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1、口译辅导中国传统文化口译辅导:中国传统文化一、 “传统节日单词预热vocabularywork烹调cooking cuisine鱼肉满架 well stocked with fish and meat象征意义 symbolic significance农历 lunar calendar阳历 solar calendar端午节 Dragon Boat Festival元宵节 Lantern Festival清明节 Pure Brightness Day重阳节 Double Ninth Day放逐 be exiled忠臣 loyal minister糯米粽子 glutinous rice dump

2、lings wrapped in bamboo leaves祭祀亡灵 in memory of sb.龙舟比赛 dragon boat races中秋节Mid Autumn Festival满月 full moon月饼 moon cake蜜饯 preserved fruits豆沙 bean paste蛋黄 egg yolk海鲜 seafood家禽 poultry饺子 dumplings八宝饭 eight treasure rice米羹 rice balls油条 fried sticks麻花 fried twisted stick叉烧包 steamed bun with roast pork粥

3、porridge芋头 taro葱油饼 pan-fried cake with sesame seeds and green onion有关春节的常用词放鞭炮 let off firecrackers耍龙灯 play the dragon lantern耍狮子 play the lion dance拜年 pay a new-year call二、有关“介绍的翻译 我很快乐向各位介绍中国的主要传统节日。 I am very happy to have the opportunity to talk to you about major traditional Chinese holidays. 表

4、示“介绍情况时,我们可以这样翻译:1. to share with you brief information 在此,我愿意向朋友们介绍这些方面的情况。 Id like to share with you brief information in this respect.2. to brief you on 借此时机,我愿意向各位朋友介绍中国参加世贸组织和参与经济全球化的有关情况。 I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to brief you on Chinas accession to WTO and participation

5、 in economic globalization.3. to give a brief account of 我简单介绍我厂的情况。 Let me, first of all, give you a brief account of this factory. 在来宾们参观我校之前,请允许我简要介绍一下我校的概况。 Before you start to look around, I would like to give you a brief account of our school.4. to tell us how/what 请主席先生介绍一下中国农村扶贫运动的情况。 Will M

6、r. Chairman tell us how the anti-poverty drive is going on in China?5. to show you 我想向您介绍一下我们初步拟定的活动日程。 I would like to show you our tentative itinerary.6. to provide sb. with some information 借此时机,向各位介绍上海经济开展和开展国际经贸交往的一些情况。 Id like to take this opportunity to provide you with some information about

7、 Shanghais economic development and its foreign trade.7. share a piece of my mind三、实考题分析中国的传统节庆膳食除了在数量和质量上与平时有所不同之外,一些历史悠久、具有象征意义的食物也是节日必不可缺的伴侣。Traditional holiday meals are different from everyday meals in terms of quantity and quality. In addition, some foods with a long history and symbolic signi

8、ficance are indispensable on these occasions.例如,我国的端午节是纪念古代诗人屈原的日子。那一天,人们通常要赛龙舟、吃粽子。For example, on the Dragon Boat Festival, a day set aside in memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan, people will hold dragon boat races and eat zongzi, a kind of glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves.中秋节是欣赏满月

9、的日子。圆圆的月亮象征着圆满,象征着家庭团聚。因此,中秋节的特制食品是一种圆形的月饼。The Mid-autumn Festival is an occasion for viewing the full moon. The round moon is a symbol for completeness, and family reunion. The special food of the day is the yuebing, a round moon cake.春节是中国的农历新年,除了常见的海鲜、家禽和肉类之外,人们还要按各自的地方习俗烹制传统菜肴,如饺子和年糕。The Spring

10、Festival is the Chinese lunar New Years holiday. In addition to the popular seafood, poultry and meat, people will prepare traditional food, for example, jiaozi, or boiled dumplings, and niangao, or the year cake according to their regional custom.编者按:四、“武术单词预热vocabularywork武术martialart武术宫martialart

11、palace健身bodybuilding. 四、 “武术单词预热vocabularywork武术 martial art武术宫 martial art palace健身 bodybuilding减肥 lose weight填写登记表 fill in a form会员卡 membership card古代搏斗术 form of combat习武 practice martial art中国武术协会 Chinese Martial Arts Association扣人心弦的表演 thrilling performance杂技 acrobatics顶尖/身怀绝技/无懈可击的 top/first-ra

12、te/武林高手 professional martial artistwarrior, sumono, knight, errant, martial artist, swordsman单句翻译练习:武术又称功夫,在中国已经有1000年历史了。Wushu, known as Kongfu or martial arts, has a history of a thousand years in China.中国的劳动人民练习武术以强身健体和自我保护,武术至今仍大受欢送。The working people in China practice Wushu for physical trainin

13、g and self-defense and Wushu is still immensely popular today.中国武术还引起了外国人的兴趣,在全世界不少国家,都有人学习武术。Chinese Wushu has also aroused interest among foreigners and is taught in many countries throughout the world.练习武术有各种各样的固定套路,有的要赤手空拳,有的要拿武器。Wushu is practiced in various types of set exercises, either bare-

14、handed or with weapons.武术是中国特有的民族运动,它可以锻炼身体,培养意志力,训练打斗技巧。A unique Chinese national sport, Wushu builds strong bodies, steels the willpower and gives training in fighting skills.五、实考题分析欢送光临上海武术中心。在这里您可以健身、减肥、结交朋友,以及了解中国文化。Welcome to Shanghai Martial Arts Center. Here you can do exercise to build up y

15、our body, reduce your weight, make new friends, as well as learn about Chinese culture.我们的武术协会还为各位来宾准备了精彩的节目。除了武术表演,您还可以欣赏京剧节目和杂技表演。In addition, our Martial Art Association has prepared some fabulous programes for our visitors. You can watch martial art performances, Peking Opera and acrobatic shows

16、.倘假设您想亲身体验一下中国武术,我们可以派一流的教师进行团体或个别指导。If you want to get some personal experience with Chinese martial arts, we have first class teachers for individual or group training.我们的武术专卖店出售有关中华武术的图书资料、录像带和激光视盘。满足您的需要是本中心的效劳宗旨。Our martial art store sells books, video tapes and VCDs on Chinese martial arts. To

17、 meet your need is the purpose of our service.六、传统文化词汇补充气功 controlled breathing exercise春联 spring couplet剪纸 paper-cut戏剧脸谱 theatrical mask国画 traditional Chinese painting中药 TCM单口相声 monologue comic talk对口相声 witty dialogue; comic cross talk马戏 circus performance传说 legend神话 mythology寓言 fable二十四节气 the twen

18、ty-four solar terms四大创造:火药 gunpowder印刷术 movable type printing造纸术 paper making指南针 compass四书:大学 The Great Learning中庸 The Doctrine of the Mean论语 The Analects of Confucius孟子 the Mencius孙子兵法 The art of War三国演义 Three Kingdoms西游记 Journey to the West Monkey King红楼梦 Dream of the Red Mansions Story of the Stone水浒传 Outlaws of the Marsh All men are brothers诗经 The Book of Songs书经 The Books of History易经 I Ching The Book of Changes礼记 The Book of Rites孝经 Book of Filial Piety三字经 three word chant八股文 stereotyped writing重要文化遗产 major cultural heritage

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