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1、轴承清洁度检测规程Document edit information文件修订信息Version No.版本号Modification reason & content修改原因/内容Edit Date修订日期Edit Person修订人Remark备注B27-WI-103-F03 表格换版2013-01-18张仪君C增加各尺寸的清洁度检测方法及判定标准等2014/11/05张仪君Review 审核Correlative department相关部门Review opinion评审意见Review person / Date评审人/日期Approval 批准Department 部门Opinion

2、 评审意见Approval person / Date批准人/日期MR(limit to procedure only)管理者代表(仅限于程序文件)Department Manager 部门经理OK汪洋1 Purpose 目的为规范成品轴承装配后的清洁度检测操作程序。To regulate the assembly of finished bearing after the dirt count test procedures.2 Scope 使用范围本规程适用于成品轴承涂油包装后的清洁度检测。 The procedure applied to bearings dirt count test

3、ing after packaging.3 Responsibility 职责工流体实验室负责各单元的清洁度检测工作。 Fluids lab is responsible for dirt count test.4 Definition 术语(无)5 Procedures 过程及要求5.1 (浸没法)方法适用于外径0 到12英寸的轴承和零部件,检测频次及数量参照附录1。 (Dip Method)Test for contaminant content of 0 to 12 inch OD bearing components,test frequency and quantity per ad

4、dendum 仪器设备 Apparatus5.1.1.1 微孔耐热玻璃支架(xx10 047 20 )Millipore pyrex filter holder xx10 047 标准微孔滤膜-0.45微米孔隙HAWP 04700 20Standard Millipore filters-0.45 micrometer pore size HAWP 047005.1.1.3 微孔玻璃密封装置,显示屏和制动器xx10 0470 32Millipore glass seal base, screen, and stopper xx10 0470 321-2L规格

5、的弯臂抽气瓶(1公升微孔xx10 047 05)One or two liter side arm filter flasks(Millipore one liter xx10 047 05) 塑料管 Plastic tubing5.1.1.5 防爆炸真空泵(适当的防止粉碎就可以)。Vacuum pump Fisher Scientific5.1.1.6 塑料洗瓶 Plastic Wash bottle5.1.1.7不锈钢容器或玻璃烧杯(必须足够大,可让部件平放到容器底部,并与容器有一定间隙)。Stainless container or glass beaker(must be

6、 large enough to allow components to lay flat on bottom with room to spare) 不锈钢镊子 Stainless steel forceps5.1.1.9 干燥箱 Drying oven5.1.1.10分析天平(0.0001 g灵敏度0.1mg。) Analytical balance capable of weighing to 0.0001 g5.1.1.11通风柜 Ventilation hood5.1.2 清洗溶剂 Washing Solvent闪点大于60度的石蜡基溶剂,如 Shell sol D60

7、;LPA142;Ashland sol 142等注意:危险物极其易燃,水蒸气也可能引起火花。远离热源,火花,和明火。在足够的通风和有通风橱的情况下使用。NOTE: Extremely flammable, Vapor cause flash fire, Keep away from heat sparks and open flame. Use with adequate ventilation and in hood.5.1.3 操作程序 Procedure5.1.3.1测量残磁2高斯,预称重滤膜,并用圆珠笔或铅笔在每个滤膜上标出识别编号。Measure residual magnetism

8、 2gauss, pre-weighing filter, mark an identification number on each filter with a pencil or ball point pen.对试验滤膜进行称重并记录重量,精确到0.1mg。Weigh filters to the nearest 0.1mg and record weigh.为每个试验滤膜配置一个额外的滤膜,并称重每个控制滤膜。(在进行过滤前,这个控制滤膜将直接插入到试验滤膜下。上膜为试验滤膜,下膜为控制滤膜)Weigh an extra filter for each tes

9、t filter.(This control filter is inserted directly beneath the test filter prior to the filtration procedure)注意:在操作整个过程中,用镊子操纵过滤器。NOTE: Handle filters with forceps at all times.5.1.4 清洗轴承部件 Cleaning of bearing components5.1.4.1 在清洗容器中倒入足够的溶剂,使一个轴承部件完全浸入溶剂中。清洗容器首选玻璃烧杯,但对大尺寸轴承,需要用不锈钢杯或盘。Pure into the

10、washing container enough solvent , completely cover one bearing component. Glass beakers are preferred but stainless beakers or trays are needed for larger size bearing.5.3.2 在充分搅动中清洗轴承部件15秒,以便有效去除微粒和防腐剂。对装配后的内圈,为充分去除所有微粒和防腐剂,必须转动部件或溶液至少15秒。Wash bearing components for 15 seconds to remove particles

