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1、英译汉第六章Unit 6 Affirmative and Negative 肯定与否定英语否定类型大致有4类完全否定,半否定,部分否定,带否定意义的词语,迂回否定翻译方法正说反译,反说正译,正反均可需要根据英语及汉语的习惯表达。Scarcely an aspect that isnt being upended方方面面无不受到冲击Without much time for life - or love很少有时间享受生活或谈情说爱They werent picked because they were out of shape他们没有得到异性的青睐是因为体型不佳What affirmative

2、in form in one language may often mean something negative in another.Full negatives: no, not, none, never, nothing, nothing, nobody, nowhere, neither, nor.Semi negatives: hardly, scarcely, seldom, barely, few, littlePartial negatives: not every, not all, not both, not much, not many, not always.Word

3、s with negative implication: fail, without, beyond, until, unless, lest , ignorant, refrain, refuse, neglect, absence, instead of, other than, except, rather than.In most cases, these negative expressions can be translated literally, but in some circumstances, they should be readjusted according to

4、different context.英语肯定,汉语否定He denied it to be the case他说事实不是这样Time is what we want most, but what, alas, many use worst时间是我们最缺少的,但可叹的是,偏偏许多人最不善于利用I have read your article, I expected to meet an older man拜读了你的大作,没想到你这样年轻。The guerrillas would fight to death before they surrender游击队员们宁死也绝不投降。They feel

5、great anxiety about his sickness他们对他的病情感到焦虑不安。The lecture spoke above the heads of his audience讲演者讲的太深奥,听众听不懂。Im at my wits end to keep this child quiet我实在没办法让这孩子安静下来If it worked once, it can work twice 一次得手,再次不愁。英语否定,汉语肯定The doubt was still unresolved after his repeated explanation经他一再解释,疑团仍然存在。He

6、carelessly glanced through the note and then left他马马虎虎地看了看那张便条就走了All the articles in the museum are untouchable博物馆内一切展品禁止触摸He manifested a strong dislike for his fathers business他对他父亲的行业表示强烈的厌恶感。Dont lose time in posting this letter赶快把这封信寄出去。正反皆可Im new to the work 这工作我是生手。这工作我不熟悉He is free with his

7、money他花钱大手大脚他花钱从不吝啬He realized that he was in trouble他意识到遇到麻烦了他感到自己的处境不妙The station is no distance at all车站近在咫尺车站一点儿也不远It is no less than a fraud这简直就是一场骗局这无异于一场骗局The criminal is still at large罪犯还未捉拿归案罪犯仍旧逍遥法外双重否定There is no rule that has no exception任何规则都无不例外There is not any advantage without disadv

8、antage.有一利必有一弊It never rains but it pours不下雨则已,雨必倾盆It is impossible but that a man will make some mistakes.人不会不犯错误。Today, theres scarcely an aspect of our life that isnt being affected by the internet今天,我们生活中的方方面面无不受到因特网的影响。迂回肯定He didnt half like the girl 他非常喜欢那姑娘I couldnt feel better我觉得身体好极了I could

9、nt agree with you more我非常赞成你的看法。If that isnt what I want我所要的就是这个呀。He cant see you quick enough 他很想尽快与你见面。被动结构陷阱1. Notbecause The engine didnt stop because the fuel was finished 引擎并不是因为燃料耗尽而停止运转Dont scamp your work because you are pressed for time不要因为时间紧而敷衍塞责。Gates didnt drop out because he wanted to

10、 avoid work but to start his company盖茨缀学不是想逃避学业,而是为了开办自己的公司。2. CannottooThe importance of this conference cannot be overestimated.这个会议的重要性无论怎么强调也不过分。I shall never be able to stress too much your kindness不管我怎么感谢你,都不足以报恩于万一You cannot be too careful in proofreading.校对时,越仔细越好3. All/every.notAll that gli

11、tters is not gold 发光的不一定都是金子All cities did not look like they do today.在过去,城市并不都想今天这样个个千篇一律No, everything is not straightened out不,并非每一个问题都弄清楚了。4. Both.not But you see, we both cannot go.但是我告诉你,我们两不能同时都走。Both the instruments are not precision ones.这两件东西不都是精密仪器。Both read the same Bible, and pray to t

12、he same God; and each invokes His aid against the other. They prayers of both could not be answered.双方念的是同一本圣经,拜的是同一个上帝,但各方都要求上帝帮助去打倒对方。所以,双方的祈求不可能都得到满足。5. for all one care/knowYou may leave at once for all I care你尽可立即离开,我才不管呢。For all we knew, the files we were supposed to photograph were already on

13、 their way说不定那些该由我们去拍摄的文件已在途中了。6 It be + adj. + noun + that+ 全否定词It is a good workman that never blunders 智者千虑必有一失It is a long lane that has no end路必有弯(凡事总有变化,不会永远不变。)It is an ill wind that blows nobody good.坏事未必对人人都有害处。Its a good horse that never stumbles好马也有失蹄时。Practice 1 one could not be too care

14、ful in a new neighborhood新到一个陌生的邻里,越小心越好2 Im wiser than to believe what you call money talks.我才不至于蠢到相信你所说的金钱万能呢。3 Nothing is so beautiful but it betrays some defect on close inspection再漂亮的东西,只要仔细观察,也会发现某种缺陷。4 he would do anything he was asked to do but return to his old life.叫他干什么都愿意,只要不再过以往那种日子就行。7

15、 Both sides thought that the peace proposal was one they could accept with dignity双方都认为可以不失体面的接受这个和平方案8 All the chemical energy of the fuel is not converted into heat燃料中的所有化学能并非都可以转为热能。9 All graduates from the Foreign Languages institute will not appointed to do translation work 外语院校的毕业生并非人人都被分去做翻译工

16、作。10 All these various losses, great as they are, do not in any way contradict the law of conversation of energy.所有这些损失,尽管很大,却都和能量守恒定律无矛盾。13 The contemporary phenomenon of motorcar worship is to be explained not least by the sense of independence and freedom that ownership entails当代社会崇尚汽车的现象其部分原因可以解

17、释为:一个人有了汽车,便可以自由行动,不依赖他人。15 One may as well be asleep to read for anything but to improve his mind and morals, and regulate his conduct.读书如果不是为了培养才德和端庄品行,还不如睡大觉好。16 Few things are impossible in themselves: and it is often for want of will, rather than of means, that men fail of success.事情很少有做不成的;其所以做不成,与其说由于条件不够,不如说由于缺乏决心。17 In one broadcast Anna Roosevelt, the wife of President Franklin Roosevelt, said, “we cannot be too tired to win peace if our civilization is to go on.”富兰克林罗斯福总统的夫人安娜罗斯福有一次在广播中说:“如果想使战后的文明持续下去,我们付出多大的艰辛争取和平也不过分。”

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