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1、从目的论视角看旅游景区公示语英译湖南第一师范学院 毕业论文(设计) 题目 (中文)从目的论视角看旅游景区公示语英译 (英文)On C-E Translation of Public Signs in Scenic Spots- from the Perspective of Skopos Theory学生姓名陈玉姣学号10404051202指导教师曾昭艳系(部)外语系专业班级10级英语12班完成时间2014年5月On C-E Translation of Public Signs in Scenic Spots- from the Perspective of Skopos TheoryByC

2、hen YujiaoA Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of BACHELOR OF ARTSDepartment of Foreign Languages, HUNAN FIRST NORMAL UNIVERSITYMay, 2014毕业论文(设计)作者声明1本人提交的毕业论文(设计)是本人在指导教师指导下独立进行研究取得的成果。除文中特别加以标注的地方外,本文不包含其他人或其它机构已经发表或撰写过的成果。对本文研究做出重要贡献的个人与集体均已在文中明确标明。2本人完全了解湖南

3、第一师范学院有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学院保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交本文的复印件和电子版,允许本文被查阅、借阅或编入有关数据库进行检索。同意湖南第一师范学院可以采用影印、打印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本文,可以用不同方式在不同媒体上发表、传播本文的全部或部分内容。3湖南第一师范学院在组织专家对毕业论文(设计)进行复审时,如发现本文抄袭,一切后果均由本人承担,与学院和毕业论文指导教师无关。作者签名: 日期:二一 年 月 日摘 要 随着全球化的发展,旅游日渐成为越来越多人的精神消费。旅游景区公示语以简洁的文字或者图标为旅游者提供有效的指示信息,包括告示、指示、提示、警示等文字及图形信息

4、,是旅游景点管理机构与游客进行沟通的重要的手段与渠道。目的论强调任何翻译活动都有自己的目的,翻译要以目的为中心来确定翻译方法,目的决定方法,并且译文的目的语读者在决定翻译目的的过程中起着重要的作用。本文以目的论为理论依据指导,结合旅游景区公示语英译的特点以及具体事例,提出了旅游景区公示语英译过程中须考虑的因素和可采用的策略,如归化、异化的翻译策略以及直译、意译,等等。关键词:目的论;旅游景区公示语;英译 Abstract With the development of globalization, tourism is increasingly becoming mans spiritual

5、consumption. Public signs of scenic spots, including tourist notices, instructions, tips, warnings and other text and graphics information in concise words or icon, provide effective instruction information to the tourists. It is also an important method and channel for the communication between the

6、 tourist management agencies and tourists. Skopos theory emphasizes that all the translation activities have its own purposes, thus strategies of translation should serve to the purposes, that is, Skopos determines method, and target language readers play important roles in the process of purposeful

7、 translation .Based on the skopos theory and the characteristics of C-E translation of public signs in scenic spots, the paper put forward some factors and available strategies, that is, domestication and foreignization.Key words: Skopos theory; Public signs in scenic spots; C-E translationContent 摘

8、要 IAbstract IIChapter 1 Introduction 1Chapter 2 Characteristics and C-E translation of Public Signs in Scenic Spots 42.1 Characteristics of Public Signs in Scenic Spots 42.2 C-E translation of Public Signs in Scenic Spots 6Chapter 3 An overview and Characteristics of the Skopos Theory 83.1 An overvi

9、ew of the Skopos Theory 83.2 Characteristics of the Skopos Theory 10Chapter 4 The Skopos Theory and C-E Translation of Public Signs in Scenic Spots 134.1 Enlightenment of the Skopos Theory to C-E Translation of Public Signs in Scenic Spots 134.2 Application of the Skopos Theory to C-E Translation of

10、 Public Signs in Scenic Spots 154.3 Strategies for C-E Translation of Public Signs in Scenic Spots 184.3.1 Addition 184.3.2 Omission 204.3.3 Domestication 224.3.4 Foreignization 23Chapter 5 Conclusion 25Bibliography 31Acknowledgments 29Chapter 1 Introduction Under the background of globalization, Ch

11、ina being a big tourist country attracts visitors from all over the world. In the year 2000, china for the first time put forward the grand strategic aim of “constructing china as a world tourism country”by the year 2020, china will have fulfilled the historical leap from “great tourism country in A

12、sian” to “great tourism country in the world”(张国洪,2011). In order to attract more worldwide visitors and prompt the development of our national tourism, C-E translation of tourism material must get enough attention. Since the first national symposium on translation of public signs in 2005, systemati

13、c researches about the translation of public signs have been conducted. The 2008 Beijing Olympics, 2010 Shanghai World Expo the 26th 2011 Shenzhen World University Summer Games and so on international events have been making the research about the translation of public signs become more and more pop