11、and preservative. For assembled cones, rotating the components in the solvent to remove particles and preservative. 从溶剂中取出轴承,然后用溶剂喷雾剂彻底喷洒至少10秒钟。在此期间,应边清洗边让冲洗物流入容器。对组装后的轴承应边转动边清洗。分开清洗每一个部件,然后立即干燥。最后用防锈材料如Quaker FERROCOTE 5856BF T1将轴承重新防护。Remove the bearing from the solvent and wash thoroughly

12、with a fine spray of hexane from the wash bottle for at least 10 seconds. During this step, all washing should drain into the container. Cone assemblies should be rotated. Wash each component and then immediately dry. preserve the bearing with Quaker FERROCOTE 5856BF T1注意:轴承部件用一个过滤盘。由于溶剂烟雾是危险的,所以整个清

13、洗过程必须在实验室环境下进行。不可接触皮肤。在整个操作过程中,可使用钳子或塑料手套处理轴承部件。但只有(经过含污量)证实的防尘手套可使用(聚乙烯手套)。避免使用已破损,有斑点的手套。NOTE: Use one filter disk for five bearings. The cleaning procedure must be in the lab hood since the solvent fumes is hazardous. Use tongs or plastic gloves to clean the bearing component. Only gloves proven

14、to be free of dirt (such as PE gloves) can be used5.1.5过滤清洗后溶液 Filtering washing solvent5.1.5.1 将事先已称重的0.45微米孔隙的滤膜,安放于微孔过滤器上。(上膜)Assemble Millipore filter with a pre-weighed 0.45um filter. (top filter)在实验滤膜下放置一张事先已称重的控制滤膜。(下膜)Insert a pre-weighed control filter beneath the test filter.(bottom

15、 filter)小心的将清洗后溶液倒入过滤漏斗,并用装有真空抽气装置的抽气瓶将溶液通过滤膜真空过滤。Pour the solvent into the filter funnel carefully and apply vacuum to draw the solvent through the filter.所有的溶剂过滤后,用装有溶剂的洗瓶喷洗容器四次,以便将容器残留的微粒洗掉。然后喷洗过滤漏斗壁,确保滤液的所有的微粒已收集,所有的防腐剂或残油已完全收集。再移开固定装置,喷洗漏斗和装置结合处,清洗出任何遗留在那里的残油。重新清洗漏斗后再卸下。After filt

16、ered all solvent, wash the container four times with a wash bottle to remove particles. Then wash the walls of filter funnel. Remove clamp and spray outside of the funnel-base junction to draw in any oil collected there. Rewash funnel and disassemble. 释放真空后,用镊子移动滤膜盘,放置到干净平整的纸上晾干。After releasi

17、ng vacuum, use forceps to remove the filter disks. Place them on a sheet of flat paper for drying.5.1.6 重新称重 Reweighing5.1.6.1将滤膜放置在干燥箱中干燥15分钟,干燥温度为80-100(175-212)。Place the filters in a oven at 80-100(175-212)and dry for 15 minutes. 从干燥箱中取出滤膜并冷却15分钟。Remove from the oven and let the filter co

18、ol 15 minutes。 重新称重滤膜,精确到0.1mg。Reweigh the filters to the nearest 0.1mg.5.1.7 计算 Calculation5.1.7.1用最终的测试滤膜重量,减去初始滤膜的重量。可减去控制滤膜增加重量或加上控制滤膜失去的重量,以修正每次的测试结果。用合成的总含污量除以参与试验的总部件数,就可得到每个部件的平均含污量。(如果用足够的洗液去除残油的话,控制滤膜增加的重量不应该超过0.5mg)Subtract the initial weigh of the test filter from the final test f

19、ilter weight. Then subtract weight gain or add weigh loss of control filter as a correction factor for each test result. Divide the resultant total dirt count by the number of components used in the test to obtain the average dirt content of each component.(The weight increase of the control filter

20、should not exceed 0.5mg if adequate washing is used to remove oil residue) 表面积的数据可从27-WI-103-F02“成品轴承表面积一览表”查得。 评判标准(参见附录1)Limits(Refer to addendum 1) 总重量Total Weight 颗粒物尺寸/类别 Particle size/type5.1.8 相关措施 Corrective Action5.1.8.1 若测试轴承的含污量超过允许值,工艺流体及防锈实验室应立即通知车间对相关产品

