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考点21 完形填空议论文解析版.docx

1、考点21 完形填空议论文解析版专题十三 完形填空-议论文类A组 课堂专项训练Cloze 1(2013浙江高考模拟)Overcoming LazinessLaziness is a state of inaction.It is something that you do,not something that you are.Being lazy means you have no 1 to do anything.This is obvious but the mistake that many people make is 2 themselves as someone who is laz

2、y.In this article,I am going to 3 with you something that will help you see this state of 4 in a different way.Lazy people are often seen as useless.5,are they really being lazy or are they acting lazy?There is a huge 6 between saying you act lazy sometimes and you are a lazy person.One is suggestin

3、g that your laziness is 7 while the other suggests that its permanent.This is the myth of laziness.People who are lazy arent lazy;they 8 are people who are temporarily acting that way.So what 9 a person to be inactive?The answer is a lack of goals.If you give someone a good enough 10 to do something

4、,he will do it.People who dont seem to do anything just havent found a good enough reason to do anything.11 students dont study because they dont see the 12 in studying.If you give them a reason,a strong enough reason,they will 13.For example,if you are too lazy to go to the gym,would you go if some

5、one 14 you a million dollars?If you are too lazy to clean out the garage,would someone 15 a gun to your head help you take action?The reason can be positive or negative 16 its strong enough to induce(引起)action.The bottom line of how to 17 laziness comes down to finding enough reasons to take action.

6、Action will 18 success while inaction will result in 19.Before you take action though,you need a compelling(令人信服的) reason to do so.To motivate someone who is lazy,what you need to do is help him find enough 20 to work towards a certain goal.1.A.motivation B.question D.courage2.A.agreeing B.d

7、enying C.identifying D.refusing3.A.argue B.share D.report4.A.inaction B.attitude C.improvement D.mind5.A.Otherwise B.Besides C.However D.Therefore6.A.mistake B.similarity C.change D.difference7.A.correct B.false C.temporary D.inspirational8.A.simply B.occasionally C.often D.hardly9.A.stops B.

8、causes C.discourages D.makes10.A.excuse C.chance D.purpose11.A.Hard-working B.Lazy C.Young D.Confused12.A.point B.success C.situation D.difficulty13.A.take notes B.take risks C.take action D.take charge14.A.loaned B.owed C.borrowed D.offered15.A.dropping B.pointing C.shooting

9、long as soon as that B.defend C.overcome D.ban18.A.result from B.fight for C.bring back D.lead to19.A.success B.failure C.illness D.happiness20.A.reasons D.confidence【语篇解读】本文作者向大家揭示了克服懒惰的要旨,即找到达到某一目标的足够的理由。【答案解析】1.A懒惰是一种不活动的状态,也就是没有做任何事的动力。motivation动力。2.

10、C这是显而易见的,但是许多人常犯的错误是认为自己是懒惰的人。把确定为。3.B下文是作者要与大家分享的内容,share.with.与分享。4.A此处表示作者要帮读者从另一个方面来理解这种不活动的状态。文章第一句“Laziness is a state of inaction.”是答案提示。5.C懒惰的人常被看作是无用的,然而,他们是真的懒惰还是表现得懒惰呢?根据上下文可知前后是转折关系。6.D根据下文内容可知,偶尔表现得懒惰的人和懒惰的人的懒惰是有很大差别的。difference差别,符合语境。7.C偶然表现得懒惰的人的懒惰是暂时的,而懒惰的人的懒惰则是永久的。根据句中的

11、while可知,此处表示对比,再从后文的“permanent”可知,此处应用temporary暂时的,临时的。8.A懒惰的人并不懒惰;他们仅仅是暂时表现得懒惰。9.B那么是什么导致一个人不活动呢?根据下一句“The answer is a lack of goals.”可知,此处应用cause导致,造成。make也有“使,让”之意,但若用make则应该用形容词直接作宾补,而不能用不定式。10.D根据上一句中的goals可知,此处应用purpose。11.B懒惰的学生不学习是因为他们没有看到学习的意义。全文围绕懒惰展开,再结合下文内容可知此处应用Lazy。12.A参见上题剖析。point表示“目

