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1、常见同义词替换常见同义词替换1 解决: Solve, dal with, cope wth, handle, rslve, aress, tack 2 损害: amae, hurt, iur, arm,impair, uemn, opadize 3 给与:e, ofer, eder, imart, ovie, suppy,aford培养: Devep, cultvat,fost5优势:Advanta, mrit, virtue, bei, usid, strgth6缺陷:isdvanta,emei, drawbak, ose,weakess 7 使迷惑:Puzzle,bewler, erple

2、x, bffle重要得:Key, crucl, ritical, important, sinfict, vital,subsnta, indsensabe,imperatie9认 为 : hin, believe,insit, ainain,aser, ce, deem, hold,ague, b conined, be irmyconvincd, bully convinced10保护:Protec, conserve, presre1确保:Asre, ns, uraee,pledge12有害得:Bad,baneul evl,harmful, etrimentl 1 要求 :Request

3、,deman, neds, reuisiio14消除 :liit,clear, reove, cleau,takawa, smooaay1导致: Leadt,bring abu, sulin, se, sark ff,couceto, procr, uce,genrate6因 此 :S, theore, thus, henc, consequenty, asaqence, acorly,as result,because of tis, a sult of is17增长至:r to,ris to,icrease to,g up ,cim to,acen to,um t,shoot to1 降低

4、至:Dp o,all to,deci to,cee o,pto,go down to,redto, slup to,deend to,snko,slide o1保持稳定:eve ot,do nhae,rmin tabl,rmain tll,emai teay,bestable, maintin the sme lve,rem unhaged,be stll,remain the se lvel,sty constant,eep the sae eve,lvl ff,stablize,ep ittbily,vn ot20急剧地:Damatally,drastilly,sly,huge,eormo

5、usly,stl,sbstantiall,considrb,igfican,redly,suringly,srikingl,radicall,remarkably,vstly, otieal21平稳地:Stediy,smotly,sightly,lowly,maginll,gadlly,modratel,mldly 2 宣称:llege,asert, declre, clai23发生:Hppn, occur, akeplce 24 原因:Reason,fcto,caus2发展:Dvopent,vn, rogress6有益得:Useful, lful,benefcial, proftabl, r

6、ewardg, advanteous 影响:Influnce,pct,effet28明显得:lea, ovous, ient,self-evident,manifs, apparent, crystal-cler29占 : se,take u, acontfr, cstitute, cnsistf, ae up,occupy, ho, copose 30 与相比:Cparewith,cmpaed to,i rison wth,incmaison to,bparonwit,b prso o31 对比而言:y cotas,i conrast,o h other hand,n the ontrary

7、=,conerely 32展示:how, reveal, ilstrate, doste, depict, presen, epesent, descrie大约:Approxmatel,at,bot,aoud,earl,ruhy34波动:Fuctuae,gpnd down,displa fluctuatin,donsaafututin35事实上:Practiclly,i atie,essental,in sene,in real,i effct,i act,a a matter ofat,t s afat tt36换言之:Nmely,tat s toay,in ohrors,to put it

8、like tis,to uidiffeety,toput tfrom anothr way,to putt fro anoter al1. ndivdu, charters, olks 替换(pol ,pro)2: poitie, favorle,ro (美好 得 ) ,romii(有 希 望 得 ) , pefec, plesurabe, excllent, oustading, superio 替换 god3:deadful, nfaorable, poor, vers,ill (有害得)替换 bad 如果ad 做表语,可以有 be less impreie 替 换 eg、 An my f

9、 collegsdntsdlg temselves playig gmes, enjoyig romance with girls/boor kllg im passivly n hei dorm、 Wen itapaes t rauation ,a a rest, y i he aemcreor ae less imreive、4、(a army o, ancen of, aeaof, a mlitude of ,a hos o,ay, if nt most)替换ny.注:用 mny, if n most 一定要小心,mny 后一定要有词、Eg。Many idivuls,in most, h

10、abo teie that、同理 用st,if no l,替换 ost。5: sliof, quiet a e ,evral 替换 som6:harbor the idea tht, akete attituethat, hod the vie hat, it is widely sharthat ,itis univsll ackowledged tat) 替 think( 因 为 就是 书 面 语 , 所 以要 加 tat) 7:ffa ,bsness ,mate替换tg: ared 代mmon9。reap hug fruit 替换 et nybefits )10:fo m pa ,fro

11、my o erpeciv 替换 i my oinon1:Increasing(y),rowing 替换mornd mre( 注意没有 grinly 这种形式。所以当修饰名 词 时 用 inces/grng、 修饰 形容 词 , 副词用 ireingl. Eg。 sth a ane growingoulrty 。Sth i nreasingy pouar ith the advanemt of sh。12、itt if antin, 或 litlornothing 替换 hardl 13.。benfiial, rewardi替换helpful, 14.sppe,clie,csmr,purcser

12、,替换 usome 15、exceedigly,extmely,intensly 替换 very1。hardly necssary,hrdlnvtabe.、. 替换 unecessy, aoidable17、th appalstos, shxers treendous facatin sb 替 换sb ake itest i / s、beitersdin8、captreoesattenin 替换 attact onesaenton、19.acet,dmenion,here代 apec2。beindicatve o ,b sugstieof ,b fearfl 代 indicae, sggt ,

13、ea21.iverise to,lead to, rsult in,rigger 替换 case。 There are svel reons beind th 替换、reasons frsth 。desire 替换wt、24.pour ateion ino 替换 ytentot 25.arn mi at 替换 rembe6、eoy, pose 替换 have(注意pres 就是过程得意思)27。ineractio 替换 comunicaton28、ownon s 替换 be agint , disagreith th29.tnam nly afw, a a exm 替换for xample,

