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1、上海高考词汇手册翻译P221240P221-240翻译及答案W15D11持续的学习是在信息时代中跟时代并驾齐驱的最稳当的方法。(pace)2他煞费苦心想要多赚点钱,却发现工资的增长赶不上物价的增长。(pain)3 在会议开始的时候,他向全体出席会议的人作了自我介绍。(present)4我打算在明天的会议上发表我对这个事件的个人看法。(personal)5 许多家长开始明白了孩子们通过玩耍可以学到许多书本上学不到的东西。(play)W15D26 在会议上,许多外国领导人高度赞扬中国在最近几年里取得的伟大成就。(praise)7 像“有志者,事竟成”这样的谚语一定会代代相传。(pass on)8

2、在发展经济的过程中,我们必须注意节省资源和防止污染。(pay attention)9 令我们感到欣慰的是,长期受到严重污染的苏州河正在变清。(pollute)10 我们正忙于为下月举行的歌咏比赛做准备。(preparation)W15D311 数据显示女性应对困难的能力要胜过男性。(pressure)污染仍是一个棘手的问题,并不是因为我们缺乏解决问题的能力,而是有些人还没12 有意识到问题的严重后果。(pollution)13 一些家长替孩子操办一切,所以孩子们很难具备处理实际事物和适应变化的能力。(practical)14 正是通过多年的苦练,他才获得了冠军。(practise)15 社会实

3、践让学生学到许多课本上学不到的知识. ( makepossible)W15D416 我在企盼这个周末有个好天气,这样我们就能去野营了。(pray for something)17. 那些由欧洲人建造的房子如今得到了很好的保护。(preserve)18他总是独立行事, 也从不助人为乐,这是他在同学中没有人缘。(prefer)19. 必须采取有效措施以防止病毒的进一步扩散。(prevent)20. 众所周知,要劝说一个吸烟上瘾的人戒烟是很难的。(persuade)W15D521. 为了孩子的身心健康,他常常每周花几个小时和儿子一起玩游戏,看故事书。(physical)22. 与呆在家里相比,这个老

4、人更喜欢在阳光下做一些运动。(prefer)23. 那些热爱高山清静环境的人们总能在这里找到属于他们的一方天地。(peace)24. 很多家长不辞辛苦得就孩子报考那所大学做很多调查,咨询很多专家。(pains)25. 只要你尽自己所能把本职工作做好,就是在为社会做贡献。(perform)1持续的学习是在信息时代中跟时代并驾齐驱的最稳当的方法。(pace)Learning continuously is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age. 2他煞费苦心想要多赚点钱,却发现工资的增长赶不上物价的增长。

5、(pain)He took great pains to earn more money, only to find that the goods prices rise faster than his pay.3在会议开始的时候,他向全体出席会议的人作了自我介绍。(present)At the beginning of the meeting, he introduced himself to all the people present.4我打算在明天的会议上发表我对这个事件的个人看法。(personal)I am going to give my personal opinion on

6、the event at the meeting tomorrow.5许多家长开始明白了孩子们通过玩耍可以学到许多书本上学不到的东西。(play)Many parents are beginning to understand children can learn what they cant learn from books through play6在会议上,许多外国领导人高度赞扬中国在最近几年里取得的伟大成就。(praise)At the meeting, many leaders of the foreign countries praised highly the achieveme

7、nts which China had made in the past few years.7像“有志者,事竟成”这样的谚语一定会代代相传。(pass on)Such a proverb as “Where there is a will, there is a way” is certain to be passed on from generation to generation.8在发展经济的过程中,我们必须注意节省资源和防止污染。(pay attention)In the course of developing economy, we must pay attention to s

8、aving resources and preventing pollution.9令我们感到欣慰的是,长期受到严重污染的苏州河正在变清。(pollute)To our relief, the Suzhou River/Suzhou Greek, which was seriously polluted for a long time, is becoming clean again.10我们正忙于为下月举行的歌咏比赛做准备。(preparation)We are busy making preparations for the singing competition/contest to b

9、e held next month.11数据显示女性应对困难的能力要胜过男性。(pressure)Statistics show that women are superior to men in dealing with pressure. 12污染仍是一个棘手的问题,并不是因为我们缺乏解决问题的能力,而是有些人还没有意识到问题的严重后果。(pollution)Pollution is still a tough problem, not because we dont have the ability to solve the problem, but because some peopl

10、e are not yet aware of the serious consequences of the problem. 13一些家长替孩子操办一切,所以孩子们很难具备处理实际事物和适应变化的能力。(practical)Some parents do everything for their children so its difficult for the kids to develop/have the abilities to deal with practical matter or to adapt to changes.Some parents do everything f

11、or kids, thus making it difficult for kids to have the ability to handle the practical matter and adapt to the changing situation.14正是通过多年的苦练,他才获得了冠军。(practise)It was by practising hard for years that he won the championship.15社会实践让学生学到许多课本上学不到的知识. ( makepossible)Social practice makes it possible fo

12、r the students to obtain the knowledge that they cant get from the text books.16我在企盼这个周末有个好天气,这样我们就能去野营了。(pray for something)I am praying for good weather this weekend so that we can go camping.17那些由欧洲人建造的房子如今得到了很好的保护。(preserve)Those buildings (which /that were) built by Europeans about 100 years ag

13、o are well preserved.18他总是独立行事, 也从不助人为乐,这是他在同学中没有人缘。(prefer)He is always independent and never offers to help others/ and is never ready to help others, which makes him not popular with his classmates.19. 必须采取有效措施以防止病毒的进一步扩散。(prevent)Effective measures must be taken to prevent the virus from further

14、 spreading.20. 众所周知,要劝说一个吸烟上瘾的人戒烟是很难的。(persuade)As we all know/As is known to all, it is difficult to persuade a heavy smoker to quit smoking.21. 为了孩子的身心健康,他常常每周花几个小时和儿子一起玩游戏,看故事书。(physical)He often spends a few hours playing games and reading story books with his son every week for the sake of his

15、kids mental and physical health.22. 与呆在家里相比,这个老人更喜欢在阳光下做一些运动。(prefer)The old man /lady prefers having some activities in the sun to staying at home.23. 那些热爱高山清静环境的人们总能在这里找到属于他们的一方天地。(peace)Those who love the peace of the mountains can always find a place that fits them here.24. 很多家长不辞辛苦得就孩子报考哪所大学做很多调查,咨询很多专家。(pains)A lot of parents take pains to do a lot of investigation and consult many specialists about which university their children should apply to.25. 只要你尽自己所能把本职工作做好,就是在为社会做贡献。(perform)As long as you try your best to perform your own job well, you are making contributions to the society.

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