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1、华师中学英语教学法作业1第1题 Communicative competence consists of knowledge nd ability for_.A.rules of rules of pronunciation, vocabulary nd grammarB.rules of grammar/form nd rules of language C.pronunciation, words, nd grammarD.speaking nd writing答案:B 2第2题 In Hymess words (1979), there are _ without whichthe ru

2、les of grammar would be less, which simply means, besides grammaticalrules, language is governed by rules of , which ensures that the desiredor intended functions are performed nd the language d is appropriate to thecontext.A.rules of formsB.rules of C.formsD.functions答案:B 3第3题 One of the problems i

3、n vocabulary learning is that students often _.A. context for their vocabulary learningB.try hard to understand the wordsC.learn new words in isolation of contextD. a variety of vocabulary building strategies答案:C 4第4题 According to Nation (2001) receptive knowledge of vocabulary involves the followin

4、g except _.(1) being able to recognized the word when it is heard;(2) being familiar with its written form so that it is recognized when it is met in reading(3) recognizing that it is made up of some parts nd being able to relate these parts to its meaning; (4) being able to decide to r not to the w

5、rd to suit the degree of frmality of the situation.A.(1)B.(2)C.(3)D.(4)答案:D 5第5题 The words “head, eyes, ears, mouth, arms” nd “legs” are _ under the category of “body parts”.A.antonymsB.hyponymsC.chunksD.synonyms答案:B 6第6题 “Try to provide a visual r physical demonstration whenever possible, using _ t

6、o show meaning” is one of the ways of presenting new wrds suggested in Wang Wiangs book (2005).A.a verbal contextB.lexical sets r, photos, video clips, mime r gesturesD.word formation rules nd common affixes答案:C 7第7题 Theories concerning language learning include the _ theories, th

7、e _ theories, the _ theories, and the _ theories.A.Process-oriented; Goal-oriented; Behaviourist; Cognitive B.Functional; Interactional; Constructivist; Socio-constructivistC.Structural; Behavioural; Cognitive; ConstructivistD.Behaviourist; Cognitive; Constructivist; Socio-constructivist答案:D 8第8题 Wh

8、en we are teaching pronunciation, we should not lead students to focus on reading nd writing phonetic transcripts of words, especially young students, because phonetic transcripts are _.A.too easy to learnB.too hard to remember for young learnersC.too hard to write for young learnersD.more abstract

9、nd less meaningful than sounds答案:D 9第9题 When teaching pronunciation, we should students confidenceB.destroy students confidenceC.make students feel anxiousD.make students distracted答案:A 10第10题 When teaching pronunciation, the goal of Consistency means that the pronunciation should be _.

10、A.accurateB.smooth nd naturalC.native-likeD.understandable答案:B 11第11题 When practising sounds, the activities “listen nd repeat”, “make up sentences”, “using meaningful context”, “using pictures” nd “using tongue twisters” belong to the category of _.A.perception practiceB.production practiceC.percep

11、tion nd production practicesD.perception r production practice答案:B 12第12题 As far as pronunciation is concerned, students benefit from both _. A.spelling nd meaningB.vocabulary nd grammarC.reading nd writingD.mechanical practice nd meaningful practice答案:D 13第13题 According to j. willis (1996), tasks a

12、re activities here the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve _.A.linguistic competenceB.communicative outcomeD.knowledge答案:C 14第14题 Receptive skills of language include _.A.listening nd readingB.listening nd speakingC.reading nd

13、writingD.speaking nd writing答案:A 15第15题 When teaching grammar, if the teacher follows the sequence of teaching activities of “teachers presentation of an example explanation of the rule students practice with given prompts”, Professor Wang Qiang would believe that the teacher is using the _ method.

