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Period 5Project任务单.docx

1、Period 5 Project任务单译林版高中英语模块八第二单元自主学习任务单Period 5 ProjectI. Learning ObjectivesBy the end of this period, learners will be able to: (1) know the history and development of music from the blues to pop.(2) know how to write about pop stars and popular musicians.II. Learning ProcedureStep 1 Brainstormin

2、g(1) How many types of music do you know?(2) Listen to the music and guess what kind of music is it.(3) Look at the title and predict what is the article mainly about?Step 2 ReadingRead the whole passage and fill in the forms with proper information.(1) About the musicTypesTimeOriginsMusiciansCharac

3、teristicBluesJazzR & BRock & RollPop music(2) About singers Louis Armstrong Name: _Nationality: _Status: _Instrument: _Characteristics: _Influence:_ Big Joe TurnerName: _Nationality: _Status: _Experiences: 1920s _ 1940s _ 1954 _Works: _ Bill Haley and CometsName: _Works: _Influence: _ Elvis PresleyN

4、ame: _Nationality: _Status: _Achievements:_the BeatlesName: _Nationality: _Style: _Experiences 1965_ 1970_Achievements: _ Step 3 Making a web pageA. Suppose you are an entertainment reporter, when you introduce a singer or a band, which aspects should be included?_B. Try to make a web page about you

5、r favorite singer._Step 4 Language focusA. Useful expressions1. 简要回顾2. 从发展到3. 起源于4. 奴隶制时期5. 在19世纪早期6. 倾向于比较忧伤7. 一种音乐形式8. 缺乏变化9. 伴随的节奏10. 突然兴起,迅速出现11. 反映他当时的心情12. 赋予了音乐自由13. 改编音乐的能力14. 爵士乐的主要特征之一15. 渐渐走向没落16. 被一种新的音乐趋势所取代17. 成为排行榜上的热门歌曲18. 试图去做某事19. 由于偏见20. 种族歧视21. 首屈一指的摇滚乐队22. 疯狂23. 直到那个时候24. 是即将到来的

6、先锋者25. 解散,解体B. Words formation1. employ _ (n.) _(反义词) 2. compose _ (n.)3. collect _ (n.)4. slave _ (n.)5. person _ (人事部门)6. tend _ (n.) 7. gradual _ (adv.)8. seek _ (过去式) _ (过去分词)9. prejudice _(adj.)10. discriminate _ (n.)C. Sentences1. During the late part of the 19th century, black musicians used

7、these folk songs to create a kind of music called the blues, because it had a tendency to be very sad. (P30 L3-4)在19世纪上半叶,黑人音乐家借助于这些民歌创造了一种被称作布鲁斯的音乐,因为这种音乐形式有忧伤的趋势。tendency n. 倾向,偏好,趋势,趋向。搭配:a tendency to/towardsa tendency to do(1) 有经济危机的倾向。_(2) 羊毛湿了就容易收缩。_(3) 她很容易忘记事情。_2. While the blues was popula

8、r, as a musical format it lacked variety and was too sad and slow to dance to. (L 6-8)尽管蓝调音乐非常受欢迎,但作为一种音乐形式,它缺少变化,而且太伤感、节奏太慢,不适合跳舞时伴奏。(1)句子结构分析:句中while引导让步状语从句。主句中使用了tooto结构。句尾dance to中,to用作介词,表示“伴随的节奏”。(2) 虽然这个女孩很小,但她能伴着音乐跳舞。_3. Thus, from the blues, there sprung up a faster, livelier kind of music

9、 called jazz. (L 8-9)于是,从蓝调音乐发展出一种更轻快、更活波的音乐形式,叫做爵士乐。spring up 突然兴起,迅速出现(1) 新的剧院和艺术中心在全国迅速兴起。_(2) 突然兴起一种新的潮流。_完全倒装句:there, here, up, down, in, out, away 等副词位于句首。注意:主语为代词时不倒装。很久很久以前有个国王 ,他有个非常漂亮的女儿。Long long ago, there lived a king who had a very beautiful daughter.(3) 这只鸟突然飞走了。_(4) 这个男孩突然闯了进来。_(5) 他

10、突然闯了进来。_4. From the early 1930s to the early 1950s, traditional jazz went into a gradual decline, and was replaced by a new musical trend known as rhythm and blues, or R&B. (L18-20)从二十世纪30年代早期到50年代早期,传统的爵士乐逐渐开始走下坡路,一种叫做节奏蓝调或R&B的新型音乐流行起来,取代了爵士乐。(1) decline n. 衰落,衰败;下降;减少 vi.& vt. 衰落,衰败;下降;婉言谢绝fall/ g