21、进行处置,并分析原因,针对原因制定并实施纠正措施,工艺流体及防锈实验室对实施效果进行验证。纠正措施还可包括:过程流程调查,对滤膜,油槽含污量,与过程流程和滤膜相关的维护准则、操作程序回顾。车间应将更换、及相应的一些措施记录于27-WI-103-F03 “清洗液/防锈油/过滤系统更换记录”。When bearings tested contain more contaminant or particles than the maximum allowable, appropriate corrective actions must be initiated. These include but

22、are not limited to: a physical investigation of process fluids, filters, contaminant content in reservoirs, a review of the maintenance practices related to process fluids and filters, a review of handling procedures, and any other appropriate problem solving activities aimed at producing bearings f

23、ree from contaminants. Workshop should be replaced, and the corresponding measures recorded in the 27-WI-103-F03 cleaning fluid / RP oil / filter system replacement record.注意:用塑料桶收集废液。在桶上贴上危险物和易燃标签。将所有的桶送到EHS指定的地点。Note: Drum up waste solvent in plastic drums. Hazardous waste and flammable labels mus

24、t be on drums. Send full drums to the appropriate off-site disposal facility.5.2 (吊索压力喷淋法)方法适用于外径12到18英寸的轴承和零部件,检测频次及数量参照附录1。(Sling/Pressure Spray Method) Test for contaminant level of 12 to 18 inch bearing components. Test frequency and quantity per addendum 仪器设备Apparatus参照5.1.1(注意:

25、滤膜是5.0um带网格的标准微孔滤膜,型号:SVWG 047 00)See section (Note exception: 5.0um gridded filter SVWG 047 00) 喷射容器罐型号:XX67 00P 05 Millipore Pressure Vessel model # XX67 00P 溶剂喷雾枪型号:XX67 025 00 Millipore Filter jet Solvent Dispenser with fan spray nozzle model # XX67 025 清洗溶剂 Was

26、hing Solvent闪点大于60度的石蜡基溶剂,如 Shell sol D60;LPA142;Ashland sol 142等注意:危险物极其易燃,水蒸气也可能引起火花。远离热源,火花,和明火。在足够的通风和有通风橱的情况下使用。NOTE: Extremely flammable, Vapor cause flash fire, Keep away from heat sparks and open flame. Use with adequate ventilation and in hood.5.2.3 操作程序 Procedure5.2.3.1 测量残磁,将零部件放在合适的容器内以便

27、收集清洗后的溶剂,对于重量或是尺寸过大的零件必须要使用行车。Measure residual magnetism; place the parts in/over an appropriately sized collection vessel such that all the solvent will be collected. It may be necessary to hang the part from a crane due to its weight and size. 调节容器喷淋口的压力在15 psig 5 psig。Pressurize the spray

28、 vessel to a pressure. A recommended value is 15 psig 5 psig. 将零部件放在收集容器内开始喷淋清洗,每个零部件喷淋清洗510秒,之后重复3次。注意喷淋清洗过程中的压力要保持在15 psig 5 psig。Place the part into/over the collection vessel, A good rule of thumb is to give the area of the part 5 to 10 seconds of spray. Repeat each spray 3 times. Be awar

29、e of the sprayer pressure. The pressure of the vessel should be maintained at the recommended value of 15 psig 5 psig. 将零部件移出,让溶剂残留回到收集容器内,再翻个身以收集尽量多的溶剂。如果有必要,将零部件悬空以收集所有的溶剂Remove the part and let the residual fluid drain back into the collection vessel. Turn the part to make sure as much of

30、the fluid as possible is collected. If necessary, suspend the part over the collection vessel by some method until all of the solvent is collected. 按照5.1.5的步骤,用5.0m滤纸过滤收集的溶剂,用干净的溶剂漂洗收集容器、微孔过滤玻璃支架。所有用来漂洗清洁度设备的溶剂必须经过5.0m的滤纸过滤。Filter the collected solvent through a gridded 5.0m filter prepared a

31、s per paragraph 5.1.5. Rinse out the collection vessel with clean solvent. Rinse down the filter holder. All solvent used for rinsing the equipment must be filtered through a 5.0um filter.用镊子移动滤膜盘,放置到干净平整的纸上晾干。Use forceps to remove the filter disks. Place them on a sheet of flat paper for drying.5.2.4 重新称重 Reweighing5.2.4.1将滤膜放置在干燥箱中干燥15分钟,干燥温度为80-100(175-212)。Place the filters in a oven at 80-100(175-212)and dry for 15 minutes. 从干燥箱中取出滤膜并冷却15分钟。Remove from the oven and let the filter cool 15 minutes。 重新称重滤膜,精确到0.1mg。Rewei

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