12、的,意图,理由”。13.C如果给出一个充分的理由,他们就会采取行动。take action采取行动,符合语境。下文中的help you take action也是提示。14.D如果你太懒惰而不愿意去健身房,那如果有人给你一百万美元让你去,你会愿意去吗?offer sb.sth.给某人提供某物。15.B如果你太懒惰而不愿意去把车库打扫干净,那如果有人用枪指着你的脑袋,这会帮助你采取行动吗?16.A根据前文举的两个例子可知,这些理由可能是积极的,也可能是消极的,只要这些理由足够强,就会让你行动起来。as long as只要,as soon as一就,so that因此,in case以防。17.C

13、克服(overcome)懒惰的要旨可归结为找到足够的理由去采取行动。18.D行动会带来成功,而不行动就会导致失败,根据后面的result in可知,应选lead to导致。19.B参见上题剖析。根据语境可知,此处应选一个与success意义相反的词。20.A要想激励一个懒惰的人,你所要做的就是帮助他找到足够的理由(reasons)来努力实现某一目标。【疑难词汇解读】1.motivation n.动机;动力;目的There is a political motivation for these actions.这些行动是有政治动机的。2.take action 采取行动;开始起作用They to

14、ok action to stop him.他们采取行动来制止他。The medicine will not take action for several hours.药要在几小时后才会起作用。认定/确认是She identified herself to the police as the driver of the vehicle.她向警方确认自己是这辆车的司机。Cloze 2(2013天津试题调研)Success doesnt begin until you commence the walk down the pathway towards your go

15、als.And,your walk always begins first with a baby step.Why do we 1 them baby steps?Are they really anything more than our next 2down lifes pathway?Baby steps are the first steps we take as an act of 3.We see others stepping out and we claim our ability to walk by4 them.We continue our development by

16、 taking more baby steps 5we grow.Sometimes we 6.Thereafter,all steps become an act of faith;we just become more 7.If you say to yourself,“I dont want to make a 8of myself”or “I am 9 enough at this,”youll probably never take baby steps towards your goals and end up 10 in your own self-pity.We always

17、11 on results.We consider every risk that must be 12 to reach our rewards.There are few people who are accomplished performers of any 13the first time they try them.They fail and succeed.Then,they build on their abilities they 14 each time.They 15their skills and use their talents through baby steps

18、 before they are 16 to display them to the world.So,learn to take those baby steps to achieve the 17 before you.Know that you can lean 18 yourself to show you the way.As you become more 19,your baby steps become a walk,then a trot,and 20 a sprint(冲刺).Thats how our baby steps lead us through the mara

19、thon of life.1.A.admire B.recognize D.believe2.A.challenge B.aim C.destination D.step3.A.risk C.devotion D.reliance4.A.following B.catching C.challenging D.loving5.A.before B.since C.if D.as6.A.fall B.climb C.roll D.move7.A.advanced B.frustrated C.addicted D.practiced8.A.trick B.glanc

20、e C.fool D.study9.A.patient B.good C.capable D.angry10.A.soaking B.joining D.crowding11.A.wait B.hold C.get D.focus12.A.avoided B.taken C.assessed D.measured13.A.dances B.experiments C.tasks D.operations14.A.recognized B.showed C.appreciated D.learned15.A.practice B.exhibit D.lack1

21、6.A.proud B.ready C.responsible D.free17.A.designs B.promises C.explorations D.goals18.A.on B.for C.with D.in19.A.proficient B.aggressive C.intelligent D.confident20.A.quickly B.suddenly C.finally D.completely 【语篇解读】这是一篇议论文。本文主要讨论了我们是从baby step开始的,每一步都是我们的信仰,即我们也可以像他人一样迈出步伐,一步一步地走向成熟,最终实现自己的目标。【答案解析

