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生活大爆炸 第一季 01.docx

1、生活大爆炸 第一季 01100:00:00,000 - 00:00:02,460如果一个光子打向有两个狭缝的平面So if a photon is directed through a plane200:00:02,580 - 00:00:04,150如果有一个狭缝可以观测到 with two slits in it and either slit is observed,300:00:04,150 - 00:00:05,150那它没有同时通过两个狭缝it will not go through both slits.400:00:05,270 - 00:00:06,450如果观测不到 那它会

2、通过If its unobserved,it will.500:00:06,570 - 00:00:09,010但如果它是在离开平面后 However,if its observed after its left the plane600:00:09,100 - 00:00:10,300在击中目标物之前被观测到But before it hits its target,700:00:10,310 - 00:00:11,680那它不会同时通过两个狭缝it wont have gone through both slits.800:00:11,850 - 00:00:13,860没错 你想说什么A

3、greed. whats your point?900:00:14,050 - 00:00:17,240没什么 我只是觉得这个主意放在T恤上不错Theres no point,I just think its a good idea for a t-shirt.1000:00:22,670 - 00:00:24,340-您好 -稍等-excuse me. -hang on.1100:00:28,720 - 00:00:30,340横1是爱琴海One across is aegean.1200:00:30,460 - 00:00:31,850竖8是纳巴科夫(1899-1977 俄裔美国小说家)E

4、ight down is nabokov.1300:00:31,980 - 00:00:34,330横26MCM26 across is mcm.1400:00:34,600 - 00:00:36,900竖14是.你手挡住了.14 down is. move your finger.1500:00:37,780 - 00:00:40,410是门(生物分类) 所以说横十四是太子港(海地首都)phylum which makes 14 across port-au-prince1600:00:42,050 - 00:00:45,270你看 Papa Doc(海地总统绰号)提示了 所以是太子港See

5、,papa docs capitol idea, thats port-au-prince.1700:00:46,770 - 00:00:47,770在海地Haiti.1800:00:49,280 - 00:00:50,870-需要帮忙吗 -是的-can I help you? -yes.1900:00:53,770 - 00:00:57,020这里是高智商精子库吗Is this the high-iq sperm bank?2000:00:58,590 - 00:01:01,280如果这还要问的话 那你可能不该来这If you have to ask,maybe you shouldnt b

6、e here.2100:01:02,460 - 00:01:04,030我看就是这儿了I think this is the place.2200:01:05,240 - 00:01:06,960-把表格填了 -谢谢-fill these out. -thank you.2300:01:07,200 - 00:01:09,020-马上就好 -不急-well be right back. -take your time.2400:01:09,210 - 00:01:11,370我正好把填字游戏做完Ill just finish my crossword puzzle.2500:01:12,670

7、 - 00:01:13,950等等Oh,wait.2600:01:25,120 - 00:01:27,160莱纳德 我觉得我做不到Leonard,I dont think I can do this.2700:01:27,380 - 00:01:29,690开什么玩笑 你都是半职业选手了What,are you kidding? youre a semi-pro.2800:01:30,870 - 00:01:33,200不是的 我们这是在犯基因欺诈罪No. we are committing genetic fraud.2900:01:33,380 - 00:01:35,080我们的精子并不能

8、保证Theres no guarantee that our sperm3000:01:35,110 - 00:01:36,790将来就能生出高智商的后代is going to generate high-iqOffspring.3100:01:36,800 - 00:01:39,560你想想 我姐姐和我的DNA结构相同Think about that. I have a sister with the same basic dna mix3200:01:39,680 - 00:01:41,340可她只是快餐店的女服务生Who hostesses at fuddruckers.3300:01:

9、42,580 - 00:01:44,420谢尔顿 当初是你要来的Sheldon,this was your idea.3400:01:44,670 - 00:01:45,790这点补贴能让我们A little extra money to get3500:01:45,800 - 00:01:48,180在寓所里拥有分式T-1带宽fractional t-1 bandwidth in the apartment.3600:01:48,240 - 00:01:50,940我知道 我的确渴望更快的下载速度I know,and I do yearn for faster downloads.3700:

10、01:51,940 - 00:01:53,070但那些可怜的女人们But theres some poor woman3800:01:53,110 - 00:01:55,250会把希望寄托在我精子上的whos gonna pin her hopes on my sperm.3900:01:55,290 - 00:01:57,900如果她最后发现那小不点连曲线下面积What if she winds up with a toddler who doesnt know if he should use4000:01:58,030 - 00:02:01,470该用积分还是微分算都不知道 她会怎么想A

