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1、老友记笔记1021. sit through v. 耐着性子看完(或听完)/2. earned recognition for3. word of advice建议如下4. setting up an exhibit5. Museum of Prehistoric History n.史前历史博物馆/mannequin n. 服装模特儿 人体模型6. Well, she has issues: Issues在这里是烦恼、问题的意思,以后碰到别人好像闷闷不乐的时候,你就可以上前来上一句Do you have any issues? 7. bang v.重击/over the head v.使某人

2、不能理解/club n.球棒/mastodon n.乳齿象8. gee int.惊讶时所发声音/glacier n.冰川 冰河9. speaking of issues直译为“谈到问题,”就可以了,这是马莎要引起下一句所用的一个小转折而已。10. paranoid adj.类似妄想狂的/Martys still totally paranoid:Carol去Museum里找Ross,Ross非常尴尬,于是没话找话问Carol的家人怎么看待她是Lesbian的事儿,于是Carol告诉他,马堤仍然神经兮兮的。Paranoid这个单词是类似妄想狂的意思,有点histerical的意思。 11. sl

3、ow sb down使某人慢下来12. ball it up v.揉成纸团13. fluff vi.抖松/pillow n.枕头14. ammunition n.炮弹(指抨击别人的材料 手段或依据等)15. flatness n.平整16. chaotic adj.混乱的 无秩序的/twirl v.旋转 捻弄eg:She was twirling her hair absent-mindedly 17. as far asbe concerned就而言18. thigh-master n.美腿器19. couch cushion20. dread v.恐惧 担心/the girl in the

4、 veil穿着婚纱的女孩/stomp on your heart伤透了你的心21. duh int.表示犹豫、不快或轻蔑等咄/doyfirst people used to say duh which is a sound that indicated stupidity, but for a little while, it turned into doy which has the same meaning. it just SOUNDS stupid. 22. lasagna n.烤宽面条23. glass pan24. in perspective adv.正确地eg:You must

5、 learn to see things in perspective/Kinda puts that whole pillow thing in perspective:kinda在片中出现的次数非常频繁,也是口语中非常实用的词语,意思是有一点儿,相当于kind of.这样的话,枕头的事就可先放在一旁?是不是,mon?” CHAN式的幽默,用来讽刺MON太紧张房间是否整洁的玩笑。 fit into v.适应 协调25. presumably adv.推测起来 大概eg:Presumably youve read this notice26. sonogram n.B超27. curry n.

6、咖哩28. have a thing for v.对.特别感兴趣29. spaghetti n.意大利面条30. Take some of the heat off sb,这里是帮Monica减轻压力的意思。31. run into v.偶遇32. chubby adj.丰满的 圆胖的/puzzle n.拼图33. shoot for v.争取 得到 34. harmonica n.口琴35. try desperately to 拼命地想做某事/dig her elbow into his hand 将肘部往他的手上钻/anecdote n.轶事 八卦/the folks n.父母36. e

7、nsue vi.跟着发生37. pro n.专家(=professional)eg:Mathew plays tennis like a pro/take ones time v.从容不迫38. pee v.n.小便39. high-powered adj.精力充沛的 干劲足的40. clean up v.打扫41. steer clear of v.避开 绕开/shell n.壳/terrific adj.光彩照人/Chances are.(很有)可能eg:Chances are shes already heard the news/OB/GYN abbr.obstetrics(n.产科学

8、)and gynaecology(n.妇科医学)42. got me这你可把我问倒了43. gaze at v.盯着 44. stool n.凳子45. How could I forget? 我觉得这句话应该熟记,这样你就可以咬牙切齿的对某个人,某件事说“how could I forget?”,我怎么能忘记呢?打死我也不会忘记的。可以想见Ross当时的神态了吧,真有种欲杀Susan而后快的感觉。 46. instrument n.工具 器械/mime v.模仿/quack n.鸭叫47. cervix n.子宫颈48. intercom n.内部通信系统/gag vt.使窒息49. pun

9、ch n.打击的意思/roll with the punches when things dont go your way and you adapt to the changes and keep moving ahead instead of flipin out/on the table adv.在桌面上 在讨论的范围50. tanned adj.晒黑的51. maid of honour n.伴娘52. got plugs v.植发53. lens n.隐形眼镜(=contact orthodontist n.正牙医生 54. orthodontist n.正牙医生 55. get a

10、 credit v.得到功劳56. border on与接壤/abuse n.v.虐待/that border on child abuse那有虐待儿童之嫌 57. wind up doing=end up doing最终./get his way他就得逞 随心所欲eg:A: George is so stubborn.B: I know. He always gets his way in the end58. nausea n.恶心59. the mother-to-be n.准妈妈/lie back v.依靠60. tilt vt.(使)倾斜61. well up v.热泪盈眶62. h

11、airline n.头发际线 发型轮廓/a cheap shot n.贱招diverts their attention to103loosely adv.宽松地 松散地date leather-wearing alchoholics与皮革族的酒徒约会cushion the blow to do something that reduces harm善意的谎言eg:The way to cushion the blow is to raise prices slowly, not all at oncesend sb off v.送走rehearse v.排练live with 忍受(不愉快的

