C. Is Tree Planting Day on Mar. 12th? D. Christams is on Dec. 24th1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4.( )三、根据书上2

7、8页课文内容判断正误,对的写A,错的写B。( ) 1.There are two special days in April. ( ) 2. April Fools Day is on April 2nd. ( ) 3. Easter is on April 5th. ( ) 4.Zhang Peng dont like April.自我评价总结反思新人教PEP五年级下Unit4 When is Easter导学案(学生用) 课 题Unit4 When is Easter (第三课时) 学习目标1、了解Lets spell 中列举的单词中字母组合“th”的发音规律并完成相应的习题。2、学生掌握

8、该发音规律。3、教育学生细心观察身边小事,做事情讲究方法。学习重难点1.了解字母发音规律,掌握发音方法。2.对单词拼写类似、发音有所相同的单词,加以区别。学具准备词卡。导学过程批注预习提纲:自读Lets spell部分的单词一热身/复习(warming up)、回顾上单元“ch”组合的发音,说一说含有“ch”单词二、新课活动1、跟随老师Lets chant2、跟着老师练习“th”组合的发音3、自由练习发音,小组成员互相交流4、听音完成Listen,circle and say5自主完成Choose,write and say自读句子,先自己填,再小组交流三、课堂练习(一.) 圈一圈,读一读。(

9、老师任意读出一个单词)A. mother China B. thin brother C. three fatherD. thirteen Chinese E. birthday there F. which lunch(二)听音,选出你所听到的句子(教师可读任意一项)。( )1. A. School begins on September 1st. B. School begins on September 10tht.( )2.A My birthday is on March 12nd . B. My birthday is on May 12nd.( )3.A There are th

10、ree birthdays in June. B. There are two birthdays in June.( )4.A New Years Day is in January. B. New Years Day is in December.( )5.A Thursday is his fourth birthday. B. Thursday is his eleventh birthday.(三)、游戏Bingo自我评价总结反思新人教PEP五年级下Unit4 When is Easter导学案 课 题Unit4 When is Easter (第四课时) 学习目标1.能够听说读写t

11、welfth,twentieth,twenty-first,twenty-third,thirtieth序数词及其缩写形式。2.能正确询问并回答家人生日的具体时间。学会感恩父母。学习重难点1.听说读写序数词及缩写形式。2.特殊形式的序数词的拼写。学具准备词卡。导学过程批注一热身/复习(warming up)听歌曲The twelve months. 击掌拼读单词。全班学生一起背诵first -fifth,当教师击掌时,全班要快速拼读出该单词。二、新课活动1.变序数词的规律。一二三单独记,八去t,九除e,ve要用f替,整十基数变序数,先把ty变成tie,要是遇到两位数,十位基数个位序,th最后加

12、上去。2.活动:手心手背3.听教师播放录音,跟读课文。4、活动:制作生日备忘录。活动方式:教师出示October 12th is my grandpas birthday.April 20th is my grandmas birthday.November 30th is my dads birthday.学生根据句子制作备忘录 三、课堂练习一、找朋友再读一读。twelfth twentieth twenty-first twenty-third thirtieth 二、英汉连线,再读一读。 1.Dads birthday is on Nov 30th. A。复活节是什么时候 2. I lo

13、ve April. B. 爸爸的生日是11月30号。 3.Childrens Day is on June 1st. C.运动会是在9月23号码? 4.When is Easter? D.我爱四月。 5. Is the sports meet on Sept. 23rd? E. 6月1日是儿童节。三、选择填空,再译一译,读一读1. Mikes birthday is _ ( in, on) May 6th.2._ ( When What) is Mid-Autumn Day?3. What do you often do _(in, on) Friday?4.Our singing conte

14、st _(is, are) on April 19th.自我评价总结反思新人教PEP五年级下Unit4 When is Easter导学案 课 题Unit4 When is Easter (第五课时) 学习目标1.When is your birthday?My birthday is on January1st.What will you do for your mum? Ill cook noodles for her.并能在实际生活中运用。2.能听懂会说句子。3.学会感恩父母,感恩生活。学习重难点1. 能运用句子When is your birthday?My birthday is on .掌握其他表达生日的句子。学具准备词卡。导学过程批注预习提纲:自读Lets talk部分的对话,试着理解内容一热身/复习(warming up)1、Review the numbers: one,

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