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1、初中英语实义动词讲义精锐教育学科教师辅导讲义讲义编号 09sh8yy000779_ 学员编号: sh8cn7 年 级: 初二 课时数:3学员姓名: 尹田田 辅导科目: 英语 学科教师:卢慧珍学科组长签名及日期赵宇教务长签名及日期课 题专项复习-动词(系动词和实义动词)授课时间:2009年7月23日 12:5014:50备课时间:2009年7月20日教学目标学习系动词,了解系动词的基本用法复习实义动词,学会辨别一些近义词的用法 重点、难点重点:系动词和实义动词的用法 难点:动词的词义辨析考点及考试要求了解系动词和实义动词的基本用法,能够在实际运用中熟练使用。教学内容教学步骤:Step1 Chec

2、k-upStep2. 阅读练习Step3. 学习实义动词和系动词Step4.Homework美句欣赏:Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. 脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。 从小灌输给孩子的坚定信念。 Storms make trees take deeper roots. 风暴使树木深深扎根。 感激敌人,感激挫折!Step 1 Check-up 检查上次的作业情况 课外阅读和单词书Step2. 阅读Stress (压力) is everywhere in our everyday life. Not only men have

3、it, but also women and young people.The most important reasons of stress are:death, diseases, exams, making money, getting married, moving houses, changing jobs, ending friendships and so on How do you know whether you have stress? Could you give your answers to the following questions?YesNoDo you e

4、asily get angry?Do you often sleep badly?Do you get headaches a lot?Do you take sleeping pills?Do you find it difficult to relax?Do you usually hide your feelings?Do you smoke and drink a lot to keep quiet?Do you find it difficult to put your heart into something?If you answer “Yes” to more than two

5、 of these questions, you are one of those people with stress. So what can you do about it?Doing relaxing exercises, talking with friends and listening to light music are all usual ways of relieving(减轻) stress. However, doctors now say that there are easier wayspeople should laugh and smile more ofte

6、n. When you laugh and smile, your body relaxes. They also say that people, especially men, should _ more often, because crying is the natural way of relieving stress.22Who has got stress in his everyday life? A) Men. B) Women. C) Young people. D) All the above.23If you have over problems listed in t

7、he table, you are the person with stress. A) two B) three C) five D) eight24Which of the followings is NOT the reason of stress? A) Taking exams. B) Changing jobs. C) Taking sleeping pills. D) Making money.25According to the passage, which of the followings is true? A) Women and young people never h

8、ave stress. B) Stress is everywhere in our everyday life. C) People who answer “No” to all of the questions have great stress. D) People who answer Yes to more than two of the questions have no stress.26Whats the easier way to relax your body? A) Talking with friends. B) Listening to light music. C)

9、 Doing relaxing exercises. D) Laughing, smiling and crying.27“_” in the passage should be the “word” . A) smile B) laugh C) cry D) smoke 28The main idea of the passage is . A) about stress and how to relieve your stress B) that there are many reasons for having stress C) that laughing and smiling mo

10、re can help relieve your stress D) that doing the Stress Test is a good way to help you to live a better lifeStep 3 学习系动词和实义动词的用法一 系动词:(一)定义系动词亦称联系动词(Link Verb),作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语(亦称补语),构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。有些系动词又是实义动词,该动词表达实义时,有词义,可单独作谓语,例如:He fell ill yesterday. 他昨天病了。(fell是系动词,后跟补足语

11、,说明主语情况。)He fell off the ladder. 他从梯子上摔下来。fell是实义动词,单独作谓语。(二)分类1)状态系动词用来表示主语状态,只有be一词,例如:He is a teacher. 他是一名教师。(is与补足语一起说明主语的身份。)2)持续系动词用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, rest, remain, stay, lie, stand, 例如:He always kept silent at meeting.他开会时总保持沉默。This matter rests a mystery.此事仍是一个谜。3)表像系动词用来表示看起来像这一概念,

12、主要有seem, appear, look, 例如:He looks tired.他看起来很累。He seems (to be) very sad.他看起来很伤心。4)感官系动词感官系动词主要有feel, smell, sound, taste, 例如:This kind of cloth feels very soft. 这种布手感很软。This flower smells very sweet. 这朵花闻起来很香。5)变化系动词这些系动词表示主语变成什么样,变化系动词主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run.例如:He became m

