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1、雅思基础口语课堂笔记雅思基础口语 (1)上海新东方雅思口语主讲 徐雯璟 最新考试回忆、新东方雅思活动、答疑 E-mail: xczl1027 Brief Introduction to IELTS Speaking test Part One: Introduction and Interview (4-5 minutes)- easy Qs-warm-up -P 2/ Exer2& p 52/Exer 1 Part Two: Individual Long Run (3-4 minutes) -monologue-card-examiner/1-2min -possible order ca

2、rd? 依据? -答不好/新颖/看心情/挖潜力 Part Three: In-depth Two-way Discussion (4-5 minutes) -pre-prepared Qs related to the Part 2 topics -further Qs from your answers in Part 2e.g. Describe a garden-function of garden advantages of doing exercise? Describe a person who has an impact on you-qualities of a good te

3、acher? future career development? any other inspiring people? Marking Criteria for IELTS Speaking test F V G P Overview of the book (怎样充分利用本教材):Arrangements for the lessons Lesson 1: unit 1 Education & Unit 7 Further Study and Future Plans Lesson 2: Unit 2 Food & Unit 9 Cooking and Special Occasions

4、 Lesson 3: Unit 3 Sport and Exercise, Unit 12 Leisure Activities & Unit 18 International Events Lesson 4: Unit 4 Media, Unit 6 Advertising, Unit 11 News Sources & Unit Communication Lesson 5: Unit 5 Relationship, Unit 15 Employment & Unit 17 Population Lesson 6: Unit 8 The Natural Environment, Unit

5、10 Transport & Unit 20 Tourism Lesson 7: Unit 13 Technology and Equipment & Unit 16 Commodities Lesson 8: Unit 14 Money and Finance Warm-up P 2/ Exer 2& p 52/ Exer 1 (pair work) Pronunciation: Sentence Stress & Rhythm Sentence Stress的技巧讲解 (p4, p86 and p143) P4 /Exer 8 P 86/Exer 5 & 6 * Words that ca

6、rry the most meaning are stressed; words that carry less meaning are not stressed. Stress negative words. e.g. cant, dont, wont, not, no解决重音问题: -Syllable 音节:Q: 为什么有些单词上方只有一个点,而有些单词上方有两个点? (由此单词音节的数量决定!) -大小点所代表的含义 Exercise 6 巩固句子重音P 86/Exer 5 & 6Rhythm发音技巧的讲解 Rhythm韵律: the combination of stressed &

7、unstressed syllables. Exercise 14 /p 55Vocabulary P 3 & p 54 Subject (sixth form AS-4 subjects; A2-3 subjects) class Physics Chemistry Maths English Literature English Language Biology Design and Technology Economics and Business Studies Geography History Sociology French German Art Photography Musi

8、c Theatre Studies Physical Education compulsory: if sth is , you must do it because of rules or laws. E.g. Wearing seat belts in cars is compulsory by law. optional: If sth is , you can choose whether to do it. E.g. English is compulsory for all students, but art and music are optional. co-edsingle

9、sex private public discipline Military/ parental/ school E.g. I dont have enough (self) to save money. homework assignments naughty: not obedient; badly-behaved strict: limiting sbs freedom to behave as they wish E.g. be with sb corporal: of or relating to body E.g. punishment = physical punishment

10、(Catholic school in UK in the 1960s) detention: a form of punishment in which children are made to stay at school after classes E.g. Shes had 4 detentions this term. gymnasium: 健身房 absent attendance Vocabulary p 54 & 55 get ahead: to be successful 迎头赶上 aptitude= flair= talent=gift=quality be profici

11、ent in = be an expert at = be skilled in/ at = be expertise in to aspire to = have the strong desire to set ones heart on sth= want to achieve very much to yearn to do sth / to yearn for sth (sth difficult to get) E.g. Despite his great commercial success, he still yearns for critical approval.Time

12、for discussion/ p 3 Exer 5 A. what subjects are compulsory in your school? B. what are your favourite subjects? C. what subjects do you not like? D. tell me about discipline in your school. E. what exams do you take? F. how much homework do you have? Grammar/ p 4& p 56 非谓语的典型结构1 p4 v. + doing Like/

13、love/ hate/ dont like + V-ing Exer 10 / p 5 Exer 11/p 6 Exer 12/p 6 非谓语的典型结构2 p56 Expressions for future goals: I would love to + V + time marker E.g. I would love to take an MBA course in the future. I hope to + V + time marker E.g. I hope to run my own business some day. One of my goals/dreams + t

14、o + V E.g. one of my dreams is to be a millionaire! I aim to + V + time marker E.g. I aim to learn Spanish one day.Exer 16 / p 56 + Exer 18 / 57 熟悉非谓语及造句范文段落分析1 p7 Describe a teacher you remember well. You should say: What the teacher was like Which subject(s) he or she taught What you enjoyed about

15、 his or her classes and explain why you remember this teacher in particular. Notes on 1-min preparation: write down short notes rather than sentences! 范文段落分析2/ p 57 Describe a course, subject or class you would like to take in the future. You should say: What the course is What is involved Where you

