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新理念交互英语教案1 unit4.docx

1、新理念交互英语教案1 unit4 西安海棠技师学院大学英语教 案 任课教师: 王洋洋 编写时间: 2016 年 10 月 31 日 课程大学英语执行记录日 期10.3111.211.7星 期检查签字教研室节 次教学科班 级课题Unit 4 Culture Teaching Objectives课的类型基础课教学目的教会学生单词发音,教会学生语法。教学重点Section A Students are able to understand the express numbers about time, date, price, etc and choose the best answer for

2、the exercises.Section B Students are able to express their own opinions about the pros and cons of fast food.Section CStudents are able to spell and know the meaning of some key words and expressions in Text A and Text B.Students can get familiar with the structure and main ideas of Text A and Text

3、B.Students master the language points in Text A and Text B.Students are able to do Focus Exercises independently after having learned Text A and Text B.教学难点Grammar教学方法课堂提问、课堂讨论主要教具课本、多媒体作业安排练习册教学反思第 页 续页 教 学 内 容时间分配Unit 4 Culture Teaching Objectives Teaching Objectives Section A Students are able to

4、 understand the express numbers about time, date, price, etc and choose the best answer for the exercises.Section B Students are able to express their own opinions about the pros and cons of fast food.Section CStudents are able to spell and know the meaning of some key words and expressions in Text

5、A and Text B.Students can get familiar with the structure and main ideas of Text A and Text B.Students master the language points in Text A and Text B.Students are able to do Focus Exercises independently after having learned Text A and Text B.Teaching Procedures Period 1Section A Wake Up Your Ears

6、Teaching Steps:1. Students work in pairs and briefly discuss the English number expressions in the daily life.2. Students study Word Tips to get prepared for doing Listening Practice.3. Students listen to the recording and do Listening Practice one by one.4. Check answers to the exercises together.P

7、eriod 2Section B Open Your Mouth Teaching Steps:Activity A1. Ask students to list the famous slogans they are familiar with.2. Match the slogans with the pictures.Activity B1. Present some pictures of fast food and ask students to name them.2. Ask students to work in pairs to discuss the pros and co

8、ns of fast food.3. Choose two groups to have a mini-debate.Homework:1. Review the number expressions learned in the class and practice with classmates or roommates after class.2. Preview Text A. including the new words and expressions.Period 3-4Section C Enrich Your Mind Part One Texts Text ATeachin

9、g Steps:1.Ask students to listen to the recording of Word List and read after it.2.Explain key words in the Word List in detail. Key Words:Social convenient occupy suggest shame exceptionFormal occasion case ceremony casual appropriateDate reception3. Ask students to listen to the recording of Usefu

10、l Phrases and Expressions and read after it.4. Explain the useful phrases and expressions and ask students to make sentences with them.Useful Phrases and Expressionson short notice by all means be afraid to(of) drop by make sure overstay ones welcome over the telephone a bunch of on a date a thank-y

11、ou note5. Students read the text for the first time to get the main ideas, discuss about the structure of the text, and then do “ Reading Comprehension” individually.6. check the answers to “Reading Comprehension” together.7. Ask students to listen to the recording of the text and read after it.8. A

12、sk some students to read the text one by one.9. Explain some difficult language points in the text in detail. In this process, teachers should pay more attention to the sentence patterns mentioned in Notes.Language Points:Language Points: Paragraph 1 1. by all means 一定,务必;尽一切办法e.g. This project must

13、 be realized by all means. 这个规划一定要实现。You must bring him here by all means. 你们一定要设法把他带到这里来。2. be afraid to(of ) 害怕e.g. Dont be afraid of asking questions. 不要怕提问题。She was afraid to meet my eye. 她害怕与我目光相遇。3. But if youre occupied at that time, dont be afraid to refuse the invitation, perhaps suggesting

14、 a time that would be better. 但是如果你当时很忙,不要害怕拒绝邀请,或许提议一个更好的时间。句中的perhaps suggesting a time that would be better,是现在分词短语充当伴随状语表行为方式、伴随状况的用法。现在分词做状语,通常相当于一个状语从句或并列分句。一般说来,这种结构的逻辑主语就是句子的主语,现在分词所表示的动作与谓语所表示的动作同时发生,谓语动词作为主要动作,而现在分词表示一个陪衬动作。e.g. They talked to him for hours, trying to persuade him to chang

15、e his mind.他们跟他谈了几个小时,试图说服他改变主意。We sat on the sofa watching TV. 我们坐在沙发上看电视。另外,现在分词短语做状语,还可以表示原因、条件、时间、结果、让步等。e.g. Not knowing how to work out the difficult physics problem, he asked the teacher for help. 因为不知道如何解这道物理难题,他求助老师帮忙。(表原因)Working hard, you will succeed. 如果你努力工作,你就会成功。(表条件)Working in the fa

16、ctory, he learned a lot from the workers.在工厂工作时,他从工人们那里学到了很多知识。(表时间)His car was caught in a traffic jam, thus causing the delay.他们在车遇到了交通阻塞,因而耽误了。(表结果)Living miles away, he attended the course.虽然住在几英里以外,但他仍去上课。(表让步)Paragraph 21. drop by 顺便到访,随便访问e.g. Drop by any time you are in town. 来城里的话就到我这儿来玩。Do