11、o into decline 开始衰落,衰败on the decline 衰落,衰败中decline sth. 谢绝某事;decline to do sth 谢绝做某事 这个城镇的人口在逐渐地减少。There has been _ _ _ in the population of the town.上个月失业率降至4%。 Unemployment _ _ 4 percent last month.她说她身体不舒服,婉拒了与她的朋友共进午餐。 She said she felt bad and _ friends invitation to lunch. As he grows older, h

12、is health is _ _ _. (在衰退)(2) trend n. 倾向,趋势,潮流 economic/ social/political trends 经济/社会/政治趋势 提早退休者有增加的趋势。_ 这是流行音乐的最新趋势。_5. In the early 1950s, a record company owner from Memphis, Tennessee, Sam Philips, sought to bring rock music to white audience. (L 32-33)在二十世纪五十年代早期,田纳西州孟菲斯的音乐制作人萨姆菲利普斯试图把摇滚乐介绍给白人

13、观众。seek vt. & vi.试图,设法;征求,寻求;探索,探寻seek after寻求,追求seek for 寻求,追求seek out 找出,寻出seek to do sth 试图做.为什么现在的人们追求物质财富?_勇于探索真理是人类的天职。_ 我们的任务就是找到敌人并把他们消灭。_. Self-assessment一、短文填空根据课文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。My column today takes a brief look at (1) _ Western music progressed from the blues to pop. Durin

14、g the late part of the 19th century, black (2) _ (music) used the folk songs of black Americans (3) _ (create) a kind of music (4) _ (call) the blues. Later on, there sprung up a (5) _ (fast), livelier kind of music called jazz. From the early 1930s to the early 1950s, (6) _ (tradition) jazz went in

15、to a gradual decline, and was replaced by a new musical trend (7) _ (know) as rhythm and blues, or R&B. During the early 1950s, one particular style of R&B became popular rock and roll. The British pop group known (8) _ the Beatles was the supreme rock and roll band of the 1960s. The Beatles brought

16、 western pop music around the world. Even though the Beatles broke (9) _ in 1970, no group since has ever come close to (10) _ (be) as popular or selling as many records.二、选词填空spring up, bring back, on the decline, break up,, have prejudice against, try out for, put up, combine.with., app

17、ly for1. Since the earthquake two years ago, new schools, factories and hospitals _ here.2. The government is worried that the birthrate is _ in this country.3. By no means should people _ the disabled. Instead, we should give them as much help as we can.4. The party didnt _ until midnight.5. What m

18、akes you _ the job as a tour guide?6. The song she is singing _ my good memories of the days I spent in the country.7. There will be a speech on how to _ freedom _ responsibility.8. It is not a good idea to miss meals and _ them _ snacks.9. Because of the earthquake, the government _ the local resid

19、ents at the hotels.10. Fond of playing basketball, he decided to _ the school basketball team.三、补全句子1. When TFBOYS appeared on the stage, the audience let out a _ (尖叫) of joy.2. Faced with an energy crisis, they are _ (寻找) new ways of conserving energy.3. The population suburbanization (郊区化) is a ne

20、w t_ in the population development of big cities in our country.4. More and more people putting the low-carbon lifestyle into practice, consumption of gas has d_ in recent years.5. They accused him of having p_ against his women employees.6. There is a widespread _ (歧视) against the new university gr

21、aduates in the job market.7. Do you know which president of the USA abolished _ (slave)?8. As autumn announces its coming, the tree leaves _ (gradual) turn yellow, which means winter will draw near, too. 9. In music, drums are often used to keep the r_ of the tunes.10. Whoever belongs to the school

22、has _ (自由) to use all the libraryfacilities.11. With the addition of a new guitar player, the _ (乐队) was finally able to give concerts.附录1:附录2:参考答案Step 1 Brainstorming(1)略(2)Jazz, R&B, Rock and Roll, Pop music(3)The article is about how Western music progressed from the blues to Pop.Step 2 ReadingRe

23、ad the whole passage and fill in the forms with proper information.(3) About the musicTypesTimeOriginsMusiciansCharacteristicBlueslate 19th centuryfolk songs ofblack Americanssad, slowJazzbluesLouis Armstrongfaster, livelierR & B1930s - 1950sAfrican-American musicBill Haley and the Comets combine ja

24、zzand bluesRock & Roll1950sR&BBig Joe TurnerElvis PresleyPop music1960sthe Beatles(4) About singersLouis Armstrong; American;father of jazz; trumpet; adapt the music; other musicians copied his style and liberty Big Joe Turner; American; first rock musician; jazz; R & B; rock and roll; Shake, Rattle and Roll Bill Haley and the Comets; Rock around the Clock; Caused rock music to be recognized and made it popular around the world Elvis Presley; American; King of Rock and Roll; 17 number one songs; 10 number one albums The Beatles; British; Ro

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