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1、沪教版三年级起点六年级上册小学英语教案全册Module 1 Getting to know each other Unit 1 Growing up.教材分析本课是教材Module 1 Unit 1的教学设计。本单元的语言功能项目是To talk about the grow up of themselves.主要话题是To think about the ways of know the world,本课内容贴近学生的生活和学习实际,为学生操练对话创设了一个真实的语言情景,有利于学生在比较接近实际的情景中听听说说,从而培养他们运用英语进行交际的能力。教学目标【知识目标】1. To talk

2、about students things of grow up.2. To think about the ways of know the world.【能力目标】To use the sentences in context.【情感目标】利用多种游戏或活动形式培养学生对英语学习的浓厚兴趣。教学重难点【教学重点】To think about the ways of know the world.【教学难点】通过阅读活动,引导学生通过阅读抓住关键信息,了解故事大意,通过角色扮演,让学生巩固和运用本单元所学核心词汇和句型。课前准备Tape recorder, Multimedia教学过程Ste

3、p 1. Lead-inFree talk T:How old are you?How tall are you?Do you remember your height when you first came to this school?Step 2. Listen and readPlay the tape for students to listen and answer.Ask the students to listen to the comic strips and answer the following questions:1. What is on Eddies mind?2

4、. Will Eddie build his house by himself?Step 3. PresentationT:You are growing older and taller, so ,you are growing up. What comes into your mind when talking about “growing up”? Encourage the students to talk about the words or sentences about “growing up”?Q: Do you feel happy to grow up? Do you wa

5、nt to grow up?Teacher says: Just like what Eddie said,“Growing up is hard.” Growing up also means that you learn more about the world. How do you learn about the world? Show them some pictures to encourage the students to say out the full sentences and finish Part A.Step 4. PracticeListen to part B.

6、Ask: How does Mill learn about the world? Why? How does Simon learn about the world? Why?Work in pairs to practice the dialogue.Sample conversation :S1:How do you learn about the world?S2:I like to learn about the world from films.S1:Why do you like to learn that way?S2:Because I can see.Step 5. Sum

7、maryDiscussion: What have we learned in this class?Show time. 1. on ones mind.2. be worried about(doing).3. Growing up is hard.4. You have been happy since I first met you.5. wake sb. up.6. learn that way.7. through the Internet.8. as soon as.9. a great deal of.Step 6. HomeworkRevise the contents we

8、ve learned in this period .Recite the comic strip fluently .Finish exercises in workbook for each period.Unit 2 My summer holiday【第一课时】【教学目标】1帮助学生学习Look and learn中的生词。2通过Listen and say中关于暑假活动的对话,帮助学生掌握句型How was? It was . We . (did).3通过Ask and answer的问答练习让学生操练核心句型,引导学生初步运用核心句型开展暑期活动调查。【教学重难点】1词汇:famo

9、us, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tiananmen Square2句型:How was your summer holiday? It was wonderful. We went to the Great Wall.【教学准备】课件、音频【教学过程】. Pre-task preparations1询问学生每天的日常活动。例如:T: What do you do every day?S1: I do my homework every day. S2: I go swimming and watch TV every day.然后把学生分成四人小组

10、,请每位学生讲述自己每天常做的事情。S1: I get up at seven oclock in the morning. Then I go to school. I eat lunch at school. In the evening, I always do my homework and read newspapers.2在黑板上写出学过的动词,如go, visit, do, watch, have, stay, play,单词写成竖列,请学生造句。T: (write go on the blackboard)S1: I go to school every day.S2: I g

11、o swimming every afternoon. While-task procedures1顺着上面最后一个学生的话语引出句型:I went swimming during the summer holiday.T: I went to the Great Wall during the summer holiday. What about you?S1: I went to the park during the summer holiday.S2: I went to the Great Wall during the summer holiday.T: Oh, (S2s name

12、) and I both went to the Great Wall during the summer holiday, (write “went” next to “go” on the blackboard)请学生跟读went然后用went造句。用同样的方法引出动词visit, do, watch, have, stay, play的过去式。Now (every day/ week)Past (last week/ last summer)gowentdodidhavehadvisitvisitedwatchwatchedstaystayedplayplayed2大组造句比赛。教师说动

13、词和表示时间的词,请学生听到后迅速站到有关动词栏下,并说出完整的句子。这一活动帮助学生建立时间和动词时态之间的联系。T: last week, go to the cinemaS1: I went to the cinema last week.T: every week, visit my grandmotherS2: I visit my grandmother every week.3出示Listen and say的图片,播放录音,学生边听边看图片。再次播放录音,板书对话中出现的生词 the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square, the Palace Museum

