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八年级英语上册Unit 4 My Neighborhood教案.docx

1、八年级英语上册Unit 4 My Neighborhood教案八年级英语上册Unit 4 My Neighborhood教案 八年级英语上册Unit 4 Neighbrhd教案s:LearntastheaandultivatetheuniatinabilitTeahingIprtantPints:1Asthea2PintttheaTeahingDiffiultPints;Shtheatthether s: Learn t as the a and ultivate the uniatin abilit Teahing Iprtant Pints: 1 As the a 2 Pint t the

2、 a Teahing Diffiult Pints; Sh the a t the thers Teahing Preparatin: flashards Teahing Aids: auditape, flashards Tpe f lessn: ne lessn Teahing Predure: Step1 Greeting the students As the student n dut t reprt the situatin in the lass Step2 Disuss ur tn As the students t tal abut the tn Suh as : its h

3、anges and irustanes Tell the that in anada, peple live in unit Tal abut the neighburhd Step3 Anser the questins: 1 hat plaes d u pass n ur a t shl? 2 L at the pitures hat plaes d enn and Briain pass n their a t shl? Disuss the t questins and hange their ideas ith their partners Step4Pla the auditape

4、 ith the flling questins: 1 here are the ging? 2 H d the usuall g t shl? 3 here d the pass n their a t shl? 4 D the have tie t stp? Step Read the text silentl b the students Then he the ansers Read it ludl in lass in rles The teaher als arund t see if the need se help Sep6 As the students t r in gru

5、ps and dra a ap n hih sh the favurite plaes enn and Brian pass n their a t shl Then as the t retell the str ith the aid f the ap Step7 e t “ LETS D IT!” Have students brainstr hat the n ant t sa abut the subet As se vlunteers t spea in frnt f the lass Step81 Finish ff the ativit b 3 G n the next rea

6、ding in the student b suar 1 Its eas and interesting taling abut the subets arund us Lets all tae are the hanges and irustanes Befre lass, u an as students t searh se infratin abut the neighbur and unit in estern untriesLessn 26: The Best Neighburhd Teahing ntent: aster rds and expressins: ftball, p

7、lae, ver there Ne rds and expressins: ser, ffee, ffee shp, vide, vide tre, Teahing Ais: It enurages students t thin abut the siilarities and differenes beteen anadian neighburhds and their n neighburhds Teahing Iprtant Pints: 1 Design the neighburhd f nes n 2 Tal abut lies and dislies Teahing Diffiu

8、lt Pints: Dra aps arding t nes n iaginatin Teahing Preparatin: aps Teahing Aids: auditape, flashards, aps Tpe f Lessn: ne lessn Teahing Predure: Step1 Lead in the lessn ith the flling questins: 1 Are u satisfied ith ur neighburhd? 2 here uld u lie t live? 3 uld u lie t live in a neighburhd ith lts f

9、 pars r stres? Step2 Listen t the tape and anser the flling questins: 1 H an bstres did enn dra? 2 uld enn lie t live in a plae ith a par? 3 Des he lie a ffee shp? 4 hat else des enn need? Step3 Read the text arefull and dra aps Dra hat enns and Brians neighburhd lie hange ur aps ith ur partners Ste

10、p4 Finish the pret: Tal abut ur neighburhd hat ill u lie it t be? uld u lie t live in a neighburhd ith lts f pars and stres? Disuss the pret in grups Then rite it dn Reeber t denstrate ur exuses Find ur partners h an live tgether Des anne else have the sae pinin ith u? D u have the sae interest? Ste

11、p e t “PRET” Dra a ap f a neighburhd here u uld lie t livethe best neighburhd Share ur aps t the partners Step6 Enurage the students t explre all the readings fr this unit in the student b and read fr vabular Enurage the t thin f vabular the alread n After abut five inutes, as the grups fr se f the

12、rds the fund r reebered u uld as eah grup fr three rds in turn, and tell the the annt repeat rds hen its their turn eep ging fr grup t grup until nbd an thin f ne rds Step71 Finish ff the ativit b 2 G n the next reading in the student b Suar: The iprtant r in the lass is t dra aps and build ur vabul

13、ar The teaher an bring a ap f n unit t the lass It an inrease students learning interest and lead in the lass easil Lessn27: ap, ur ap, ur apsTeahing ntent: aster rds and expressins: page, entre, ban, paring lt, b, arss, arss fr nn rds and expressins: shpping entre, vie theatre, at the tp f, in the