11、n integral or a differential to solve the area under a curve?4100:02:02,360 - 00:02:04,960-我肯定她还是会爱他的 -我不会-im sure shell still love him. -i wouldnt.4200:02:07,140 - 00:02:08,630你现在想怎么样Well,what do you want to do?4300:02:08,750 - 00:02:09,750我想走了I want to leave.4400:02:11,550 - 00:02:12,890该怎么跟她说呢Wha

12、ts the protocol for leaving?4500:02:13,240 - 00:02:16,480我不知道.我以前从来没在捐献精子时中途走人过I dont know. Ive never reneged on a proffer of sperm before.4600:02:18,020 - 00:02:19,470我们就直接走吧Lets try just walking out.4700:02:31,630 - 00:02:33,850-再见 -再见 很高兴见到你-bye. -bye. nice meeting you.4800:02:36,820 - 00:02:38,5

13、50你还在为那个精子库的事生气吗Are you still mad about the sperm bank?4900:02:38,660 - 00:02:39,180没有No.5000:02:40,940 - 00:02:43,850你想不想听有关楼梯的有趣事情You want to hear an interesting thing about stairs?5100:02:44,320 - 00:02:45,370不太想Not really.5200:02:46,090 - 00:02:48,950如果有一格阶梯的高度存在哪怕两毫米的微小差距If the height of a sing

14、le step is off by as little as two millimeters,5300:02:49,090 - 00:02:51,410-大多数人会被绊倒 -跟我无关-most people will trip. -i dont care.5400:02:53,300 - 00:02:55,090两毫.那不太可能吧Two milli. that doesnt seem right.5500:02:55,210 - 00:02:57,630不 是真的 我12岁时做过一系列试验No,its true,I did a series of experiments when I was

15、125600:02:57,750 - 00:02:59,280我爸爸还摔断了锁骨My father broke his clavicle.5700:03:00,680 - 00:03:02,550你就是因为这个被他们送去寄宿学校的?Is that why they sent you to boarding school?5800:03:02,680 - 00:03:05,350不是 是因为我那些关于激光的试验No. that was a result of my work with lasers.5900:03:11,360 - 00:03:12,390这是新邻居?New neighbor?6

16、000:03:12,610 - 00:03:13,610很明显Evidently.6100:03:14,060 - 00:03:16,680比起上一个的水准真是有显著提高Significant improvement over the old neighbor.6200:03:17,760 - 00:03:19,870那个体重200磅有皮肤问题的异装癖者?200-pound transvestite with a skin condition?6300:03:19,990 - 00:03:20,990那是 没错Yes,she is.6400:03:23,470 - 00:03:25,370-你

17、好 -你好-oh,hi. -hi.6500:03:30,260 - 00:03:32,470我们不想打搅你 我们就住你对面We dont mean to interrupt. we live across the hall.6600:03:32,710 - 00:03:34,390你们真好啊Oh,thats nice.6700:03:35,450 - 00:03:37,390我们不是住在一起 我是说.We dont live together. I mean.6800:03:38,090 - 00:03:39,190我们是住在一起We live together,6900:03:39,310

18、- 00:03:42,290不过是在分开的 异性恋的卧室里But in separate,heterosexual bedrooms.7000:03:43,720 - 00:03:44,720好的Okay,well.7100:03:44,910 - 00:03:46,780看来你们就是我的新邻居了 我叫佩妮Guess Im your new neighbor. penny.7200:03:47,190 - 00:03:48,830-我是莱纳德 他是谢尔顿 -你好-leonard. sheldon. -hi.7300:03:53,370 - 00:03:54,410那么.Well.7400:03

19、:55,280 - 00:03:56,620欢迎成为我们的邻居Welcome to the building.7500:03:57,050 - 00:03:59,220谢谢你 我们可以什么时候喝喝咖啡Thank you. maybe we can have coffee sometime.7600:03:59,340 - 00:04:01,150很好啊Great.7700:04:04,190 - 00:04:06,430-那.再见 -再见-well. bye. -bye.7800:04:10,410 - 00:04:12,140我们要不要请她来吃午饭?Should we have invite