13、ad after that.自那之后,他疯了。She grew rich within a short time.她没多长时间就富了。6)终止系动词表示主语已终止动作,主要有prove, trun out, 表达证实,变成之意,例如:The rumor proved false. 这谣言证实有假。The search proved difficult. 搜查证实很难。His plan turned out a success.他的计划终于成功了。(turn out表终止性结果)(三)注意事项系动词本身有一定的词义,不能单独作谓语,后面必须与表语连用。1. be是最重要的系动词,主语不同,be的

14、形式也不同,且有时态的变化。 通常表示主语的特征、状态和身份等,后面接形容词、副词、名词、介词短语、不定式、v-ing、过去分词及表语从句作表语。 特别要注意“由be+过去分词”所构成的系表结构与“由be+过去分词”所构成的被动语态的区别。 前者侧重于表示主语的特征或所处的状态,通常没有由by引导的介词短语。如:The door was closed. 后者侧重于强调主语是谓语动词所示动作的承受者,表示动作;句中可以用由by引导的介词短语。如:The door was closed by me. 还要注意“由be+ V-ing所构成的系表结构与“由be+ V-ing”所构成的进行时态的区别。前

15、者侧重于说明主语具有的特征或存在的状态,也可说明主语是什么。如:My job is teaching English.后者侧重于强调主语正在做某事。如:Mr Wang is reading an evening paper now.2. 要注意由行为动词转化成的系动词。 表示人体感官的系动词有sound,taste,look,feel,smell等,后面接形容词; 表示主语从一种状态转变到另一种状态的系动词有become,get,go,turn,run,grow,come,fall,prove等,后面接形容词、名词或 to be+形容词,become后面接单数名词时,名词前要用不定冠词,tur

16、n后面接单数名词时,名词前不用不定冠词; 表示主语继续或保持某种身份、特征或状态的系动词有continue,keep,remain,stay,stand lie,rest,stay等,后面接表示状态的形容词; 表示判断的系动词有seem和appear,后面接形容词、to be+名词或形容词、that-clause、不定式等。3. 要注意系动词的固定搭配。常见的有come true, fall asleep, fall ill, go bad, come right, run wild, wear thin, turn nasty等。4.要特别注意某些动词既可以做系动词,又可以做实意动词的用法。

17、 系动词部分主要注意:其后要求接形容词,而不是副词做表语。遇到这种情况,只能先根据其意思判断清楚到底是前者还是后者,然后再对后面的词性和词义做出正确判断和选择。以taste一词为例:The newly-invented soft drinking tastes quite unique.(这种新研制的软饮料尝起来挺独特的。注意:在这句话里,taste做系动词,不能使用进行时,后面接形容词。)The chef is tasting the fish carefully.(厨师长正在品尝这道鱼。注意:在这句话中,taste做实意动词,可以使用进行时,并且后面接副词做状语。)专项训练1. What

18、is Mr Wang like? _.A. He is a teacher B. He is old and kind C. He looks like a balloon D. He likes English2. What Mr White said sounds_.A. friendly B. wonderfully C. pleasantly D. nicely3. The poor boy _ blind at the age of three.A. turned B. goes C. became D. went4. When he was a child he_ .A. grew

19、 patience B. was alive C. ran wild D. came true5. His voice_ as if he has a cold.A. sounds B. listens C. hears D. seems 6. This shirt_ as if it is made of cotton.A. is B. looks C. feels D. seems7. He looks _ he hadnt had a good meal for a monthA. that B. as if C. when D. so far8. It _that he was lat

20、e for the train.A. looks B. turns C. gets D. seems9. These apples taste_.A. to he good B. to be well C. well D. good 10. Do you like the shirt?Yes, it _ very soft.A. feels B. felt C. is feeling D. is felt11. The moment Mr Zhang went to bed, he_ asleepA. kept B. got C. fell D. fall12. When I went hom

21、e yesterday, it was _ dark.A. going B. getting C. running D. coming13. Their plan _ to be a perfect one.A. proved B. was proved C. is proving D. proving 14. The flowers in the garden _ sweet.A. sound B. taste C. become D. smell 15. She_ like her mother in character.A. looks B. seems C. is D. feels 1