14、fr istnce3。nx to/vrtualy impossibl,替换 near almot imposile形容词:1。贫穷得:poor= eedy= iverishe = povtystrik。富裕得:ric =welty affue wel-o-do= well-ff、优秀得:excllen = eminent = to= otstading4。积极得,好得:god = condi bnefial=adantaus5、消极得,不良得:d eiental= baneul undesirable6。明显得:bvious= apprent = evidt=mafet、健康得: health

15、y rbut = sun =woesme8。惊人得:prising =amzing =extraordiay =miracuu。美丽得:beautiul = attrative = gogeo = ye-catching10.有活力得:eneretc= dnaic= igoros=aniaed、流行得:opular = prvlig = rent peraiv动词:1、提高,加强:mprve = ehepromote= strenen = opiize2.引起:cuse= trgger=endagr3.解决:slv =resoveaddrss = takle =ope with= deal w

16、ith4.拆除:esro teaown =kck dow= eradcte、培养: delop = culivte = foste =nrur.激发,鼓励:corae oivte =stimut =spr.认为: thnk sert= hol clam = rgu8、完成:cmlte = fulfill = accoplish= achie9.保留:k= prserve ean = hol0.有害于:estro = impair= uderin= jeoadie11、减轻:eas liae = relieve =lighten名词:、影响:ifluene= impct2.危险:aneous p

17、erils hazardos3.污染:poto = contaminatin4.人类:hman beis manknd hune a5.老人:old peope= t old th elder =h aed= ser cits6.幸福:happiness cheerfulness = wellbeing7。老师:teachrs instructos =euatrs = lecturr=utors8。教育:eduation = chooli = amily parentin uinging。青少年:young pepl = yogstes yth adoest10、优点:advatae = me

18、rits = superiority =virtu11。责任: respnsiilty = igtion = dt = liility12、能力: aliy =cpaty =pwer= skill13.职业: ob rer = mpyment prfssion1、娱乐: njoyet = patimes =rcreation= entertaint1、孩子: ilren= ffspring =deent k短语:1。充满了:b filled with = e awash with = be inudtwith = beaturate wit2。努力:suggle for aspire fte=

19、 strie fr = spare no eforts for3。从事:emark on taeup = setaut = go in for、在当代:i contepoay society inresentday sciey= inhs ay and a5、大量得: a hot of = a ltitudeof=avas nuber of a vast amount 逻辑关系: 一、And 并列关系(ad)in additio / n/ smilary / likewi/ as we as / besdes / fuhrr / as / morover / to /ot only 、。. b

20、ut / en / besdes thistha二、qenc 顺序 (then) 出现得时候表示列举 / niilly sod tc。 /tobegn wth /ten /ext / alier/lar / oloing this/that/ terward三、Consequec结果 (so) 前面就是后面得结果 /也就就是这些词后面就开始给出结论了 a result/ tus / so herefre / conequetly/itflow that / heeby / evetul thatce /dmittedly四、onat转折(but )表对前面论述得转折 / 一般后面才就是作者观点

21、howeer ontothehand / despite/ n stef /g/alhoug/ b / on he cona/othwse /t/insted of / ther weas / oneteless/ in conrast五、Certait 确定(o cuse) 强烈得确定 / 后面就是作者得坚定论点obviosl / eranl/pliny / of oue / ubtedly六、ndiion条件/ 因为 (if ) 后面跟随着某种情况发生得前提或者就是条件f / unles / heer/ provdethat / iven tat / or/ so tat / wheter

22、/ dending on七、Tm时间 (when )befor / sce /as /unti/ meanwile/at theen / whe / whnver / s soon as / just as八、Summry 总结(in a wor) 作者得最后总结in oncluson / in summary/lastly/ fnal / to sumup/ t conclue to rcapitulate 重述 / in shor / in a wr九、xampe举例 (freample) o exml / for istance/ st as / inpaticula / such as

23、/ mely十、Reason 原因( bcaue) ince / as / so / bcue (o) /du t /owingo / the rao hy / inther wos / leadsto cus听力必考十大场景之词汇 ( )作业讨论场景课程专业单词 释意 单词 释意corse课程 ee 学位ubect科目letur 演讲educatio 教育reeach研究项目eatmet 院系 maagement 管理copuin 计算处理ociology社会学nhropoy 人类学 ngnering 工程Cmmuniation i Business商务交际 olation stude 人口

24、学scialis owlede 专业知识课程内容einar研讨班boket 小册子hadout 讲义 copie 复印件crieria 标准 feedbac反馈bibliorap 参考书目extensin延期reerences参考书目 artces 文章grp 图表task 任务eay 文章 questinaire 问卷intee采访 urve 调查vocbary 词汇 spon回复dngs 发现mistae错误figures 数据 ample 样本experment 实验measuremen测量ssessment 评估 diseratio论文checlist 清单 statisic 统计学deadine 截止日期 observatio观察vetgato 调查proposl 提议nsrt 插入 sheaing 副标题pragraphs, 段落 foing 格式化ue 到期得ubmit 提交naccurate 不准确得inalid无效得dly 延期 ctures 演讲Medicine 医学 Lteraur 文学Psycoogy 心理学 uors 辅导得corat 集中 straction 注意力分散msi 音乐sport运动carts 卡通片 seminar讨论会retal 零售 rest 补考oc 涉及 virtallri 虚拟学习kyxt

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