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1、酒店客房专用术语Rooms Terminology客房专用术语:Accommodation: Description of bed type and location of a particular room.住所:用于描述特定的房间位置及房间的床型。Adjoining Rooms: Adjacent rooms that are not serviced by a connection door。相邻房间:相邻房间,但不设有相互连通的连接门.Advance Deposit: Money received by the hotel in advance of the guests arriva

2、l to guarantee the room accommodations。预缴押金:酒店在客人入住前,用于确保客人可得到所要求房间提前收取的金额。Advance Payment: Money requested by the Guest Services Agents at checkin of a guest who did not make an advance reservation and who is unable to produce any of the credit cards accepted by hotel.预付款:没有预定的客人在入住酒店时,不能使用酒店所要求信用卡

3、的情况下,宾客需向前台支付的提前支付款项。Allotment: Certain number of rooms allocated to travel agents for free sale purpose.房间分配:酒店分配给旅行社一定数量的房间作为供其使用的免费房间。Amenity: A gift for a guest e.g. compliments of the hotel, liquor, fruit basket, newspapaer, etc.礼品:给宾客的礼物,例如酒店设置的小礼品、酒类、水果篮及报纸等。Arrival: Date of check-in。到达:客人的入住

4、时间Average Room Rate: Total Rooms Revenue divided by Total Number of Revenue/Occupied Rooms (excluding houseuse and complimentary rooms.)平均房价: 用总客房收入除以收入产生房间总数/入住房间总数(办公用房及,免费房间除外.)Average House Rate: Total Rooms Revenue divided by Total Saleable Rooms。酒店平均房价:用客房总收入除以可销售客房总数。Billing Instructions: Spe

5、cific instructions for the charging of a guests account to his company or home address.帐单结算说明:在客人使用其公司地址或家庭住址结帐时,对宾客进行的特定说明。Block: A room that is being held for a certain guest on a certain date。预留:特定的房间在特定的日期为宾客保留。Booked to Capacity/ Refers to a situation when the hotel has accepted the maximumFull

6、y Booked: number of reservations and is unable to take any more without being placed in an overbooked situation。房间订满/完全预定:是指酒店已经接受了在允许范围内的全部预定,不可再进行任何预定,只可以将预定列入超额预定的范围。Bucket: The space, box, drawer allocated for Registration cards, correspondences, supporting documents, etc. Located at Front Desk

7、(Preregistration or Folio)前台桶:位于前台的特定位置、架子或抽屉等用于放置登记卡、刊物、单据等等。Cancellation: A reservation which is no longer required by the client。 Nonguaranteed reservations will be released by 6:00pm on day of arrival. For guaranteed reservations, no charge will be levied if booking is cancelled before 6:00pm of

8、 scheduled arrival。取消预定:宾客取消已经提出的预定。非保证预定在到达当天下午6点之前可以取消。对于保证预定,若在计划到达日下午六点之前取消预定,不收取费用。Cash Advance: To give money to guest obtained from guests credit card, a nominal surcharge is added, normally between 3 to 5。现金垫款:从客人的信用卡中提取,为客人支付的现金。会收取一定手续费,一般为3% 至 5%。Cash Credit: Written verification of cash

9、received from a guest and apply to his account。担保放款:从客人帐户为客人提取现金的书面证明。Cash Float: A fixed amount of funds allotted to a Guest Services Assistant for foreign exchange, change for cash transactions and refund of cash deposit.现金流通:分配给宾客服务助理用做外汇服务、现金周转及现金退款的一定数额的资金。Cash Overage: A condition whereby the

10、cash remitted if more than the expected amount stated in the cashiers report.现金超出:所收取现金超出出纳账面上的所述金额的情况。Cash Remittance: The days collection in local and foreign currencies to be submitted to General Cashier。现金上交:当天的现金及外汇上交于总出纳。Cash Shortage: A condition whereby the cash remitted is less than the exp

11、ected amount stated in the cashiers report.现金不足:所收取现金少于出纳账面上所述金额的情况.Check-In: Process of guests registration upon arrival.入住:在宾客到达后,宾客登记的过程。Check-Out: Process of guests settling their hotel bills and departing the hotel.退房:宾客支付酒店帐单离开酒店的过程。Check-Out Time: Time designated by hotel for guest to vacate