14、出示Look and learn的单词卡片并解释词义。然后让学生完成反馈练习,把Alice和Kitty的对话补充完整,并说一说。4播放对话录音,请学生逐句跟读,鼓励学生尽量模仿录音中人物的语音语调。然后请每对同桌分别选择扮演Alice和Kitty的角色,有感情地朗读对话。教师在教室内来回巡视,如果学生有困难,及时给予帮助。. Post-task activities1学生根据Ask and answer的图片和范例进行问答练习,操练句型。也可以让学生根据实际情况开展调查活动。请学生调查两个同学,把他们的姓名、活动和感受写在调查表内。NameActivityFeelingS2s namewent

15、 to the Great WallfunS1: How was your summer holiday?S2: It was fun.(S1 writes fun in the column)I went to the Great Wall during the summer holiday.(S1 writes went to the Great Wall in the column)请几个学生在全班面前陈述自己的调查结果。S1: During the summer holiday, (S2s name) went to the Great Wall. It was fun.【板书设计】M

16、odule 1 Unit 2famous, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tiananmen SquareHow was your summer holiday? It was wonderful. We went to the Great Wall.六年级英语上册Unit2 My summer holiday教学内容:Module 1 Unit2 My summer holiday第二课时教学年级:六年级上册教材分析:本节课是上海教育出版社六年级上册Module 1 Unit2 My summer holiday第二课时。本课的话题是My summer

17、 holiday,我的暑假生活,学生刚刚度过暑假,会有好多新鲜事想和同学们交流。本课是第二单元的第二课时,在第一课时中学生们学习询问假期生活的句型How was your summer holiday? It was wonderful. 第二课时继续学习如何介绍假期生活,掌握during, everyone, pick等单词的用法,继续学习一般过去时的用法。学生在学完Alice, Peter和Jill 的假期生活后能介绍自己的假期生活。学情分析:六年级学生有一定的英语基础,具备基本的听说读写能力,课下学生能够预习课文,自学生词,学习的主动性和积极性有了显著提高。从本书的第一单元学生们开始接触

18、一般过去时,有了一定的认识和了解,在这一课中,学生们继续学习和运用一般过去时,表达暑假里都做了什么,过得怎么样。教师引导学生们在不同的活动中运用一般过去时,掌握一些动词的过去式,在感知,体验,实践,参与和合作等方式中实践本课的教学目标。教学目标: 1、知识与技能目标:能在语境中熟练运用词汇everyone, spend, during, pick, in the countryside;运用重点句型How was your summer holiday? It was wonderful.询问对方的暑假生活,能介绍自己的假期生活,并能简单书写。2、过程与方法目标:在pad课堂中,结合不同的活动

19、和语境,学生们理解课文内容,学习练习运用重点词汇和一般过去时的句型交流假期生活; 3、情感态度与价值观目标:通过交流假期生活,学生们懂得过一个有意义丰富多彩的假期生活,激起学生们对生活的热爱,对旅游的热爱,在旅游中学习知识,拓宽视野。教学重点:能在语境中熟练运用词汇everyone, spend, during, pick, in the countryside;运用重点句型How was your summer holiday? It was wonderful.询问对方的暑假生活。教学难点:介绍自己的假期生活,并能简单书写。课前准备:学生:预习课文内容和新单词,搜集大本钟和大英博物馆的信息

20、。教师:多媒体课件,课文音频,自己旅游的一些照片,有关英国简单信息, 大本钟和大英博物馆的信息。教学过程:一、导入新课1、教师展示自己旅游的一些照片,介绍自己的暑假生活。2、教师采访一名学生:How was your summer holiday? Where did you go? What did you see?.让学生采访同学,到教室前面展示,运用第一课时学过的重点句型询问假期生活。二、课文呈现 分三部分:Alice, Peter, Jill 的暑假生活。1.Alices summer holidayActivity1: 在第一课时中,大家了解到Alice暑假去了北京。利用pad抢答功

21、能做一个猜一猜的游戏,What did she do in Beijing? 听录音检测猜得对不对。展示万里长城、天安门广场和故宫博物馆的图片,师生交流是否去过万里长城等,简单介绍关于它们的信息。Activity2: 小组合作学习。读课文然后谈论问题,小组派代表回答问题。教师强调出现动词的过去式。 What else did she do in Beijing? How did she go there? Did she enjoy her summer holiday?Activity3: 在北京时,Alice 给Kitty 写了一个明信片,帮助她完成。2.Peters summer hol

22、idayActivity1: 听录音后填空,了解Peter 暑假去了哪里。He went back to the UK. So he is from the UK. 简单介绍英国的名字、国旗和地图,同时学习spend 这个单词,并练习I spent my summer holiday in_.Activity2: 回答问题:What did Peter and his family do in London? 学生自己在第二段中找答案。学生们课前查找有关大本钟和大英博物馆的信息,请同学们说说What do you know about Big Ben. 然后观看一个关于大英博物馆的小视频,了解