17、nt forget to drop by at the gas station. 别忘了到煤气站去看看。2. make sure 确定;证实e.g. To make sure that he was at home, I called hi up in advance.为了确定他在家,我事先给他打了电话。I tried to make sure of the problem. 我想把这个问题弄明白。Paragraph 4Arriving more than 10 minutes late is considered rude if very few people were invited.如果

18、受邀请的人较少,那么迟到10分钟以上被认为是无礼的。本句的主语是动名词短语arriving more than 10 minutes late.动名词做主语往往表示经常性、习惯性的动作,常用于“It is ”和“There is”两种句型中。e.g. It is nice talking to you. 和你谈话很愉快。It is no use/no good crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。There is no saying when hell come. 很难说他何时回来。如果需要指出动名词动作的发出者(即逻辑主语)时,一般在动名词前加物主代词或名词所有格。e.

19、g. It is no use your pretending that you didnt know about it.你装作不知道那件事情是没有用的。My mothers being ill worried us greatly. 我母亲病了使我们很担忧。Homework:1) Review new words and expressions in Text A and prepare for a dictation next class.2) Preview Text B.Period 5-6Text BTeaching Steps:1. Ask students to listen t

20、o the recording of Word List and read after it.2. Explain key words in the Word List in detail.Key Words:celebration gather display represent task performsuppose household bound band firework lumpwhisky3. Ask students to listen to the recording of Useful Phrases and Expressions and read after it.4.

21、Explain the useful phrases and expressions and ask students to make sentences with them.Useful Phrases and Expressionshand over ring the bell be supposed to be bound to turn up5. Students read the text for the first time to get the main ideas, discuss about the structure of the text, and then do “Re

22、ading Comprehension” individually.6. Check the answers to “Reading Comprehension” together.7. Ask students to listen to the recording of the text and read after it.8. Ask some students to read the text.9. Explain some difficult language points in the text in detail. In this process, teachers should

23、pay more attention to the sentence patterns mentioned in Notes.Language Points:Paragraph 3If youre invited to a Scottish home on Hogmanay, its important to know what to bring with you: a lump of coal, some shortbread and some whisky. 如果除夕夜你应邀到苏格兰人家里,知道带什么很重要:一块煤、一些脆饼和一些威士忌。本句中,动词know的宾语what to bring

24、 with you 由疑问词加动词不定式构成,相当于一个由疑问词引导的宾语从句。e.g. The little girl forgot what to say.(=The little girl forgot what she should say.)小姑娘把要说的话给忘了。I dont know whom to rely on. (=I dont know whom I should rely on.)我不知道可以依赖何人。不定式的这种结构还可以用在双宾语结构中做直接宾语。e.g. he didnt tell me what to do nest. 他没有告诉我下一步该怎么做。Paragra

25、ph 4hand over 交出,移交e.g. She handed over the document to the lawyer. 她将文件交给了律师。He will hand over charge of his office tomorrow. 他将在明天移交工作。Paragraph 51. be supposed to 应该,本该e.g. They were supposed to be here an hour ago. 他们应该在一小时以前到达这里。Youer not supposed to smoke here. 你不该在这儿抽烟。2. be bound to 必然、必定e.g

26、. Your effort is bound to be successful. 你的努力一定会成功的。The weather is bound to get better this afternoon. 今天下午天气肯定会转好。3. turn up 出现,来到e.g. Im very glad you turned up so early. 我很高兴你们来得这么早。She promised to come, but has not turned up yet. 她答应来,但是还没有到。Homework: 1) Review new words and expressions in Text

27、B and prepare for a dictation next casll.2) Do Part Two Focus Exercises after class. 第 页西安海棠技师学院大学英语教 案 任课教师: 王洋洋 编写时间: 2016 年 11 月 9 日 课程大学英语执行记录日 期11.9星 期检查签字教研室节 次教学科班 级课题Unit 4 Culture Teaching Objectives课的类型基础课教学目的教会学生单词发音,教会学生语法。教学重点Section DStudents can understand and master the usage of Gene

28、ral Tense and Progressive Tense.Students are able to do Test Yourself independently.Section EStudents can get familiar with the basic format and some sentence patterns of Message.Students are able to write a Message in English.Section FStudents can complete the dialogues in the film clip and underst

29、and its main idea. 教学难点Grammar教学方法课堂提问、课堂讨论主要教具课本、多媒体作业安排默写单词教学反思第 页 续页 教 学 内 容时间分配Unit 4 Culture Teaching Objectives Teaching Objectives Section DStudents can understand and master the usage of General Tense and Progressive Tense.Students are able to do Test Yourself independently.Section EStudents

30、 can get familiar with the basic format and some sentence patterns of Message.Students are able to write a Message in English.Section FStudents can complete the dialogues in the film clip and understand its main idea.Period 7Part Two Focus ExercisesCheck the answers and correct students mistakes.Sec

31、tion D Keep Your Feet on the GroundGrammar- General Tense and Progressive TenseTeaching Steps:1. Ask students to do a brainstorm on what they have known about tense in English grammar and give examples.2. Ask students to tell the difference of tense in their examples.3. Teach students the usage of simple present, past

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