12、his room at completion of stay。 Check-out time id normally 12:00noon.退房时间:酒店制定的、客人完成住宿腾空房间的时间。一般的退房时间为中午12点。Close Cashier: A function whereby the Guest services Assistant balances his/her account and prints his/her respective transaction reports.现金关闭:宾客服务助理总结账面并打印出相关的交易报告的过程。Commission: Money sent t

13、o Bona-fide travel agents as payment for sending guest to a hotel paying full rate。 The normal percentage is 10% of the room rate, excluding service charge and prevailing government taxes。佣金:当旅行社带领宾客来到酒店并支付未打折房价时,酒店为旅行社支付的金额.正常金额为房价的比率为10,不包括服务费及当地政府的税收。Complimentary: Rooms given free for business p

14、romotion purposes (e。g。 familiarization groups and travel agents ); rooms accorded to hotel employees for leisure in accordance with Corporate Office policy guidelines. These free of charge rooms must be authorized by General Manager/Hotel Manager/Director of Operations or Chairman.免费房:用于商业原因的不收取费用的

15、房间(例如:常客及旅行社);按照公司政策为员工提供的免费房间;所有免费房间的使用都必须得到总经理/酒店经理/运营总监或董事长的批准.Connecting: Adjacent rooms that are has a connecting doors。连通房:用连接门连通的相邻的房间Confirmation: A written agreement from a hotel to a future guest, showing details of his reserved accommodation。确认:宾客向酒店出具的书面协议,说明其具体的预定内容。Corporate Rates: Rat

16、es set by the hotel for all guests whose bookings are made by companies which are listed on the Hotel Corporate Accounts List。公司价:酒店为那些由不同公司为其预定房间的客人设置的房价,公司必须包括在酒店的公司列表中。Credit Refund: A refund of cash deposit which was obtained from guest upon check-in。 Guest is to acknowledge receipt of the credi

17、t balance on the system generated paid-out voucher. All other credit balances e.g. prepayment/deposit paid by travel agents/companies should only be effected through the accounting department。存款返还:将客人之前入住时存入的现金返还给客人。客人将将接受系统产生的支付凭单。其他存款余额,例如,旅行社/公司付给酒店的预付款或存款需由财务部进行结算生效.Crib/Cot: A baby bed。婴儿床/儿童床:

18、 供婴儿/儿童使用的小床Day Use: Same day checkin and checkout between 6:00am to 6:00pm and charged 50 off rack rate (Deluxe category and up preferred)。日用房: 入住及退房时间在当天6:00am至6:00pm之间,并按照市面房价的50%收费。(推荐对豪华套房或以上级别房间使用)Room Move/ Room change when guest is not in room. To be carried out inDead-Move: the presence of

19、a senior staff, preferably a Lobby Guest Services Manager or a Security Officer。房间变动:在宾客不在时为宾客调换房间.调换房间时必须有高级别员工在场,最好有大堂宾客服务经理或保安部经理在场.Departure: Date of check-out。离店:宾客退房的日期。Discount: Percentage of rate taken off room for Travel Related Personnel e.g. Travel Agent, Airline and hotel Staff, etc.折扣:为

20、旅行相关宾客提供的相关房价折扣的百分比。例如,旅行社、航空公司及酒店员工等。DoNot-Disturb: When a guest requests for a confidential stay room, or leaves a “locator message, the telephone operator is to activate the “DND”(Telephone) Function on his/her console so that any incoming calls to the guests room will be re-routed to the switchb

21、oard automatically.(电话)请勿打扰: 当宾客要求一件私密的房间,并向电话总机发出信息,电话总机启用房间电话的(电话)请勿打扰功能。 电话启用此功能后,任何打进房间的电话都会被自动转接到电话控制室。DoNotDisturb: When a guest hangs the DND (Privacy Please) sign outside his room door or activates the DND light, the room attendant will inform the Housekeeping Coordinator to call the guest a