12、事)/knowledge n.认识 知道cell n.(尤指监狱)单人房间lighter n.打火机/fumble v.摸索 笨拙地行动eg:The drunken man fumbled with his key/drag n.v.抽(烟) 深深地吸puff n.一阵喷烟/take a puff v.吐口烟visibly adv.显然地/wince v.退缩index finger n.食指 stretch out v.伸出a tray of一盘/Decaf cappuccino n.无咖啡因卡布其诺/coffee black n.黑咖啡/iced tea n.冰茶Decaf cappucc

13、inoGood for me我真行swap v.交换eg:swap seats with othersgo through v.仔细检查/monthly statement n.每月声明Satan n.撒旦 魔鬼/minion n.惟命是从的奴仆 take step 走的步子/skip v.跳 蹦lean over v.弯下身子karmic n.印度教中的某钟残滓/giant karmic debt n.业报 深重的罪过shrug n.v.耸肩/nonchalantly adv.漠不关心地/exhale v.呼出/a mouthful of adj.一口put out v.熄灭coyote n

14、. (北美大草原的)郊狼 土狼/herd n.兽群/pick off v.摘掉 取走eg:You should not pick off any of the flowersall over adv.全部结束, 到处, 浑身, 完全象/all over him 这里all over him的意思是a.不喜欢,全身挑毛病/在另一集中chan对mon说 pheo is all over him ,这里有b.引诱,往身上贴的意思。原义是c.非常喜欢.,着迷,因为喜欢得不得了,所以恨不得扑上去贴着 eg:Im all over you.我對你非常地著迷.= I have a crush on you.

15、 这二句都是表达很喜欢某人的意思./All over somebody 還有一個很常用的用法, 我把他翻成 三貼 比如說你去舞廳跳舞, 看到有一對男女跳到三點都貼在一起了, 你就可以跟你的同伴說, Hey, look, the guy is dancing all over the girl. / 一字之差但是意思完全不同喔. 你要是說 Im over you, 就是說我跟你之間完了, 我不想再和你有任何的瓜葛. 這和 Im all over you 是完全不一樣的. As someone whos seen more than her fair share of bad beef作为一个见了

16、过多坏的牛排的厨师,我要告诉你:这不是坏事。这和中文里有人依仗自己经验丰富,开始给他人忠告时所说的我过的桥比你走的路还长,吃的盐比你吃的饭还多。这事儿我见得多了,听我的没错。差不多,就是表明自己下面的话具有可信度,表明自己有足够的经验来处理你所面对的困难。所以这里应该是说“我已阅坏牛肉无数” “这种事情我见多了”的意思 odds n.可能几率/slim adj.渺茫的eg:His chances for getting the scholarship were very slimcross ones heart v.在胸口划十字 保证 eg: Honey, cross my heart, Iv

17、e never looked at another woman since the first day I set eyes on you! Believe me, thats the truth!filter-tipped adj.有过滤嘴的sulk v.n.生闷气 愠怒/sulkily adv.不高兴地garbage can n.垃圾箱/lid n.盖子call attention to 唤起注意/credit vt.把.记入贷方eg:The bank credited 50,000 dollars to us/credit account with将(钱)存入你的帐户dripping w

18、et adv.湿透地 湿淋淋地bash v.n.痛击 批判kinda crooked adj.有点邪邪的 不正派的eg:Dont deal with crooked peoplenursery rhyme n.儿歌 童谣There was a crooked man 莫尼卡的男友阿兰受到了大家的好评,乔伊说他的笑容扭曲得很可爱。菲比就引用了一段儿歌,说:“曾经有一个扭曲的人(There was a crooked man),他有一个扭曲的笑容,他生活在一只鞋子里”事实上,这是西方流传已广的儿歌鹅妈妈歌谣,不过,菲比 将引文全部引错了,原文是“走在一条一英里(Mile)长的扭曲道路上”,而不是“

19、扭曲的笑容(Smile)”;歌中人生活在“扭曲的小屋子里”,而不是生活在鞋子里。所以大家听菲比这么一说都有点困惑。但这可能不是菲比的错,或许是菲比的妈妈一开始就教错了,还记得菲比曾经以为某部关于狗的片子真的是喜剧收场吗dubious adj. 半信半疑的eg:I am dubious about accepting the offer of the jobyardstick n.衡量标准 准绳eg1: Do you think the TOEFL score is a good yardstick for English proficiency?eg2: She was a yardstick

20、 against which I could measure my achievementsdejectedly adv.沮丧地/softball n.垒球/gear n.(尤指特种用途的)衣服 装备/in softball gear穿着垒球装备innate adj.与生俱来的 固有的/adore v.崇拜 喜爱vowel n.元音tin n.锡/foil n.箔/tin-foil hat锡箔帽spray vt.喷/air freshener n.空气清新剂/breath spray n.口气清新剂/take a drag of the cigarette=take a puff of a c

21、igarette/squirt v.n.喷射 注射eg:Give it a quick squirt/gag vi.窒息 作呕vendor n.摊贩hitch-hiker n.搭便车的旅行者/hitch-hiker是搭顺风车的人。这里Phoebs是说这个罐里飘着的大拇指就像hitch-hiker的那根大拇指。你知道,他们的标致性动作就是在招手要车时竖起thumb。 flaw n.缺点/Big deal有什么了不起!/knuckle n.指节 关节/knuckle-cracking n.扳指关节/overpronounce v.过分强调发音/snort n.v.喷鼻息endearing adj.

