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1、考研英语作文中的词汇替换策略考研作文中的词汇替换一般普通词汇高分满分词汇according to me / I believe / in my opinion / I thinkin my personal sense / for my part / to my mind / to the best knowledge of me / from my own perspective (观点)affect / stophinderfromage / periodera (时代,纪元) / phaseaimobjectiveandcoupled with / as well asand so on

2、and the likeappearmushroom / spring up / ariseapplyto.put into practiceaskconsult / enquireaspect (方面,外貌,形式)sphere (范围,球体) / respect (尊敬,方面) / facet (方面) / field (领域)attach (系上,贴上,使依附)enclose (围绕,装入)attract (吸引,引起)tempt (诱惑,引起,冒的风险,使感兴趣) / appeal toattract ones attentioncapture ones attentionaudienc

3、eviewersbaddreadful / unfavorable / poor / adverse (有害的) / be less ipressive (作表语)basisfoundationbe able tobe capable of / be in a position tobe against / disagree with sthfrown (不同意,皱眉) on good atbe expert at / be skillful at / excel inbe helpfulbe of help / be beneficial of / beneficial rew

4、arding / advantageousbe importantbe of importance / significancebe obviousit goes without saying that be risingbe on the risebe sure tobe bound tobe surprised atbe shocked / amazed atbe uselessbe of no use / be in vainbear (承受)shoulder / be loaded withbecause ofthanks to / as a result of / on the gr

5、ounds of / therere several reasons behind sth.become fashionablecome into a fashionbecome happycheer up / be in high spiritsbeforeoriginallyby oneselfall alone/ on ones owncome nearbe around the cornercarefulattentive / cautiouscause contribute to / render / prompt (促进) / give rise to / lead to / re

6、sult in / trigger changeshift / fluctuate / swingchange with vary fromtocheatingdeceptionchoosefrommake an alternative toclearevident / self-evident / apparentcome fromStem / derive from/ arise from / originate fromcome outcome forthcomplainplace a complaint against sthcommunication (交流,通讯)interacti

7、on (相互作用)considertakeinto account / figure out / give thought toconsider importantattach significance tocontinuego aheadcontrolbring under controlcooperatejoin hands incustomer (顾客)shopper / client (客户) / consumer (消费者) / purchaser (买方)decide ondeterminedeepprofounddepend onrest upondepend on onesel

8、flive on ones owndevelopcultivate / build updifferentvarious / a variety of / vary from / person to persondifficultyhardship /barrier/obstaclediligentindustriousdogo in for / carry outdo good tobe beneficial to/ in favor ofdropdeclineeat lessgo on a dietemphasizeattach emphasis toenabletofacilitate

9、encouragemotivate / stimulateendangerjeopardizeenforcestrengthenengage inmajor inenjoybe crazy aboutenlargebroadenenoughadequateevaluatespeak highly ofexplainaccount for / give an account offacebe faced with / stand up tofailurefrustrationfameprestige / reputationfamousprominent /distinguished outst

10、andingfamous peoplepersonalities/ celebritiesfeelingpassion findlocatefind outsort outfinishaccomplishfirelay offfocus oncenter onfor this purpose for the purpose of / to this end / to the end of / with the intention offor examplea good case in point / take sth for instance / to name only a few / as

11、 an exampleforeverpermanentlyfutureprospective (未来的,预期的,展望)getacquire / regainget much benefitreap huge fruitsget rid ofeliminategivegrant / issuegive / supplyprovide withgive attention togive priority toglobaluniversalgo onbring forwardgoalidealgood (愉快的,好的,善行,好处)beneficial / positive / favorable /

12、 rosy (美好的) / promising (有希望的) / perfect / pleasurable / excellent (极好的,杰出的) / outstanding (杰出的,未解决的)good studentstop studentsgoodsnecessitiesgreatenormous / dramatic / prime / utmostgreatlyoverwhelmingly / predominantly / substantiallygreetingsregardsgrowflourishhappinesswell-being / welfarehardly

13、(几乎不,刚刚)little if anything / little or nothinghavepossess (拥有,控制) / harbor (庇护,怀有,生存) / enjoyhave a relationship withbe on good terms withhope tolook forward tohope to do eager to so sth. / long to do sth.hopefulpromisingignoreneglect / pay no attention toillnessdiseaseimportantessential / vi

14、tal (至关重要的) / significant / necessary / urgent / of importanceimproveenhance / boost / upgradeimprovementadvancesin groupsin twos and threesincludemake up/ involveincreasesoarinfluencemoldintend totarget to do sth.interested incrazy aboutinterestinglywith great interestintroductionprospectusinvestig

15、ationsurvey / polljoboccupation / employmentjoin inconnect / participate in / take part inkeepmaintain / hold ontokill oneselfcommit suicideknowrecognize / be aware ofknowledgecommandleave fordepart fromlikebe fond of / be keen on / be attached tolimitbe confined toloadburdenlook aroundexaminelook f

16、orrun into / hunt forlook up inrefer tolowerbe inferior tomake nervousplace strain onmake progressmake leaps in / press forwardmake sureguaranteemake sure thatsee to it thatmanyan army of / an ocean of / a sea of / a multitude of / if not mos / be abundant in / countlessmeetrun into / come across/en

17、countermesschaosmore and moreincreasing / growing (adj.);increasingly (adv.)necessary / inevitableindispensable (不可缺少的) / hardly unnecessary / hardly inevitableneedbe in need ofnot hesitatefeel free to do sth.not knowbe ignorant ofnumberdata / statisticsobviousstrikingoccupationcareer/professionoffe

18、rpresent sth to sb.onlyno more than / soleoutcomeconsequenceovercomeconquerpassgo bypay attention tobe concerned about / give weight to / pour (倾泻) attention topeople / personsindividuals / characters (特性,人物特色) / folksperformcarry out / enforceperiods (周期)times (次数,时代)placesitepoorneedypressclickpro

19、ducegenerate / createprogressbreakthroughpronounceclaimpublicpublicitypunishmentpenalty (处罚,罚金)purposemotiverapidlyat a rapid pace / speedilyreduceminimizerememberrecall / remind sb. of sth. / bear in mind thatsomea slice of / quite a few / several / a number of / certainsuggest / fear / indicatebe

20、indicative of / be suggestive of / be fearful oftake interest insth.appeals to sb. / sth. exerts a tremendous fascination on sb.think (+ that )harbor the idea that / take the attitude that / hold the view that / it is widely shared that / it is universally acknowledged that thingaffair / business / matterveryexceedingly / extremelywantdesire

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