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1、人教版新课标八年级上册英语15单元总结及练习题Unit 1一、重点词组二、知识点1. how用法(1) 怎样,用什么手段,方法/交通工具How did he do it? /How do you come to school? (2) 情况如何(指身体健康状况) How are you? / How is she?(3) how many,how much 表示多少其中how much 还可以表示钱数。How many times do you go to the park?/How many pens do you want? /How much are those pants?(4) ho

2、w often 是对动作发生的“次数”提问,询问的是频率“多久一次”回答可以是:Every day. / Once a week. / Three times a week. / Often. / How often do you play tennis?/How often do you surf the Internet?(5) How about ? 如何?怎么样? How about going to the movies?2、as for意为“就而论;至于” As for fruit,I eat it sometimes. /As for him,I never want to se

3、e him here3、 (用法同remember、stop)4、不定代词及用法:(Something/anything,someone/anyone,somebody/anybody)和形容词连用,放其前:something special/important(特别/重要的东西)否定句、一般疑问句中用anything/anybody5、few,little,a few,a little区别:前两个表否定,后两个表肯定;few/a few修饰可数,little/a little修饰不可数.6、it is+adj+(for sb)+to do 对某人来说做某事怎么样 It is easy/imp

4、ortant (for you)to learn Enlish well.7、seem to do sth(似乎要做某事);it seems that(似乎、好像)/feel like+doing sth=want to do sth8、whatthink of=how.feel about(认为.怎么样) What did Tom think of the trip?=.三、练习题1. Li Lei works in England. He comes to China_. (B) A. three time a year B. three times a year C. three tim

5、es year D. three time year2、She reached the top of the hill and stopped _. (C)A. to have restedB. resting C. to restD. rest3、Linda dances . A.enough good B. good enough C. enough well D. well enough (D)4、There ismilk,you should buy some.(little) 注意“有”的表达,用there be 句型5、Would you like (又一个)apple. (ano

6、ther)6、(翻译)他每周看两次电视。 HewatchesTVtwiceaweek.看太多电视对你的眼睛有害。 WatchingTVtoomuchisbadforyoureyes.Unit 2一、重点词组wishsb.todosth.希望某人做某事theresultof的结果 decide/plantodosth决定(计划)干某事 more/less than多/少于the same as 和.相同 bedifferentfrom 和不同 keep healthy/fit=keeo in good health 保持健康 mind doing sth 介意做havefundoingsth.做

7、某事很愉快stressedout紧张,有压力感 be sorryto 对做很抱歉二、知识点1、should为情态动词,后接动词原形;频度副词:always/usually/often/sometimes/hardly ever/never(程度由重到轻到无)2、表花费:spend:sbspendsometime/某人花费做某事Cost:sthcostsbsometime/money某物花去某人钱pay:sbpaysometime/moneyforsth.某人支付钱Ittakessb sometimetodosth

8、做某事花去某人时间3.系动词及用法:(本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语)常见系动词是be动词,其它:感觉类:look,feel, smell, sound, tasteWhat she says sounds a good idea./ Those apples tastes good主观判断类:seem, appear,prove(证明),turn out(结果是、证明是) It seems that she will win.状态变化类:become, grow, turn, get状态持续类:keep(保持), remain(依然), stay(保持), lie(呈。状态三、练习1. Hi

9、sfatherwantshim_(become)anactor. to become2. (也许)he is still sleeping. Maybe3. (尽管)I like playing ,I(几乎不)playing computer games. hardly ever4.我每天练习踢足球。 I practice playing soccer everyday.5.我们班不止一个男生。 More than one boy in our class.6.长时间走后后,他似乎很累。 He seems tired after a long walk. Unit 3一、重点词组as+adj+

10、as 和一样 be good at=do well in 擅长做. be serious about 对.认真 as long as只要 be similar to 和.相似be good with sb 善待某人,和.相处好 be talented in. 在某反面有才能/天赋showsb.sth.=showsth.tosb给.看.二、知识点1.形容词、副词的比较级和最高级重点掌握。注:much,even,a lot,any等修饰比较级,very,too,so,quite只能修饰原级2.现在进行时常可用来表示将来的动作Werevisitingourauntthisafternoon.今天下午