22、可爱的 惹人喜爱的eg:She is always wearing an endearing smiledegenerate vi.衰退 堕落(+into)eg:Young people of today are not degenerating/bickering n.争吵get through v.度过 脱险get over v.熬过persecute vt.困扰 骚扰eg:In summer many people are persecuted by mosquitoeshave had it v.受够了 忍无可忍了/emphysema n.肺气肿/the bottom line is

23、最重要的是buddy n.密友 伙伴/now and then adv.偶尔/stub out v.踩熄 熄灭wander vi.(思想)混乱 开小差eg:My attention wanderednicotine patch n.尼古丁贴片last stick of gum 最后一片口香糖step in gum v.踩上口香糖 tearful adj.含泪的break the news to v.委婉地把坏消息告诉(某人)row v.划(船)/viking n.北欧海盗stroke her forehead v.抚摸她的前额104Omnipotent mniptnt adj.全能的 无所不能

24、的/boob breastimpotent adj.阳痿的 startle v.震惊 使大吃一惊nod off v.打盹 打瞌睡insecure adj.局促不安的 无把握的/reassure vt.使.恢复信心 打消.的疑虑way too adv.太过于. eg:You are way too young to see thatcheck it out瞧一瞧/hockey n.冰球/The New York Rangers are a professional ice hockey team based in New York, New York, U.S.A. They are membe

25、rs of the Atlantic Division of the Eastern Conference of the National Hockey League (NHL). Playing their home games at Madison Square Garden, the Rangers are one of the oldest teams in the NHL, and are part of the group of teams referred to as the Original Six. The Rangers have won the Stanley Cup f

26、our times. pal n.朋友MrThe glass is half empty 有这样的一种比喻“如果有一个只装了一半水的水杯,乐观者认为水杯有一半是满得悲观者则认为有一半是空的”,这就是“pessimist”和“The glass is half empty.”关系的由来。 CHAN说的“Mr. The glass is half empty.”确实等于pessimist(悲观主义者)的意思Halloween n.万圣节前夕/costume n.服装 戏服consummate v. 圆房 完婚/pass on v.不去 punch v.用拳猛击big thumb finger 是一

27、个在球场里买的一个很大的泡沫作的手掌,可以套在手臂上挥舞,104的球场镜头里应该看的到.paycheck n.薪水/window n.(信封上的)透明纸窗cave-in n.陷落 塌方/mine n.矿井live on v.靠.生活apron n.围裙duplex n.双层楼公寓(每户占有上下两层楼) 双胞胎on the subject of adv.谈到.时 涉及.时eg:While we are on the subject of money, may I ask when you will repay the loan?/show off v.炫耀 elbow n.肘部spot v.看见

28、 crease n.(冰球)球门区peach pit nectarine n.油桃dirt 丑闻chocolate blobbies n.巧克力酱blobby n.满是滴状斑点pajamas n.睡衣/blender n.搅拌机slumber n.v.睡眠/trashy magazine八卦杂志/dough n.生面团cookie doughtweezers n.镊子/prep vt.使(病人)准备接受手术 使准备好 in reference to adv.关于Pittsburgh n.匹兹堡beanstalk n. 豆茎what if如果怎么办?floopyconfused, in

29、 a state of inner turmoil. if soemone feels floopy, nothing is going right and they cant make sense of their life or the things that are happening to them.puck n.(冰上曲棍球用)橡皮圆盘/rink n.冰球场receptionist n.招待员candy barpredicament n.尴尬的处境 困境eg:She was in a predicament when she missed the last train home/pr

30、edicament room尴尬病房fill out v.填写/toss v.投 掷jump to ones feet马上站起来/dent v.使凹下back off v.后退mushroom n.蘑菇/green pepper n. 青椒/onion n.洋葱fat-free adj.脱脂的 无脂肪的/crust n.脆皮/extra cheese=double cheesebring sb down v.使某人心情一落千丈bonehead n.笨蛋Mediterranean n.adj.地中海/curiously adv.奇异地 奇怪地eg:Curiously enough he had

31、never seen the little girl/good looks n.美貌 漂亮stunning adj.极好的power tie n.大而宽的领带pretty much adv.几乎 差不多/towel n.浴巾nuts adj.发狂的/binoculars n.双筒望远镜adviser n.顾问/campaign n.(政治性)竞选活动/butt n.臀部gladd panel n.挡板/mad adj.生气的nap v.小睡 打盹draw sb out v.让某人出来/preppy n.(大学)预科生(=preppie)preppygo on about v.唠唠叨叨地谈glow n.脸红eg: Her face has the glow of healthpainkiller n.止痛药in a coma adv.在昏迷中mumble v.咕哝valentine n.情人节礼物/locker n.锁柜

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