14、ular. However, most of the researches are limited to descriptive ones, which are not normative ones under the guidance of proper theory. Public signs as an essential part of tourism material, mainly refer to the notices, instructions, tips and warning information public to the visitors(Newmark Peter

15、, 1991: 23). It aims to transmit information. As for the Skopos theory and different sorts of tourism materials, many achievements about them have already been made by scholars and translators. For example, the famous Qinghua Professor Luo Xuanmin has engaged in public sign and its translation, maki

16、ng definition and explanation on them and publishing relevant books. Gao Ming published a academic thesis titled On C-E Translation in Tourism Texts: A Perspective of Vermeers Skopos Theory. So far, many experts and scholars have expressed their points of view on Skopos theory. The German functional

17、ist first came into being in the book of Translation Criticism: The Potentials and Limitation by Katharina Reiss in 1971. And skopos theory first occurred in General Foundation of Translation Theory by Hans J. Vermeer in 1978, who built the core theory of German functionalist. Skopos theory argues t

18、hat translation is an interpersonal communicating activity based on human cross-culture communications, with a clear purpose and intention, that is to say, translation is a purposeful behavior, interpersonal behavior and the culture of communicative behavior.Regardless of the achievements mentioned

19、above, the relevant researches on combination Skopos theory and C-E translation of public signs in scenic spots are rare. The paper plans to adopt comparative analysis, literature review method, the instance analysis to expound the whole content. The first body part is about the overall introduction

20、 and characteristics of public signs in scenic spots. The second body part is about Skopos theory. The third body part is the employment and enlightenment of Skopos theory in C-E translation of public signs in scenic spots. From the perspective of Skopos theory, this paper aims at exploring suitable

21、 strategies for C-E translation of public signs in scenic spots, effectively accumulating the correctness and specification of the translation of it, attracting worldwide visitors and promoting the development of Chinese tourism industry. Chapter 2 Characteristics and C-E translation of Public Signs

22、 in Scenic Spots In recent years, the study of public signs in scenic spots is a very hot topic s and has great achievements about it have been made. A great number of relative papers published in good journals, master theses, doctoral theses and professional books and so on by scholars and exports

23、have been describing the features and characteristics of the public signs and its C-E translation.2.1 Characteristics of Public Signs in Scenic Spots They are many points of view on the concept of public signs “public signs are terse and explicit words, sentences, even photographs that are closely r

24、elated to daily life, production, ecology and professions so as to direct, prompt, restrict, warn, or even compel the public” (汉英公示语词典, 2004). Public signs in scenic spots, which is vital to the traveling event, generally belong to tourist materials which provide tourist names, tourist service, scen

25、ic spot introductions, first aid for tourists and so on. Public signs in scenic spots can be found everywhere in natural sceneries, resorts, places of interests and historical sites, parks, museums, religious places, etc. in order to make their traveling easier and interesting, visitors usually depe

26、ndent largely on maps, public signs in scenic spots, tourist brochures, and so on tools, among which public signs have its own characteristics. Firstly, public signs in scenic spots are very comprehensive. As is known, there are countless tourists spots in the world and they are different kinds of t

27、hem. As mentioned above, they indicate tourist names, tourist service, scenic spot introductions, first aid for tourists and so on, thus the content of which may relate to culture, history, politics, economics, geography, education, religions, etc. Comprehensive as public signs in scenic spots are,

28、they can better serve visitors with great convenience and information. Thus it is very important and necessary for public signs in scenic spots to be comprehensive. Secondly, the language of public signs in scenic spots concise but accurate. People have different ideas about the characteristics of p

29、ublic signs. Ding Qiheng considers that the characteristic of English signs can be described as five C: concise, conventional, consistent, conspicuous and convenient (丁衡祁, 2006). And Luo Xuanmin considers signs which are a part of social language have some very clear basic characteristics: public, u

30、tility, diversity, innovation and simplicity(罗选民, 2006). From the above opinions, though different to some degree, we can observe the common point, that is, concise and accurate is the way the language of public signs in scenic spots possesses. When travelling around, visitors are meant to relax and

31、 enjoy themselves as much as possible, with the concise but accurate public signs visitors can enjoy them more easily and freely. 2.2 C-E translation of Public Signs in Scenic Spots The whole world is becoming into a global village. The very indeed globalization has made tourism an international ind

32、ustry. China has always been a country of tourist resorts, thus C-E translation of public signs in scenic spots is of vitality to the industry of tourism. Many foreign countries have been engaged in public sign translation research for a long time, while China has just began to embraced on C-E translation of public signs from certain aspects in the late 1980s. Since then, C-E translation of public signs has enjoy booming popularity in society and great and encouraging achievements were

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