11、我们将去拜访姑姑。3.which的用法,区别于what. Eg: Which book is yours?三.练习题1. This second-hand camera is much _ than that new one.A. cheap B. cheaperC. dearD. dearest2.I_(go)campingwithmyparents.我将和父母去野营 am going to go3.今天不如昨天暖和。 It is not so warm today as yesterday.4.他从来不考虑第二天吃什么. Heneverthinksaboutwhattoeatthenext

12、day.5. This ruler is mine. _ is over there.A. She B. Shes C. Her D. Hers D6. Have you ever heard _ interesting story?A. so B. such C. so an D. such an DUnit 4一.重点词组thanks for doing 因做.而感谢be close to离.近not at all 一点也不 make up 编造 play a role in doing sth 在.方面起决定作用have. in common在.相同 be up to 由.决定 二、知识

13、点1.学会提问回答出行方式/距离。How do you get to school? -I walk to school. /How far is it from his home to school? -About 10 kilometers2.最高级的用法和形式。三.练习题1. is it from here to there.10minutes. A.Where B How soon C How long Dhow C2.Mary is (最有创造力)girl Iknow in our class. the most creative3.Tom does not do as well a

14、s Mary.同义语 Tom does worse than Mary4. What is a writing brush, do you know?Its used _ writing and drawing. A. with B. to C. for D. byBe used to doing习惯做某事5.My school is about twenty _ walk from here?A. minute B. minutes C. minutes D. minutes BUnit 5一.重点词组study for a test为测验而学习 find out 查明/弄清 happen

15、to do 碰巧做. hope to do 希望做. expect to do 期待做be famous for 因.著名 be successful in doing sth 做.有成就 be ready to 愿意/准备好做某事 stand doing 忍受做.二、知识点1.think about考虑/think of 想起/ Heneverthinksaboutwhattoeatthenextday.他从来不考虑第二天吃什么2.学会提出建议。Lets watch TV. 同义句转换 =How about watching TV.三.练习1. The news (be) exciting.

16、is 2.Tom was born in the (1980) 1980s3 The dumplings taste_. Please help yourself.A. bad B. so-so C. well D. delicious C4 Jack jumped _ than Jim in the long jump.A. higher B. faster C. farther D. longerjump为跳远,比较时只能用farther15. These pictures showsyou_.A. what does our hometown look likeB. what our h

17、ometown looks likeC how our hometown looks likeUnit 6一.重点词组be sure about/of+名词动名词 确信 send sth to sb发送某物给某人 promise to do 承诺做. have to do with 和.有关take up学着做;开始做agree with同意=agree to do tooto.太.不能.in some ways 在一些方面二.知识点1 词性的区分。mean/meaning person/personal foreigner/foreign 2 be doing to,一般现在时表一般将来时=

18、will三.练习1.如果你想做一名演员,你不得不参加表演课。 If youre going to be an actor,you have to take acting lessons.2 Your mother is sleeping. Youd better _. (Youd better (not) do) A. not wake up herB. not to wake up herC. not wake her up D. not to wake her up3The songs _ the Beetles sang were very popular. A. which B. wh

19、o C. whom D. whose A4 I liked to play football when I was young , _.C A. So he was B. So was heC. So did he D. So he didUnit 7练习题:1 After the P.E. class, the teacher offered us something _. A. drinkB. drinkingC. drunkD. To drink D2. You bought a nice CD.Thank you. It doesnt _ me too much.A. spend B.

20、 pay C. cost D. use3. everything (be)ready in two hours? Will be4.将来人口会更少。 There will be fewer people.5.看那些云,要下雨了. Look at the clouds,its going to rain.6. Lucy is interested in _.A. listen to musicB. listening music C tlisten music B7.We have a big party (celebrate)our success. to celebrate Unit 8一.

