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1、维词同步学案人教Book总复习新高中英语词汇同步学案人教版Book 1跟踪检测一、根据汉语,写出单词的正确形式。1. I run for the vice _ (主席) of the English Club. Please vote for me. (2013 天津 书面表达改)2. In order to _ (解决) the problem, we must be compensated (赔偿) for the loss (损失) we suffered.3. The group has expressed _ (关心) about reports of political viole

2、nce in Africa.4. It is not your aptitude (天赋), but your attitude, that _ (决定) your altitude.5. We couldnt stand the heat any longer and went into a theater to _ (躲避) the summer heat.6. The lawyer was _ (直率的) with the reporters. He said the sentence was unfair.7. The stolen cab has been _ (重新获得) by t

3、he police.二、在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。1. Our base is _ attack by invaders. We must fight back.2. Shooting _ (official) became an Olympic event in 1896. (2008 广东)3. The teacher requested that each of us _ (go) there right away.4. _ (bury) in his study, he didnt notice the teacher come in.5. It w

4、as such _ shock when they announced the winner was Cart.6. _ (trap) in the ruins, the survivors waited anxiously (焦急地) for rescue.7. When we saw the road _ (block) with snow, we changed our mind and decided to spend the holiday at home. (2013 北京改)8. The dam produces electricity equal _ that made by

5、about 40 million tons of coal, without releasing smoke into the air.9. The market, _ (found) in 1979, sets up its tents every Saturday from dawn (黎明) to dusk. (2015 全国改)10. I was active and never very neat, while my partner Kate was quiet and extremely _ (organize). (2014 重庆改)三、选出适当的词语,并用其正确形式填空。(fa

6、re, fee)1. Lawyers charge such high _, but they never seem to be short of clients (客户).2. Senior citizens (65 and older) and disabled customers may ride the bus for half the regular _. (2014 全国改)3. Tour C includes entrance _ to Hampton Court Palace. (2015 全国改)(prize, reward)4. Tu Youyou won a Nobel

7、_ with two other scientists.?She was recognized for her work on the anti-malarial drug artemisinin (抗疟疾药青蒿素).5. The police offers a $500 _ to whoever provides useful information to catch the robber. (2014 湖北改)6. The _ for this years competition is a free two-week trip to Europe. (2011 湖南)7. If youre

8、 not willing to put in the time and work, dont expect to receive any _. (2013 广东)(give up, give in)8. He?has?_?to?my?views.?9. I _ trying to persuade him to continue with his studies.10. He kept begging me for a new bike, and I finally _.11. He spent hours searching for information on McKay. Tired a

9、nd discouraged (受挫的), he finally _. (2009 湖南改)四、选出适当的短语动词,并用其正确形式填空。go through, base on, set up, turn to, come up1. The final examination is _ soon. Ive got to prepare for it.2. Visitor items over 1726 inches are requested to _ additional (额外的) checks. (2008 江苏) 3. I entirely disagree with you. You

10、cannot accept an opinion offered to you unless it is _ facts. (2013 湖南改) 4. I would now like to _ an issue (问题) which concerns a great number of students teenager smoking. 5. I _ a meeting with her and we discussed the work schedule in detail. (2013 湖南改)五、根据所给提示完成下列句子。1. Actually, I prefer that over

11、coat. This one is _ (质量好), but its too expensive. (2011 湖北改)2. Under the guidance of his teacher, Steve finally managed to finish his report _ (按计划). (2015 天津改)3. The dam _ (遭受严重损坏) under the terror attack. 4. At present, many minority (少数的) groups are trying to make use of everything to maintain (保

12、持) their _ (文化特性).5. They keep candles in the house in case of (以防) _ (停电) at midnight. 6. Those teenagers cycled along the highway. Gradually, a temple _ (映入眼帘). 7. Sorry, you can only exchange the item for something _ (有同等价值的). (2010 上海) 8. As usual, he refused to give any more money to his relati

13、ves as _ (原则问题).9. At present, lots of food, water, tents, and medicine _ (正在运往) from all over China and other parts of the world to the earthquake-stricken areas. (2008 湖北) 六、根据所给汉语提示,将下列句子译成英语。1. 我设法说服了我的同学接受我的看法,并多关心那些在困境中的人。(manage) I _ my view and caring more about those who are in trouble.2. 如

14、果你有一份工作,务必全身心地投入,最终你会爱上它并取得成功。(2010 四川改)If you have a job, do _ and finally youll _ and succeed. 3. 2008年奥运会是北京有史以来举办的最大规模的体育赛事。志愿者在其中起到了积极的作用。(part)The 2008 Olympic Games was the biggest sporting event ever held in Beijing. Volunteers_. 4. 在我看来,没有比你的支持更大的回报了。(great) (2009 湖北 完成句子改)_, there has been

15、 _ than your support. 5. 好心情在日常生活中很重要。它其实是对人生的一种态度,并且是人内在的一种好的品质。(2009 江西 书面表达)A good mood is very important in ones daily life. It is actually _ life and _ inside oneself. Book 1跟踪检测答案一、1. president run for 参加竞选 2. settle / solve 3. concern(s) 4. determines 5. escape escape the summer heat 避暑 6. st

16、raight / honest be straight with sb 对某人坦白 7. recover recover ? vt 恢复 (意识、知觉等) ? vi 恢复 (健康;常态) ? vt 重新获得二、1. under under attack 遭到攻击 2. officially 3. (should) go request + that从句,从句用虚拟语气 4. Buried be buried in 埋头于;专心致志于 5. a shock作名词表示“令人震惊的事“时常用单数 6. Trapped 7. blocked block vt 堵塞;阻挡 8. to (be) equa

17、l to 与相等 / 平等;等同于 9. founded 10. organized organized adj有条理的 三、1. fees 2. fare 3. feesfare指乘公交、轮船、的士或者火车时的费用。fee指进入或加入某组织所付的费用,还可指给医生、律师等专业服务所支付的费用。4. Prize 5. reward 6. prize 7. reward(s)prize 指因在某方面作出巨大的贡献或在竞赛、比赛中胜出而获得的“奖赏”、“奖品”。reward 一指因工作、贡献等而得到的“回报”、“报酬”,二指因给警方提供帮助或帮助他人找回失物而得到的“赏金”。8. given?in

18、 9. gave up 10. gave in 11. gave upgive up意为“让;放弃”,指行为或努力受挫或别的原因而主动放弃,可接名词或动词-ing作宾语,也可不带宾语。give in?意为“屈服;让步”,主要表示在争论、竞争、斗争等当中作出让步或表示屈服等,不能接宾语,后接介词to表示“向屈服 / 让步”。四、1. coming up 上来;上升 走近;靠近 产生;开始 2. go through 穿过;通过 经历 检查 3. based on 4. turn to 求助于 转向 5. set up 成立;建立 安排五、1. of good / high quality (be

19、) of good / high / poor quality 质量好 / 差 2. on schedule / as scheduled / planned 3. suffered serious / great damage 4. cultural identity 5. a power cut / failure 6. came into view 7. of equal value / with an equal value 8. a matter of principle a matter of sth 关乎某事的问题 9. are being transported at present常与现在进行时连用六、1. managed to persuade my classmates into accepting 2. devote yourself to it; fall in love with it3. played an active part in it4. In my opinion / view / To me; no greater reward / no reward greater5. an attitude to / toward(s); a good quality

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