14、tp/btt left rner Teahing Ais: 1 Build the sense f learning b neself 2 Find the siilarities and differenes beteen anadian neighburhds and their n neighburhds Teahing Iprtant Pints: 1 Prnuns 2 As questins abut the diretins Teahing Diffiult Pints: Patterns: hats that plae beside the shpping entre? Teah

15、ing Preparatin: aps Teahing Aids: auditape, flashards, aps Tpe f lessn: ne lessn Teahing Predure: Step1As se vlunteers t tell hat their ideal unit is lie At the sae tie, as the thers if the have the sae pinin Step2 Tae ut the ap f ur unit Sh it t the lass first Then the teaher vers a part f it, let

16、the guess here it is Step3 Listen t the tape and anser the flling questins: 1 hat are enn and Dann ding? 2 hat is the square in the btt left rner? 3 hats abve the ban? 4 hats the square arss fr the paring lt, t the right? Step4 Read the text silentl and he the ansers Then read it ludl in rles in pai

17、rs Step At the dialgue ut in frnt f the lass Step6 Dra aps f the students n unities Let the students h live in the sae unit t he if the ae an istaes Step7 Use the aps e dre t pla the gae Pla the gae in grups in fur ver a part f ur ap Then let the thers in the sae grup t guess hat it is The student h

18、 an guess re plaes than thers is the inner Step8 e t “PRET” hats issing fr ur ap? Pla the gae ith a friend Put a piee f paper ver ne f the aps, s u ant see it As a friend t put a piee f paper ve LessnLessn 28: Turn Right, Turn Left Teahing ntent: aster rds and expressins: alng, sideal nn rds and exp

19、ressins: an u tell e the a t? Teahing Ais: n abut the traffi rles in anada and pare it ith the nes in hina Teahing Iprtant Pints; 1 As the a 2 Sh the a t thers Teahing Diffiult Pints: Se expressins: the a t, l right, turn right, al alng Teahing Preparatin: flashards Teahing Aids: auditape, flashards

20、 Tpe f lessn: ne lessn Teahing Predure: Step1 Reind the students the naes f the buildings Suh as: b stre, grer stre, baer, vide stre, ailbx, pst ffie, apartent, huse, htel, beah, restaurant, siing pl, librar, bus stp, inea, shl, shp, sideal, par, paring lt Step2 Listen t the tape and iitate after it

21、 Then listen again Let the students ntie the rhe, rhth and repetitin in the sng These are gd devies fr develping an “ear fr English” Step3 Read the sng b students theselves Help the understand sense grups in the sng Step4 Disuss the pret Divide the students int several grups and disuss the flling qu

22、estins: 1 here ust u al in hina?2 Are the traffi rules in hina the sae as the nes in anada? rite ur ansers dn and reprt t the lass Stp Finish the tas 1 If u are in shl n, u ant t g t the pst ffie t pst a letter rite the rte dn Disuss it ith ur partners 2 rganize a dialgue and at it ut in frnt f the

23、lass Step6 Lets sing the sng tgether Help the t sing in rs Enurage then t sing ludl Step7 e t “LETS D IT” Step81 Finish ff the ativit b 2 G n the next reading in the student b Suar There are s an beautiful sngs in the b Listen the arefull and it ill bring u t a prett rld Let the students feel the rh

24、th f the usi the ther aps As ur friend questins t learn hats issing n ur ap Let ur friend as ur questins rite the issing plaes n ur aps Then, ae ur n ap gae Give ur gae t a pair f ur lassates u pla their gae The pla ur gae Step9 1Finish ff the ativit b 2G n the reading in the student b Suar aps are

25、used ften in the lass S befre the lass, draing aps ust be prepared arefull Lessn 29: Neighburhd Teahing ntent: aster rds and expressins: st, sugar, , n nn rds and expressins: he, hlate, ht hlate, ae a lt f drins, as t d Teahing Ais: 1 Learn abut the tpial neighburhds in anada 2 Thin abut the siilari

26、ties and differenes beteen anadian neighburhds and their n neighburhds Teahing Iprtant Pints: 1 Intrdue nes neighburhd 2 Tal abut lies and dislies Teahing Diffiult Pints: Desribe nes neighburhd Teahing Preparatin: flashards Teahing Aids: auditape, flashards Tpe f lessn: ne lessn Teahing Predure: Step1 Sing the sng in Lessn 28 tgether Then let a fe vlunteers at in frnt f the lass

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