21、重点词组addto.把.加到turn on 打开 turn off关闭 in the end=at the end of 在结束的时候,在的尽头在最后 cover.with 把覆盖.上pourinto把倒进里二.知识点1.可数和不可数名词都有哪些。(查看第八单元基础训练)2.祈使句的用法(用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子),动词都为一般现在时。Be kind to your sister.三.练习1. The story happened _ the evening of august 2.A. on B. in C. to D. at A2. He is very tired a

22、nd he to have a rest A need B needs B(need在此为实意动词,不是情态动词)3. Mother told her son _ in the street.A. not play B to not playC. doesnt play D. not to play DTell sb. to do sth.Tell sb. not to do sth.4. His uncle _ in three days.A. returns B. listening musicC. returned D. will return D5. The young man is

23、_ carry that heavy bag. A. strong enough to B. enough strong toC. not strong enough D. strong enough A6.为什么Lucy满含泪水? (词组)Whyare Lucys eyes filled with tears.7.课堂上请不要制造噪音! (祈使句)Dont make any noise in class.8.那儿还有多少面包? (学会对多少提问,注意区分可数不可数)How much bread is there?Unit 9一.重点词组be available 有空闲的 another ti

24、me 其它时间 invite sb to do 邀请某人做. hane to 不得不 be free to do 有时间做refuse to do 拒绝做二.知识点1.Whats the date?/Whats today?/What day is it today? 回答:January 15th,2014/Wednesday,January 15th,2014/ Wednesday2.学会邀请及回答.三.练习1.Can you come to my party? 做出回答 Yes,Id love to.2. That is your bag. _ is over there.A. My B

25、. Mine C. Me B3.My sister is _ me.A. as tall as B. as taker thanC. much taller as A4. There _ a football game in our school.A. has B. will have C. will beC5. The teacher asked the new student _ class he was in.A. which B. where C. how A6. 他没向我们说再见就匆忙离开了。 He left in a hurry without saying goodbye to

26、us.7.如何制作香蕉牛奶混合饮料? How do you make a banana milk shake.Unit 10一.重点词组a good time to do 适合做.的时间 a piece of advice 一条建议 half of+the+n 一半 remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事be worried about sb/sth 担心某人/某事 advise doing sth /advise sb to do 建议做某事/建议某人做某事 answer/reply to 回复二.知识点1.条件状语从句中,从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时2.notuntil,un

27、less用法重点掌握:用于否定句,till用于肯定句。Ill go to bed till eleven.三.练习1. _ did you pay for the shoes?Fifty Yuan.A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How much D2. 1 didnt go to bed _ eleven last night. A. for B. until C. in D. on B3. Ill go to England if I _ enough money next year. A. have B. will have C. am h

28、aving D. had A4. Youd better _ at once.A. to start B. starting C. start D. started (had better do sth) C5. _ you free last night? A. WereB. Was C. Are D. DoA6.如果他努力学习,他将会赶上我们 If he studies hard,hell catch up with us.7.除非你给我一个理由,不然我将不再信你 I wont trust you unless you give me a reason.其它:another指三个或三个以上

29、人或事物中的另一个,只能修饰单数名词/the other用来指已知的两个人或事物中的另一个/other用作+复数名词1. Will you please bring me some orange, Lucy? _. A. Thats good B. All right C. No matter D. It doesnt matter2. Excuse me. Have you got an eraser? Sorry, I havent. Why _ you ask Mary? perhaps shes got one. A. do B. dont C. did D. didnt3. He f

30、eels lonely. He has _ friends here except me. A. many B. some C. few D. more4. I m going to play basketball after school. What about you? _ A. Yes, basketball is very popular. B. Are you? Its so hot! C. I like basketball very much. D. So am I.5. May I ask you _, mum? Yes. What is it? Our class are going to have a picnic tomorrow. Can I go? A. something B. anything C. some questions D. a problem6. Mum, this T-shirt is much too small for me. Would you buy me a _ on

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