20、d her for lunch?7900:04:12,600 - 00:04:15,210不 我们要开始看太空堡垒卡拉狄加第二季No.Were gonna start season two of battlestar galactica.8000:04:15,840 - 00:04:17,820第二季的DVD我们已经看过了We already watched the season two dvds.8100:04:17,940 - 00:04:19,120但评论音轨还没看Not with commentary.8200:04:21,800 - 00:04:23,750我觉得我们应该做个好邻居I

21、 think we should be good neighbors8300:04:23,870 - 00:04:25,760请她作客 让她觉得亲切And invite her over,make her feel welcome.8400:04:26,270 - 00:04:28,940我们从没请过那个叫路易还是叫路易斯的过来We never invited louie-slash-louise over.8500:04:30,150 - 00:04:31,790那是我们的不对And that was wrong of us.8600:04:31,920 - 00:04:33,360我们得扩

22、大下我们的朋友圈子We need to widen our circle.8700:04:33,770 - 00:04:35,900我的朋友圈子已经很大了I have a very wide circle.8800:04:36,800 - 00:04:38,830我的空间上有212个好友I have 212 friends on myspace.8900:04:40,800 - 00:04:42,960不错 可他们你一个也没见过Yes,and youve never met one of them.9000:04:43,710 - 00:04:45,060这正是其美妙之处Thats the b

23、eauty of it.9100:04:47,470 - 00:04:49,070我要请她过来Im gonna invite her over.9200:04:49,570 - 00:04:52,140我们可以好好吃一顿 然后.聊天Well have a nice meal and. chat.9300:04:52,350 - 00:04:55,100聊天? 我们平时不聊天 至少下了网不聊Chat? we dont chat. at least not offline.9400:04:57,480 - 00:04:58,810这没什么难的Its not difficult.9500:04:58

24、,930 - 00:05:00,450你只要听着她讲些什么You just listen to what she says9600:05:00,570 - 00:05:03,390然后你适当地回应她一些And then you say something appropriate in response.9700:05:04,790 - 00:05:05,790那最后要干什么?To what end?9800:05:07,770 - 00:05:09,370你好.又来了Hi. again.9900:05:09,490 - 00:05:11,370你好Hi.10000:05:12,650 - 00

25、:05:13,670那个.Anyway.10100:05:14,250 - 00:05:15,770我们带了印度菜回来We brought home indian food.10200:05:16,790 - 00:05:17,790然后.And.10300:05:18,310 - 00:05:20,480我知道搬家可能会很累I know that moving can be stressful,10400:05:20,610 - 00:05:22,780并且我发现当我身心俱疲时And I find that when Im undergoing stress,10500:05:22,910

26、- 00:05:26,060美食和伙伴能让我感觉很舒坦That good food and company can have a comforting effect.10600:05:27,280 - 00:05:30,430还有 咖喱本身有通便功效 我想我不必再说Also,curry is a natural laxative,and I dont have to tell you10700:05:30,550 - 00:05:33,180你知道 如果大肠通畅.That,you know,a clean colon is just.10800:05:33,500 - 00:05:35,290

27、那又可以少一件操心事了One less thing to worry about.10900:05:37,080 - 00:05:39,900这方面我不在行 不过我相信如果是邀请别人吃午餐Im no expert,but I believe in the context of a luncheon invitation,11000:05:40,030 - 00:05:42,480你最好不要说些肠运动的事You might want to skip the reference to bowel movements.11100:05:43,100 - 00:05:44,850你们是在邀请我过去吃饭

28、?Youre inviting me over to eat?11200:05:45,930 - 00:05:46,430是的Yes.11300:05:47,270 - 00:05:49,230你们真好 我很乐意Oh,thats so nice. Id love to.11400:05:49,400 - 00:05:50,400太好了Great.11500:05:50,550 - 00:05:52,900你们平时都玩些什么So,what do you guys do for fun around here?11600:05:53,690 - 00:05:56,320今天我们尝试过靠自慰来挣钱Today we tried masturbating for money.11700:06:25,370 - 00:06:27,200好了 就当在自己家一样Okay,make yourself at home.11800:06:27,480 - 00:06:28,480谢谢Thank you.11900:06:28,810 - 00:06:29,940不用谢Youre very welcome.12000:06:34,280 - 00:06:36,020这些东西看上去真深奥啊This looks like some serious stuff

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