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1、高二英语重点词组和句型高二英语重点词组和句型高二英语词组句型归纳总结高二英语词组句型归纳总结(一)Unit 1.1. inspire sb to do sth 鼓舞某人做某事 an inspiring speech 鼓舞人心的演讲 inspiration2. undertake = set about = attempt 着手做 undertake a journey 去旅行 undertake to do sth着手做, undertake responsibility for承担的责任3. be curious about 对.好奇4. go by 过去 / 走过 go all out 全

2、力以赴 go in for 喜欢 go by rules 遵守规定5. be / get engaged to sb 与某人订婚 be / get engaged in doing 从事做某事 / 忙于做某事(be busy doing)6. go on with 继续某种行为7. make a research on 研究 carry out a research into the cause of cancer 进行癌症起因的研究8. dream of 梦到9. seek after 追求 seek for = look for seek ones advice 征求某人意见 seek t

3、o do sth 企图做某事10. turn out (to be) / prove to be结果是turn to sb for help = ask sb for help turn away from 避开turn downturn up11. use up 用完12. be content with = be satisfied with 对满意13. take a look at 看14. what if 倘若将会怎样 / 即使.又有什么要紧15. the other way round 相反地16. make / carry out an experiment on 进行的实验17

4、. within oneself 在能力范围内 beyond oneself 18. make a list of 列出.的清单19. There is no point in doing 做某事没意义 come to the point 讲正题 to the point 中肯 / 切题20. neither / never / hardly / seldom / not only / nowhere / in no way / little / scarcely / rerely位于句首要倒装Hardly had he arrived at the cinema when it began

5、to rain.Not only did Hawking get married, but also he had 2 lovely children.21. on one hand. on the other hand 一方面另一方面22. make a difference = play a part in 起作用 / 与众不同23. be described as 被描述为24. Only + 副词 / 介词短语 / 状语从句 (倒装)Only once was he beaten for his dishonesty Only by working hard can we succee

6、d in everything.Only in this way can you master English. Only when he told me did I realize what trouble he was in.25. find faults with 吹毛求疵26. He proves a most intelligent student 证明是 / 结果是27. be similar to 类似于 be the same as 与.相同 The same to you 同贺 Its the same with you28. Theres no / little doubt

7、 that.毫无疑问 Sb doubts whether / if . Sb doesnt doubt that29. Sth needs / wants / require doing / to be done Unit 2.1. be faced with 面临 rely on = depend on 依靠 rely on sb to do sth 相信某人做某事face up to 面对 face difficulty 面对困难 face the music接受不好的结果2. go up 上升 / 增长3. burn down 烧毁 burn up烧尽4. inform sb of /

8、about sth 通知某人某事 a well-informed person 消息灵通人士 keep sb informed 告知某人5. relate sb / sth 理解或同情某人 relate. to 与.有关 / 涉及 be related to 与.有关 in relation to 关于6. at present = now 现在 for the present 暂时 up to the present 至今 presently = very soon 7. His behavior is a reflection of his home education.8. make a

9、 good effort = make every effort 努力做某事 spare no effort 不遗余力 without effort 毫不费力9. be addicted to 沉溺于10. even if = even though 即使 / 尽管确 as if = as though11. draw / attract / catch attention to 对.表示注意 pay attention to 注意 devote ones attention to 专心于 fix ones attention on 集中注意力于. call attention to 唤起对的

10、注意12. on all sides = on every side 在各方面 / 到处 from all sides 从四面八方on ones side 站在某人一边 take sides with 站在的一边13. change ones mind 改变主意14. current affairs 时事15. as far as I am concerned 既我所知 show concern for. 对.表示关心16. look up to 尊敬某人 look down on / upon 轻视某人 look through look forward to17. fall in love

