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1、浙江省届高考英语复习完形填空提升练三记叙文76完形填空提升练(三)记叙文A(201711浙江)A young English teacher saved the lives of 30 students when he took 1 of a bus after its driver suffered a serious heart attack.Guy Harvold,24,had 2 the students and three course leaders from Gatwick airport,and they were travelling to Bournemouth to 3

2、their host families.They were going to 4 a course at the ABC Language School in Bournemouth where Harvold works as a 5.Harvold,who has not 6 his driving test,said,“I realized the bus was out of control when I was 7 the students.” The bus ran into trees at the side of the road and he 8the driver was

3、slumped(倒伏) over the wheel.The driver didnt 9.He was unconscious.The bus 10 a lamp post and it broke the glass on the front door before Harvold 11 to bring the bus to a stop.Police 12 the young teachers quick thinking.If he hadnt 13 quickly,there could have been a terrible 14.The bus driver never re

4、gained consciousness and died at East Surrey Hospital.He had worked regularly with the 15 and was very well regarded by the teachers and students.Harvold said,“I was 16 that no one else was hurt,but I hoped the driver would 17.The head of the language school told the local newspaper that the school

5、is going to send Harvold on a weekend 18 to Dublin with a friend,thanking him for his 19.A local driving school has also offered him six 20driving lessons.1.A.controlB.careC.advantage D.note2.A.taken in B.picked upC.tracked down D.helped out3.A.greet B.thankC.invite D.meet4.A.present B.introduceC.ta

6、ke D.organize5.A.driver B.doctorC.librarian D.teacher6.A.given B.markedC.passed D.conducted7.A.speaking to B.waiting forC.returning to D.looking for8.A.learned B.noticedC.mentioned D.doubted9.A.sleep B.cryC.move D.recover10.A.ran over B.went byC.carried D.hit11.A.remembered B.continuedC.prepared D.m

7、anaged12.A.witnessed B.recordedC.praised D.understood13.A.appeared B.reactedC.escaped D.interrupted14.A.delay B.accidentC.mistake D.experience15.A.airport D.police16.A.happy B.fortunateC.touched D.sorry17.A.survive B.retireC.relax D.succeed18.A.project B.tripC.dinner

8、avery B.skillC.quality D.knowledge20.A.necessary B.easyC.different D.free导学号44994057B(原创)A few days ago I saw two baby ducklings that were alone in the grass near a pond,and today I found out that they were1 away or lost.2one of them was found dead today,but I decided to 3 the other one in and take

9、care of it until he got big enough to take care of himself.When I decided to take him in,he was actually 4 in his neck by a cat,so its a 5thing that I got him.The duck and I both are 6 along well.Hes already quite big for a duckling so hopefully I can release him back into the 7in a couple of weeks.

10、At first he was 8of me,which is understandable,9 now he seems to be a bit less worried about me as Ive been 10him some corn which he certainly seems to really enjoy.With some11from my friends,we got him some duck feed from an animal feed store and a big 12 for him to be in as well.Hopefully Im doing

11、 the right thing by taking him in.I 13 that he would have been killed by a 14 if I hadnt helped him.Since finding the little duck,I was able to find him another15,a pond with a few other ducks and geese in it.Ive been checking on him and feeding him every day to 16that he gets 17enough to fully care

12、 for himself,and so far hes doing great.Hes 18 a new friend in another duck that he hangs around with every time I go to check on him.When I was originally19 taking him in,others told me “let nature take its course”.So after a while,I 20 him to nature.One day I found he and his new friend in the pon

13、d lived happily.1.A.turned B.thrownC.given D.put2.A.Unfortunately B.TrulyC.Amusingly D.Similarly3.A.believe B.callC.take D.bring4.A.hurt B.woundedC.caught D.broken5.A.complex B.strangeC.special D.good6.A.singing B.dancingC.getting D.walking7.A.river B.pondC.lake D.sea8.A.terrified B.excitedC.disappo

14、inted D.sorry9.A.and B.soC.but D.yet10.A.feeding B.deliveringC.borrowing B.smileC.anger D.envy12.A.shelf B.plateC.bowl D.container13.A.doubted B.guessedC.figured D.cat15.A.friend B.homeC.owner D.goose16.A.make out B.make D.make sure17