22、6. It_ another fine day tomorrow.A. seems B. promises C. appears D. looks 17. He _ much younger than he really is.A. appears B. grows C. becomes D. turns 18. You_ very pale. Do you feel sick?A. looked B. are looking C. looking D. are looked19. His wish to become a driver has _true.A. turned B. reali

23、zed C. come D. grown20. Her father _a writer.A. turned B. grew C. has turned D. has becomeBADCA CBDDA CBADC BABCD二 实义动词(一)分类:实义动词即行为动词:及物动词(带宾语);不及物动词(不带宾语)。实义动词意思完全,能独立用作谓语。实义动词有及物动词和不及物动词(及物动词是指后面要求有直接宾语的动词;不及物动词指后面不需要跟宾语的动词)。 1及物动词:后面必须跟宾语意义才完整的实义动词,叫做及物动词(transitive verb)。如: I believe that the c

24、ommittee will consider our suggestion.我相信委员会将会考虑我们的建议。 “How long can I keep the book ?”Harry asked.哈里问:“这本书我可以借多久?” Dr. Bethune set us a good example. 白求恩大夫给我们树立了好榜样。 2不及物动词:本身意义完整后面不须跟宾语的实义动词,叫做不及物动词(intransitive verb)。如: Birds fly.鸟会飞。 It happened in June 1932.这件事发生于一九三二年六月。 My watch stopped.我的表停了

25、。 She spoke at the meeting yesterday evening. 她在昨天晚上的会上发了言。 3 兼作及物动词和不及物动词:英语里有不少实义动词可以兼作及物动词和不及物动词。这样的动词又有两种不同的情况: 1)兼作及物动词和不及物动词时,意义不变。试比较: Shall I begin at once?我可以立刻开始吗?(begin作不及物动词) She began working as a librarian after she left school.她毕业后当图书馆管理员。(began作及物动词) When did they leave Chicago?他们是什么

26、时候离开芝加哥的?(leave 作及物动词) They left last week. 他们是上周离开的。(left 作不及物动词) 2)兼作及物动词和不及物动词时,有时意义不尽相同。如: Wash your hands before meals.饭前要洗手。 Does this cloth wash well? 这布经得起洗吗? 4 与汉语的比较:有时英语动词的及物和不及物的用法,与汉语的用法不一样,请注意下列两种情况: 1)有的动词在英语里只能用作不及物动词,而汉语则可用作及物动词,如arrive到达,agree同意,1isten听。英语里这些动词后面常接介词。如: We arrived

27、at the railway station at noon.我们于中午到达火车站。(at不能省去)(比较:We reached the railway station at noon.) Everybody listened to the lecture with great interest.每个人都很有兴趣地听讲课。(to不可省去)(比较:We all heard the lecture.) Do they agree to the plan?他们同意这个计划吗?(to不可省去) 2)有的动词在英语里能用作及物动词,而在汉语里则不能用作及物动词,如serve为服务。 Our childr

28、en are taught to serve the people wholeheartedly.我们的儿童被教以全心全意为人民服务 (二)用法 实义动词词义完整,能独立作谓语。 1及物动词要求有宾语 MrSmith gave his wife twenty pounds for her birthday史密斯先生给了他的妻子20英镑过生日。 He asked the teacher a few questions他向老师问了几个问题。 We have friends all over the world.我们的朋友遍天下。 Children and young people like bri

29、ght colors孩子和年轻人喜欢亮丽的颜色。 2不及物动词不要求宾语 Most shops in Britain open at 9:00 Am. and close at 5:00 or 5:30 in the evening .英国大部分商店九点开门,晚五点或五点半关门。 Georges father lives there乔治的爸爸住在那里。 Lets go home我们回家吧。 The examination ended at 11:30 Am考试上午十一点半结束。 3特殊实义动词 英语动词很多既是及物动词又是不及物动词,如 close, begin, study, leave,

30、work等。 The post office closes at 9:00 p. m邮局晚上9点关门。 Close the window, please请关窗。 Shall we begin now?我们现在开始吗? Bill began working as a sailor after he left school比尔毕业后当水手。 They left yesterday他们昨天离开的。 When did you leave Washington?你什么时候离开华盛顿的? The students study hard.这些学生学习努力。 The students study English and German这些学生学习英语和德语。 He works in a supermarket.他在一家超市工作。 He works the machine on Mondays.他星期一操作

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