11、 with 爱上 18. in comparison to / with 与.相比较19. more than 不仅仅 / 超越 no more than 仅仅 more brave than wise有勇无谋The beauty of Xiamen is more than words can describe 20. just for once = for this once = for this once 仅此一次 once in a while 偶尔 once and for all 一劳永逸的 all at once = suddenly = all of a sudden21. a

12、dapt to 适应22. suffer from headache / floods 患病 / 遭受 suffer a great loss 遭受重大损失23. think highly / much / well of 对高度评价 think ill / little / lightly of 对评价低speak ill of说坏话24. bore sb with sth 用某事烦恼某人 be bored with 对.感到厌烦25. to ones disappointment 令人感到失望的是 be disappointed at 对.感到失望26. ask / look for tr

13、ouble 自找麻烦 be in trouble 处于困境 get into trouble 陷入困境have trouble in doing make trouble 惹麻烦 put a person to trouble 给某人添麻烦take trouble to do sth Unit 3.1. have a preference for 偏爱 in preference to 优先于 prefer to do.rather than do2. make a convenience of sb 利用某人3. be impressed by / with / at 欣赏 / 受感动 be

14、 impressed on ones mind / memory 留在脑海里leave / make aimpression on sb 给某人留下的印象 impress sth on sb = impress sb with sth 使.牢记4. despite = in spite of 尽管 ( + 短语) although / though ( +从句)5. The Opera House 歌剧院6. fill up with 用.装满 fill in 填写 be filled with = be full of 装满了7. belong to 属于8. set aside 搁置.一旁

15、 / 拨出 / 留出9. develop into 长成 develop heavy industries 发展重工业 develop the mind 启发思想develop the film 冲洗胶卷 develop ones health 增进健康 be under development 在发展中10. live close to / near to stand closer to 更接近 keep close to me 紧跟我 come to a close 结束He came close to losing temper 差一点儿发脾气11. in the twenties 在二

16、十年代 in ones twenties 在二十几岁时12. in a way to look unnatural / of looking unnatural13. go against 违背 / 反对What you did went against your parents wishes. His thinking goes against all logic.14. in the choice of 从.的选择上 make a choice have no choice / alternative but to do别无选择只好.15. works of art 艺术品16. afte

17、r a while 一会儿之后 all the while 始终 once in a while 偶尔17. Though / Although he is young, he knew a lot about the world. 尽管Despite / In spite of his young age, he knew a lot about the world.Young as / though he is, he knew a lot about the world.18. think of = think about 想起19. It looks like rain = It lo

18、oks as if it is going to rain.20. A is to B what / as C is to D. 正如 A对于B来说, 正如C对于D来说一样。21. be fit for = be suitable for = be suited to = be cut out for 适合于 fit in with = get on well with 符合fit sb for sth 使某人能胜任22. pull down 拆除 pull in pull out of 23. be decorated with 被装饰.24. remind sb of sth remind

19、 sb to do sth25. set aside the book 搁置一边 set aside / lay aside some money 储蓄 set aside ones advice 不理会set aside a decision 取消 aside from 除了26. of different sizes / weights / shapes of the same size / weight / shape of high quality 高质量 be an interest to = be of great interest to = be very interesting

20、 to be a value to = be of great value to = be very valuable to 27. for sale 待售 on sale 在出售 buy sth at a sale 大减价时买某物 have a sale on sth 大甩卖sales department销售部28. show good taste in 对.有鉴赏力 have a taste for / in 喜好 to ones taste 合某人口味29. would rather (not) do sth 宁愿(不)做 would rather (not) have done 宁愿

21、(没)做过 would rather do than do 宁愿做也不 would rather than do 宁愿.也不30. get ill get lost get married to get used to get tired get dressed get angry get drunk 31. all the same = just the same 仍然 / 还是 be all / just the same to 对.来说都一样 The same to you 同贺32. be joined / connected to 与.连接 be connected with 与有联