16、 would study and why it is that you want to take the course or study this subject. Other skills for fun A new skill, e.g. web design A creative hobby, e.g. photography A sport, e.g. snowboarding, BMX, Kung fu A useful skill, e.g. cooking A musical instrument, e.g. guitar An artistic skill, e.g. danc

17、ing, making clay figure, drama courses homework -familiarize yourselves with the new words introduced in Unit 1 & 7 -describe your favourite subject at school -describe a skill that you want to learn which is not related to your study -listen to audio for p 53 (describe a course or subject you would

18、 like to take in the future主要看结构,典型的中国小孩儿回答!)雅思基础口语 (2) Lesson 2: Unit 2 Food & Unit 9 Cooking and Special OccasionsRevision:-topics related to education 1) how to review vocabulary? (教材的基础词汇 + 博客上的雅思口语话题素材 2) how to improve pronunciation? -British, American, or Australian? - imitate audios from the

19、 textbook &Cambridge IELTS 5-8 (find favourite speaker!) Pronunciation: Phoneme 音素 (the Study of Language推荐书, George Yule) Vocabulary: Food & Cooking Grammar: 比较级/最高级以及可数名词/不可数名词 Fluency: 逻辑连接词的正确使用:承接关系、转折关系 Warm-up exercise 1 p.10 Exercise 1 p.68 chicken thigh/ wing/ fillet/ drumstick marinate 浸泡-

20、 marinade mrineid Simmer: cook sth liquid with low temperature e.g. Leave the vegetables to simmer for a few minutes.Pronunciation: p13 词尾的正确发音 Exercise 10 listen & put the words in the right category. Exercise 12 良好的对于食物观点/评价的素材 Exercise 13 linking sounds (how to pronounce beautifully?) rule: the l

21、ast letter of one word joins onto the next word.e.g. chocolate mil kis very tasty. Exercise 13: listen to the following sentences and mark the linking sounds.a) Soft drinks are not very healthy.b) Pizza Hut is a fast food restaurant.c) Its important to eat healthy food.d) He likes to eat a hotdog fo

22、r lunch. Tips for speaking test/ p. 14 How to ask the examiner to repeat the Qs? Exer 15. Pardon? Sorry? Could you repeat that please? Sorry, I didnt hear/catch you. Could you repeat the Q? Only repeat! Explain? Sorry, what do you mean by Does mean ? 切莫不懂装懂,张冠李戴! Pair work/ exer 17p. 15 aim of this

23、exercise: familiarize yourself with the expression to ask for repetition! Important! E.g. whats your favourite food? sorry, I didnt hear you. Could you repeat the question? -do you like to cook? -do you prefer to eat out or eat at home? -what do you usually eat for breakfast? -do you like fast food?

24、常见音素错误解析1 /v/ /w/ p23/exercise 13 Exer 13 now listen to the following words from this unit & decide whether they are /v/ or /w/. Write them in the correct box below. 常见音素错误解析2 /r/ /l/ p61/exercise 5常见音素错误解析3 / and / p110/exercise 7 Voiced th / as in there 手放在喉咙口,震动 Unvoiced th / / as in thank手放在喉咙口,

25、不震动 Exer 7. look at the following words from the unit. Listen to the radio & devid them into / and / sounds: Exer 10. Circle the word you hear. p111Vocabulary related to food: P11 Brunch: breakfast + lunch Steak: a thick piece of meat from fish/cow 排 Greasy: covered or full of oil Mouldy: covered wi

26、th mould E.g. bread/ cheese Stale: no longer fresh E.g. The bread/biscuits/cake had gone . Succulent: juicy E.g. a piece of steak Bland: lacking flavour = tasteless E.g. I find chicken a little . Revolting: extremely unpleasant/disgusting E.g. a smell of rotting cabbage Vile: unpleasant/unacceptable

27、 Yucky: disgusting/ unpleasantVocabulary on p.69Grammar1:比较级/最高级 p16 How about equal comparison: as as E.g. 1) I like documentaries as much as I like comedies.2) I watch TV as often as I listen to the radio. isnt as as E.g. A quiz is funnier than a documentary, but it isnt as funny as a comedy.Exer

28、9/p.31 pair work (5min)Grammar2:可数名词/不可数名词的正确搭配 p71 Asking Qs: How many/ much? Answering Qs: some/ any countable/ uncountable a lot of=lots of a fewcountable N a littleuncountable NExercise 10-13/ p 72Part Two段落分析: p18 Describe a meal you particularly enjoyed. You should mention: Where you ate What

29、you ate Who you were with and why you enjoyed it. P 18 范文分析 开门见山:a meal after graduation ceremony 交待地点:a restaurant nearby 餐厅描述:atmosphere good: e.g. long table; candles; flowers 和谁一起:with mum, dad & brothers & grandma 点了什么:seafood & champagne e.g. lobster 为什么特殊:dad made a speech of congratulationsFluency & Coherence exer 31/p 18-19 (根据表格的提示框架,再添加砖和瓦) Exer 19/p 74 (分析讲述事件发展或流程发展常用的逻辑连接词:承接、转折) 承接:first, and then, also, secondly, another, whats more, in addition, after that 转折:but, whereas, but instead, however, in contrast, on the country 范文文章结构梳理 简

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