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1、人教版小学六年级英语教案Teaching Plan 本课是人教版小学六年级 Unit One How do you go there? 第一课时。本课时的教学目标是让学生掌握一些描述人们日常出行方式的短语。由于小学英语更注重激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力。所以在短语的呈现和练习上我加入了看图片、绘画、唱歌和做游戏等趣味性较强的活动。这样做不但可以提高学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛还有助于对学生综合素质的培养。Teaching Material: PEP Primary English Students Book 6ATitle: Unit One How do

2、 you go there?Students level: Primary 6Teacher: Wang Mengya, 084050156, Class 085Teaching objectives:1.Knowledge Objectives: Learning the phrases that describe how people go on a journey. Many phrases, students just need to know them and can read them correctly but the following phrases students sho

3、uld also know how to write them. They are; one foot, by bike, by bus, by train. 2.Ability Objectives: Students can use the sentence How do you go to school? How do you go to Canada/.? to replace the keyword to ask others how they go on a journey. Students can sing and understand the song of the part

4、 of Lets chant.Teaching contents: 1.Phrases: on foot, by bick, by bus, by train, by plane, by ship, by subway(teacher should the word;subway. Its an underground railway in a city and it travels very fast) 2.Sentence:How do you go to .3.Song: The song in the part of Lets chant Teaching focus: 1.Know

5、different ways to travel 2.Know how to ask peoples ways to travelTeaching knots: 1.The phrases about ways to travel 2.The sentence of How do you go to . with its meaning and uasgeTeaching aids:1.Pictures 2.Radio and tapeTeaching time: 40 minutesTeaching stages:Presentation Warm-up:T: Good morning, b

6、oys and grils.Ss: Good morning, Miss Wang.T:How are you?Ss: Fine. Thank you and you?T:Im not fine. I am soo tired, because today I go to school on foot. (Show the picture of the phrase; on foot to the students) Usually I go to school by bus.(Show the picture of the phrase; by bus to students) What a

7、bout you? Do you go to school by bike? Or by bus? Or by car? Maybe you can answer my question in Chinese,first. (Show students corresponding pictures while I ask them. Lead students to understand the meaning of the phrases by looking pictures then try their best to answer my questions ) Student1: 坐公

8、交车Student2: 骑自行车1.2 Presentating some new phrasesT: Yes, there are many ways to go somewhere. Today we will learn something new about the ways to travel.Do you remember I said I am tired? Can you tell me why?Ss: 老师走路来的,所以很累。T: Very good.Because I go to school on foot. So the phrase: on foot means wa

9、lk to somewhere.走路到某地。Read it after me. On foot.Ss: On foot.(Read it five times)T: Ok, I will ask something to read it for us.Any volunteers?(A student hands up)T: Thank you. Please.S: On foot.T: Good, sit down please.(Go to a student who doesnt hand up)T: Can you read it?S: On foot.(The student doe

10、snt read it well)T: Please follow me. On foot.S: On foot.T: Now, lets read it together.Ss: On foot.T:Look at my picture. (Wait a few minutes )Its a bus. Many people wait for the bus.So can you guess the way to travel?Ss: 坐公交车。T: Yes. Its by bus. You said it before.Read it after me, please. By bus.Ss

11、: By bus.(Read it five times)T: Now, group one read it first.Group one: By bus.T:Next, group tow.T: Boys, stand up. Read it loudly.Boys: By bus.T: Grils, come on.Grils: By bus.T:You know “bus” means 公交车,“by bus” means 乘公交车到某地.Now, can you guess the meaning of “by bike”?Student1: Student2: Student3:

12、骑自行车去某地T: Good job.At the moment, we can easily get the meaning of other phrases about ways to travel. by train坐火车到某地by plane坐飞机到某地by ship乘船到某地by subway乘地铁到某地T: Look at the table on the blackboard.Pay much attention to the last one.Subway, it is a kind of railway and it is under the ground. It trave

13、ls very fast. Usually, it is called “地铁” .PracticeMechanical practice(机械练习)T: Ok, read the four phrases after me.(Teach students to read new phrases )Presenting the new sentenceT: We learn some phrases about ways to travel, but how can we ask others how they go somewhere?Guess?(Wait a few minutes)If

14、 you dont know please open you books and turn to page 3. Look at the title.(Write it on the blackboard)Please read it loudly.Ss: How do you go there? T: “How do you go there?” means你怎样去那里?Look at the blackborad. (Circle the word “there” with the red chalk) The word “there” means那里. We can replace it

15、 with any other word.Just like.(Write down the sentence on the blackboard- “How do you go somewhere?”)Are you clear?Ss: Clear.PracticeMechanical practice(机械练习)T:I will ask you to translate my sentence. Take out you exercise books.(Write down the sentences on the blackboard.1. 你怎样去学校?2. 你怎样去动物园?3. 李梅

16、怎样回家?)Please translate the sentenses into English.(When students do the exercise, I move about the classroom checking on ervry student insure accuracy.)Practice and productionMeaningful practice(意义操练) T:Good job.Now, you need 5 pieces of paper and a pencil.Its diction time. I will read the phrases.

17、When you hear it just draw a picture. For example, when I read “by bike” you just need to draw a bike on the paper. You dont need to write the phrase “by bike”Are you readly?T: The first one “by ship” T: The second one “by car”. Take out another paperT: They are by ship, by car, by train, by bike, b

18、y bus.Can you get the right answer?T: Next we will pay a game named Snake Game, 接龙游戏。I will ask five students come here. They should stand in a row. From life to right, the first student ask the next student “How do/does somebody go somewhere?” The student asked answer the question then he/she will

19、use the sentence to make a new question to ask the student on his/her right hand.也就是说,老师将会请五位同学到讲台上站成一排。从左到右,第一位同学用“How do/does somebody go somewhere?”问他/她右边的同学,被问的同学回答以后也要用这个句型造一个新的问句来问他/她右手边的同学,这样从左到右一次进行。Understand?Ss: Yes.T: Ok,lets begin T: Finally, please turn to page2. Look at the part- “Lets

20、 chant”Read it by yourselves first.T: Listen to the tape and please follow it.(Lets chantHow do you go to school?Sometimes by bike,Sometimes by car,But I never go by train.How do you get to Paris?Never on foot, never by bike,Always by car, bus, or plane.)T: One more time. But tise time when you hear

21、 “on fooot”, please stamp your foot. When you hear “by bike, by car” , please hand up your pictures which you drawed at the diction time.我们再来一遍,这次呢当同学们听on foot的时候请大家跺跺脚,当大家听到by bike, by car时请大家举起对应的刚才在听写的时候画的图片。Ran the tape)T: Well, time is up.Homework :Please write the five phrases on your exsrcise books,each one in a line. They are “by bike, by bus, by train, on foot.”T: Good-bye, everyone.Ss: Good-bye!

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