22、】1.C根据前面的“your walk always begins first with a baby step”可知我们的步伐总是从“a baby step”开始的,那么为什么把它们叫作“baby steps”呢?2.D根据语境可知,此处表示我们人生的下一步,与上面的“baby steps”呼应。challenge挑战,aim目标,destination目的地,均与语境不符。3.B根据后面的“We see others stepping out and we claim our ability to walk”可知我们看到他人迈出的步伐,相信自己行走的能力,这是信仰的力量,而“baby st

23、eps” 便是因这种信仰而作出的行动,故选B。devotion奉献,reliance依赖。4.A我们相信自己的能力,相信自己可以跟着他人的步伐而学会行走,因此选A。5.D根据前面的“We continue our development by taking more baby steps”可知,此处表示“当时,随着”,故D项正确。6.A此处表示我们在行走的过程中会摔倒,因此选A。climb爬,roll滚动,move移动。7.D从前面的“Thereafter,all steps become an act of faith”可知我们所有的步伐都成了信仰的行为,而我们也变得越来越熟练。advanc

24、ed先进的,frustrated失意的,addicted有瘾的。8.C根据后面的“youll probably never take baby steps towards your goals”可知,如果你不想出丑,你将不会向你的目标迈出第一步,故选C。make a fool of oneself意为“出丑”,符合语境。9.B这里表示你认为自己在这方面已经很擅长,即对自己已经很满意,你也不会迈出前进的步伐,因此选B。10.A因担心自己出丑或者认为自己已经做得很好,你都不会向着目标前进,这样你就会沉浸在自怜之中。11.D由后面的“reach our rewards”可知,我们关注的是结果。故选D

25、。wait on sb.服侍某人;hold on等着,停住;get on上(车)。12.B根据下文中的“to reach our rewards”可知,此处表示有时候我们为了要实现自己的目标,一定要敢于冒险。13.C从前面的“There are few people who are accomplished performers”和后面的“the first time they try them”可知,很少有人能够在第一次尝试的时候就可以完美地完成任务。故选C。14.D前面的“they build on their abilities”表示他们是在学到的能力的基础上发展的,因此选D。recog

26、nize承认,show展示,appreciate欣赏。15.A根据语境可知,此处指他们练习学到的技能。16.B根据后面的“display them to the world”可知,此处表示他们通过“baby steps”练习技能,为把技能展示给世人作好准备,故选B。17.D根据第一段中的“towards your goals”可知,此处表示完成你的目标。18.Alean on oneself依靠自己,符合语境。19.D从后面的“your baby steps become a walk”可知你变得越来越自信的时候。20.C文中的“your baby steps become a walk,th

27、en a trot,and 20 a sprint(冲刺)”表明这是一个过程,到了最后(finally)才是冲刺。专题十三 完形填空-议论文类B组 课后巩固提高Cloze 3(2013重庆一中高三月考)From childhood to old age,we all use language as a means of broadening our knowledge of ourselves and the world about us.When humans first 1 they were like newborn children,unable to use this 2 tool.

28、Yet once language developed,the possibilities for mankinds future 3 and cultural growth increased.Many language experts believe that evolution is 4 for our ability to produce and use language.They 5 that our highly evolved brain provides us 6 an innate(天生的)language ability not found in lower 7.Propo

29、nents(倡议者)of this innateness theory say that our 8 for language is inborn,but that language itself develops gradually 9 a function of the growth of the brain during childhood.Therefore,there are critical 10 times for language development.Current 11 of innateness theory are mixed.However,evidence sup

30、porting the existence of some innate abilities is undeniable.12,more and more schools are discovering that foreign languages are best taught in 13 grades.Young children often can learn several languages by being 14 to them,while adults have a much harder time learning another language once the 15 of

31、 their first language have become firmly fixed.16 some aspects of language are undeniably innate,language does not develop automatically in a vacuum(真空).Children who have been 17 from other human beings do not possess language.This demonstrates that 18 with other human beings is necessary for proper language development.Some language experts believe that this is even more basic to human language 19 than any

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