15、.A.small B.thinC.big D.fat18.A.made B.lostC.ignored D.killed19.A.serving B.watchingC.feeling D.considering20.A.frightened B.admittedC.trained D.freed导学号44994058C(2017全国)A Toronto man is offering a free round-the-world air ticket to the right woman.But 1 apply.You must be named Elizabeth Gallagher an

16、d have a Canadian 2.Jordan Axani,28,said he and his then girlfriend,Elizabeth Gallagher,booked heavily discounted round-the-world air tickets in May,but their 3 ended and he did not want her ticket to 4.The ticket had a strict no-transfer(不可转让)5,but since passport information was not required when 6

17、,any Canadian Elizabeth Gallagher can 7 it.“I just want to see the ticket go to good use and for someone to 8 a lot of joy,” said Axani.He posted his 9 on a social networking website,and received thousands of e-mails,including thirty from actual Elizabeth Gallaghers with the 10 passports.“More 11,th

18、ere are hundreds of Canadians who are interested in 12 their name to Elizabeth Gallagher,” Axani said.“It was absolutely out of 13,thousands of e-mails,people around the world 14 their stories of travel.”Axani wrote in his post that he is not 15anything in return and that the woman who uses the 16 t

19、icket can choose to either travel with him or 17 the ticket and travel on her own.The 18 is scheduled to start on December 21 in New York City and continue on to Milan,Prague,Paris,Bangkok and New Delhi before 19 in Toronto on January 8.He said the 20 woman will be announced on the website and the t

20、rip will be shared online.1.A.benefits B.depositsC.restrictions D.examinations2.A.origin B.passportC.accent B.marriageC.dream D.relationship4.A.go to waste B.come to mindC.go on sale D.come into effect5.A.policy B.orderC.payment D.schedule6.A.applying B.bookingC.checking D.bargai

21、ning7.A.use B.borrowC.choose D.buy8.A.sacrifice B.expressC.experience D.provide9.A.answer B.adviceC.offer D.comment10.A.same D.real11.A.interesting B.annoyingC.satisfying D.convincing12.A.writing B.givingC.lending D.changing13.A.touch D.control14.A.admiring B.advertisin

22、gC.sharing D.doubting15.A.leaving B.looking forC.losing D.dealing with16.A.single B.strangeC.regular D.extra17.A.return B.takeC.reserve D.hide18.A.interview B.programC.trip D.meeting19.A.ending B.callingC.repeating D.staying20.A.honored B.lovelyC.intelligent D.lucky导学号44994059参考答案完形填空提升练(三)记叙文A【语篇导读

23、】教师Harvold在和学生乘车的途中,巴士司机突发心脏病,致使车辆失控,在这千钧一发之际,没有获得驾照的这位老师迅速作出反应,成功控制了巴士,从而避免了一场车毁人亡的交通事故。1.A由语境可知:巴士司机心脏病发作了(suffered a serious heart attack),再根据第二段描述的当时的场景可知,司机趴倒在方向盘上,失去了知觉,无法再操控巴士了,因此这位英语老师即后面提到的Harvold控制了巴士。take control of sth.“控制某物”。2.B句中“from Gatwick airport”说明这些学生和另外三位课程主管是从机场坐的巴士,故选“picked s

24、b.up”意思是“去接载某人”。take in “理解、领会”;track down“追踪到”;help out“帮分担工作”。3.D由语境可知:这些学生是去英国伯恩茅斯一家语言学校学习语言的,因此他们乘坐巴士去他们的寄宿家庭与房东见面。meet在句中表示“初次与人结识;见面”。4.C文中出现的人物有学生、老师、课程主管,地点有ABC语言学校,因此可推测,这些学生是要去语言学校上课的。take a course“上课”。5.D根据第一段第一句提到的“A young English teacher saved the lives of 30 students.”以及下文的信息可知,这位英语老师正