22、t 2:00pm to check when he prefers his room to be cleaned. In the event that there is no response from the room, a Floor Supervisor together with the room attendant will enter to make up the guests room。请勿打扰:将宾客在房间门外悬挂请勿打扰(DND)或勿扰(Privacy Please)标识,或亮起请勿打扰(DND)灯时,客房保洁员会通知客房协调员在下午两点的时候询问宾客是否需要清扫房间。若房间

23、内没有任何反应,楼层主管会与客房保洁员一同进入宾客的房间进行清扫。Double Occupancy: Percentage of rooms occupied by more than one person。双重入住:有多于一人入住的房间占总房间数目的比率。Downgrade: Moving a guest to a lower category room and decreasing his room rate。降级:将宾客安排到低等级房间入住并减少其房费.Due-In: Expected check-in today。应入住:宾客当日应当入住酒店Due Out: Expected chec

24、kout today.应退房:宾客当日应离开酒店.Early Arrival: Early morning arrival is subject to space availability (6:00am start of day). If a client informs the hotel that he is arriving early, he must be informed that check-out time is not until 12:00noon and the hotel cannot guarantee the room before then。 We will,

25、however, do our utmost to have a room ready as soon as possible. If the client wishes, he can reserve and pay for the room the night before to ensure immediate occupancy on arrival.提前到达:清晨提前到达应根据具体客房情况而定(6:00am为一天的开始时间).若宾客通知其将提前到达,酒店必须通知宾客退房时间为中午十二点,在中午十二点之前酒店不能保证为宾客保留房间。但是,酒店会尽最大努力为宾客在最短时间内准备好房间。如

26、果宾客愿意,可以提前预定并预付房款,这样可以保证在到达酒店时及时入住.Early Departure: Guest who checked out earlier than the expected departure date。提前离开: 宾客比原定日期提前离开酒店。Extension of Stay: Authorized change of departure dates。入住延长:已确认的宾客对离店时间的改变。Extra Bed: Same with “Rollaway Bed (R。W。B) A portable single bed which can accommodate an

27、 additional guest。加床:与“可移动床(R。W。B)同义。一只可移动的单人床,可供另一客人使用。Extra Rate: Applies to third person in room and not extra bed. Extra person/bed rate to be waived for Suite occupants.附加费:用于房间内的第三人(未加床)。附加费不适用于使用套房的宾客。Guaranteed: Refers to a reservation that has been guaranteed。 This means that the guest plan

28、s on arriving after 6:00pm and has guaranteed to pay should he fail to arrive. The hotel will hold the room all night, and if the guest does not arrive, he will be charged. In the event that the has guaranteed and the hotel does not have space when he arrives, the hotel will find alternative accommo

29、dation at a similar hotel and pay for it.有保证预定:是指可以保证入住的预定.指宾客计划在6:00pm后入住,并保证若无法入住会支付关费用。酒店会为宾客整晚保留房间,若宾客没有入住,其会支付相关费用。在宾客保证预定的情况下,宾客入住时若没有房间入住,酒店将在另一相似的酒店为其提供住宿并支付费用。Guest Type Code: Differentiates amongst various types of guest to allow for delivery of specific amenities and services。宾客种类代码:用于区别不

30、同种类宾客所要求特定宾客用品及服务的代码。Guest Folio: Statement of guests hotel charges。宾客报表:酒店为宾客出具的费用报表。Guest History: Records showing details of guests previous visits to our hotel e。g。 address, length of stay , credit cards used, room preference, likes or dislikes, etc.宾客历史:宾客以前在酒店入住的具体情况记录。例如,地址、入住时间、信用卡信息、喜好房间或厌恶

31、的事物等。Half day charge: A charge of 50% off folio rate for late check-out after 6:00pm (50 off rack for “wholesale guests who wish to extend late check-out on their own account).半日费用:在6:00pm后退房时,征收的实际房价的50%。(团体宾客由于自身原因需要延时退房时,征收市面房价的50%。)House Count/Status: This term indicates the occupancy of the hot

32、el at any time of the day, expressed in either actual rooms or percentage。酒店情况:是指一天特定时间的酒店房间入住情况,用使用中酒店房间数目或比率表示。House use rooms: Nonrevenue producing guestrooms occupied either on a permanent or temporary basis under the following conditions: Permanent House Use: House use by staff living in the hotel for a minimum period of 6 months。 -Converted into office

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