23、这两处名胜古迹。Activity3: 给信息让学生们练习介绍Peters holiday。学习everyone。3.Jills summer holidayActivity1:展示图片,What is Jill doing? 找一名学生读第三段,同时其他学生做判断正误,利用Pad全班同学做题功能检测大家对这一段落的理解。 During the summer holiday, Jill stayed with her parents. She spent her holiday in the countryside.She picked pears with her grandmother. A

24、ctivity2: 出示一些乡村和秋收的图片,学习countryside和pick。 练习说:The people in the countryside pick _in autumn.三、拓展练习1、Do a quiz. 检测学生对课文中出现的动词的过去式的掌握情况。2、请同学们练习根据图片和板书内容复述课文内容。3、假期生活多姿多彩,我们可以有很多种方式度过假期生活,其中旅游是一种很好的方式。通过旅游,我们可以学习到课上学不到的知识,拓宽我们的眼界,愉悦我们的身心,还可以欣赏美丽的景色,品尝美味的食物。现在出国旅游也变得更加方便,可以去国外体验不一样的生活,了解他们的风土人情。请同学们模仿

25、课文内容,写写自己的假期生活,和同学们分享一下自己的旅游经历,学生写后用pad拍照,上传,教师评价。四、作业 课后和同学们继续分享旅游经历,谈论下一个假期做什么。Unit 2 My summer holiday【第三课时】【教学目标】1帮助学生复习字母e、a和字母组合ea在单词中的发音。2通过学习任务(Task),帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识和技能。【教学重难点】语音:e, a, ea【教学准备】课件、音频【教学过程】. Pre-task preparations1播放Sing a song的录音。出示图片,引入Sing a song 的内容。T: (point to the gir

26、l in the picture) Who was she? What did she do over the bridge?提问激发学生兴趣后,再次播放Sing a song的录音,引导学生欣赏歌曲。接着出示图片和文字,请学生再听,边听边模仿跟唱。2说段活动。在黑板上写几个单词,请学生根据黑板上的单词来造句。每个单词只能用一遍,要求句子与句子之间有联系,教师先起头说第一句,学生每说一句,教师快速写在黑板上。造句完成后请全体学生默读,找找是否有需要修改的地方。单词:visit, go, is, do, watch, rideT: Last Sunday, I visited my grandm

27、other in the countryside.S1: I did my homework in the morning.S2: I rode my bicycle in the afternoon.接着,可以让学生说单词,单词增加到十个,然后请学生一起来造句写段,发挥学生的想象力,激发学生思维。. While-task procedures1小组调查。每组第一位同学手拿表格和纸,采访小组成员。S1: What did you do during the summer holiday?S2: I went to the beach during the summer holiday.S3:

28、I went to Shanghai during the summer holiday.NameActivityS2s namewent to the beachS3namewent to Shanghai采访完毕后统计每组最受欢迎的三项活动。2全班交流。各组派代表交流最受欢迎的前三项暑假活动,在听的过程中,其他小组派一位成员将活动名称写在黑板上,写正确的小组得一分。教师根据学生黑板上的记录,统计最受班级欢迎的前三项暑期活动。3出示Learn the sounds里面的单词,请学生轻声朗读,找出发音规律,教师进行总结。e, a, ea /e/a/然后,播放Learn the sounds的录

29、音,请学生跟录音朗读单词。播放Listen and circle的录音,请学生完成练习,然后核对答案。. Post-task activities1朗读单词。出示符合e、a及字母组合ea的发音规律的单词,请学生根据读音规则直接拼读。/e/(1)pen red hen yes west(2)any many(3)head breakfast/ (1)fan fat chat dad mad(2)black travel happen2请学生看练习册Task的第一部分,在方框中贴一张自己旅游时的照片,并记录拍照时的时间、地点和活动情况。然后根据第一部分的提示问题和同学问答,了解彼此旅游的情况。S1

30、: How was your holiday?S2: It was wonderful. I went to Qingdao.S1: What did you do there?S2: I went to the beach. I swam in the sea. 最后,让学生根据问答了解的信息,记录一个同学的旅游情况。请个别学生朗读他们完成的短文。【板书设计】Unit 2 My summer holidaye, a, eaModule 1 Getting to know each other Unit 3 Healthy or unhealthy?教材分析本课是教材Module 1 Unit

31、 3的教学设计。本单元的语言功能项目是To revise vocabulary and expressions to describe Healthy or unhealthy.主要话题是The students are able to use the key words correctly,本课内容贴近学生的生活和学习实际,为学生操练对话创设了一个真实的语言情景,有利于学生在比较接近实际的情景中听听说说,从而培养他们运用英语进行交际的能力。教学目标【知识目标】1. To revise vocabulary and expressions to describe Healthy or unhealthy.2. To guess meaning from context.3. The students are able to use t

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