25、是Harvold。6.C根据最后一段最后一句提到的驾校给Harvold提供学车的课程可以判断他还没有通过驾照考试。7.AHarvold和学生们一起乘坐巴士去寄宿家庭,根据这一情景可知speaking to符合语境。当时他正和学生们在车上交谈。8.BHarvold正和学生们交谈的时候,巴士失控撞到了路旁的树上,这时,Harvold应当是朝着司机的方向看过去,所以notice符合语境。9.C本题所在句子的下一句提到司机不省人事,因此选项C符合句意。10.D上文提到巴士撞到了路边的树木,根据本题所在的句子可知巴士的前玻璃因撞击而破碎了,因此hit符合语境。11.D上文提到Harvold救了30个学生

26、的性命,因此可判断他成功控制了已失控的巴士。manage to do sth.“设法做成某事”。12.CHarvold成功控制了失控的巴士,避免了更糟糕的局面,警察对此行为应当是赞扬的,因此praised符合语境。13.B在巴士失控的危机关头,需要的是快速反应,所以选reacted。14.B失控的巴士如果不尽快得到控制会造成更严重的事故(accident),因此选项B符合语境。15.C本题所在的句子提到,老师和学生对这位巴士司机评价很好。因此可推断,他经常和这个学校(school)合作。16.A学生们安然无恙,作为老师,Harvold应当是感到高兴的,所以happy符合语境。17.A上文提到巴

27、士司机没能苏醒,还是遇难了。本题所在的句子的后半句表达了Harvold的愿望,希望这位司机能活下来就好了。因此survive符合语境。18.B根据本题所在句子中的thanking him.可知学校奖励了Harvold,四个选项中只有trip符合语境。weekend trip“周末旅行”。19.A逻辑推理题。根据上文可知,Harvold在危急关头,快速反应,避免了更糟糕的事故的发生,因此这是一次勇敢的行为。20.D由句子中的“also”可知,驾校也对Harvold的英勇行为给予了奖励:免费学习6节驾校课程,因此free“免费的”符合语境。B【语篇导读】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者收留了被

28、猫咬伤的一只鸭子,救助一段时间后,又把小鸭子放回大自然的故事。1.B根据下文的or lost可知两只小鸭要么是被抛弃要么是丢了的。throw away“丢弃”符合语境。2.A根据句中的dead可知真是不幸,unfortunately“不幸地”符合语境。3.C根据句中的“.and take care of it until he got big enough to take care of himself.”可知作者要收留小鸭子。take in“收留”,符合语境。4.A根据下文的“I 13 that he would have been killed by a 14 if I hadnt hel

29、ped him.”可知是一只猫弄伤了鸭子。5.D根据下文的“The duck and I both are 6 along well.”可知,作者和鸭子相处得很好,故推出作者收留鸭子对鸭子来说是一件好事。6.C根据上下文可知作者和鸭子相处得很好。get along well“合得来,相处好”符合语境。7.B根据第一段中的“two baby ducklings that were alone in the grass near a pond”和句中的back可知指的是同一个池塘。8.A根据下文的“9 now he seems to be a bit less worried about me”可

30、知一开始小鸭子是害怕作者的。9.C结合上一句的句意,前后是转折关系,故用but。10.A根据句中的“.him some corn which he certainly seems to really enjoy.”可知作者喂小鸭玉米。feed“喂养”符合语境。11.A根据下文的“.we got him some duck feed from an animal feed store and a big 12for him to be in as well.”可知是朋友们帮助了作者。12.D根据句中的“for him to be in as well”可知小鸭还能待在里面,可知应该是用来放鸭子的

31、东西。container“容器”符合语境。13.C根据下文的“.he would have been killed by a 14 if I hadnt helped him.”可知作者是明白这件事的。figure“知道,明白”,符合语境。14.D根据第三段的“When I decided to4him in,he was actually hurt in his neck by a cat.”可知他是被猫咬伤的。15.B池塘对小鸭来说就是他的家,作者等到他长到能自己照顾自己的时候,又给他找了一个家,就是池塘,从下文的“a pond with a few other ducks and geese in it”可知,所填的选项与a pond是同位语。16.D根据句中的“Ive been checking on him and fee

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