22、系33. follow / copy the example of 以.为榜样 set sb an example= set an example to sb为某人树立榜样for example take. for example 以 为例34. invite sb to a party 邀请某人参加聚会 is / looks inviting 诱人的 feel invited to do 很想做35. with the help / aid of 在的帮助下 come / go to ones aid 来 / 去帮助别人 first aid 急救in aid of 作为对的帮助高二英语词组句

23、型归纳总结(二)Unit 4.1. intend (sb.) something打算某事/打算给某人某事, intend to do/doing something打算做, intend sb. to do something想要某人做某事, It is intended that从句,intention to do/of doing something, intention that2. put together 把. 结合成一体 / 装配3. all sorts of = all kinds of 各种各样的 sort out 整理4. play with 玩耍 / 游戏5. call u

24、p 召唤 / 使人想起 / 打电话 call back 回想起 call forth 鼓起 call off 取消 call for 要求 / 提倡 call in 召集 call on 拜访6. stand out 突出 belong to 属于 a most interesting book (= very非常)7. absence of mind 心不在焉 in the absence of = in ones absence .不在时 / 背地里8. be introduced into 被传入9. light up 照亮 / 使放光彩10. come / bring into bei

25、ng 出现 / 形成 come into force 实施 come into effect 生效 for the time being11. send for 使某人到来 send up 发射 send out an invitation 发出 send off = see off 送行12. apart from 除了 fall apart = fall into pieces 摔成碎片 tell apart 分辨 set apart 拨出13. contribute to 为做贡献 / 有助于 make a contribution to 为作出贡献14. be on broad 在船

26、/ 飞机上 get / go on board 上船 / 飞机15. get through 通过16. be interested in of interest = interesting take / have / show / feel an interest in. 对 感兴趣17. as follows 如下 in the following years = in the years that followed在随后的几年里 follow the example of 效仿 follow ones advice 听从某人的建议 follow the medicine 服药18. mu

27、ch / a little / a lot / by far / far / still / rather / any + 比较级19. fall into 进入 fall into a deep sleep 进入酣睡 fall into poverty 陷入贫困 fall into a habit of 养成fall into conversation with sb 与 谈起来20. start with = begin with 以开始 to start with 首先21. be well worth doing = be well worthy of being done / to

28、be done 非常值得做22. recommend sb. sth./recommend sth to sb. 向某人推荐某物/人recommend sb as 推荐某人为.recommend doing 建议做 recommend sb to do 建议某人做 recommend + that sb (should) do sth. 建议某人做某事Unit 51. consist of = be made up of = include 由.组成2. make a mistake do sth by mistake 错做某事 mistake A for B 3. narrow escape

29、 九死一生 narrowed-minded 气量狭小的4. make out 辨认 / 理解 make up for 弥补 make use of make up 捏造 / 化妆 make up ones mind make / earn a living 谋生 make / earn money make friends with 5. make the most of = make the best of = make full / good use of 充分利用6. hold together 连在一起/团结一致 hold up 耽搁 hold with the idea 赞同观点 h

30、old out a promise 作出hold to / keep to ones decision 坚持 hold on / hang on keep back / hold back 阻止catch hold of 抓住 hold off = keep off(远离)= put off (推迟)7. Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰8. The English Channel 英吉利海峡 the Irish Sea the Isle of Man the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋9. in general = generally = as a rule一般地 / 大

31、体上 on the whole 总的来说 mostly 通常10. under the influence of 受.的影响 have a good / bad influence on 对.有好坏的影响be influence by 受.的影响11. namely = that is (to say) 也就是说 call sb name 辱骂某人 in the name of 以.的名义12. with the approach of 随着.的临近13. the BBC World Service14. be famous / well-known as 作为.而出名 be famous / well-known for 因而出名be known to sb 为.所熟知15. agree to a plan / a suggestion / an agreement come to / arrive at / make / reach an agreement 达成协议 be in agreement on / upon / with / about 与.意见一致16. have advantage over 胜过 / 优于 take advantage of 利用17. st

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