14、A.inductiveB.deductiveC.guided discoveryD.task-based答案:B 16第16题 Which of the following is NOT among Ellis (1990) six criteria for evaluating how communicative classroom activities are?A.Communicative purposeB.Communicative desireC.No material controlD.Teacher intervention答案:D 17第17题 One language for

15、m may express a number of communicative functions nd one _ can also be expressed by a variety of _.A.language dialectsB.dialect languagesC.language form communicative functionsD.communicative function language forms答案:D 18第18题 Which of the following are not one of the principles of communicative lan

16、guage teaching proposed by Richards nd Rodgers (1986)?A.Communication principleB.Task principleC.Meaningfulness principleD.Correctness principle答案:D 19第19题 According to littlewood (1981), identifying pictures, discovering sequences r locations, discovering differences nd reconstructing stry-sequence

17、s are examples of _.A.mechanical practiceB.drilling languageC.functional communicative interaction activities答案:C 20第20题 Look at the following activity in the classroom, nd decide what kind of practice it is.chain of eventsteacher: now lets play a game. the first student starts a

18、sentence with a second conditional clause. the next student takes the result of the sentence, reforms it into another condition nd suggests a further result. for example, the first student says, “if i had a million dollars, i would buy a yacht”. the second student says, “if i bought a yacht, i would

19、 go for a sail”. the students may come up with sentences like these:s3: if i went for a sail, there might be a storm.s4: if there were a storm, my yacht would sink.s5: if my yacht sank, i would die.s6: if i died, my parents would cry. s7: This is an example of _. A.mechanical practiceB.meaningful pr

20、acticeC.combining mechanical practice nd meaningful practice togetherD.None of the above答案:C 21第21题 The _ view says that knowing how to do what you want to do also involves knowing whether it is appropriate to do, nd where, when nd how it is appropriate to do it. in order to know this, you have to s

21、tudy the patterns nd rules of language above the sentence level to learn how language is used in different speech contexts.A.structuralB.functionalC.interactionalD.behaviorist答案:C 22第22题 Those words that one is not only able to recognize but also able to in speech nd writing are considered as ones _

22、.A.receptive r activeB.productive r passiveC.receptive r passiveD.productive r active答案:D 23第23题 At beginner level, most new words learned by students usually have immediate practical nd quickly become ones _ vocabulary.A.productive r activeB.receptive r activeC.productive r passiveD.receptive r pas

23、sive答案:A 24第24题 According to Archambault (1964), a constructivist scholar, teachers must balance an understanding of the habits, characteristics as well as personalities of individual learners with an understanding of the means of _.A.pushing the learners forward in their imitationB.realizing the co

24、mmon rules of languageC.making the learners memorize the structures of languageD.arousing the learners interests nd curiosity for learning答案:D 25第25题 According to Morm Chomsky, a large part of language acquisition is the learning of the rule-based system of language, nd a language learner acquires l

25、anguage competence which enables him _ drill答案:B 26第26题 Ways of consolidating new words suggested in Wang Qiangs book (2000) include the following EXCEP _.A.describing nd drawingB.describing nd drawingC.using word seriesD.dictating the words without a

26、ny context答案:D 27第27题 Ways of consolidating new words suggested in Wang Qiangs book (2000) include the following EXCEP _.A.copying the wordsB.using word net-workC.using categoriesD.using the Internet resources for more ideas答案:A 28第28题 The activity of “describing nd drawing” for vocabulary consolida

27、tion is often done _.A.outside the classroomB.without doing pairs答案:D 29第29题 Knowing a word means knowing the following EXCEPT _.A.its meaning nd how nd when to it to express the intended meaningB.its origin nd historyC.its pronunciation nd stressD.its spelling nd grammati

28、cal properties答案:B 30第30题 When teaching vocabulary we must take into consideration two kinds of meaning. for example, in the english culture the word “dog” with its _ meaning referring to the animal itself has a _ meaning often related to friendship nd loyalty, but in a different culture the word ma

29、y have different relations. A.denotative denotativeB.connotative connotativeC.denotative connotativeD.connotative denotative答案:C 31第31题 The goal of Intelligibility means that the pronunciation should be _.A.accurateB.smooth nd naturalC.native-likeD.understandable答案:D 32第32题 According to Wang Qiang,

30、to answer the question “Can the students achieve the goal of acquiring native-like pronunciation?” we must take into consideration three things: _.A.ethic devotion, professional qualities, nd personal styleB.learner age, amount of exposure, nd differences of individual abilityC.teacher factors, learner factors, nd school factorsD.letters, phonetic transcripts, nd sounds答案:B 33第33题 According to Ur (1996), as for the of grammatical terminology, for younger learners, of complex terminology _.A.can be usedB.should be

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